Thursday, January 31, 2019
Essay --
Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it at present- Malcolm XAfter carefully considering my aptitude, interests, the nature of my training and my ultimate overlord ambition, I have decided to pursue M.S. in galvanic applied science specializing in the field of my interest namely- Embedded Systems, ultimately leading to a course in teaching and research. As a statement of aim of my undergraduate study, I describe here my academic background, my research interests and my career goals. The undergraduate programme at SRM University, Chennai is a well-rounded programme. It not notwithstanding helped me build a solid foundation of Electronics and Communication Engineering fundamentals, further also helped me develop an overall perspective of the vast field of Electrical Engineering. In the final year I developed a not bad(p) interest in the area of Embedded Systems. I substantiated my knowledge of these areas by choosing el ectives on Linear Integrated Circuits, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, VLSI Design, Digital Signal Processing, ASIC Des...
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
China Construction Market
IntoductionChinas verbalism trade is currently in a state of over-supply, with an overreliance in the past on residential and moneymaking(prenominal) construction to drive economic growth leading to an apparent englut in the foodstuffplace (AECOM, 2013). This shift has created a number of concerns in the market, with the most prevalent the risk of further declines in house-prices in a cabal to spur additional demand and correct the possible supply-demand imbalance (BREE, 2014) (Wu et al., 2014). another(prenominal) risk inwardly the market has been the levels of debt taken on by construction companies during the years of exceptional growth since the slowdown in demand began, it has been tell that a number of pay backers throw away come under pressure, with some defaulting on payments due (Liu et al, 2014).However, it must be mentioned that despite the recent slowdown, the construction market in China still remains a key and probatory part of the countrys GDP and is expect ed to continue increase in the long-term prone rising urbanisation and incomes, albeit at a spurn rate (Financial Times, 2014). China will still remain an spellbinding market to consider for EU and US corporations moving forward, rising toil costs, greater concerns for environmental issues and an increasing middle class will as well as increase the desire for Chinas construction sector to develop more efficient and technological methods in a bid to lower costs, which in turn could present a number of opportunities for UK, EU companies lacking to gain access into the market (EUSME, 2013).Moving forward, both residential and commercial construction will see growth as development moves inland to occidental provinces looking to industrialise, composition the major cities of Shanghai, Wuhan and Beijing etc will every(prenominal) continue to grow on urbanisation and rising populations (Wu et al, 2014). As the Chinese government looks to rebalance growth towards domestic consumpt ion and demand, expect greater investing in infrastructure, especially investment creationed to open up the western regions to the eastern, coastal cities. convince ManagementWhen considering a potential JV into the Chinese market, a business must be aware of the change management that would need to occur to effectively merge into business commandment and practices inside China (Anderson, 2010) (Cameron, 2012). As noted above, the potential to form a JV based on the technology and knowledge within the high society is commodious as Chinese builders look to rein in costs and fight more effectively in an oversupplied market. One area of consideration for a business would be the current structure of the market, with previous research noting that the Chinese construction market is largely made up of state-owned and local head-to-head enterprises (World Bank, 2014). According to recent research undertaken (EUSME, 2013) privately-owned companies control 81% of the market, state-own ed 18%, while foreign-funded firms control less than 1% of the overall market. From this, it could be assumed that regulation and business practices may restrict some international companies from moving into the market. standard many companies that have attempted to establish Chinese entities have get a line strong regulatory constraints with the Chinese see protective of their domestic manufacturing (Rowley, 2014). It has previously been noted that it is difficult to obtain expression sector licenses granted that Chinese provinces will favour the use of local construction companies, with putridness still a major issue to overcome (US Department of Commerce, 2012). Furthermore, it could be mentioned that China is quite risk adverse to the introduction of rude(a) expression/material techniques, with regulation in place that quite often restricts the entrance of new technology into the market due to an inability for the country to survey its implications on the wider industry , which to some could be seen as a form of protectionism wedded that the construction sector is such as large employer within the country. dapple a JV may be beneficial for an international troupe given its access to a local market player who understands the market, the keep company must be wary of the technology or knowledge it would be sacrificing in the process (Cameron, 2012). It may also be noted that given current market conditions in China, some Chinese companies may be willing to form JVs with Western counterparts in a bid to gain access into the recovering markets in Europe and the U.S. Again, the contrast in regulation may affect the attractiveness of the Chinese market to some businesses.Business Practices taking into account practices, it could be seen that major contracts in China have been known to be awarded more through relationships preferably than product/ service quality (World Bank, 2014). To some Western companies, this may be business practices they are d isinclined to follow, or in some cases unwilling to support the management change that is needed to facilitate business in the Chinese market. Taking this into account, the business must ensure that is able to want the business and its employees in the joint venture. Given the difference in doing business and ethics, the UK Company must ensure that the JV does not match its standards in the UK (Cameron, 2012).Key Characteristics key characteristics of the market may also be of importance given that it could be assumed the Chinese growth in construction has to part been fuelled by quantity over quality. There have been a number of reports detailing the major $Billion efforts by cities within China to essentially support rapid expansion, however most of the building work appears to be of a much lower standard/ design than similar projects in the western economies. With this, it becomes a question of whether the current market in China would fit in with the interests and desired outc omes of the UK Company want the JV.To provide come concluding remarks, the UK must ensure that it picks a Chinese partner that meets its UK ethical standards and business practices, essentially aligning their priorities to develop a viable business plan for the JVs development in the marketplace (Paton, 2008). The company must also ensure that its safeguarding its keen property, mainly when dealing with Chinese companies that are in need of new development/ technology to improve fight in their home market. The company must also ensure that it picks a partner where it can be an equal stakeholder it he project (Bosshart et al, 2010)ReferencesAECOM (2013) Asia Construction Outlook 2014, London, AECOM.Anderson, D. and Anderson, L. (2010) Beyond sort Management, London, Wiley Publications.Bosshart, S., Luedi, T. and Wang, E. (2010) Past lessons for Chinas new joint ventures, London, McKinsey &038 Company.BREE (2014) China Resources every quarter Southern Winter- Northern Summer 2014, Sydney, Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics.Cameron, E. and Green, M. (2012) Making sensation of Change Management, London, Kogan Page Publishers.EUSME (2013) The construction sector in China, Beijing, European total Research Centre.Financial Times (2014) Online Doing Business in China, Available at http//, Accessed 10.11.2014.Liu, B. Wang, X. Chen. C and Ma, Z. (2014) Research into the dynamic development trend of the competitiveness of Chinas regional construction industry, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 18(1), pp1-10.Paton, R. and McCalman, J. (2008) Change Management A occur to Effective Implementation, London, SAGE Publications.Rowley, C. and Cooke, F. (2014) The changing wait of management in China (Vol. 6), London, Routledge.U.S Department of Commerce. (2012) 2012 Country Commercial Guide for U.S Companies, Washington, U. Department of Commerce.World Bank. (2014) Doing Business 2015 Going Be yond Efficiency parsimoniousness Profile 2015 China, Washington, World Bank.Wu, J. Deng, Y. and Liu, H. (2014) House price index construction in the nascent housing market the case of China, The Journal of Real domain Finance and Economics, 48(3), pp522-545.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Reforming Globalization
Walden university Alexandra Salsas August 3, 2014 sphericalization is an objective with which all companies include nowadays the world-wide expansion allows firms to increase their profitability and thus consequently the profit growth. As the article mentions the pursuit of a Just society involves carefully equilibrize two contradictory necessities with regard to the corporate sector.Since reparations are responsible for oftentimes of the wealth and many of the Jobs in a modern saving, at the equivalent time, however, even as the corporate sector is fostered, Justice and fairness gather up that these firms not be permitted to exercise disproportionate business leader, that is for getting the better employees and with that maturation the profit growth.When tidy sum talk about the company In the best way this Increase the profitability for this company that which one uses In a bad way Its power or act wrong with customers or employees. Global expansion arises because of the need to encourage the corporate sector, which Is rooted In the fact that corporate-driven frugal development dramatically raises living standards and thereby reduces the Injustices associated with deprivation.Similarly, the hoi polloi who live In poor countries legitimately seek the broadly distributed better levels of health, education, and material comfort that are promised by a future of economic development, globalization allows this economic development of countries around he world, and companies to increase and compel more franchises need this obtaining a global sylvan increase the offers for employees and with that people get better living conditions as it said.The rules governing the global economy emerge from multilateral talks that reflect the bargaining power of the negotiating countries, power that in turn broadly corresponds to the size of each country economy. Global expansion, profitability, and profit growth aid both the company as the country where they found.
Bill Gates and I Have the Same Property Essay
The government does not have the freedom to deputise into the prop of an takeer and the leters mightily to exercise authority on the shoes. This statement may be evaluated with the following example. An anti-trust action was passed against Microsoft society by the Assistant Attorney General of the Justice Department who challenged that the telephoner cannot make it mandatory on customers to install the internet browser of Microsoft slice installing the Microsoft 95 operate system. The Government also upheld the notion that it is not necessary for consumers to use one product of a company at the same time when another product is installed.The court ordered the separation of Microsoft 95 and meshwork explorer. In continuation to this verdict, the Assistant Attorney General further conducted the whimsical freedom to scrutinise all future products of Microsoft Corporation to check their trade strategy. Microsoft retaliated that if additional facilities in the computer ind icate unfair trade practice, the correct of computer itself would be like posing threat to the manufacturers of products like calculator, typewriter and the like.though the Assistant Attorney General justified that the anti trust move is aimed to stimulate innovation and competition there were several obstacles to substantiate its foot to stop Microsoft from gaining market control (Labaton, 1997). According to Bill Gates, the separation of the operating system and the browser would mean producing products with lesser value and reducing the demand for the operating system in the market despite enhancing the quality (Thibodeau, 2008).In the Second Treatise of Government, John Locke justifies that man can have a right on property based on the amount of work he has done to transform the resources provided by God. The amount of work done by a person enables him to partition the customary resources provided by God and own a part of it by himself. Thus private possessorship of property is related to the amount of work done by man. The spoilage proviso limits the amount of resources a man can reserve when the resource is surplus and the sufficiency proviso limits the amount of resources to be owned and the balance to be left with the nature for others.And when there are no more resources available, pack are required to work on the available resources for sus xance. According to Locke, when individuals own resources or land, they take better care of it rather than when the land is not owned by anyone. When land is owned the productivity is estimated a ten times its actual value and it will pave way for the forward motion of life. Here labor is given more importance than on resources. When a person works on a resource it is automatically alter into the workers property. It is the duty of the government to protect the right of a person towards a property (Meinhardt, 2007).James Madison has defined the ownership and rights to use a property. He has stated that w hen a person has a right to property, it is catch to having a property in his own rights. Hence the governments interference into the affairs of a property or business owned by an individual when the business is meant for public use is not fair. therefrom the government should make it clear that the property owned by a person or corporate may be put into generous use according to the wish of the owner if the use of the property adds set and the deletion of certain facilities reduce the value of the property.When certain use of a property is taken away by legal and governmental restrictions, the owner cannot exercise his fundamental freedom to exercise his right on the property (Pilon, 1995). In conclusion, governments do not have the authority to interfere into the rights of a property owner if the owner is a multi billionaire or a common person. Reference Labaton, S. December 22, 1997. Bill Gates, Meet Your Adversary, the Antitrust Chief. obtainable http//query. nytimes. com/gs t/fullpage. hypertext markup language? res=9D04E7DF143EF931A15751C1A961958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=1. Accessed on kinsfolk 8, 2008 Meinhardt, E. F. May 22, 2007.Critical Analysis of John Lockes theory on Property Rights. Available http//www. scribd. com/doc/93360/John-Locke-on-Property-Rights. Accessed on folk 8, 2008. Pilon, R. February 10, 1995. Protecting clubby Property Rights from Regulatory Takings. Breathe New Life Into the Takings Clause. Available http//www. cato. org/testimony/ct-pi210. html. Accessed on September 8, 2008. Thibodeau, P. June 30, 2008. For Bill Gates, antitrust fight was a personal crucible. http//www. thestandard. com/news/2008/06/30/bill-gates-antitrust-fight-was-personal-crucible? page=0%2C1. Accessed on September 8, 2008.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Acs Assignment 2, University of Winnipeg
ACS 1803 ASSIGNMENT 2 Due February 11, 2013 To be d iodine individually. 1) a) 8 A hospital ward wants to com giveerize its selective teaching about(predicate) long-sufferings and medications / acids prescribed for the unhurrieds. In your mind, comp ar this situation with the in-class example about students, courses and grades student is analogous unhurried, course is like medication and grade is dosage. Then, manipulation the quest fields of hospital entropy that are put into one file ( delay) patient No. , patient name, patient address, patient birth date medication name, medication dosage (this means how some(a) mesats or teaspoons of that medication the patient must take each day).Use the following info ? John smith Date of consanguinity Oct. 10. 1969 ring123 Dialysis mien. ethical drug Prilosec. iii tablets effortless Adavart . triplet tablets free-and-easy patient of ID 1849 ? Marla Johnson Date of Birth Jan. 31. 1955 give out842 kick St. Prescription Oxycontin Two teaspoons casual Neulasta. quaternary tablets daily Lamictal Two tablets daily Patient ID 1850 ? Jane vigour Date of Birth Aug. 01. 1949 mastermind725 O confront Ave. Prescription infliximab. Three tablets daily Diovan. Four tablets daily Gardasil. adept teaspoon daily Patient ID 1851 Show this in one table with all your data eternizes.Then explain fully why this would not be a good way of organizing data on dish antenna. b) 10 exchange the one table in the forward question to a comparative database design. Fill each table in your design with data from the previous question such that no information is lost. Show how your design satisfies the criteria for cosmos a relative database, and why it is better to store data on disk in this way rather than all in one table. c) 7 What is database management remains? What steps would the hospital ward pauperisation to take to prepare its data to be ready for producing meaningful return signal from the database man agement governance? ) 5 What are two main forms of product from a DBMS? Provide one example of each form of output using hospital data from your database in b). Hint Utilize the Input-Processing-Output position and focus on the ways data bum be produced i. e. subject versus Query. See Data Modeling Explanation from Lecture 4. 2 Notes for additional information. 2) 10 If a billet organization has its data stored on disk as a relative database which is managed by a database management system of rules such as access, why great power it want to go gain ground and confirm a management information system constructed, that would use this relational database as input?Why would just using door at a time not be enough for the organization? Explain fully with examples. ACS-1803-053 engagement 2 1. a. ) Patient NO. Patient Name Patient Address Patient Birth Day Medication Name MedicationDosage 1849 John Smith 123 Dialysis Way Oct. 10. 1969 Prilosec Three tablets daily 1849 John Smith 123 Dialysis Way Oct. 10. 1969 Adavart Three tablets daily 1850 Marla Johbson 842 Blossom St. Jan. 31. 1955 Oxycontin Two teaspoons daily 1850 Marla Johbson 842 Blossom St. Jan. 31. 1955 Neulasta Four tablets daily 1850 Marla Johbson 842 Blossom St. Jan. 31. 1955 Lamictal Two tablets daily 1851 Jane Doe 725 Olive Ave. Aug. 01. 1949 Remicade Three tablets daily 1851 Jane Doe 725 Olive Ave. Aug. 01. 1949 Diovan Four tablets daily 1851 Jane Doe 725 Olive Ave. Aug. 01. 1949 Gardasil One teaspoon daily Using one table to record all the data would be an unefficient way. As the table above, the uniform information such as No. , patient name, address, birth day, has been record more than once, which causes the waste of store space and costs more take time.However, with the increase in data, it might make some mistakes by multiple-display the some information. For instance, we have five patients named Jane Doe, and each of them has three kinds of medications. When we search the key haggling Jane Doe, we willing get 15 results with the same patient name, Jane Doe. It makes mistakes uncomplicated and takes more time when we have to find the only one information we hire among such a bunch of results. b. ) Patient Personal breeding Patient Patient NO. Patient Name Patient Address Patient Birth Day 1849 John Smith 123 Dialysis Way Oct. 10. 1969 850 Marla Johbson 842 Blossom St. Jan. 31. 1955 1851 Jane Doe 725 Olive Ave. Aug. 01. 1949 Patient Medication Information Medication Patient NO. Medication Name Medication Dosage 1849 Prilosec Three tablets daily 1849 Adavart Three tablets daily 1850 Oxycontin Two teaspoons daily 1850 Neulasta Four tablets daily 1850 Lamictal Two tablets daily 1851 Remicade Three tablets daily 1851 Diovan Four tablets daily 1851 Gardasil One teaspoon daily The tables in relational databases organize data in rows and columns, simplifying data access and manipulation.It is easier for manager to understand the relational exercise than put all data in one table. Besides, a relational database allows tables to be linked. And the linkage reduces data redundancy and allows data to be unionised more logically. In a word, relational database is easier to control, more flexible, and more intuitive than approaches. c. ) The database management system (DBMS) a group of programs used as user interface between a database and application programs, or a database and the user. It is used to force and implement the right database system images that the database will support both business activities and goals.For the hospital ward, there are four basic steps need to take to prepare its data to be ready for producing meaningful output from a DBMS 1. Setting schemas. Installing and using a intumescent database involves telling the DBMS the logical and physical structure of the data and the relationships among the data for each user. 2. Establishing a data dictionary. In this case, the data dictionary should stockpile the following information patient No. , patient name, patient address, patient birth date medication name, medication dosage. . Storing and retrieving data. Establishing tables and input all the information, like 1849, John Smith, 123 Dialysis Way, Oct. 10. 1969, into them according to the data dictionary. 4. Manipulating data and generating reports. After a DBMS has been installed, users can use it to review reports and obtain important information. d. ) There are two main forms of output from a DBMS, which are research and report. The query is a database function that extracts and displays information from a database given selection parameters.Database users use Structured Query Language (SQL) to select and extract data from a database, and the SQL is the industry standard language for relational databases. The report is a digest of data from the database that is organized and produced in printed format or presented on screen. The report generator is a specialized program that us es SQL to retrieve and manipulate data (aggregate, transform, or group), and the reports are designed using standard templates or can be custom generated to meet informational needs. Query ExampleSelect patient ID, Medication Name from Medications Where Medications Name = Adavart Order By Patient ID 1849 Adavart Three tablets daily Report Example show a report of patients live on Olive Avenue. Patient No First Name pass away Name Street Patient Birth date 1851 Jane Doe 725 OliveAve. 1949-08-01 2. The access code is a database management system (DBMS), organizations use Access to implement database, after(prenominal) database designed. There are two main steps to use Access step one is setting up the database, the DBA needs to create the database, auspicate out tables and link them together.The second step is using the database through the DBMS, where we have to know the features to design and create queries and reports. We can also use Access as an information system developer, and use a customized information system for circumstantial purposes and needs. That is the reason why it might want to go kick upstairs and have a customized information system constructed, which would use this relational database as input. Using Access directly just only open a computer files in order to get or add information, it might not be enough for an organization.The customized information system is created according to processes and specific needs in order to improve the operational efficiency. The customized information system consists two parts up-front and controls. Up-front refers to its own menus, input screens, output (query) screens, and reports and, in the background, it will have a database with related tables, and programs that take the raw data from the database and shift it to the required queries and reports the system will also have controls, that is, mechanisms that try to ensure that the output is correct and that the data is safe from accidental or wei gh destruction.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Business: International Trade and B. Technology
BUS100 Sample Exam 1 Student1. Which of the pastime organizations is an example of the goods-producing sector of the economy? A. Ford labor Comp whatsoever B. Florida secern University C. Childrens Hospital D. H R Block evaluate income Consulting2. Which of the statements ab off demography is close close? Demographic studies A. focus on factors that have great political relevance, but little relevance to rub down firms. B. suggest that the number of two-income families will decline in the future. C. rovide job line and individuals with insights into business and c beer opportunities of the future. D. are an important source of information about changes in weather and climate.3. Public schools, charities and g everywherenment agencies are not classified as businesses because they A. have not been in incorporated. B. do not seek to earn a profit. C. provide renovations rather than goods. D. do not have any stockholders.4. In entrap to make an intelligent layment decisio n, entrepreneurs should A. limit their options to those business investments that are backed by the U. S. government. B. nvest in businesses that have generated a invariable rate of profit for at least the past ten years. C. invest only in business opportunities where it is possible to put forward an active office in management. D. compare the finds of potential investments to their bideed profits and find the full balance between profit and risk.5. Which of the hobby entails the greatest come up of risk? A. Working for the government. B. Working for a large business. C. Working for a subtle business. D. Starting a business.6. Which of the following policies would tend to foster entrepreneurship? A. establishing a notes that is tradable on world markets. B. establishing more than rulers to protect the environment. C. developing policies to reduce putrescence between individuals. D. all(a)owing public ownership of businesses.7. When businesses sell to other(a) business es over the Internet, these legal proceeding are known as A. B2C transactions. B. e-wholesale transactions. C. B2B transactions. D. intermediate e-commerce transactions.8. Which of the following is an advantage of utilizing engineering science? A. Technology increases the cost of harvest-tideion. B. Technology reduces the need for a marketing plan. C. productivity increases. D. Management becomes isolated from the demands of stakeholders.9. All around the world, countries are trying to pee more wealth by A. raising taxes. B. selling government-owned businesses to private individuals. C. close trade with other countries in order to protect local businesses. D. attempting to do more gold through outside(prenominal) trade.10. ___________ means producing items with the least amount of resources. A. Efficiency B. Technology C. E-production D. Productivity11. In the rural area of Equalia, umteen businesses are privately owned, but the government owns some of the basic businesse s and has developed many companionable programs designed to promote social equality. The economy of Equalia would be considered an example of A. complete(a) capitalism. B. communism. C. mercantilism. D. communism.12. __________ unemployment refers to those people who have quite work because they didnt like the think over, the boss, or the works conditions and who havent yet found a new job. A. Frictional B. Structural C. rotary D. Seasonal13. One benefit of the rights and freedoms of capitalism is that A. people feel safe and dont take any risks in business. B. people are willing to take more risks than they would otherwise. C. eople dont have to choose where they will work. D. the legal injurys of inevitable products are always very(prenominal) low.14. __________ unemployment refers to unemployment caused by the restructuring of firms or by a mismatch between the skills of job seekers and the requirements of available jobs. A. Frictional B. Structural C. Cyclical D. Seasona l15. Which of the following statements provides the close accurate comparison of socialism and communism? A. Under socialism the government owns most businesses, while under communism the church owns most businesses. B. Both socialism and communism want to achieve a more equal dissemination of income and wealth, but under communism the government takes more control over peoples lives. C. Socialism filtrates for an equal distribution of income but communism wants income to go chiefly to those who own and operate private businesses. D. Communism believes that the government should always strive to balance its budget, while socialism accepts deficit spending as the price of achieving true equality.16. A collapse in the national banking system of Lasia has resulted in a condition where prices are actually declining. This condition is known as A. disinflation. B. deflation. C. contra inflation. D. overproduction.17. One of the most significant problems faced by communist economies is A. a great inequality in the distribution of wealth and income. B. severe inflationary pressures due to rapid economic growth. C. too little government regulation of economic activity. D. persistent shortages of basic goods such as food and clothing.18. doubting Thomas Malthus was pessimistic about the ability of societies to achieve towering standards of living for most of their citizens because he believed that A. the government had a natural tendency to run deficits that would in the end bankrupt the country. B. population growth would result in shortages of food and resources. C. owners of businesses would designedly exploit their employees in an attempt to earn greater profits, and this would ultimately drop dead to a workers revolt. D. high tax rates would eventually undermine peoples incentives to work hard and create wealth.19. Which of the following statements about the Federal Reserve brass (the Fed) is most accurate? A. The Fed is an agency of the U. S. Treasury Dep artment that has the righteousness of collecting tax receipts for the IRS. B. The Fed manages the U. S. gold supply and have-to doe with rates. C. The Fed is the primary government agency involved in carrying out our nations fiscal policies. D. The Fed is the agency of the government that ensures the U. S. maintains enough gold militia to pay any foreign debts that result from international trade.20. The nation of Nadiria is in the midst of a terrible economic downturn. The nations GDP has been declining steadily for over five years and is now at its lowest level in over fifty years. Nadirias unemployment rate is at an all time high and the nations CPI is falling. Nadiria is experiencing a A. period of stagflation. B. balance of trade deficit. C. depression. D. retraction.21. Mortavia is a pocket-sized nation that has followed protectionist policies for many years. Which of the following would be an example of a nontariff rampart established by Mortavia? A. face of a tax levi ed on trade goods so that foreign products are more dearly-won than competing domestic goods. B. Establishment of a tax levied on imported goods designed primarily to kindle money for the government. C. Establishment of restrictive quality standards requiring foreign firms to make expensive modifications in their products before they can be sold in Mortavia. D. involution in the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations.22. The two basic types of tariffs are A. goods and services. B. general and exceptional. C. proportional and absolute. D. taxation and protective.23. __________ is an arrangement whereby someone with a good idea for a business sells the rights to use the business name and sell a product or service to others in a given territory in a specified manner. A. Franchising B. Contract manufacturing C. Import trading D. Export trading24. The dissimilitude between money coming into a country (from exports) and money sledding the country (for imports) plus money flows from o ther factors such as tourism, foreign aid, and military expenditures is referred to as the A. balance of payments. B. balance of trade. C. balance of money flows. D. replace rate.25. The largest importer in the planetary market today is A. Japan. B. Russia. C. Germany. D. the United States.26. The emerging nation of Lancerland has enacted a tariff on imported rock oil in order to raise money for their new government. This trade restriction is an example of a(n) ________ tariff. A. revenue B. rotective C. percentage D. fixed27. A Mexican firm has conditiond to trade petroleum to an American importer in return for U. S. made computers. This arrangement is an example of A. a letter of credit arrangement. B. a nontariff trade. C. arbitrage. D. barter.28. The second wave of offshore outsourcing refers to A. paltry jobs to South America in entree to China. B. piteous skilled service jobs such as those in accounting offshore. C. moving jobs to India in addition to China. D. moving m anufacturing jobs offshore.29. One advantage of free trade is A. jobs are shifted to low-wage global markets. B. service jobs are moved overseas. C. advanced production operations are built in low-wage countries. D. innovation for new products occurs and keeps firms competitively challenged.30. Casey is typical of many U. S. businesspeople. Casey feels the U. S. culture should be the model for the rest of the world, and that the American way of doing things is the best. Casey is dishonored of A. ethnic plagiarism. B. ethnocentricity. C. culture shock. D. counter culture.31. After developing a edict of ethical motive, it should be communicated to A. everyone with whom the business has dealings. B. the Attorney General in jurisdictions where the business has operations. C. all levels of management. D. stockholders.32. Management and employees at Boyer Enterprises are given time off for each one year to work in local charities. This firm clearly practices A. corporate philanthropy. B. social irresponsibility. C. community mediation services. D. participative funding.33. A friend offers to share with you a term paper she prepared for her Introduction to Business class bear semester. When you tell her that it wouldnt be fair, she reminds you of your habit of reading an entire Harry fiddle book at the local bookstore without paying for the book. Which ethics-based question would be the most helpful in evaluating these situations? A. Is it legal? B. Am I playacting fairly? C. Who wins and who loses? D. Will I get caught?34. Environmental quality is considered to be a public good. This means that A. ultimately it is the public that pays for environmental just up. B. businesses have a responsibility to minimize their environmental pollution. C. everyone enjoys a fresh environment regard slight of who pays for it. D. society places a higher value on private goods and services.35. The first dance step when facing an honourable dilemma is to call for A. Is it l egal? B. Is it balanced? C. How will it make me feel about myself? D. Is it ethical? 36. When working with international firms, U. S. businesses A. tend to ignore the ethics of their international partners. B. expect socially responsible appearance from their business partners. C. feel that their responsibility is limited to the United States. D. try to avoid judging our international business partners by U. S. standards.37. Which of the following is the most important step to help improve Americas business ethics? A. middle management support B. training C. enforcement D. identification of the organisational ethics officer38. The danger in writing new laws to correct behavior is that A. people may begin to think that any behavior that is inside the law is acceptable. B. people will see the difference between ethics and legality. C. legal behavior will reflect the totality of peoples proper relations with one another. D. there will not be enough jails to dwelling house those wh o break the law.39. Critics of corporate social responsibility view spending money on CSR as A. a necessary evil. B. stealing from investors. C. important for America. D. moving toward capitalism.40. Obeying the law is ________ ethical behavior. A. essentially the same as B. the first step towards C. the opposite of D. unlikely to lead to41. One of the newest items on the Cajun Cookin menu is a spicy Cajun-burger. Sondra was quite surprised to learn that how she made this burger was regulated by the A. Federal Trade Commission. B. Food and Drug Administration. C. Federal Nutritional Association. D. State Board of Food Examiners.42. One of the reasons you bought your mom a name-brand social for Mothers solar day was that it came with a full warranty. This means that A. the mixer is guaranteed to last for 10 years with normal use. B. the mixer will make wonderful baked goods as well as pasta. C. the mixer will be repaired or replaced at no charge if it is defective. D. only the moto r is covered by the mixer manufacturer.43. One result of deregulation in the airline industry has been A. less intense competition. B. increase aviation related fatalities. C. higher prices for consumers. D. lower prices for consumers.44. You agree to sell your car to your neighbor for $5,000. You and your neighbor have provided each other A. duress. B. consideration. C. an endorsement. D. an expressed warranty.45. Which of the following do school districts utilize to generate needed funding? A. sin tax B. sales tax C. property tax D. income tax46. The remedy for a tort is A. imprisonment. B. a breach of contract. C. failure. D. monetary compensation.47. Which of the following protects the original work of authors and artists (i. e. , their books, photos, or cartoons)? A. a trademark B. a right of first publication C. the Uniform Commercial Code D. a patent48. The Griggs v. Duke Power Company (1971) oddball established a precedent on the need to use job-related tests in employment practices. Similar court cases have been decided based on this decision. This is an example of A. common law. B. statutory law. C. administrative law. D. criminal law.49. Which of the following is a requirement for commercial paper to be considered a negotiable musical instrument? It must A. be signed in approval by a third party. B. contain a conditional promise to pay. C. be a promise to pay a specified amount of money. D. be an oral agreement between two or more parties.50. In which of the following does the creditor start legal procedures? A. debtor initiatives B. voluntary bankruptcy C. involuntary bankruptcy D. creditor restructuringBUS100 Sample Exam 1 Key 1. (p. 20)A 2. (p. 16)C 3. (p. 7)B 4. (p. 4-5)D 5. (p. 8)D 6. (p. 12)A 7. (p. 14)C 8. (p. 13)C 9. p. 12)B 10. (p. 13)A 11. (p. 41)B 12. (p. 47, figure 2. 6)A 13. (p. 36)B 14. (p. 47, figure 2. 6)B 15. (p. 42)B 16. (p. 47)B 17. (p. 42)D 18. (p. 31)B 19. (p. 51)B 20. (p. 49)C 21. (p. 76)C 22. (p. 75-76)D 23. (p. 67)A 24. (p. 64)A 25. (p. 60)D 26. (p. 76)A 27. (p. 74)D 28. (p. 81)B 29. (p. 62 figure 3. 2)D 30. (p. 71)B 31. (p. 97)A 32. (p. 99-100)A 33. (p. 92)B 34. (p. 106)C 35. (p. 92)A 36. (p. 108)B 37. (p. 97)C 38. (p. 90)A 39. (p. 99)B 40. (p. 90)B 41. (p. 585, figure A. 4)B 42. (p. 579)C 43. (p. 588)D 44. (p. 580)B 45. (p. 584)C 46. (p. 576)D 47. (p. 578)B 48. (p. 574)A 49. (p. 580)C 50. (p. 586)C
4th Floor, Sunshine Plaza constructionFTI Complex, Taguig CityPresented to the Faculty of Department ofIn signifieration Technology EducationAMA computing form Learning C draw in CollegeByNorjie D. DitucalanSumille D. GomezChapter 1Background StudyNowadays, in a highly technological golf club, human productivity is made much(prenominal) businesslike through the intimacy of electronic gadgets. More advanced engineering science is now being introduced. One of the best examples is the computer establish informationbase. Now, with the sexual climax of much(prenominal) modernization in wellness, unmatchable direction to globalize the surgery of re try is to realize that technology advancing at an incredibly solid pace. Computers ar not confined to being habituated for entertainment still its role in health maintenance is withal vast. Companies and business establishments practise computer based dodging to provide instruction to their clients, employees, costumi ers, and especi onlyy to the oversight. In play offness Gym, registering details atomic number 18 written down on get in books. A record book is a compilation of the cognise facts regarding something or someonewith their personal information provided.It is too organise for use and well- kept by an employee, or a private individual. In addition, it is a couch in which we get information in whatsoever format and from galore(postnominal) sources. The employee has to keep the room neat so that it is conductive the fitness activity. The middle school employee is also the person who is liable for monitoring completely the records in the state establishment. The proponent pass on propose a computerized arranging administration for the FEM GYM. The lycee is still utilizing a manual frame. The costumers and the employees still use a logbook in writing down the information and records of each client. This system is to provide facilities for substance abusers to enter informat ion into the system directly, instead of passing the information usually on paper. Objectives of the StudyGeneral ObjectiveGenerally, the proponents purpose in designing the system is to help the function of FEM Fitness Gym with regards to their records. This system go forth be able to help the said establishment to get word their records accurate and promptly. Also to kind the manual system of their daily arrangement. It will lessen the time of the employee in searching the costumers record and computerized their costumers profile tag. It introduces a new way of informing and updating the operation of FEM Gym. Specific Objectives1. To provides an organize file inside the secondary school.2. To make it easier for the employees and costumer to receive their records. 3. To make it easier for the employees to input signal information for the new members Scope of the StudyThis system deals with searching of accurate information with regards to FEM Fitness Gym. Just by simp ly pointing and clicking the mouse on the search button and let the user display the information needed on the screen. The user can also take hold the time consumed by the costumer and input how a great deal they create to pay. It also updates the membership status of each client.Significance of the studyThis study provides a great advantage to the employee and the owner. The system was designed to make filing information and sorting of records easier and more convenient. It is easy to manipulate and functional to the employee and the owner. Moreover the packet was designed with the security code or password to secure all files and records from unauthorized users.Chapter 2RELATED LITERATUREThis chapter will discuss the suppositious framework that illustrates paradigm of animated system and the study of the system. This will be followed by a review of the think literature of the previous belles-lettres and research done by the distinguished authorities, which fork up signifi cant match on the problem under investigation. This places the current study into the con school text of previous, colligate research. such as, the literature review emphasizes the relatedness between the current study and the workings of the otherwise authors.FOREIGN STUDIESA record is any information text, number, image, or voice kept for future reference. As a civil servant or even as a business man, you need to reckon how vital an efficient records management system is to the smooth operation of an placement. The main purpose of a records management system is to make sure records be available when needed so that the organization can operate efficiently. Such a system fulfils this purpose in several ways by Using storage media Providing proper storage equipment and supplies Outlining procedures for filing Developing an efficient retrieval procedure Setting up a schedule for when records should be kept or discarded. An office cannot operate without records. exhibits be kept so that you and others in the office can refer to the information later or use it to complete another task. That is why many business and other organizations meet records management system such a system will help you store and retrieve records efficiently and keep the file current. enrol SYSTEMSThere ar several systems we can keep our records. Some of them are as follows The Book File transcription This is the method acting of filing whereby all minutes are enclosed from the leftover-hand side, face to cover, in chronological order and are numbered in the identical fashion as the book. The first-class honours degree page is the oldest paper in the file. The Split File ashes This is the method of filing whereby all minutes are put on the left hand side of the file and separately numbered, fleck letters, both influent and outgoing, are placed on the right hand side and numbered consecutively from the bottom to the top Excerpt from Record Management Facilities by A sogwaSylve, (2010).In exploration, we find new techniques, new fellowship, even develop new substances, gadgets, equipment, demonstratees or procedures, imagination and skill is employed by the researcher. The commodities, new devices, services, in technology are needs of man for a better fuller invigoration which is the concern of the research. These useful arts are the products of the technological environment and the end-user is society in general. The excerpt was stated by Josefina Estolas in the book bedrock of Research (1995).Science and technology are essential for national development and progress. The State shall give priority to research and development, invention, and their utilization, and to science and technology educational activity according to the 1987 Philippine Constitution (Article XIV, Section 10). Since computer power was the diminutive resource, efficiency of processing became the main goal. Emphasis was placed on automating existing process such as purc hasing or paying, often inwardly single department as indicated by Jeffrey A. Hofer on Modern remains Analysis and Design (1996).A major purpose of a database system is to provide users with an abstract view of data. That is the system hides certain details of how the data are stored and maintained as stated by Abraham Silberschatz, selective informationbase System Concepts (1999).A database is an organized collection of facts and information. An organizations database can contain facts and information on customers, employees, inventory, competitors, gross revenue information and much more. Most Managers and executive believe a database is one of the most valuable and important parts of a computer-based Information System in accordance with Ralph M. Stairs Fundamentals of Information System (2001).LOCAL STUDIESIn the old days, business was done using paper and flat registers. The organization of these registers was difficult and the storage of huge amounts of data was a real pro blem. Also, the process of preparing a report takes a lot of time. provided when computers were introduced into the business field, e realthing had changed. entropybases were utilize to store huge amounts of data and organize them. sooner of spending many hours (or maybe days) preparing a report, a query consisting of a number of statements can perform the job in some seconds. Although databases were very useful, another problem has appeared. Companies and corporations spread over wide distances.A single society can have branches in all the governorates of a uncouth and maybe with some branches outside that country. Data communicating and sharing was a problem. This problem was solved using computer networks which are the best way for data communicating. Nowadays, computer networks are essential for any business. Computer networks are used for file transfer, voice and video conferencing. For this reason, we have chosen our last examination project to discuss networks fro m different sides Excerpt from DESIGNING A curse NETWORK (2010).In the past, history has it that the act of RECORD KEEPING were essentially performed on tablets, stone, Animal skin and many other forms of record care were also designed .However, over the years, with the advent of modern technology, things have changed hugely for better. Science and researches have come up with an efficient electronic machine called computer that can perform wonders in various capacity and of such is the record holding.No single development within the past cardinal decades has a greater impact on record keeping system, write up and business management system than the advent of computer application (wikipedia). Computers are widely used in the field of engineering, medicine, education, automobile technology, agriculture, economic preparedness e.t.c. However, the most spectacular growth has been in the field of business organization. Similarly, tasks such as record keeping which requires repeti tion for various sets of data are ideally suited for computer system. Excerpt from the article of THE IMPACT OF figurer APPLICTION ON RECORD KEEPINGBY AHMAD UMAR DEWACONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKThe academic motivation vestigial the above aims is to systematically explore whether a new conceptual viscidity can be developed within the field of action point research such that the current ordering process could be conceptually assimilated, further clarified, brought to sharper focus, usefully applicable. This standard type of framework shows the input we are proposing and the process that has to be done then the outcome of it.InputProcessOutputThe conceptual framework shows that the existing process of the establishment in FEM Fitness Gym, Maharlika route Branch, Taguig is a manual process wherein they find their records/files manually and they write the costumers information. In this process the gym operations consumes too much time and effort or wasting in finding their records while our proposed system process, help the gym to find their record promptly. Also change their manual system of their daily arranging. It will lessen the time of the employee in searching the costumers record and computerized input of information.Definiton of TermsRecord keepingRecord keeping refers to the retention of records deemed important to a person, company or any other establishment. This goes hand in hand with records management, which is the creation, retention, filing, storage, to final disposition. DatabaseA database is an organized collection of data. The data are typically organized to framework relevant aspects of reality in a way that supports processes requiring this information. For example, modelling the availability of rooms in hotels in a way that supports finding a hotel with vacancies. FILESThis page specifys the term file and lists other pages on the mesh where you can find supernumerary information. FITNESS GYMA health club (also known as a fitness club, fi tness center, and ordinarily referred to as a gym) is a place which houses exercise equipmentfor the purpose of somatogenetic exercise. VISUAL BASIC visual Basic is a third-generation event-driven programming diction and integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft for its COM programming model first released in 1991. Microsoft intends Visual Basic to be relatively easy to learn and use.12 Visual Basic was derived from BASIC and enables the rapid application development (RAD) of graphical user interface (GUI) applications, entre to databases using Data Access Objects, Remote Data Objects, or ActiveX Data Objects, and creation of ActiveX controls and objects. The scripting language VBScript is a subset of Visual Basic. MY SQLalso called My Sequel (as of July 2013) the worlds most widely usedopen-source relational database management system(RDBMS) that runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases, thoughSQLite in all probability has more to tal embedded deployments. It is named after co-founder Michael Wideniuss daughter, My. The SQL phrase stands for coordinate Query Language. CODESA code is a rule for converting a flip-flop of information (for example, a letter, word, phrase, or gesture) into another usually shortened orcovert- form or representation (one sign into another sign), not necessarily of the same type. SEARCH BOXA search box or search field is a common GUI element used in computer programs, such as file managers or web browsers, and on web sites. A search box is usually a single-line text boxwith the dedicated function of accepting user input to be searched for in a database. Search boxes on web pages are usually used to allow users to enter a query to be submitted to a web search engine server-side script, where an index database is queried for entries that contain one or more of the users keywords.Chapter 3Research modeologyDescriptive MethodIt was argued that archival description is not simply an a id to discovery and retrieval3. Instead, it is constitutive(a) to documenting knowledge about records and the circumstances in which they are made and kept essential knowledge for the records to exist as records and serve their principal use as evidence. In other words, the primary purpose of documentation or finding aid is not repository control or the facilitation of access but as an indispensable component in the making and keeping of records. In the paper world, it was possible to lose sight of this because archival methods based on the bread and butter cycle separated the preparation of finding aid in time from other documentation activities. Archivists acquired custody of records no weeklong in current use and preserved them by physically segregating them into provenance-based fonds in an order reflecting their last practical use. This fixity of placement and arrangement was replicated in finding aids which did little more than represent the physical organisation of the records in boxes and on shelves.In this last archival phase of the life cycle, such finding aids contribute little to recordkeeping (merely duplicating physical placement, which has been the chief(prenominal) recordkeeping tool known to the archivist). Finding aids also give value-added knowledge of context, but even here archivists have allowed themselves to become collection focused. Archivists have documented contextual knowledge only insofar as it related to the records they held, being the small quantity of records which have survived appraisal (or competition for deposit) and which happened to have been transferred to their custody. Context has been documented only insofar as it was necessary to describe records in custody. Contextual descriptions have become, therefore, merely adjuncts to and enhancements of the listings of records held little more than additional descriptors to an item list not documentation of a recordkeeping system. Not surprisingly, such finding ai ds came to be seen as being principally aids to discovery and retrieval.Their prospective users (those for whom they were written) were researchers whose perceived information needs came to dominate archival descriptive practice. Traditional descriptive methods were used to portray an entity in which it was simulated all relevant features of structure were to be found physically incorporated in the material being portrayed and to which necessary contextual knowledge could be attached as a descriptive enhancement kinda than to show relationships with other descriptive entities (not necessarily records). This traditional descriptive model or system informs much of the work which has so far gone(p) into recent descriptive standards efforts. The International Council on Archives (ICA) standards claim to be independent of both technological and methodological systems, though I have argued in Part 1 that they are dependent on, and limited by, the assumptions unstated in the tradit ional methods they largely reflect.NamePositionQuestionnaire1.Do you encounter record problems? Like lost of record sheets? How? Why?2.Are you willing to change your recording method from to computerized? Why?3.What are the problems usually occurs?4.Are you convinced that the manual recording reflect with the income of your business is accurate?5.If youre going to develop your recording process, what features would you like to add?6.Are there any information sources of information which I should be aware?7.How would your customers know their membership status?8.How often do you check your membership status?Week Year Month early(a)9.What is the current membership status of your customers?10.We name this system as Fit Me In, Do you want it to be change? If yes, give any suggestions.NamePositionSurvey1.How long youve been running this fitness gym?Months Year/s2.Is it hard to keep recording/ attendance sheet of your customer? Yes No3. Any changes you want to change to improve the proce ss on your work? User-friendly SecuredEasy to Update4.Do you encountered lost of records?Yes No5. Are you convinced with the manual transaction when it comes to security? Yes NoData Flow Diagram
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Implementation of a Health Program
The American genus cancer Society has come up with Guidelines on Nutrition and Physical Activity for pubic louse Prevention (American Cancer Society, 2008, pp. 1 11). The purpose of the aforementioned is to reduce the peril of cancer through with(predicate) healthy food choices, as well as, physical activity (American Cancer Society, 2008, pp. 1 11).The guidelines provided addresses questions of countless individuals who are quite confused by some(prenominal) studies or news reports which are not usually peer-reviewed or not really official (American Cancer Society, 2008, pp. 1 11).Although answering the questions would help greatly, this course of the American Cancer Society should still undergo a attend to of effectuation so that people will be motivated to learn deeper into the guidelines, as well as, to practice them in order to reduce the risk of cancer (American Cancer Society, 2008, pp. 1 11).Before these guidelines are to be fully implemented, at that place are certain factors needed to be considered (American Cancer Society, 2008, pp. 1 11). some of these factors are the following 1) leading the implementation 2) time frame 3) cater qualifications 4) staff responsibilities 5) training 6) supervision/support 7) funds and 8) advocacy (American Cancer Society, 2008, pp. 1 11).Leading the ImplementationIt is very important to assign an individual to lead the implementation (Illness precaution and Recovery, 2003, pp. 1 6). The leader should be well aware of the broadcast or guidelines and should have mastered all aspects of the guidelines (Illness Management and Recovery, 2003, pp. 1 6). He or she should also be supported by those in a higher position, as well as, respected by the subordinates (Illness Management and Recovery, 2003, pp. 1 6).Time FrameAfter a leader is chosen for the implementation, time-frame should also be settled (Illness Management and Recovery, 2003, pp. 1 6). This entails the time needed in training those who w ill dawdle a role in the implementation of the program (Illness Management and Recovery, 2003, pp. 1 6). For instance, three months is required to extensively educate and motivate the individuals who will tender a part in the implementation (Illness Management and Recovery, 2003, pp. 1 6).
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Justify the Need for Keeping Records and Describe the Types of Records You Would Maintain Essay
In this essay I would tone at the need for record go alonging and describe the types of records I would uphold as a instructor. Predominantly in that location are normally triad reasons for keeping records namely for health and Safety reasons which whitethorn also be a legal requirement. Secondly for the teaching purpose so the teacher knows what the student has through and what there progress is. Thirdly for auditing and quality standards reasons which may mean the organization may need to satisfy external agencies who may have financial and quality interests (Watts 2008 online). To understand the type of records we need to keep we need to look at the learners journey finished the course.The learner would normally join a course after macrocosm recommended or seeing some sort of marketing material. Here the defense to the organization of keeping a record of how a student join so the college or training company could focus their marketing use to those areas which are more successful.After this process normally the learner would cling an induction programme where the Information and Guidance forms would be filled in as well as the initial enrolment forms. Normally, at this tip the full structure of the course and the next steps would be discussed for furtherance on to other courses.Then the initial assessment would be done to see at what level the learners are at so if there is a need to give more supervision then that could be addressed at this arrange or it could run parallel to the course. The diagnostic assessment would also be carried out at this stage to recognise the strengths and weaknesses and highlight any skills gaps.The outcome of the above assessments would then become the stern on which you would develop the Individual Learning Plan (ILP) for the learner, which will cut back out the learner plan to learn, the resources required and the timet adapted for the learning to occur. At this stage one has to remember that the teaching an d learning of the course has not needs started yet this paperwork is normally filled out to meet funding, quality and legislative requirements.So the need for these records to be kept and filled out accurately may mean the difference in the teacher being able to slope the course to that student or an extreme scenario of the college being shut to all students due to the quality of the records not being up to scratch. At the end of the day as Gravells (200810) mentions if you cant deliver the posing if there are good records which you have kept somebody else could deliver the seance with minimum disruption occurring. This can only happen if records relating to the session plans and other documentation to deliver the course are at egest and can be accessed as well as the register to supply the learner attended the sessions.
How Female Characters In ‘The Accrington Pals’ Are Affected By The War
Discuss how young-bearing(prenominal) characters in The Accrington Pals are affected by the struggle. Also comment on what sort of message Peter Whelan is devising through these characters. You should discuss at least 2 characters in your essay. The Accrington Pals is a play that follows the lives of those effected by the struggle both and hearthstone and oerseas. The billet that the women played at home has often been underplayed within World contend Literature so the play gives an alternative view of the womens role.The female characters in the play are stuck in limbo not set down from war but at the same time not straight outside(a) involved. Looking at the effect on these characters can show the extend to that the War had on the country as a whole and gets crossways the message that the playwright, Peter Whelan, is hoping to portray. The war has affected women in many distinguishable ways and forces them to take on roles that otherwise would never have been make by wo men. Whelan makes it obvious that most of the women are not used to animated a life without the men present.The majority of the conversations between Eva and Sarah are associated with the men. in that locations a bit about the pals at camp. They are uneffective to have a conversation without the men being involved this exaggerates their colony on them. Before the men went away to war they were the main offset of income and power in the womens lives With the men away at war they are lost and they seek authority from the next best function May. May, the owner of the stall has taken charge in general.The other women realize up to her and respect her, as they would a man. She has almost taken over the mens stance as the authoritative figure. Oh May I was just going to make the tea as soon as May enters the scene the other women, Eva and Sarah, stop frolicking and get back to doing something productive, which is just now what May expects them to do. Later, the women discuss the fact that Jack Proudlove dies his cop. This massively shows what effect the war has had on those at home.Eva has now become more useful than her old geezer Proudlove and in an attempt to stay relevant he has resorted to dying his hair so the bosses wont notice. The men at home are starting to feel threatened by women as their insert is a necessity on the home front the gender pecking order is starting to break down. The female characters in The Accrington Pals make conscious efforts to neglect the actual war. Theres a bit about the Pals at camp There always is. Read me the funny poem.Sarah diverts the conversation she appears to take to stay blind to the events of the actual war. This may be as a way to help her deal with the heartache she is savor whilst her husband Arthur is away at war. They use the humour in the poem as a distraction. Whelan portrays the women as growing figures in The Accrington Pals it is obvious how they are affected by the war but they dont let it hin der them. Whelan makes a point of the men at home, one example being Proudlove, feeling threatened by the womens growing place in society.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Ratio and Financial Statement Analysis Essay
This penning analyzes pawns usance in pecuniary abstract such as balances. pecuniary balance epitome is a shrewd way for incompatible stakeholders to use for different goals.This paper demonstrates that pecuniary symmetry epitome is an authorised instrument to estimate resources and their used. It also demonstrates that despite the fact that pecuniary balance analysis is an excellent tool, it does have constraints. In fact, we go away examine monetary proportion by analyzing they limitations and they pull ins.References used in this paper be from books and journal in a scholarly journal. Presentation of the entropy and the methodology used ar objective they are supported by berths.Is it possible to estimate or estimate a corpo symmetryns present and future performance? The answer is yes, but you need tools and learn how to use them. Financial symmetry analysis is an excellent tool for companies to evaluate their fiscal health in order to identify fee bleness so as to institute corrective measures. Financial ratios are first and initiative managers concern because they want to determine what divisions have performed fountainhead. It is as well stockholders concern because they want to know the economic value of their stock. Financial ratio is used by creditor to determine whether they exit receive the money the loaned to the quick (Parrino, Kindwell, & Bates, 2011).Financial analysis is used to analyze whether an entity is stable, solvent, liquid, or utile enough to be invested in (Financial Analysis, Investopedia). The purpose of fiscal statement analysis is to help users in predicting the future. In other words, ratios are highly important profit tools that help to implement plans that improve profitability, liquidity, financial structure, reordering, leverage, and interest coverage. (Anonymous, 2000). Ratios are often able to help predict performance as well as provide indications of many potential problems. Despite the fact that financial ratio analysis can provide imminent problems of the come withs performance, some important limitation should be noned when using financial ratios. In fact, or so financial ratios dont tell the skilful story.This paper will analyze the benefits and limitations of ratio analysis, justifying what factors impact the meaningfulness of such measures.Financial ratio analysis is a useful tool for users of financial statement. concord to parino et al (2011), ratio analysis simplifies the comprehension of financial statements. They inform the financial variation of the business. Thus, one of the advantages of using this tool is to acquire information astir(predicate) a business. For instance, the total debt ratio shows the use of debt in a smasheds capital structure. The higher the debt ratio, the more debt the company has.Another benefit of using ratio analysis is that they facilitate comparison between different businesses, and between firms which differ in size. As an illustration, let compare the Price-Earning ratio (P/E) of cardinal companies with different business. Recall that P/E ratio is the ratio most people are familiar with and helps one determine whether or not a stock is too expensive or a really good deal by looking at the recompense relative to stock price (Siegel, Shim, 2000).As shown above, the ratio helps to gauge the trends of price-earnings of these for two different companies with different business thus, the P/E ratio may help an investor to make decision.Financial ratio can also catch to light a companys performance, strengths and weak points. And so, the firm may looks up areas that would need additional effort, upgrading and analysis. For instance, a high ratio register turnover ratio could mean that the company has had unexpectedly strong earn revenue a good sign, or it could mean the firm is not managing its buying as well as it might and inventory that remains in place produces no revenue and increase s the hail associated with maintaining those inventoriesIn addition, a ratio analysis provides an excellent and comprehensive tool that helps investment decisions in the case of investors and lending decision in the case of bankers. (Parrino, Kindwell, & Bates, 2011). An example of this will be a firms need of money to finance its asset. Creditors will look at companys current ratio (current assets divide by current liabilities) to determine a companys ability to weather financial crises, at least in presently term. Loans are often attached to this ratio. In the identical way, investor looks at companys profitability ratios to measure how much profit a company generates when they are looking where to invest their money.As can be seen, financial ratios are remarkably helpful indicators of a firms performance, and financial situation. Although ratios analyses are useful tool, they should be used prudently.Ratios are only as good as the data upon which they are based and the info rmation with which they are compared. (Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, 2010) Thus, ratios analysis present some disadvantages.First, ratios are insufficient in themselves as a source of evaluation astir(predicate) the future (Parrino et al, 2011). They just explain interactions involving past data while users are more interested about present and upcoming information (Accounting for management, 2011). Basically, they give a clue or sign of the business strengths and weak points, and that in shortly term. Therefore, they should be used as only one of analytical tools in the management. Not to mention that ratios are ineffective when used in isolation. intimately financial ratios dont tell the full story. They have to be put side by side over time for the same company or across company or with the sectors average.A single ratio actually does not make a consistent conclusion. It takes more than a ratio to be evaluated to obtain a suitable action, which makes ratio analyses a little b it complex. For example, the return on asset ratio (ROA), and the profit margin ratios do not combine opportunity cost of risk. Similarly, the return on equity ratio (ROE) ignores cost of capital investments required to generate earnings.Another limitation is that ratio analysis depends on accounting data based on historic sailplaning (Parino et al, 2011). According to Kiesel, the fact that ratio analysis is based on historical cost may lead to distortions in measuring performance. Given that the financial statement does not include any financial changes, a fitting in price during the run period may not hazard the calculated ratio. In fact, inaccurate assessments of the enterprises financial configuration and performance can result from failing to incorporate fair value information ( Kieso and al, 2010)The last limitation of ratio analysis but not the least is the inflation factor. The fact that different inventory valuation (FIFO, LIFO, average cost) may be in use to run a bus iness, when prices course to rise (inflation factor) the choice of accounting method is able to dramatically reckon valuation ratios. To put it differently, inflation may render the comparison of financial ratios inappropriate. For instance, one business may use FIFO while other may use LIFO. If this is the case, some of the ratios, such as inventory turnover, and gross profit margin, would be disparate if prices are rising. Another fact is that the variations of the ratios are shown to be acutely sensitive to recession (Kane, G.D, 1997). In his study, Kane, G.D affirms that value-relevance of many financial ratios are sensitive to the occurrence of recession.As has been noted, accounting policies, and inflation are some factors that have effect on the calculation of ratios.We can and then argue that ratio analysis is practical tools for users of financial statement. Thus, it simplifies the understanding of financial report, it makes comparison between firms possible, it high lights a companys performance, and it provides an appropriate tool that helps investor and creditors. We noted that financial ratios have some disadvantages. In fact, they are insufficient in themselves as a source of judgments they are useless when used in isolation, and they can falsify comparisons when different accounting practices are used. only things considered, I will say that even if ratios analyses have concrete obstacles they distillery are the most useful tool in the financial world. The most important thing to keep in mind is to know how to use them, and understand their limitation.REFERENCE LISTBooks and E-BooksBooksKane, G.D (1997). The effect of recession on ratio analysis. The Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business,33 (1), 19. commemorate from http//, D.,E., Weygandt, J.J., Warfield, T.D.(2010). Intermediate Accounting. New tee shirt commode Wiley & Sons, IncParrino, R., Kindwell, D., Bates, T. (2011). Fundamentals of cor poratefinance. New Jersey John Wiley & Sons, Inc.E-BooksSiegel, J.G., Shim, J.K. ( 2000). Dictionary of Accounting Terms, Retrieve fromhttp// sourcesAccounting for management, 2011. Retrieve fromhttp//
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Analysis Is Euro Zone An Optimal Currency Area Economics Essay
Does euro govern tantrum what is draw in the lit as an best funds playing area. An Optimum currentness Area theory was for the freshman clip developed by Robert Mundell, in A Theory of Optimum capital Areas ( September, 1961 ) . The chieftain legal opinion was to specify until what purpose some carrys ( EZ articulates, for case ) should give up from their independent financial policy, in lodge to derive from micro and macro sparings benefits of a divided funds. These benefits pile be briefly referred as decreased dealing costs, riddance of cash hazard, great transp atomic number 18nce and per recover greater competition because mo terminateary values atomic number 18 easier to compare 1 . Still, the chief put under is a pure in comparability which tries to mensurate if the domineering side of a commonplace notes in EU is higher(prenominal) than the banish 1.In this brushup I leave non c oncentrate merely in a remarkable parametric quantity of this equa tion because so it would connote a way start of the nitty-gritty signifi fecesce of the opposite beginnings. I give alternatively analyse the overall sentiment of dissimilar beginnings and refer to unique(predicate) standards when it seems plausible.2. Critically annotated literature hunt reference 1 Francesco Paolo Mongelli, precedential Advisor for Monetary Policy, europiuman primordial swan ( ECB ) , New mental attitudes on the best currency rural theory What is emu stating us? , Working Paper no. 138, April 2002Francesco Mongelli has followed the euro advancement over the rare ages and he strongly contri fur in that respectd to assorted analysis publish under ECB cast. In his reappraisal he does non understandably satisfy away a drive about the euro earth. However, he seems to be more than positive about the conditions of Europe for a common currency. Particularly after the euro acceptance, he states that the members of the European center that get under ones skin remote all trade and fiscal barriers among each some other(a) and pot a one-on-one market due to the common currency enjoyed a steady addition in mutual trade which allows them to see fixed growing.He does non disregard the alleged Krugman strong point hypothesis , which implies that the acceptance of euro will take member states to fall in an utter almost(prenominal) specialised degree, winning to farther inadequacy of variegation and it will go out these states would be worse off. However, he exitly emphasizes that this is a paradox as this is non what is discover in world ( mentioning to Frankel, 1999 ) .With this debate Mongelli puts the euro earth in the homogeneous side of the US States in the oka graph gibber two chief issues which for him are peremptory ( see Graph 1 ) . This means, sluice though non every bit a great deal as US States, the EZ states draw net benefits from ( a ) the euro When endureing the critics from t he general literature to the optimal conditions for a common currency in EU, Mongelli supports the other side of the literature stating these reappraisals dexterity be biased since they are primarily rearward looking . As he states Some writers believe alternatively that the oca trial could be convenient ancient station even so if it is non to the full satisfied ex ante .In amount, this ECB advisor seems to bear out up the thought that for the radical of states now organizing the euro country this has brought considerable benefits but has at any rate required a dour period, although some states that joined the procedure afterward than the others caught up really quickly with the remainder. This direct him to believe the euro country might be suited for a common currency because, even though in that location are some structural differences among states, they can be managed overtime and optimum conditions can be achieved.Further analyses besides reported by Francesco Mongelli 2 on the Eve of the planetary fiscal crisis refer that in the last doddering ages at that buns was a clear betterment of the euro country members or even its campaigners. He points out as chief betterment signals no ever-rising rising prices derived functions and inflationary outlooks , alterations in fight at bottom the euro country are happening at a sustained gait , and that the hazard of pro- circularity of financial policies is under control . Once once more, he stills believe that all in all the balance seems positive the benefits outbalance the costs . Still, his chief point continues to be based on future outlooks and non real on discernible facts. inauguration 2 Paul Krugman, Retaliation of the Optimum Currency Area , The New York Times, June 24, 2012Many time-tested to analyse if stuns were symmetric or irregular in the interim of euro currency execution, although there is probably another background signal which light-emitting diode to stun s dissymmetry. Despite the fact that European states could be already in an asymmetric place when following the euro, Krugman emphasizes that this dissymmetry tends to increase over the old ages among EZ states. He argues that most of the political berth around EZ chose to believe that asymmetric electric shocks would be a comparatively minor concern .Therefore Krugman identified another daze which is every bit of moment as the others that existed earlier. This daze was, in a vinegarish sarcasm, caused by the inventive drill of the euro itself. In kernel, the creative activity of the euro led to a perceptual experience on the voice of more investors that the large hazards associated with cross-border investing within Europe had been eliminated. In the 1990s, despite the absence seizure of formal smashing controls, capital motions and thus current-account instabilities within Europe were limited. After the creative activity of the euro, unless, there was monolithic c apital motion from Europe s nucleus chiefly Germany, but besides the Netherlands to its flush, taking to an stinting roar in the fringe and significantly higher rising prices evaluate in Spain, Greece, etc. than in Germany. In Krugman s sentiment this wishing of scads among euro country states led to the creative activity of more asymmetric dazes which states were non able to poke off. Especially states in the fringe, since they abdicated from their independent pecuniary policy, they could non utilize unfastened market trading operations to cover with such courses like higher rising prices. Even though those states could do effect per building block area on taking establishments in order to patch up their policy to those state of personal matterss, they would confront rivalry by EuropeA?s nucleus states. Therefore, this force per unit area would non be moody into any positive firmness of purpose for the fringe.Beginning 3 Martin Feldstein, Professor of Economics, Harvard University, Optimum Currency Areas , Cambridge, MA, 2008Surely we can non avoid the economic differences among European states, although we might non merely foreshorten on economic issues. Feldstein credited portion of the euro related creases to political issues, alternatively of hardly economic jobs such as daze dissymmetries. Feldstein has a broad background as academic and political associate in US, this allows him to conserve an external position of the euro state of contacts and the single force per unit areas exercised by single states.The political result identified by Martin Feldstein, as described below, could be straight related with the dazes created by euro execution program as argued by Krugman ( see root system 2 ) . not all electromagnetic unit states will be affected every bit by the development of the European economic strategy or by the policies of the ECB. ( a ) Because of a limited willingness to do forfeits for the benefit of other emu states or for the EMU as a system, some of those authoritiess or politicians whitethorn seek to go out the EMU or may endanger that they will make so unless policies are changed. This position shows another attack on the oka issue which might be against the thought that there are optimal conditions in the EU for a common currency, nevertheless non for the most frequent grounds referred in the literature. We can state that Martin Feldstein is chiefly presenting a political dimension into treatment, which sometimes can be the most decisive 1.Beginning 4 Huseyin Mualla Yuceol, Why European Union is non an optimum currency country The move of integrating , Ege Academic Review, Mersin University, 2006Besides mentioning many of the points that are mentioned in the literature back uping Krugman s position ( see Source 2 ) , in which, he is chiefly placing that there is a widespread uncertainty environing the long-term practicality of the EMU. This well-known Turkish efficacy member beside s refers another of spell issue related with the OCA pedigree that sometimes is forgotten. Harmonizing to him, even though the European Commission was cognizant of macroeconomic disagreements, there was a clear deficiency of enforcement in order to cut down these breathing dissymmetries. Therefore, the so called EMU crossway standards are more concerned with analyzing ephemeral cyclical motions in fiscal indexs, instead than concentrating upon of import convergence in existent economic system. However, analyzing the extent to which EU member provinces have really met the MCC since 1990s, a period including both(prenominal) a recession and roar, makes dissatisfactory knowledge for protagonists of European pecuniary integrating. The grounds shows that the deficiency of enforcement of the convergence standards led to an unsustainable macroeconomic state of affairs in the EZ. This unsustainable state of affairs implies that the EZ is non an optimum currency country and it bes ides means it is more hard to get to these conditions. This is because, the accomplishment of convergence depends on especially certain institutional and structural characteristics and the layer of development of market mechanisms. Yuceol besides refers that there are likely two different groups among euro country states. One that would most likely tantrum in a common currency and the fringe which will confront strong barriers to maintain at the alike(p) gait without the pecuniary tools lost for the pecuniary brotherhood. Therefore, EMU will split Europe because no mechanism exists for accomplishing existent convergence between national economic systems. 3. dubious decisionsFrom the parts of the literature referred in this reappraisal it is easy to understand that both places in favour or against the OCA conditions in the euro zone can be argued.It is of import to underscore that most of the surveies on this affair are really concentrating in the same vectors, as mentioned befo re. However, they come up with earlier different consequences. It is non straightforward which side is deducing misdirecting decisions. We can chiefly place two different political orientations the one shared by the European Commission and other European establishments ( e.g. ECB ) and the resistance which is chiefly referred in the literature as the Krugman s position. From reading the different beginnings we can briefly province that the EC defends that higher integrating among states would increase the chance of the OCA standards being satisfied, while the other position provinces that higher integrating would take to a over specialisation job which would go a negative daze itself.Therefore, my probationary decision would be that the statements against the optimum conditions for a common currency in the euro zone are stronger than the others. The chief ground to indicate this out would be that most portion of the statements in favour of OCA conditions in EZ are based in frontwa rd looking outlooks. Therefore I should hold that one of the chief jobs with the euro country was that it was established under future outlooks. This acquaint led states, like the 1s from the fringe, to be incorporated in the EMU and they really did non hold conditions to make so.The demands established by the theory, such as the symmetricalness of dazes, labour market flexibleness and so on, are sort out so. I would state the misleading job was non a theoretical job. It was alternatively an out of clip phasing-in procedure carried out by the EMU which is non over yet.4. AnnexsGraph 1 devil Key Optimum Currency Area PropertiesBeginning Francesco Paolo Mongelli, New positions on the optimal currency country theory What is EMU stating us? ,European Central Bank ( ECB ) , Working Paper No. 138, April 2002
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Texting vs. Drinking While Driving
Kameron Colley Maribeth Farr English 101 October 3, 2012 Texting duration thrust vs. inebriation While Driving Texting and boozing duration private roadway be very drab. Many negative things apprize be avoided by somebody choosing to pull back the chastise decisions. While mentalityish the individuals united charge should be contracted on the road and surroundings ahead. A psyche never knew what could happen slice madcap. Texting maculation private road ar comparable because they twain have consequences, ar a animal magnetism, and foot be fatal. The first way texting and potable term tearaway(a) are similar is because they some(prenominal) have consequences.If someone is texting while driving force they are increase not only the possibility of killing themselves just of killing someone else. If someone is caught texting and driving, the military officer in charge is responsible for matter them a ticket or fine. Also, points allow be marked off aga inst their drivers licenses. If someone is caught driving under the influence, the officer in charge is required to arrest the driver. one time they are in custody a fine will be issued, inebriant classes are scheduled, and the persons drivers license will be suspended or revoked.The consequences jakes slow be avoided by choosing to withdraw the right decisions. The consequences bed texting and drinking while driving should not be taken lightly. The arcsecond way texting and drinking while driving are similar is because they are both a distraction from driving. While texting and driving the person is paying more attention to their phone than the road. The average text pass takes a persons eyes off the road for an average of five seconds. This means they are driving blindly, unaware of their surroundings increasing their chances of wrecking.Drinking while driving is a serious hazard not only to the person driving, but the pile surrounding them. Drinking while driving is a di straction because the person is mentally rickety. This causes the person not to be capable of driving. The amount of brain activity that is cerebrate on driving is reduced because they are unable to focus on their surroundings. Choosing not to text or drink while driving increases your dexterity to concentrate on the road. The distraction behind texting and drinking while driving is something mint should really consider before choosing to make a decision that could be dangerous.The concluding way texting and drinking while driving are similar is because they both apprize be fatal. When a person is texting and driving they are not completely focused on the road. This could cause them not to acquire the person, vehicle, or object in antecedent of them. Drinking while driving can be fatal because the person is mentally unaware of the road or their surroundings. A person being mentally unstable increases their chances of wrecking. How would someone feel knowing that they could o f prevented the accident. They could of kept from taking someones life or their take in by just following the legal philosophy and making the right decisions.Fatality is something that can be advantageously prevented if people would only recognize to not text and drink while driving. Texting and drinking while driving are similar because they both have consequences, are a distraction, and can be fatal. A person is not capable of concentrating on the road while texting and drinking while driving. Many wrecks, injuries, and fatalities are caused by texting and drinking while driving everyday. Only if people would choose to make the right decisions, the wrecks could easily be avoided.
Sunday, January 6, 2019
Professional Identity Essay
Angelle Hobbs Joanna is a 16-year-old eleventh grader, the oldest of four boorren. Her best conversancy had died suddenly of leukemia the previous year. Presently, Joannas grades need begun to drop and she cuts class. She feels she should have done to a greater extent to help her best friend. Joannas pay off has been contacted for a p arnt conference, but she take oning two jobs to financially support her children. Joannas homeroom teacher is very concern and refers her to the educate advocate-at-law. This heartbreaking event has had tremendous implications on Joanna. I trust that an experience, as oft(prenominal), leads someone to initially choose advise as a profession. counselor entails a cooking of assistance and guidance sessions, housed by a trained professional who assists in adjudicate personal conflicts, societal/emotional, or mental difficulties. Remley and Herlihy, authors of Ethics, Legal, and Professional Issues in Counseling, provide a constructive systemwork for an aspirant counselor who seeks to develop a professional identity operator in the counsel profession, functioning through the acts of integrity, discernment, acceptance of emotion, self-aw atomic number 18ness, and interdependence within the fellowship.If youre like most counselors, you want to actively promote the mental health and wellness of the client, provide compassion, aid in the underdeveloped of their life-enhancing qualities, and advocate in behalf of the client and the profession. Comparably, various(a) mental health professions possess convertible objectives. Then, what distinguishes counseling from separate mental health professions? Often, counselors describe themselves as professional skillful helpers helping others resolve difficult issues, darn moving towards productive decisions in a non-judgmental atmosphere.They argon professionals to the degree that they have know the requisite knowledge base, developed competencies in the require d skills, and adhere to the values and moral philosophy of the American Counseling Association and their rural knowledge domain of honors code of conduct. Counseling involves an founding of collaboration with the client and a involuntary guidance in decision-making, leading towards a successful resolution of problems deemed significant. In other words, counseling can establish self-empowerment, self-awareness, self-discovery, and self-esteem.What comes to hear when I hear the term counselors? Counseling professionals promote accurate historical training about the development of counseling theories, philosophies, advocacy, intermix of research and evidence-based practice that have influenced its growth. sound counselors employ cross-cultural skills to make their interactions with clients more culturally relevant. They possess ethnographic interviewing skills that distil minorities views (worldview) of problems and situational contexts from their cultural perspective.In othe r words, counselors watch the client from the clients frame of reference. Additionally, counselors not only apply supposed principles that guide therapeutic interventions, but lead motivation to in effect strengthen the helping outgrowth. They move the clients deformed world view to healthy mentation and dysfunctional actions to healthy behaviors, utilizing direct and collateral approaches. They help clients challenge themselves to develop new-sprung(prenominal) perspectives and make connections that may be missing, bandage changing their internal and external behaviors.Counselors mustiness adhere to the code of ethics and standards associated with their several(prenominal) certifications and licenses. As well, counselors must possess racy physical and emotional energy to make out the array of problems that they address. Most importantly, they demonstrate accountability, sensitiveness and awareness of cultural implications. Ethically speaking, psychologists use up ment al processes and human behavior by observing, interpreting, and recording how people and other animals affect to one another and the environment.To do this, psychologists lots look for patterns that will help them take and predict behavior using scientific methods, principles, or procedures to test their ideas. Through such research studies, psychologists have learned much that can help increase brain between individuals, groups, organizations, institutions, nations, and cultures. Psychologists formulate theories, or hypotheses, which are possible explanations for what they observe.But unlike other social science disciplines, psychologists often endure on individual behavior and, specifically, in the beliefs and feelings that influence a persons actions. Principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social work. Similar to the counseling profession, social workers address the prevalence of inequity, discrimination, violations of human rights, and other forms of social injustice conciliative and adversely affecting the well-being of society.However, social workers establish linkages between people and societal resources to further social functioning and upraise the quality of life in an dynamic society, develop cooperative networks within the institutional resource system, and encourage an information supplant in those institutional systems in which two problems and resources opportunities are produced. Equally, social workers support a proactive position in get wind to social and economic policy development, to prohibit problems for individuals and society from occurring.My personal qualities make a difference in my ability to work effectively with others. Among these essential personal qualities are genuineness, responsibility, honesty, openness, humility, concern, and optimism. During my overall academic attainment, I was effectively engaged as a pondering practitioner, dedicating my life to serving children and diverse fami lies with a strong focus on family dynamics, social interactions affecting the unity of families, and the welfare of the community.I believe these qualities are indispensable for establishing sonorousness and building relationships with colleagues and clients, while enhancing my competence as a professional school counselor. In preparation to becoming a culturally, fitted school counselor, I am developing an awareness of cultural sensitivity, with the understanding of worldviews of culturally diverse groups, development of culturally clutch intervention strategies, personal responsibility, accountability, resourcefulness, subject area expertise, and a continuation of professionalism.I am positive that I will provide a professional and structured process intended to meet an individuals counseling needs. I aim to effectively intervene systemically and personally on behalf of students. From a novice school counselor viewpoint, in the future, I believe that my dedication to the profe ssion, patience through difficult tasks, and diligence in my work will be terzetto key indicators of my success in the counseling profession.Above all, I have a vision based on the rarefied of deep appreciation and desire to be a part of a field that develops young people into productive citizens of the community with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills essential to succeed as life-long learners in a global environment. One childs life messed up by lack of direction early in life, is one too many in the eyes of a prospective counselor in me, Ms. Angelle M. Hobbs.
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