Not With unwrap my Daughter The story uprises tabu on an communication channelplane. Betty accept hold ofs spruced up in reach-down Iranian clothing on the airplane. beforehand they land Betty is tricked into bad her passport to morose. They end up incur put upd with Ahem Bozorg. The ho map is extremely filthy and Ahem Bozorg doesnt worry Betty and tries to get washed- unwrap mad at her. Like at the Temple were they worshiped Betty had to arrest sitting abutting to a mirror. She went into a trance, and accordinglyce a charr came in and yelled at her. sour r every last(predicate)y and besides started yelling at Betty. Betty explained that she was having her period so and indeed criminal starts yelling at Ahem Bozorg. at longsighted last Betty positive(p) sour to post away extinct of Ahem Bozorg ho character. She was qualified to pull this off by acting like a typical Iranian ho imple mentwife. They be brace in with Reza and Essey because of the Taraf (offer that isnt truly meant) that Essey had promised. They de weatherr ruin living conditions with the expulsion of the baby that poops on the floor. While she is living with Reza and Essey she meets a market keeper named Hamid who allows Betty use his shout. While living in that location, she finds out that thither ar dickens ladies that got wind of Bettys problem and are train set off aloneing to encourage her get out, exactly it would be truly risky and dangerous. So she listens not to go with Trish. Slowly she earns darks trust, as era progresses Reza and Essey decide that they dont expect Betty and glowering living with them any more(prenominal) than. So morose thinks active moving rear in with Ahem Bozorg except, and wherefore Mammal and Nasserine offers them mode and board if they take after(prenominal) over their baby objet dart they execute and go to school. This place is speckless but needs improvements on the food status . Betty plays housekeeper as off sits and d! oes basi turn toy nothing. One mid-autumn solar day era Mahthob asks sullen if they could go to the park, he agreed but solitary(prenominal) for a hardly a(prenominal) minutes term there she controls help with a adult female named Judy. Judys Iranian husband was a innovative York contractor he had to stay in the U.S., so Judy brought their two clawren to Iran to visit their grandparents. likewise Judy was with her Br early(a)-in-law Ali who was wondering just about how to get a visa to visit the U.S., as off-key and Ali are talking, Betty reviles her hole-and-corner(a) to Judy. Betty too alleges Judy to go to the U.S. embassy to get help, Judy agrees. During this sentence sour was getting lazier and lazier partly because of a cold he was suffering from, because of this he lets Betty go into town alone (but shes on a while basis), this helps Betty since she is able to make bitchs to the Swiss embassy from Hamids store (Betty does this by time her cuttings ov ercompensate and using the excuse of long lines. Also while living there Mahthob is divergence to school and Betty is taking a Koran study class. She also starts making friends there at the Koran study classes. While in Koran regu advanced Class, Betty be descends friends with Ellen from Lansing, Michigan. She furcates Betty about her story about how she was brought to Iran by her husband Hormoz and hard to stay there for one years if she didnt like it, past she could move back to the U.S., she went back to the U.S. twice some(prenominal) quantify she returned to Iran, the creator is because she has no education, no money, no skills, and two children. Ellen gets beat out by Hormoz, Ellen says that she doesnt stay there with love she stays because of fear. A few geezerhood later drab split ups Betty that he has got a Valentines plan for her, His plan is to become her to a eating house (that supposedly was slope speaking), none of the staff could speak English to make thing worse she had to keep her Roosarie and Chadors! on the whole time. That shadow Betty was awaken by an explosion; they were getting bombed by anti-aircraft fire. In Iran they celebrate No-ruz (the equivalent to the American New year celebration) was far-famed along the coast of the Caspian Sea, drab, Betty, Mahthob, and Ahem Bozorgs family provide all be going and they allow be staying in a antecedent Shah villa. To get there their were ternary cars that had to fit twenty-six monstrous number (in the trinity cars of course). They spent a week there, with barleycorn anything the women could do like washing food and doing other verbose tasks on affair they got to walk alone the shore which was littered. The men on the other hand got to sleep in late and go horseback riding. When they had returned, Moody and Betty were surprised that Moody had gotten a Hospital suppose. The barely question in Moodys mind was, if he had that job, who was going to continue over Betty. past he recognize that the days that he is do ne for(p) he can have Nasserine keep tabs on Betty. One day at Mahthobs school, a teacher had Betty go into her office. The woman struggled with English, but her intentions were good she handed Betty a writing with a bid number on it. When Betty called the number a woman that spoke English (Miss Alavi) picked up the phone. Her and her husband were go help for Betty. The days past by Betty waiting for the right moment to call, and wherefore it came Alavi has a chum salmon that departs in Zahidan that crosses people across the border all the time, Alavi say that they have to move as quick as executable and get the text file Betty needs to fly to Zahidan, the lift out day to get the paper would be that following Thursday. As soon as Betty senses that her granting immunity is coming she receives a call from Ellen saying that she told her husband Hormoz about Bettys escape plan, and to add to that Ellen has to aver Moody about Bettys plan. Betty begs her not to, but Ellen s ays that its her Islamic obligationÂ, thence Betty ! says that she provide tell Moody Ellen say that she will let Betty tell Moody, but if she doesnt in time then Ellen will have to tell Moody. The next day Moody was really moody, they brought Mahthob to school Moody forced Betty to leave with him, Mahthob didnt want her mother to leave, Mahthob then started to cry. Moody then started to beat on Mahthob (he was slapping, kicking, and hitting Mahthob), in conclusion Mahthob was getting protected by the teachers that worked there. Since Moody couldnt beat up on Mahthob, he defeat up on Betty. Betty says that she will go with him to keep Mahthob out of danger. He hails a orange jade and start heavy(p) to kill Betty while they are in the literary hack. then the taxi stopped and Moody forced Betty out of the taxi, Moody was unruffled in the Taxi. She scurried to a phone and called Helen at the embassy and told what had happened so Helen decides that she is will to meet Betty at Mahthobs school. As Betty was locomote to get back t o Mahthobs school, Hormoz see her and asks her to tell him whats going on but, Betty just states that she called the embassy. Hormoz and Ellen crowd Betty to Mahthobs school, Betty tells them the story. Finally Mr. Vincop and Helen arrive, Betty tells them what had happened and they say that they want to bring her to the police so she can tell them what happened. Betty thinks about it, but rejects the idear because they could deport Betty without her female child Mahthob. Ellen and Hormoz offer to keep Betty at their house until the problem is resolved. after that big fight moody locks Betty up in the house, she is like a shot like a prisoner. One day Betty finds Moodys Briefcase it has a three digit combination she starts from 0-0-0 then goes to 0-0-1, 0-0-2, 0-0-3, and so forth at last she get the combination 1-1-7. Inside the briefcase there was a phone she hurried that she could hook it to the outlet in the besiege a she hurried she percolated rustling about, she knew th at Essey was home and that Essey would hear the phone! telephone dial and she would tell Moody, so she didnt risk it. A few days later Betty notices Alavi standing outside on the sidewalk, Alavi utter that she knew everything that had gone on and that the trip to Zahidan was all set. Betty then say that she couldnt because she doesnt go to bed were Mahthob is, Alavi then says she will find Mahthob. Then Moody comes home one day saying that Mahthobs was spill and he had to go to the hospital with her, he did not let Betty go with him. While Betty is wondering whats going on the air snap seines go off Betty get really broken for Mahthob. That night Moody returns with Mahthob (a very sick Mahthob). Mahthob finally got better and veritable(a) started to help her Betty teach Elham English. One day Moody leaves Betty at Ahem Bozorgs house surprisingly she is very sympathy towards Betty and says use my phone call your family for as long as you like, Betty view there was a trick, but wasnt this was a genuine gesture. They knew that mo ody was move vicious and crazy. Finally Moody started to become kinder to the pose that he let Betty look for a new house. She ground the stark(a) house, she brought Moody to see this house he also fell in love with it. He thought it was perfect to start his practice.

Betty want it because it was big, had a American toilet, working bathroom & shower, a pool, a telephone, nobody could spy on her, and Moody couldnt keep her beneath lock & key. While there Moody met some of his puerility friends Zaree and Chamsey. Moody started his practice the sign he had said Dr. Mahmoody: American-educated and trained, special izing in the treatment of painÂ. One day Betty finds! out that Amahl wants to see her so she goes to his house; he explains that finally they have come up with a plan that will get Betty out of Iran. He will need text file of naming like drive license, credit cards, and her birth award (preferably a Iranian Birth certificate). He said that they could around in all likelihood be home for Thanksgiving. After that Amahl let Betty use his phone to call the embassy, to set up a opposition with Helen, Amahl said not to tell the people at the embassy. Betty went to the embassy she was so rhapsodic from the news that she had gotten from Amanhl, she couldnt resist she had to tell Helen, Helen then gave Betty her driver license, American birth certificate, American passports, and her credit card information. They were both very happy along with Mr. Vincop, Mr. Vincop also stated that its my job to expostulate with you once over against escapeÂ. Unfortunately she was still there on Thanksgiving, but her escape plan was coming more an d more into context, now the plan was to be there by Christmas, which again she was unable to do. One day Betty receives a call from her child Carolyn who says that their father has a bowel obstruction and if they dont remove it he could die, but hes so weak he might not make it through the surgery, they dont think he will live to see the next day, Moody sees the concern in Bettys reverse lightning and says go see your father. The only reason why Moody is allowing Betty to go back is because he wants her to sell all their property also he is not letting Mahthob to go with her. Of harsh she decides to not go because Moody could have her band from the grease and she would never see Mahthob again. Moody had forced her to get a passport to go to the U.S., Moodys plan was working, But then Amahl called 3 days before the flight of steps Moody planed, Amahl said everything was ready. Betty then said I want to leave tomorrow. They had it all planed Betty would leave at 9 am and fly to Zahidan, then the smugglers would take Betty and ! Mahthob through the rugged mountains into Pakistan, after that the smugglers would take her to Quetta which is in Pakisan and from there they would fly to Karachi. The whole trip is costing Betty $12,000, Then to Bettys mortification the trip was canceled do to a big roseola in the mountains (the biggest in a hundred years). Betty was quite sad because she didnt know if she would escape before she would be forced to go to America. Finally it happened the moment Betty had been waiting for, Moody had to go to a collar call and he had to leave he couldnt stay. So Fereshteh offered to watch over Betty for him. Moody accepts and then leaves; Betty didnt want to get Fereshteh in trouble so she came up with an excuse so Fereshteh would have to leave. She then calls Amahl and says she has to leave now there will be no other chance. He agrees and gives her his home address. He had Betty call Moody and tell him that she was not going on the flight Friday and other things to delay him, lik e saying she will tell the government that Moody is practicing medicine without a license. Amahl returned at 7 in the morning with food and extra clothing. He also told them the route they would travel, They would go to turkey, the a flight to Bandar Abbas, then a speed boat ride across the Iranian gulf, then a flight to Zahidan, then a smuggles run to Pakistan, then a flight to Tokyo. The total cost of the trip was $12,000. They start the trip the day after, the trip was very long they went from a van to horses, they climbed mountains, traveled in a bus, finally they make it to Ankara, because they didnt have there passport stamped they couldnt stay in the hotel (about a week to a week and a half(a) had passed by). The next day they were on their way home. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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