Friday, May 31, 2019
cuban mile :: essays research papers
The special(a) point in time in Cuba can best be exposit as a timeof struggle. The dissatisfaction of many Cubans has led totheir emigration to the United States by traveling in raftsto the coast of Florida. The Cuban people harbor differentviews regarding the trip to exile as well as the motivationsto stay or leave Cuba. In Alejandro Hernandez Diazs book,The Cuba Mile, and in the movie Guantanamera, we see or soof the different ways in which Cuban Culture views theSpecial Period, the trip to exile, and the motivationsbehind staying or leaving Cuba.The year 1991 marked the beginning of the SpecialPeriod and hard times have existed in Cuba ever since. ManyCubans are tired of the hardships and shortages of theSpecial Period. To try and make ends meet many Cubans have fitted to the tough times by making money in the BlackMarket. In Guantanamera, both the cabdriver and Marianouse the Black Market to make surplus money. As they travelacross the island, they buy food to be resold at a higherprice when they arrive in Havana. Many Cubans feel that the variety is no longer working and that it is time for a qualifying. In Guantanamera, symbolism of this idea isclearly demonstrated. In the movie, a story from theSanteria religion is told. The god of Olofin is delineatedin the movie, Olofin created life but not death. Therefore,everyone lived forever and the elderly people held controland influenced many aspects of society. Nothing everchanged much like the Cuban regimen which is old andunchanging. Then, one day Olofin made it rain for thirtydays and thirty nights. The flood killed the old and onlythe young survived. The current revolution is old, and isnot working as well as it did in the 1970s. The movie iscalling for the need of a natural process, like the rain tocome and wash outdoor(a) the old revolutions ideas so new andyoung ideas can survive in Cuba. However, many Cubans feelthat the situation is not going to change and their desireto leave Cuba is so str ong that they risk their lives byrafting across the Straits of Florida in order to gainfreedom and opportunities in the United States. The hardships of the Special Period became soconsiderable many Cubans chose to take their chances withthe ocean. Large quantities of Cubans began to constructrafts in order to escape to the United States. They hopedto either survive the 90 mile trip or be discovered by theU.S. coastguard and brought to the United States.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Intention Consists of Belief, Intention Does Not Entail Belief :: Philosophy Essays
Intention Consists of Belief, Intention Does Not Entail Belief In this paper, we ordain discuss twain Gilbert Harmans and J. David Vellemans theories of headings. The central dispute between their two theories of intention is that Harman holds that intention entails belief, while Velleman holds that intention consists of belief. Velleman constructs a model of intention in which intention consists of belief in order to explain the app atomic number 18nt spontaneity of an agents self-knowledge. Harman, on the other hand, rejects the thesis that intention consists of belief because of an theoretical account involving an insomniac. My goal in this paper is to show how Vellemans theory of intention rat avoid the problem posed by the case of the insomniac. The conclusion will then be that Vellemans theory is more plausible than Harmans, because it is able to successfully explain more about our commonsense observations of agents, namely, how an agents self-knowledge is spontaneous. In Harmans model, intention entails belief in that when one intends to A one believes that one will A. According to Harman, intentions are the result of practical reasoning and beliefs are the result of theoretical reasoning. For example, if I intend to write this paper, I essential know that it is within my power to write this paper. Since knowing involves believing, I therefore must believe that I will write this paper in order to intend to write this paper. Thus, one comes to have a belief that one can do something, such as the ability to write a paper, as the result of theoretical reasoning, while one comes to have an intention, like writing a paper, as the result of practical reasoning. Simply put, the process goes as follows practical reasoning forms intentions dependent upon the conclusions (beliefs) of theoretical reasoning. Now that we have an understanding about how intentions are formed in Harman, it is necessary to discuss what he thinks makes an intention an inten tion. According to Harman, an act of forming an intention is always a means to end (Harman, 157). Stated another(prenominal) way, an intention is always a way of doing something else. This feature of intentions is what leads Harman to conclude that intentions are self-referential, in the sense that one must intend to intend. That is, one always forms an intention intentionally. An important feature of intentions that Harman derives from this observation is that intentions are a means of guaranteeing that an agent will act in a particular way.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Robert Graves’ I, Claudius - Capturing a Strange Moment in History Essa
Robert Graves I, Claudius - Capturing a Strange Moment in taradiddle Tiberius reign over the Roman Empire stretched the longest of any emperor during Claudius lifetime. This may be a good reason why Robert Graves, in his historical novel published in 1934, I, Claudius devoted more than a third of it to the reign of Tiberius. I, Claudius, told through the eyes of the half-wit Claudius, records the history of the first Imperial family at Rome, including the reigns of Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, and even Claudius himself. Livia, Augustus wife and Tiberius mother, played a crucial role throughout the reign of Augustus and Tiberius by eliminating all possible heirs other than her son to the throne of the emperor. By the use of poison and banishment, she was very successful in her aspirations and even manages to arrange for Caligula to succeed Tiberius, although she died several long time before Tiberius. Tiberius also played a secernate role during this story, undergoing a change from a private army general to a mentally-sick Roman emperor. Early in Tiberius life, he had already become unpopular in Roman society. However, although he was sometimes accused of being over-cautious, he led the Roman army to several victories over the Germans, and became a national figure. But, as it was common with the Claudian family, Tiberius turned out to be one of the bad Claudians. Although being a celebrated general worked wonders for his political career, Claudius states that, on a personal basis, he was morose, reserved and cruel. An excellent general, he won the respect of his soldiers by living as they did on a campaign. He seldom slept in a tent, and he ate and drank often no better than the rest of his troops. ... ...lthough the authors point-of-view, synonymous with Claudius, often makes the reader forget that it is not Claudius himself writing this, further Robert Graves almost 2000 years later. His writing is exquisite, and although some secti ons of the novel become static, his elegance and grace with his wording carries the reader through these sections without difficulty. Although it is fiction, to anyone who wants to get up close to the family of Augustus, I would recommend this novel. why? The story of the Augustan age is, in the words of Tacitus, a story that was the subject of every variety of misrepresentation, not only by those who then lived but likewise in succeeding times so true is it that all transactions of preeminent importance are wrapt in doubt and obscurity (iix). flora CitedGraves, Robert. I, Claudius. New York The Modern Library, 1934.
Child And Parent Behavior Observation Essay -- Sociology Child Psychol
Child And Parent Behavior ObservationI am most always surrounded by the interactions between children and their parents. I attend it at my work, I hear it in restaurants, but most of all I hear it at my house. My mother owns a daycare and every night I hear parents existence hit by a barrage of questions. When children are being picked up they always have a couple of questions for their parents. Children are always asking about the meal for the night or whether they can go oer to a friend?s house or have some body over. Every night I see 12 different children with twelve different parents and it seems that each parent acts differently then the next.When I thought of observing the children that attend my mothers daycare I decided that I should observe the interactions betwe...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Abortion Is Not the Answer :: The Right to Life, Pro-Life Essays
Abortion is removing of an unborn child from its mother?s womb before its birth. As a pro-life advocate, I recall that abortion is morally and ethically wrong and should be stopped. Having an abortion is not the answer and is in fact worsening the problem. Victims can suffer serious consequences all physically or psychologically. Some victims who have abortion suffer life threatening complications such as heavy bleeding, fever and infection. It can also extend to problems in a future pregnancy, such as miscarriages, premature births, and children born with handicaps, because any problem or change in a womans reproductive variety meat may affect the development of her children. Other victims suffer from depression because of overwhelming feelings of regret or guilt after the abortion. To cope with this they might become an soaker or drug addict, others commit suicide.In our society today abortion becomes the solution to carelessness. I believe that it has nothing to do with helping the rape victims. kinda abortion encourages the victims to use their unborn babies as a scapegoat for their anger. We should encourage the victims that childbirth can be a victory. And by choosing childbirth over abortion they can be triumphant by not letting rape destroy their life. Accidental, unplanned pregnancy is another problem that people chose to have an abortion. organism pregnant is scary for teenagers mostly because of fear that their parents would not support or would disown them. Abortion is not the answer again. Instead, telling their parents so they can be supported by them. And if it?s impossible to talk to their parents let?s encourage them to talk to a trusted adult such as a relative or a friend. We should also let them know that there are more options to their dilemma other than abortion. I know it?s not easy for someone to get pregnant against her will, but the unborn child has also the right to live. If the mother does not want to keep her baby, she can shed it for adoption. There are couples that have been trying to have a baby with no luck and always consider adopting a child and giving them a better life.
Abortion Is Not the Answer :: The Right to Life, Pro-Life Essays
Abortion is removing of an unborn child from its mother?s womb before its birth. As a pro-life advocate, I believe that abortion is morally and ethically wrong and should be stopped. Having an abortion is not the answer and is in fact worsening the problem. Victims flock suffer practiced consequences either physically or psychologically. Some victims who produce abortion suffer life threatening complications such as heavy bleeding, fever and infection. It ordure in addition lead to problems in a future pregnancy, such as miscarriages, premature births, and children born with handicaps, because any problem or change in a womans generative organs may affect the development of her children. Other victims suffer from depression because of oerwhelming feelings of regret or guilt after the abortion. To cope with this they might bugger off an alcoholic or drug addict, others commit suicide.In our society today abortion becomes the solution to carelessness. I believe that it has nothing to do with helping the profane victims. Instead abortion encourages the victims to use their unborn babies as a scapegoat for their anger. We should encourage the victims that childbirth can be a victory. And by choosing childbirth over abortion they can be triumphant by not letting rape destroy their life. Accidental, unplanned pregnancy is another problem that people chose to have an abortion. Being pregnant is scary for teenagers mostly because of fear that their parents would not support or would disown them. Abortion is not the answer again. Instead, telling their parents so they can be supported by them. And if it?s impossible to talk to their parents let?s encourage them to talk to a trusted adult such as a relative or a friend. We should also let them know that there are more options to their dilemma other than abortion. I know it?s not easy for someone to get pregnant against her will, but the unborn child has also the right to live. If the mother does not wan t to keep her baby, she can give it for adoption. There are couples that have been trying to have a baby with no luck and always consider adopting a child and heavy(p) them a better life.
Monday, May 27, 2019
How the American Revolution Got Started
The events that took place before the the Statesn Revolution affected history in such a way plentiful the British and colonists the need to have a Revolution. The French and Indian war is the name for the war that took place between Great Britain and France in North America from 1754 to 1763. The aftermath of this war was a big part leading up to the American Revolution. The war changed scotch, political, and social relations between the three European powers (Britain, France, and Spain) their colonies and colonists, and the natives that tenanted the territories they demanded.The war finally ended with the signing of the treaty of Paris in 1763. France and Britain suffered financially because of the war. The stamp act came along in 1765, this was a direct revenue enhancement imposed by the British parliament on the colonies. The act required that almost all printed materials must be produced on stamped paper. This consisted of legal documents, magazines, newspapers etc. The figur e of this tax was to pay for troops stationed in North America after the British Victory in the seven years war. The stamp Act coitus was a meeting of representatives from the thirteen colonies.They discussed and acted upon the stamp act that was passed by the governing parliament of Great Britain, and did not include any representatives from the colonies. The congress then throw together the declaration of the stamp act congress, which was fourteen points of colonial protest. They issued it to the king and parliament in hopes of repealing the stamp act. The Townsend acts were a series of laws passed beginning in 1767 by the Great Britain parliament in relation to the British colonies in North America, The acts being named after Charles Townshend who was the Chancellor of the Exchequer.Overall this was an internal tax on economic activity within a single colony Townsend wanted the external taxes which was an economic activity that goes through a colony and into some other parts o f the country. much(prenominal) as paint, glass, tea etc. He thought we should use the money to pay the colonial governor, other parliaments and the kings salaries. Another event was the capital of Massachusetts massacre, an incident that happened in March of 1770. It started out as a street fight, the civilians being mad at the British for taxing everything and ended in Britain redcoats sidesplitting five civilians.This caused a lot rebellion in the British American colonies leading us towards the American Revolution. Five years later Shots were heard slightly the world. Paul Revere on April 18th yelled out the British regulars are coming The first shot was fired by the British in Lexington, and then they went to Concord. Then our militia stopped them and turned them back to Boston. This was the start of the revolution, minute men were ready to stand in a minutes warning. The colonists were not going to stand for the British taking over their land and taxing them on all of their goods, so they fought for their rights.US makeup There were proposals at the philadelphia constitution convention in 1787. These proposals were the virginia plan, and the new jersey plan that people did not like. The US contitution was ratified after the Great compromise came into effect. Otherwise known as the conneticut plan. This consisted of a strong national government (tax, raising an army, regulated trade, and supremed laws). Another was the seperation of powers between legislative and executive. Also there would be two houses of congress, the senate and the House of Representatives.The states would be able to choose their US senators. Lastly there was the slavery 3/5th compromise meaning a slave counts as 3/5 of a person. When the U. S. Constitution was presented to the states, many people chose to be either Federalists or Anti-Federalists. Virginia and many other states were against the Constitution because there was no bill of rights included in it. James Madison was kno wn as the Father of the Constitution, and he and Alexander Hamilton were two Federalists who supported the Constitution and explicated it in the Federalist papers (1788).On the other side George Mason, an Anti-Federalist, opposed the Constitution. Federalist (James madison) wanted a stronger government and argued to ratify the constitution. The US constitution will control factions which is a group of people with a ballpark interest and economic seek to control government for own benefit. 1. ) Also the bigger the better in a national government, multiple factions will set out one another out. 2. ) WE will choose the best among us to govern for the common good (republicanism) Anti Federalists opposed to ratifying the constitutionPartrick henry thought things were very well before the philadalphia convention and we were at peace. He also thought a large government would have to resort to tyranny to control everything menaing a harm of individual rights. He thought we should have lumped the states into a consolidated government. Samuel bryan thought governing over such a large area would be unavailing to address local concerns. Richard henry lee didnt know it would be such a huge change.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
John Locke’s Some Thoughts Concerning Education; Philosophy Essay
Daniel Dwyer Mykytyn, N. January 11, 2013 HZT 4U1-01 arse Lockes some(prenominal) Thoughts Concerning Education outhouse Locke, famous sixteenth century philosopher and Father of Classical Liberalism wrote a work based on the human legal opinion and skill methods entitled Some Thoughts Concerning Education. This work outlines Lockes views on how the principal absorbs and remembers current ideas through a theory known as the tabula rasa or blank slate. This theory constitutes that humans are born with a blank mind and that as we are taught mod concepts, they are inscribed into this blank slate and remain there until we pass on.According to Locke, the culture of education is not to create a scholar, alone to create a virtuous man. He believes that larn morals is more important than any some other kind of make up ones minding. He believes that education should create a person who obeys creator instead of passion. One of the most emphasized points in Lockes work is that chi ldren should wassail learning and that there is no good reason that they should dislike learning and love playing. This idea covers almost two thirds of his work on education as Locke believes that we should begin dogma humans correctly from a young age.All together, John Lockes work emphasizes three base ideas, the concept of the tabula rasa, moral learning is more important than any other kind of learning, and that children should enjoy learning. The first takings being covered is the subject of the tabula rasa or blank slate that allows humans to think freely in a sense. The concept of the tabula rasa, as told by John Locke, delves into the human mind deeper than one could simply comprehend by studying the surface of the human mind. Locke explains part of a pre-established concept introduced by Aristotle, known as priori and posteriori knowledge.His work places more emphasis on posteriori knowledge in that this learning method imposes that humans are born with a blank slate in their mind and that as they learn, subjects and ideas are essentially burned into their minds. This is based off of the basic nature versus nurture concept in that humans learn in one of two ways. These are either through nature, in which we are born with knowledge and that we are basically unlocking it through experience and all learning is basically recollection.The other method emphasized by Locke is nurturing, humans are taught through action and all learning is just the basic collection of new ideas. Locke held firmly the idea that with the tabula rasa, one is given the ability to bend their mind and tailor themselves to certain ways of learning. This is an important point in Lockes Some Thoughts Concerning Education because it is the basis for the entirety of this work. This lets people define who they are, or, their character. If every human were to learn through recollection then truly we cast no liberty as this means our character and mind are virtually predestined for u s.Tabula rasa gives humans the freedom to learn on our own and shape our own characters without having to matter to about what might come in our predetermined fates. This also slightly mixes in a single quality of priori knowledge in that once we learn something, it is permanently engraved into our minds, and as we grow older, lose our knowledge as we might, it is simply because we can not recall it. It is held within the library of knowledge that is our brain, but we simply can not remember it. The second argument I would like to introduce is John Lockes personal views on virtues.Locke was a ecumenical liberal Protestant Christian, meaning he held very safe his values and ethics. This is apparent when he explains that moral learning is more important than any other kind of learning. Locke believed that the goal of education was not to raise a man of passion, but to raise one of reason and morals. He also held that another goal of education was not to create a scholarly man, but to create a virtuous man, much like Locke himself. Normally, on the standpoint of religion, philosophers were men of scholarship and logic.Locke directly opposed these earlier ideas by stating that morals, virtues, and ethics were a more important section of learning than any variety of math, algebra, chemistry, etcetera. More specifically, Locke wanted the educational system to in however what he named, the Principle of Virtue. This was an idea that Locke wished to impose that would divert a childs mental attention from their appetites and desires to reason. Locke deeply rooted his philosophies in his devout dedication to Christianity. Locke strongly supports moral learning because e believes that one who holds strong morals and implements them in their daily lives can improve the quality of orderliness as a whole. He believes that society looks well upon the virtuous because society profits from virtuous acts. Locke wanted to teach these values to young people still going throug h earlier stages of development so that they would be passed down through generations as the ideal behaviours. The third and final point is Lockes strong emphasis on the teaching methods implemented on young children. He held a strong belief that children were the future of our society, and he was correct.This is why he disliked the educational system of his time. He did not like the concept of children being taught languages, mathematics, and science because he knew and he understood that children dislike learning these subjects. He believed that children could have fun learning due to his theory that children hate learning and love playing because they are forced to learn and they are not forced to play. Children enjoy playing because it is an instinct for children to prefer having fun and playing games than being forced to learn the difficult new concepts held within mathematics, algebra, science and languages.He says that children should be nurtured and interpreted seriously re gardless(prenominal) of their behaviour or situation. In saying this, what he means to say is that children should not be beaten, or scolded, and that behaviour, good or bad, should be taken lightly and that children should not be punished for causing trouble due to their age. Locke also puts emphasis on the point that every childs mind is different, and that teachers should tailor their education towards certain students characters.Locke stresses that all children should learn a manual skill such as carpentry, painting, or playing an instrument as it offers eternal rest from the stressful hours spent learning in school. The point of Lockes essay is to take a stand against schools in a sense. He does this by criticizing their teaching methods and offering ideas on how children should learn and how they should grow. He implements his own opinion by utilizing a strong Christian background and by analyzing the minds of young children.He argues many points and opinions in Some Thoughts Concerning Education, but the most strongly emphasized are the concept of the tabula rasa, that moral learning is the most important form of learning, and that children should be taught through less strict methods of teaching. He believes that people grow through development of the mind, rather than recollection of complicated ideas. In the nature versus nurture argument, Locke strongly supports the notion of nurturing the brain and makes that a strongly opinionated statement through one of his most influential works, Some Thoughts Concerning Education.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Analyze Two Main Theories of Motivation Namely: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Herzberg Two-Factor Theory Essay
INTRODUCTION From as early as the beginning of the 20th Century, corporations began to realize that motivated employees argon a strategic necessity in the harshly competitive and fast paced market place. This new understanding or paradigm shift brought to an end the era of coercive, machine-like imprintplaces where employees were considered to be just another input in the production of goods and services. Hence the reason, there has been substantial research that has been fag tabue and is still being carried in the ara of employee regard and there is a general consensus that that employee motivation and company writ of execution are positivistly related.The concept of motivation has been variably described by many authors, yet for the purpose of this analysis, Higgins (1994) definition will be borrowed. He describes motivation as the inner force that drives individuals to accomplish personal and institutional goals.The global economic downturn has had damning effects on companies which devour left many employees disengaged and demotivated and yet according to Smith (1994), companies need motivated employees for survival because motivated employees help organizations to survive even in the most dissolute of times. There has therefore never been a time when companies needed motivated employees more than this time.The purpose of this paper therefore is to analyze devil primary(prenominal) theories of motivation namely Maslows hierarchy of needs possibleness and Herzbergtwo-factor theory and how they deal be applied by companies to boost workers satisfaction and therefore, organizational effectiveness.2 explanation OF TERMS 1. Organizational Effectiveness There is no true consensus about the definition of this ubiquitous term. Wikipedia defines it as the concept of how effective an organization is in achieving the outcomes the organization intends to produce.2. Employee Engagement Is the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs, are committed to the organization, and put discretionary effort in their work. Passion, commitment, and most importantly, discretionary effort. enmeshed employees are motivated to do more than the bare minimum needed in order to keep their jobs, Custom Insight (2011)3. Disengagement has two levels a) Disengaged employees Disengaged employees dont have an emotional commitment to their work or their place of employment, according to Entec Corporation, which has conducted employee surveys since 1966. Entec emphasizes that disengaged employees arent necessarily bad employees, but they just do whats necessary to get their jobs done. They typically dont take part in tallyering suggestions for improving the workplace. Entec indicates that disengaged employees usually dont stay at work late if its not required, and they dont give their jobs much thought after they finish a workday.b) Actively disengaged employees These are the workers who countervail their jobs and employers. Actively d isengaged employees can sink employee morale and death penalty. In such cases, employers should try to determine whats behind active disengagement to prevent it from getting out of control.4. Employee satisfaction Is the extent to which employees are happy or issue with their jobs and work environment.3MOTIVATION THEORIES 1. MASLOWS HIERARCHY OF NEEDS THEORY In 1943, psychologist Abraham Maslow theorized that stack have five basic needs and he further came up with a pyramid that prioritized these needs. His needs-based framework went on to become a model for twain personal empowerment and workplace management, and embraces the concept that basic needs must first be satisfied before higher, unselfish goals can be prosecute and achieved. Several companies have implemented the ideas of this theory with differing success levels. The theory is delved into below and examples are used to substantiate the analysis.Physiological Needs Maslow identified the core physiological needs to s ustain human life as air, water, food and sleep. To perform their jobs, workers require healthy air to breathe, water to keep their systems hydrated, sustenance to fuel their bodies and capable time to rest and recuperate between shifts, including regularly scheduled breaks. As described in his own book, Maslow on Management (1963), Maslow cites that when deficiencies exist in these four basic requirements for survival, people become incapable of developing any ambition, much less acting on it and achieving their full potential. In regard to a work place, this could mean furnishing a pleasant and comfortable environment for mental faculty to work in.A company that has embraced this idea is MTN Swaziland. Their new state of the art building was not just constructed for aesthetics, but the construction was as well a strategic goal with regards to their Employee Value Proposition. The building has ample work space, beautifully furnished staff canteen, secondary school for the staf f, day care center for staff children, golf course and a club house. A survey that was conducted after the relocation to these new premises showed that staff were now happier and were willing to work extra hours as it had become more comfortable for them to do so.4According to Dan Romaniak, the communications Manager from Hewlett-Packards (HP) geographic Operations, HP attempts to retain its employees and keep them motivated by offering not only competitive salaries and benefits, butalso perks like conciliative time off from work are specific examples of physiological, social and ego needs. They also provide company cars or memberships privileges at country clubs. He further mentioned that HP is also using benefits such as non-cash bonuses or additional paid time off if company goals are met. Others like managers taking employees out to lunch to come back good work or allowing them to use reserve parking spaces for performances above and beyond the norm.By offering attractive ben efits and satisfying employee needs, the employers will reap the positive benefit of motivated employees a sanctuary Needs A safe and secure working environment reduces the threat of physical injury. When workers believe that the level of fortune has been minimized and that good health and safety practices are judiciously enforced and monitored by management, they feel more comfortable and are less distracted from perform their tasks and interacting with others. Conscientious safety practices reduce absenteeism as well, which can impact productivity and morale. Security also extends to emotional well being in the workplace. An employer that provides medical benefits contributes to hideaway plans and is financially solvent makes workers feel more secure about their jobs and the future day. Conley (2010) writes that companies that demonstrate they care for the welfare of their workers create an atmosphere of trust which, in turn, encourages loyalty and decreases stress.coca plant cola is a typical example of a company that has harnessed the power of this theory because they understand that their success depends upon ensuring the safety of their workers. So they integrated the Coca-cola Safety Management System as part of their day to day management. This system incorporates occupational safety, quality, environment and loss prevention into a single framework. It also defines exact operational controls. With this in place, the company has employees that are able to work without worrying 5about safety, thereby focusing all their energy into production. This could explain why coca-cola has remained the worlds number one brand even throughout the economic down turn.nto a single framework. Social Needs Man is a social animal and, accordingly, seeks out companionship, acceptance andinclusion. Maslow identifies social needs as friendships, peer support and the ability to give and receive love. Podmoroff (2009) observes that the workplace offers an opportunity to be part of a team in which members share their respective knowledge, skills and unique experiences to solve problems in which they have a vested interest. Competitions, focus groups, mentoring, brainstorming sessions, after-work get-togethers and even power potlucks can make employees feel as if they are family.A small company that is nestled at Ezulwini is cognizant of this fact. Bethel Court Hotel has formalized daily loyalty which is a crucial element to the staff. There is a special hall that is designated for such purposes. This hall is well taken care of and is well furnished. This crucial chemical element unites the staff and makes them feel like family. Hence the reason, they are always motivated to go the extra mile with regard to their work. Esteem Needs In design with social needs is the desire to be recognized for personal accomplishments. Maslow divides this portion of his theory into external and internal motivators. External motivators are prizes and awards bestowe d for outstanding performance, elevation in status such as a coveted promotion and newfound attention and admiration from others. Internal motivators are the private goals that workers set for themselves such as beating a prior months sales figures and the satisfaction of experiencing self-respect for having done the right thing. Silverstein (2008), notes that fairness and consistency in the recognition edge are critical. When employees know that their efforts arent going unnoticed by management, they take more pride in their work product. In addition, their coworkers see 6the correlation coefficient between responsibility and reward and may endeavor to set the performance bar higher for themselves.Once again, MTN Group of companies makes a good example of how clashing esteem needs through reward and recognition can motivate staff. Their annual bonuses are not shared equally amongst staff, each staff member is rewarded a bonus in accordance with the performance appraisal score. Th e higher the score, the higher the bonus. Furthermore, individual annual increases are also determined by the performance of individual employees. The effect thatthis has is that throughout the year, the employees work with a mind to deliver set targets because they are aware that delivering or mot delivering has an implication on their pockets. So there is always a drive and motivation to go beyond set goals. Self-Actualization Once the quartet of physiological, safety, social and self-esteem needs are met, Maslow believed that individuals are capable of achieving their true potential and embodying truth, meaning, wisdom and justice in their words and actions.Self-actualization moves them to a higher plateau of understanding as well as a greater empathy for the needs of others. Those who achieve this ultimate state and Maslow himself speculated that it was only 2 percent of the population enjoy a greater autonomy, have a deeper palpate of humility and respect for others and a bett er sense of distinguishing between real and fake. Maslow also tied this to the belief that the journey in whatever form it takes can be more rewarding than the actual destination. Managers can apply this to a practice of appreciating the worth of each of the individuals traveling with them rather than focusing so intently on the end-game that they lose all sight of human emotions.72. HERZBERGS TWO FACTOR THEORY Herzbergs work categorized motivation into two factors as described below a) Hygiene or extrinsic factors these are based on the need for business to avoid unpleasantness at work. According to Riley (2012) if these are the factors are considered as inadequate by employees, then they cause dissatisfaction at work, riley further makes examples of what hygiene factors are Company policy and administration Quality of direction Quality of interpersonal relations Working conditions Feelings of Job securityb) Motivator or intrinsic factors are based on the individuals need for pers onal suppuration. When they exist, motivator factors actively create job satisfaction. Riley (2012) says that if these are effective then they can motivate an individual to achieve above average performance and effort. Motivator factors include Status Opportunity for advancement Gaining recognition Responsibility Challenging/ stimulating work Sense of personalachievement and personal growth in a job.Apple is a major user of motivator factors. There is an outstanding creational culture within the organization which Steve Jobs as always argued that it is the main gravitational force that puts all the right and creative people together and motivates them to achieve above expectation. Although Steve Jobs was the centric force of innovation at Apple, employees were still allowed to promptly contribute to their jobs by being given responsibility which they are accountable for. This job enrichment is challenging and stimulating staff not to let down their employer, but to always deliver beyond target. This practice also creates a sense of personal achievement 8Job enlargement, rotation enrichmentAnother example is from HP they create an excellent company policies and conditions of work and offer bonus incentives as increasing the hygiene factors for motivation. As a motivator, HP has implemented HPs Educational Assistance Policy (EAP) which is very helpful for workers who want to go back to school. HP EAP policy states that our changing business needs demands a dynamic, flexible workforce in order to maintain our competitive advantage and remain a leader in our industry. In accordance with PHs employee growing philosophy including our commitment to lifelong learning and career selfreliance, the company may provide employees with financial assistance for education relevant to meeting our business needs, favourable reception of financial assistance will be based on recommendation from the employees management and guidance from Human Resources (HP 2003).The HP EAP c an be looked at as a hygiene factor where employment security is tied to competitive realities as well as individual results and performance. Employees are responsible for ensuring that they make the competencies required in HPs dynamic environment which will definitely provide the grounds for employee striving to get the into the EAP and therefore getting motivated by higher qualification in the long run. Furthermore, for job posting, HP employees will receive consideration for open posting providedthe competencies the employee possesses are competitive with external talent. Additionally, employees whose jobs have been eliminated or who working where excess capacity exist should have preference in filling open positions provided there is a current and future business need for the competencies the employee possesses and the those competences are competitive.9ConclusionCompanies cited in this paper are successfully motivating their working through application of the two content theo ries (Hierarchy of Needs and Two-Factor theories). It is important to note, however, that there is no single content theories which can successfully stand alone as a sole motivator. Each theory has its drawbacks each one is deficient in one or more ways. Each of the two content theories described above fails to account for individual differences, to touch on motivation and needs to both satisfaction and performance, or to consider cultural and professional differences (Schermerhorn et al., 2002, p. 159). Using only one motivational technique is a ridiculous solution employee needs would remain unfulfilled and, therefore, create low-performing employees.In an effort to promote the ideal model of employee motivation, MTN, Coca-Cola, Bethel Court Hotel, Apple and Hewlett-Packard are efficiently utilizing a combination of motivational strategies in order to consistently and effectively motivate their employees to perform at peak standards for the company. Motivation drives existing t alents and develops new areas of interest and expertise.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Compare and Contrast Essay on King Lear and Macbeth
Shakespe are had written galore(postnominal) gyps in his life time, some of them include various tragedies which included King Lear and Macbeth. All of Shakespeares plays had a piece which was used to help the storys plot to advance further, making fifty-fiftyts much(prenominal) more interesting. King Lear and Macbeth twain have a common theme of tomfoolery that is apparent throughout the play which has been depicted differently. They are both written in different ways but distillery share a same purpose. The essay volition be broken down into three move firstly we will look at the way madness is viewed in Macbeth.Secondly, we will look at the way King Lear portrays madness lastly we will compare the two to see how differently madness is displayed. While both plays share this similarity, the plays differ by the way the theme of madness is executed. In Macbeth, both the chief(prenominal) regions Macbeth and Lady Macbeth begin to show clear signs of madness through alterat ions in their physical senses. (smell, sight etc. ) this is evident when Lady Macbeth hallucinates that her hands are still covered in king Duncans blood despite having washed then several times. presents the smell of blood still all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. (Act 5, scene 1, 46-47) Shakespeare uses imagery to give a better understanding of what is going on within the characters mind. Here madness is altering Lady Macbeths sense of smell and sight, this tricks her into believing that King Duncans blood will never dissipate from her hands even yardgh they are perfectly clean. Another example of the theme of madness that is characterized by Macbeth is found in act three, scene four, the climax of the play.Immediately depravity ridden from ordering the murder of Banquo, Macbeth reaches his pinnacle of madness exemplified by his delusion of Banquos ghost. Showing that he can no longer differentiate between reality and his liking Macbeth shouts, Avaunt And quit my sight Let the earth hide thee Thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is cold Thou hast no speculation in those eyes Which thou dost glare with (III. iv. 93-97). Ross responds to him, What sights, my lord (III. iii. 118). The Insanity of Macbeth is shown in these quotes.Shakespeares description of Macbeths thoughts visibly reveals the theme of madness. Shakespeare portrays madness among many of his characters, and he returns to the theme again and again. Indirect characterization in the form of Lears mad speeches allows Shakespeare to convey the theme of madness. For example one of Lears first speeches after things started to go bad for him, Poor naked wretches, wheresoeer you are, That bide the pelting of this remorseless storm, How shall your house-hold heads and unfed sides, Your loopd and windowd rag-gedness, defend you (III. iv. 35-38).Lears insanity increases throughout the play, demonstrated to the audience through more speeches, until his emotions overthrow his reas on at the climax of the play. Lear randomly shouts in to the storm, murmuring thy bellyfull Spit, fire Spout, rain Nor rain, wind, thunder, fire are my daughters. I tax not you, you elements, with unkindness. I never gave you kingdom, called you children (III. ii. 14-17). The example of Lear invoking the storm to destroy the seeds of matter along with many other absurd statements illustrates that he has an unsound mind and it is do clear to the audience by his words.Shakespeare expands on the theme of madness in King Lear by Lear again using his words to express the reason for his insanity. The cause is the realization that his daughters Goneril and Regan do not love him. What finally pushed him over the edge was the cruel actions laid low(p) on him by the people that supposedly loved him. To such a lowness but his unkind daughters. Twas this flesh begot Those pelican daughters describes Lear of the cruelty of his daughters (III. iii. 76,80-81). The character of Lear produces th e theme of madness by expressing his own increasing insanity and reasons the reason for it in raving tangents.The style and depiction of the theme of madness are very different in both plays. Macbeth shows madness in the main characters with lots of imagery, giving a very physical sense of feeling towards the audience making them have a better understanding of what the characters are feeling. In King Lear madness is depicted through the main characters dialogue. This is meant to show the psychological turmoil going through the characters mind which helps the audience understand why and what the character is doing within the play.In conclusion it is clear that madness was a very re occurring theme in both plays King Lear and Macbeth. However, the style in which the madness was depicted in each play is very different, in Macbeth madness within the main characters is shown through basic hallucinations through sight and smell, whereas in King Lear Shakespeare wanted the main characters to display madness through the dialogue. Both techniques used by Shakespeare were made to ultimately give more of an understanding of what is going on within the play. Both uses of madness are equally effective depending on which kind of play is written
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Analyze Globalization’s Impact on Singapore’s Development Essay
A group of industrialized nations including Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the I-JK, and the United States argon called genuine boorish. Kofi Annan, former Secretary everyday of the United Nations, defined a developed country as fol paltrys A developed country is one that allows all its citizens to enjoy a free and heavy life in a safe environment. Developing country is a term generally used to describe a nation with a low level of material well-being.Countries with more advanced conomies than other underdeveloped nations, but which have not yet fully demonstrated the signs of a developed country, ar categorized as developing country. Developing countries are in general countries which have not achieved a significant degree of industrialization relative to their populations, and which have, in most cases a medium to low standard of living. There is a strong correlation between low income and high population growth. A developing country can be a resul t of many characteristics resources, historical background, population, economic structure and ystem.They are basically under developed country that reflects a failure to gain levels ot living throughout most ot their population. Yet there nas been a signitlcant improvement by these countries general level of living as growth. Under-developed country is a term generally used to describe a nation with lack of access to Job opportunities, health care, drinkable water, food, education and housing. Underdevelopment takes place when resources are not used to their fullsocio-economic potential, with the result that local or egional development is slower in most cases than it should be.Furthermore, it results from the complex interplay of internal and external factors that allow less developed countries only a lop-sided development progression. Underdeveloped nations are characterized by a wide disparity between their rich and poor populations, and an unhealthy balance of parcel out STATI STICS It is considered that the countries with more than $735 per capita income per year is termed as developed country. In 2002 PCI was $480. So, Technically India is a Developing country not a Developed Country.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Indian Farmers Agony
Indian F spikeers Agony Brimming Rice and Half PriceDr. Arvind Kumar, assistant Professor( Economics)Govt.M.G.M.P.G.College, Itarsi Dr. Archana Sharma, Associate Professor(Zoology) Govt.M.G.M.P.G.College, Itarsi In the universe, omnivorous human breed is best among all creatures, created by Almighty.Genesis extricated from the globe because of unavailability to sate their vital need. Existence of human keep extremely depends upon agriculture. Food is inevitable for human life Numerous record and vocal famines in human history, have accounted millions of millions premature deaths. in that respectfore, foodstuffs have ever been first-string concern of humanity. Therefore, our dependence upon agriculture is of utmost significanceance. Golden epoch of bring upers and career Agriculture backbone of economy Farmers is an axle, around which all agricultural and industrial activities revolve.There is higher correlation between agriculture and development whether it be household consumpti on, industrial, and g overnmental utilization or need to earn foreign cash to import national necessities.Present scenario Nervous farmer of late, nobody wants farming as profession cheerfully. It is very unfortunate to know that ANNADATA (Provider of food) under arrest of serious fiscal stress, m all(prenominal) farmers in India, have committed suicide owning to debt. Crime Records Bureau of India in its 2012 annual report acknowledged 13,755 farmers suicide (11.2%) of overall suicides committed in India. Although The National Mental Health Association of the USA States No matter the race or age of the person how rich or miserable they are, it is confessedly that most people who commit suicide have a mental or emotional disorder.Suicide is not a matter of economics. same inference drained by the data released by World Health Organization in 2011.whereas agrarian country ,Indias suicide rate was 13 per lakh at the same time as that of industrialized nations,were often higher or comparable, South Korea 28.5, Japan 20.1.,etc. ( HINDUSTAN TIMES April 24, 2017). All above reports seems to be partly true only to small extent. It is practical, financial stress can fetch not only mental agony but also in conglomerate cases, emotional stress as well. Financial paucity is core cause of, numerous political- socio-economical -psychological disorders. It is just a matter of time..when these theories diminish and go to a nightmare. Climate change footing output paradox Most of the farmers in India are marginal farmers. Government of Indias annual report 2016-17 Estimated average size of holding, 1.15 hectare. Farmers sober reliance on weather brings uncertainty of yield. Weather plays vital role for especially marginal farmers. If typical weather is friendly, harvest is good otherwise, almost poor output is predictable. Most suicide of farmers had reported from water- scarce states like Karnataka, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh etc. Increasing input cost of produ ction Agriculture input cost is increasing, sooner than output r crimsonue. Management and hiring laborers and latest tools and techniques is costlier to the farmers. Apart from this, usual seeds and crop protecting insecticides and machineries to grow crop and harvesting, such as-tractors to plow, tube- wells to irrigate are nightmare for farmers. Thus, direful scenarios worry farmers. securities industrying of agricultural production Majority of farmers are still illiterate. They are neither strong enough to fight with strong gamut of intermediaries, traders and corrupt trade machineries nor organized to do so. Their crop in the mandis or market place sold manipulatively before their eyes and they are mere spectator.Thus, primarily twist their arm and force farmer to rush localized moneylenders for debt and fulfill their urgent need of time. Climate change plays vital role in farmers well being. Dilemmas of farmers been portrayed as. Influence of population there is very crucia l correlation between agriculture and population. Condorcet and Godwin produced such works, which promised to create heaven on earth. Mercantilists as well as Physiocrate,-Mirabeau, had always regarded numerous population advantageous .Godwin was so confident and optimistic that he proclaimed, Government even in its best state is an evil. He anticipated such a society in which after breaking the bonds of property, of passions and marriage would live happily on only half a mean solar days work. such(prenominal) optimism have some force, and hold true even after a long time.After a rapid growth in the population over the years, there is plenty of food grain in the world, if managed , distributed, skillfully and impartially, keeping humanity above all cast, creed and beyond geographical boundaries , to the needful of all(prenominal) people of the earth.Farmers have always obtained either semi- crop, due to several explicit and implicit factors. Semi- prices due to socio- economical a nd political reasons. He is always lagging hindquarters in the facilities of education, health and transportation even after a long time of independence. Meanwhile tries to minimize input cost of labor, this comes at the cost of pursue whole of his family members for the sake of survival of the family, resulting uneducated, unskilled progeny.During the next cycle of division of farms among the heir of farmers, descendants work either as manual labor or just a marginal farmer to be anxious, wait and watch, hoping government help and waivers. In Such a horrible scenario, after toiling day and night, it becomes very burdensome to earn bare- bread without butter .Coming out from the vicious cycle of poverty is not possible without welfare and sensitive government. Thus, government preventive to revive farmers economic condition is urgent need of time and always solicited.Government efforts and intervention Our government has ever been reacted positively on farmers woes and wounds.Rel ief packages As and when need government-provide relief packages to the needy farmers. Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Rajasthan, or Gujarat or any states of India all helped sometimes or any other.Debt- waiver schemes At the time of crop failure, due to any natural calamities, such as over pouring and scanty precipitation or drought, respective state governments and Indian government or both some times waived off farmers loan.Soil health card For better productivity, soil health card issued to the farmers for their farms.Integrated scheme for Agricultural Marketing (ISAM) effective since 01.04.2014National Agriculture Market (e-NAM)Model Agricultural Produce and Livestock Marketing (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2017Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (MNAIS)Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS)SUGGESTIONS As discussed above, it is obvious that, farmers yield a lot, from vicious cycle of climate change and price determination mechanism of input and outpu t. If Climate favors, brings fortune in the form of good productivity and yield of crops. All together, due to weaker retaining power of their farm product bring their bumper crops at a time in the market increase supply, resulting poor determine due to application of demand and supply laws of economics connivance of intermediaries, scheming traders and bureaucracy what is the outcome of this all-copious crop? Farmers bitter experience of unproductive farming, securing semi price for abundant crop. Half- baked price for full- baked rice.Therefore, there is an urgent need to address farmers despair in India.Following measures may taken to embalm their miseries1) rainfall should be harvest with full vim and vigor on large scale. Rainwater harvesting tools and techniques should be subsidized and easily available to the farmers.Education and advertisements, Should imparted among the citizens of India to continue even single drop of water. Although, this is herculean task and need a l ot of finance, yet would prove very fruitful in long run.2) Twenty -four hours subsidized electricity for irrigation should be provided to the farmers3) Dependence on chemical fertilizers should gradually mitigated and be substituted with organic fertilizers to sustain fertility and productivity of land.4) Ceiling of minimum farm size norm, for cultivation should be determined. Below this farm size limit, cooperative farming should be mandatory.5) Farmland must be saving essentially from any misuse. Every possible attempt should carry out to save agricultural land. High- rise buildings in place of independent dwellings be preferred and permitted like China, to save extra land. Agricultural land should not utilize rather saved from industrial and residential land misuses.6) It is evident ,due to unawareness and self esteemed
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Interest to UC Berkeley MBA program
Interest to UC Berkeley MBA program is out of careful evaluation of MBA program in different colleges. I piddle had a personal experience at Berkeley campus in 2003 when I tried to find out the location of the campus. I happened to meet some MBA students who told me a lot about the program at Berkeley. It was a very joyful and the good impression of Berkeley attracted me most from the Business weekly journal I happened have a view of the programs on offer and I happened to compare the various Berkeley MBA degree programs.From Berkeleys website, the MBA program leave give me innovation skills and enhance enterpriser spirits. This will greatly amend my professional growth and development. I need to work on my knowledge of Accounts in junior high school and improve my ability to be a qualified graduate accountant. The Taiwan MBA forum I happened to develop a powerful feeling and realized that Berkeley MBA program will be a right fit for my career advancement. One of the Berkeley old students introduced the program to me and made me realize how much I could gain from schooling at Berkeley.The field experience given to MBA students international will deliver the goods me with necessary skills for my effectiveness and efficiency in production. I also have a emergence of relatives schooling at Berkeley society community. These are people who are used to the environment and know the place better. In conclusion, Berkeley MBA program will enhance my career, provide one with innovative, entrepreneur skills, give me a global exposure in business skills and is located at a good environment with good weather. I therefore dont regret applying for Berkeley MBA. Conant E (2004)
Monday, May 20, 2019
Annotated Bibliography for Childhood Obesity Essay
Child obesity became a very serious issue that is taking on the wellness of the nations children. It is every one responsibility to work on preventing and reducing childhood obesity, from the parents who are suppose to sustenance about their childrens wellness, to the public health representatives, who should care about a future healthy nation, and everyone in between. Every part of clubhouse should create a set of lifestyle tilts in order to accomplish our kids from obesity. There are many aspects, which have to be changed or improved, including parents nutrition education, childrens physical activity and kids nutrition in a prepare and home, nutriment patience and etc.Wiley, L. F. (2013). No Body Left Behind Re-Orienting School-Based Childhood fleshiness Interventions. Duke Forum For Law & kindly Change (DFLSC), 597-128.The clause discuses the school intervention in childhood obesity. It suggests that school would be required to raise a minimum number of minutes of physic al education every week. It is very important to exact those classes accessible, enjoyable and stimulating for kids. The article also mentions that school lunches with a lot of fruits and vegetables are part of health promotion. It conveys that many intervention in this sphere are already exist, but they need improvements, because statistic dont show any result at this time.My assignment The article indicates on moderating intervention on obesity in the school system. This idea pot be used to support the argument that the school system is a important part of childrens environment and should create a set of changes to overthrow obesity among this countrys younggeneration. I believe this as one of the true aspects that orderliness should concentrate and improve on.Murtagh L, Ludwig, DS. State intervention in life-threatening childhood obesity. JAMA 2011 306(2) 206-207.This article is posing a solution offer from Murtagh and Ludwig on obesity in children. They suggest removing a s pecific subset of obese children international from their parents and placing them foster care as a remedy for their obesity on a states law base. Dr. Ludwig and Murtagh assume that this action would change the direction of the childs obesity by providing an fortune be exposed to healthy nutrition and reasonable activity direct for some period of time. At the same time, the information on how to manage childrens weight would provided to parents of those children. The article further states that under about existing child protective services laws, multiple less intrusive interventions such as in-home complaisant supports, parenting training, counseling, and financial assistance, that may address underlying problems without resorting to removal of a child. My assessment I signify less intrusive interventions is better idea then removing a child from a family. The last one is an unnecessary action, and may be even damaging for childrens psyche. I dont affirm parents, I also thin k that parental role is important in childrens obesity issues. I agree that parents should get educated on how to provide healthy nutrition and reasonable activity level for their children. This article would support the idea in my paper that parents are also an important part of society that should be involved in a process of preventing and reducing childhood obesity.Koplan, J., Liverman, C. T., Kraak, V. I., & Institute of Medicine, (U.S.). (2005). Preventing Childhood Obesity Health in the Balance. Washington, D.C. National Academies Press.(p. 153-154)One chapter of this book tells us about how the food industrys advertising and media affect childrens obesity and what changes have to be done to sacking its affect to the healthier side. The author of this book says that prevention of obesity in children should be a national health priority. completely these recreational industries ( food, beverage, restaurant, entertainment) should share in the responsibilities for childhood ob esity prevention and be instrumental in reenforcement this goal. For example, leaders of food industry could make changes to expand healthier options (reduce portion-size, reduce sugar amount in meals and etc.). Media should advocate healthy lifestyle . According to their studies it already stated changing , it has to continue going this direction. The chapter cincture idea that all those industries should prevent obesity in children by developing and promoting products, opportunities and information that would encourage prophylactic eating behavior and regular physical activity.My assessment This book will be used to emphasize the idea in my paper that coordinated efforts among the recreational industries, government, and other groups would make easier to create, support, and sustain customers demand for healthful food and beverage products, appropriately portioned meals, and accurate and consistent nutritional information by dint of food labels, health claims, and other educa tional sources. (Koplan, J., Liverman, C. T., Kraak, V. I., 2005, p.153). The book will be used in the sections where food industry and advertising could change their marketing toward healthy choices to help reducing and preventing obesity.Caroli, M., Argentieri, L., & Masi, A. Role Of Television In Childhood Obesity Prevention. International Journal of Obesity, 28, S104-S108. Retrieved June 1, 2014, from http// aff1This article is about the role of tv set in childrens obesity. Authors of the article say that children started watching more television then it was twenty-thirty years ago. simply it leads to inactivity and as a result to obesity. Furthermore, the article main point is television as a popular tool among children could be used for spreading correct information on good nourishing and obesity prevention. Authors mention that usually depiction of food in television has many negative consequences on foodhabits. In many cases, characters from movies or cartoons eat unhealthy food and provide bad examples to follow. The article supports its idea with studies.My assessment I will use this article along with other information, when I indite about media and advertising effects on childhood obesity. I agree with this idea. I think it is expectant to fight food industry or technology market, but society can try to shift it to healthier side at least. Government and policymakers as power layer of society could help to change the situation.Wilson, D. Prevention in Obesity is Part of Childbirth Education. International Journal of Childbirth Education, 29, 4. Retrieved June 1, 2014, from http// this article Debra Wilson tells that prevention of obesity should start from childbirth. She points that women who are overweight during pregnancy have higher assay to give a birth to a baby who would become obese. Many factors could lead to obesity for a baby that depends on mothers responsibilities, such as maternal smoking, short-term or long breastfeeding and etc. In addition, she notes that parents are the ones, who provide food to children and teach them eating habits they are fully responsible for(p) for childrens health. The author concludes that it is much easier and cheaper try to prevent obesity from the beginning, thats why childbirth educators can help with this.My assignment This article will be used when I present how childhood obesity can be prevented. Further more, it shows how important the roles of parents are in obesity prevention. I will add this part as support for my point that every layer in society can be apart of changing the nations statistics on child obesity.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Market Potential Index Essay
What are the indicators used in developing this index? foodstuff Potential Index was create to help companies compare emerging market place with each other so they can determine which market to enter and the appropriate marketing strategies for those countries. Eight dimensions were used to create the index each measured utilize different indicators (Global EDGE). Market size is measured using indicators such as urban population and electrical energy consumption. Market growth rate is measured using Average annual growth rate of main(a) energy use and Real GDP growth rate. Growing markets will show increase aim for products. Market intensity is measured using GNI per capita and private consumption as a percentage of GDP. Market Consumption Capacity is measured using Percentage share of middle-class in consumption/income. mercantile Infrastructure is measured using indicators like Cellular mobile subscribers, Main Telephone lines, Number of PCs bought, number of internet users, Paved road density, percentage of household with TV and population per sell outlet. Economic freedom relates to the degree of economic and political freedom residents enjoy. It is measured using indicators such as economic freedom index and political freedom index. Market Receptivity related to amount of imports a orbit consumes and the willingness to try forging products. It is measured using Per capita imports from US and Trade as a percentage of GDP from country trade data. Country find is measured using the indicator country risk rating from country risk surveyWhich of the indicators, in your opinion, would pass a great impact for a bon ton that markets laptop computers?I think the dimension of Commercial Infrastructure would have a greater impact for a phoner that markets laptop computer because it is measured using a very pertinent indicator of number of Pcs (per 1000 habitants). This dimension too created using indicators such as number of cellular mobile subscribers , main promise lines and number of internet users. All these indicators are very useful in determining if the market is favorable to enter because if the market has high number of internet users or telephoneand PC owners, it might show the company that the market has already been tapped by other companies and maybe be active them to look at other markets, where commercial infrastructure is moderate or low.Using the MPI, which countries would be elevated for this company to enter? Why?I think that China would be ideal for the laptop company to enter because it has a high market size and market growth rate but a moderate to low commercial infrastructure. The way I am reading the MPI, It means that china has dwell to grow in the commercial infrastructure area and a laptop company could capitalize on this great opportunity. Whereas, Hong Kong, Czech Republic and South Korea are rated high for commercial infrastructure, which could means that those markets might have well establishe d laptop companies and not worth it for this company to enter and compete.On the other hand, you also have to take into account other seven dimensions because a market might have low commercial infrastructure and potential to grow but also have very high country risk, low economic growth and market size for this laptop company to enter. Using the same logical system and taking into account other seven indicators, I think some other ideal countries for this company to enter along would China would be Turkey, India, Singapore, Peru, Mexico, and Malaysia.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
The use of online digital resources and educational digital libraries
This survey aimed to understand the usance of educational digital libraries by staff members and teachers With respect to the usance, motives and barriers. Furthermore this survey investigates the find and habit of educational digital beginning sing the turning desire on the portion of faculty members and teachers to utilize them, and an change magnitude trouble in their ability to happen, entree and utilize them. It besides examines connote the hypotheses of the us date of the changeable governing body of on-line educational beginning would change based on figure of demographic variables, Most specific onlyy, furcate of establishment, sort of assignment or learning experience degree.The hypotheses is really specific due to the inquiries good be asked to faculty members and teachers such asThe meaningance of this survey is summarizedThis survey is really of import in term of bettering the digital educational beginning, therefore it is finishing the other attempts which were adapted by such as National erudition Foundation ( NSF ) in US which has spent over 150 1000000s to this betterment 29 . Issues close the digital libraries practicers and about how do they utilize them herstwhile(a) became the highest cost in order to better and keep the educational digital libraries 23,37 . The justification of this investing, the existent workout and advert of educational digital libraries contents have bring to pass really important to s seduceholders. Due to all of that some inquiries have risen What do faculty members and teachers effect with the digital beginnings which they get from the educational digital libraries? Do staff members tread these beginnings as a worthy beginning? How do the usage them in poke bettering their instruction? What argon the obstructions which are confronting the module members when they use them?MethodologyIn this paper, the writers report based on the Outcome of a national study of American module members and the t eachers regard to the usage and non-use of on-line digital beginning.This survey looked profoundly into the obstructions of the usage for illustration the restrictions of twinge and resource, the issues of accessing to high quality stuffs, deficiency of flexibleness of the stuffs themselves, and academic belongings 17,23 .Two conferences were conducted at one question university, one at a community college, three were conducted at chiefly learning universities, one convention each at two historically black colleges, one group at a vast humanistic disciplines college and two groups at theMERLOT International Conference2 whose participants delineate a capacious assortment of institutions.We sought input from this scope of module members and teachers because we assumed that several factors would be critical to understanding their demand for on-line digital resources and their track down and usage behaviours, such as, caseful of establishment, learning experience, learning bur den, type of classs taught, and so on Analysis of the focal halt group transcripts provided some grounds of the importance of these factors and the study was designed to further prove the value of these factors in tell user behaviour.Our focal point groups confirmed Harley et Al. s 23 findings that faculty members did non cognize what educational digital libraries were. Furthermore, these module members and teachers did non separate between a curated hookup, such as the BEN scientific discipline web ( hypertext mete out out protocol // ) where merely those points that have been peer reviewed aremade available and that of a simple of list of URLs that might be found at a co-worker s web web site. These findings, in add-on to Harley s, highlight how of import it is to utilize the linguistic converse that possible respondents understand when planing study instruments. So similar Harley, we avoided utilizing linguistic communication in the study questions3 as sociated with digital libraries, e.g. , aggregation, metadata, etc. Alternatively, in order to better the face cogency of the instruments, we carefully described the contents of aggregations, e.g. , scholarly articles, ocular images, historical paperss, etc. and asked respondents how they searched for and used these stuffs.The study instrument consisted of one hundred five points that included demographic information, inquiries about motives for usage of stuffs, barriers to utilize and descriptions of usage.To minimise study weariness, the study design use skip logic so that respondents were asked inside informations about their usage of stuffs merely after bespeaking they used them. Questions cover how an single module member or teacher used peculiar sorts of on-line stuffs, e.g. , lifes, simulations, scholarly resources, images, etc. ( see Table 3 for a definition of thesematerials ) , if they modified thesematerials in any manner and their motives for the usage of these stuffs . eyeshot participants were asked to rank their likeliness of usage of a digital aggregation as compared to other hunt engines such as Google or Respondents were besides asked a series of demographic inquiries sing their instruction experience, type of establishment in which they work and so forth. External cogency was determined by pre-testing the study with about 20 module members from the different types of establishments represented in the audition.3.1 The study sampleTo make the survey s population, we approached establishments to military service us in reaching their module members and teachers. Using the Carnegie Foundation 2000 list ofUS establishments of higher instruction, a wide invitation to take part was issued to the bulk of higher instruction establishments in the United States. A likely linkup was identified at each establishment by sing the establishment s web site. Contacts were by and large head bibliothecs, caputs of module development, or academic deans. Of the about 3,500 establishments contacted,4 more than 250 responded, and in the terminal, 119 establishments agreed to take part. Table 1 shows howthis study s sample of establishments comparisons to the existent distribution of types of establishments in the Carnegie list. For the intents of the disposal of the study, the sample was non stratified with respects to institutional type because we felt that trying to make so would negatively impact institutional buy-in and execution of the study.United States at the full spectrum of establishments. However, because issues of usage are non alone to STEM subjects, we felt that restricting the study to merely those faculty members and teachers would do it excessively hard for establishments to take part in the research. Consequently, we encouraged establishments to include their full module in their invitation to take part in the study. The bulk of take parting establishments sent the study to their full module organic structur e, though some sent it to a random sample of their module. By the terminal of the study period ( September 2006-January 2007 ) 4,678 persons from the 119 take parting establishments responded. Of those respondents, 4,439 instructed pupils the bulk of the analysis was conducted on this group of teachers.The demographics of the study respondents can be found in Table 2. nearly a 3rd ( 30 % ) came from Masters allowing establishments, a 4th from biennial or associate scar allowing schools ( 26 % ) , followed by four-year Baccalaureate or Liberal Arts College or Universities ( 22 % ) and, Doctoral Granting Institutions ( 21 % ) . The respondents were besides chiefly tenured module ( 41 % ) with somewhat over 10 per centum describing that they held accessory range ( 13 % ) , or were chiefly teachers, lectors or held other non-tenure path places ( 12 % ) . The bulk by far, held full-time places ( 81 % ) and 40 % had term of office. It is likely that these module members were over-repr esented in the sample given that 46 % of all US module members hold parttime places 1 .Most of the participating establishments chose to administrate the study to their full module instead than insulating STEM merely module. When asked to bespeak in which subjects they taught, more than one tierce of the responses ( 38 % ) represented a traditional STEM field ( biological scientific disciplines, chemical science, computing machine scientific discipline, technology, geoscience, wellness scientific disciplines, mathematics, or natural philosophies ) . Approximately 45 % represented the humanistic disciplines, humanistic disciplines or the societal scientific disciplines while approximately 20 % represented the professional schools, e.g. , instruction, concern, etc. This dislocation may non reflect the teachers disciplinary preparation and respondents were allowed to choose multiple subjects.The sample was besides made up of module who were extremely experient teachers, with merely one 4th holding less than 7 old ages of learning experience. This approximates the age distribution of higher instruction teachers with about 65 % being older than 45 old ages old 25 . Slightly over half of the sample ( 54 % ) account utilizing class direction systems or had a class web site. Almost all ( 95 % ) of the respondents reported learning face to face classs, though about a fifth ( 21 % ) reported learning distance instruction or online classs. Merely 12 % reported learning intercrossed classs, that is, classs that both fitting face to face and are conducted online. If a respondent noted he or she did non instruct pupils, they were skipped to the terminal of the study replying a enquiry on the services offered by aggregations of digital resources, and concluding demographics4.1 What sorts of on-line digital resources do module usage?To analyze the relationship between the value of digital resources and their usage more closely, we went back to our focal point group inf ormations. For although these participants tended to value digital resources extremely, they besides failed to separate between the different types of online digital resources, e.g. , educational digital libraries, web pages, on-line diaries, andwere non witting of utilizing a digital library specifically 38 . Focus group participants defined educational digital libraries and digital resources loosely doing few differentiations between for illustration, a loose aggregation of PowerPoint slides ( available from a well known or trusted co-worker s web site ) and a aggregation of stuffs such as MERLOT. Rather than coerce a definition of digital library for the study onto a group of respondents who most likely non equate educational digital libraries or aggregations as beginnings for these extremely valued on-line digital resources, we alternatively used merely linguistic communication line drawing the digital resources. We so sub-divided the resources into five classs as described i n Table 3.To analyze how faculty members reported utilizing these stuffs on the study, we looked at the top box mark, i.e. , the resource which module indicated they really often used . Survey consequences indicated that themost popular types of stuffs used by module members and teachers included on-line scholarly resources ( 51 % ) and digital images/ opthalmic stuffs ( 43 % ) . About a one-fourth of the respondents ( 29 % ) reported frequent usage of instruction and encyclopaedism activities or on-line datasets ( 23 % ) . On-line simulations and lifes were used the least with merely 11 % of the respondents describing frequent usage.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Aeneas and Dido Essay
In this essay I will be examining the characteristics of the characters Aeneas and Dido as they appear in the first base earmark of the Aeneid. In the first book of the Aeneid, Virgil introduces Aeneas. Aeneas is shown to be a trojan horse hero and prince who survived the siege and sacking of Troy and man matured to lead a muckle of survivors to safety. Aeneas is the son of Anchises and the paragondess of love, Venus. later on fighting in the Trojan War, Aeneas escaped by and by the Greeks sacked the metropolis, leading a small band of survivors on a quest to find Latium, where, it had been revealed, the descendants of Aeneas would found the beginnings of the Roman Empire.After leaving Sicily, on what the Trojans believe to be the final stage of their journey, Juno sends a storm, which wrecks some of the ships and scatters the loosening. She does this because she believes a guide descended from the Trojans will destroy her beloved city of Carthage. After the storm, Aeneas in stalls his way to the shores of Libya, where he is met by is mother, Venus, disguised as a huntress. She tells him to make for the city of Carthage. There he is welcomed by Queen Dido, and reunited with the rest of his followers who fuck off survived the storm.Dido invites the Trojans to a great banquet where Venus arranges that Dido will fall in love with Aeneas. Aeneas displays many qualities that make him stand out. These include qualities associated with leadership and also others. These qualities ar Responsible Leader Aeneas is the leader of the group of survivors and he takes on those responsibilities. For example, upon landing on the shores of Libya, it is Aeneas who climbs to a vantage point to try and learn of the location of the rest of the fleet, Aeneas climbed up a rock, looking for a erect view out over the sea, in hope of seeing Trojan ships. He is also the one who goes out to explore the surrounding land, As in short as the kind light of day allowed, he determine d to set out and explore this remote country, to find out where the wind had brought them. Provision for his men Tying in with the responsible leader point, Aeneas is perpetuallymore the one to provide for his men. One of the first things he does after(prenominal) setting up camp on the shores of Libya is to find fare for his men, He kept on shooting until hed triumphantly stretched on the ground seven great (deer) carcasses one for each of the ships * Encouraging Aeneas gives speeches to inspire and encourage his men.One of the first examples of this is when Aeneas gives a speech to encourage and cheer up his men after they have been ravaged in a storm and cast upon an unk instantlyn shore. My friends, weve known troubles enough in the past, and weve suffered still worse god will bring an end to these too. You sailed right past that mad Scylla and her mystifyingly resounding cavern you survived the cyclops rocks. Cheer up Enough of sorrow and fear One day, perhaps, even this will be something good to remember. Whatever the disasters we meet, whatever the crises we go by, our goal is LatiumThe Fates point to a home for us there, and peace. There a kingdom of Troy can rise once again. Dont give up now Save yourselves for the good things to come Aeneas uses trying events that the survivors have already experienced to encourage them to go on. unrestrained Aeneas is emotional but he tries to hide his feelings if they would damage the morale of his group. For example Aeneas is grieving over the outlet of his friends and followers in the storm sent by Juno, but he buried the grief deep in his heart and gave a speech to inspire and encourage his men. Commands respect King Aeneas is respected by his followers.Ilioneus praises him to Queen Dido No man has been more just or dutiful, no one greater in war and fighting. Self-Pitying This ties in directly with the emotional point. Aeneas, despite being a courageous and good leader, now and again enters into bouts of self-pity. One of these is when he is caught in the storm sent by Juno. He cries out, wishing that he had died a heros death on the fields of battle at Troy, rather than suffer in the storm. You were the lucky ones, he cries, three times lucky and more, who had the good fortune to die under the walls of Troy, forwards the eyes of your fathersWhy couldnt I have died and yielded my soul to Diomede, bravest of the Greeks, on the Trojan Plains? Warmth When Aeneas meets Dido he shows warmth towards her. He compliments her and thanks her for her offer to allow the Trojans to live in Carthage. What golden age were you born in? What great parents produced much(prenominal) a daughter? As long as rivers give ear shoot down to the seas, as long as the shadows sweep over the mountains, and the sky keeps the stars alight, your name shall live for ever in honour and praise. Flattering Aeneas is charming.Aeneas, unlike Odysseus of Homers Odyssey, does not use laudation to ach ieve gains, but merely to charm the person he is talking to. When he meets his mother, Venus, disguised as a huntress he compliments and flatters her, Your face is no mortals, no more your voice you must be a goddess Apollos sister, or one of the nymphs? Capable of admiration Aeneas recognises the good things about the city of Carthage and he admires the way the city is built. Aeneas was standing in awe, gazing spellbound and lost in these marvellous pictures. This shows us that Aeneas is not arrogant and is adapted of recognising beauty and greatness.In the first book, Virgil also introduces Dido. Dido is the Queen and founder of Carthage, the city where Aeneas finds himself after the storm. Dido originates from tire, where she was married to the richest of all men in the land, Sychaeus. Dido loved Sychaeus and was devoted to him. Didos brother was the King of Tyre and he was a man of unparalleled evil. His name was Pygmalion. One day, blinded by greed, Pygmalion melt off down Sychaeus while he was off guard, praying at the altar. Pygmalion then tried to hide his crime, fobbing Dido off with lie after lie.However, the ghost of the dead man appeared to Dido in a dream, he told her of all that happened, showing the sword aggravate in his chest. The ghost urged Dido to escape the country in haste, revealing to her the location of an unknown hoard of buried treasure. Dido gathered her friends and haters of the king and stole a fleet of ships, sailing overseas with Pygmalions treasure safely stored on board. They came to a place in the north of Africa where they bought land as much as a bulls hide would surround and there they founded a city, the city of Carthage.Dido also displays many thriving qualities. Some of these are Beauty Queen Dido is beautiful. She is compared to the goddess Diana, Just like (Diana), Queen Dido was happily moving through her courtiers to urge on the work, to hasten her future realm. Concerned for the defence of her city Queen Dido places guards around her city to protect it. She explains why to Ilioneus, My city is young thats why I have to do such things, and guard every inch of my frontiers. Knowledgeable Queen Dido has knowledge of affairs outside her kingdom, even as far away as Troy.She knows of the Trojan War and of Aeneas, who has not heard of Aeneas men, of the city of Troy, the courage of its heroes, and the fires of its horrific wars? Our Carthaginian wits are not as dull as that, nor is our city so cut off from the rest of the world Hospitable When the Trojan survivors arrive, Queen Dido offers them food and wine. The Queen also sends food down to the survivors camped on the shore, She sent twenty bulls to his companions down on the shore, a hundred huge, bristly-backed swine, the same itemize of ewes and fat lambs, and gifts of wine to delight them. Queen Dido even offers the Trojans a permanent home in Carthage, where they are to be treated as equals, This city Im building, its yours. H aul up your ships. Trojan or Tyrian Ill treat you the same. * Warmth Queen Dido shows warmth and affection to Aeneas and his son. She hugs them and is touched by their gifts to her. fondly she hugs him (Aeneas son), again and again to her breast. * Fair and Just Queen Dido is fair to all her subjects. She allocates responsibility and tug equally and she makes fair and just laws.The way Virgil introduces Aeneas and Dido in the first book of the Aeneid makes the similarities between them easy to come across They have both suffered hardships and have subsequently been forced to leave their native lands they both are on quests to found new cities for their people they both display distinctive leadership qualities they are both capable of affection and warmth. It is these similarities between the two that makes it easier to identify them as both being the heroes in the book.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Hrm/300 Managment Overview
pitying Resource Management Overview University of phoenix HRM/300 November 14, 2012 clement Resource Management Overview Organizations require people to run allday operations, which mean every physical com come out needs kind choice management. Todays paper ordain discuss what gentlemans gentleman resource management is, and its primary function at bottom an organization. Every organization has a strategic broadcast, and human resource management play a sarcastic role in the implementation and production of that plan. Last, pull up stakes discuss the role of human resource management in an organizations strategic plan.What is Human Resource Management? According to Reed (2012), from the University of North Carolina Wilmington, Human resource management or HRM, help in the evolvement and education of people within the organization. The world is constantly changing and evolving each day. Human resource management must understand many aspects of society and the world to p roperly prepare an organization for those changes. For example, those changes could be Globalization, technology, workforce diversity, labor shortages, continuous improvement initiatives, etc Primary Function of HRMThere are many functions of HRM within an organization. However, the primary function of HRM is to increase the effectiveness and contribution ability of its employees, while attaining the goals and objectives of the organization. This could take continuing education, plane section cross-training, certification processes, diversity training, etc (DeCenzo & Robbins, 2007). As stated in the aforementi mavind paragraph, HRM has many roles within an organization. Some of these roles include compensation, benefits, training and development, employee relations, recruiting, and hiring process.Based on the broad spectrum of responsibilities for HRM, it is crucial for one to behold solid communication skills and decision-making capabilities. One may argue it is also critical to behold strong analytical skills and critical thought processes. These are skills one needs to stay war-ridden in todays care sector world (DeCenzo & Robbins, 2007). HRMs fiber in an Organizations Strategic Plan After generations of arguing, there is still an ongoing indicate about the role HRM play in an organizations strategic planning process. Some aged management believes HRMs role is solely as a compliance function.Other senior management looks to HRM as a consultative service. No matter ones stance on this debate, there is no denying the impact HRM has on the strategic plan of an organization (DeCenzo & Robbins, 2007). HRM professionals continue to fight for the proverbial seat at the table in this debate. HRM has nothing to worry about in most organizations. Successful organizations rarely develop a strategy involving human capital without the consideration of HRM. Even more important, no strategic plan is successful without effective recruiting, deployment, and develop ment of human capital.This is exactly why HRM should have a seat at the table at all times (DeCenzo & Robbins, 2007). HRM provides value at every level of the strategic planning cycle by demonstrating knowledge, alignment, success, and vision of the organization. HRM must recruit each batchdidate that best fits the needs of the business. If the business is suffering or needs improvements in a specific area, HRM will recruit to fill that position based on specific criteria the business is looking for to further advance its position within the competitive market.If HRM does not function at a high level within this one function, the entire business is at risk (DeCenzo & Robbins, 2007). Conclusion Exploiting opportunities and identifying goals are the two most important aspects of strategic planning. HRM plays a critical role during this process, while limiting and considering all associated risks. HRM helps align goals and initiatives while aligning all necessary resources to furnish the desired results of its key stakeholders. HRM should be involved in every step of every process. If one can execute successfully these uiding principles throughout each phase of strategic planning, ones future is bright. Involving HRM will strengthen the position of the strategy by providing fact-based insight to stakeholders. In time, HRM will align the necessary resources to contact the initiatives and goals of management and the strategic plan. References DeCenzo, D. , & Robbins, S. (2007). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (9th ed. ). John Wiley and Sons. Reed, D. (2012). University of North Carolina Wilmington. What is human resource management. Retrieved from http//uncw. edu/career/humanresources. html
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Olympia, Edouard Manet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Olympia, Edouard Manet - Essay ExampleWhile the initial attempt with comet-like darkness received harsh critique on the bizarre aspect of his painting, van Gogh managed to justify Starry Night Over the Rhone with logical elements of texture and color fashioned to project the expressionists affluent astronomical influence and perspective with the nocturnal theme of the work. Van Gogh is primarily drawn to the pleasant contrasts emerging between the natural light of the stars and the gaseous luminescence radiating via man-made lamps. In particular, he is profoundly caught with the beautiful pattern the Big station wagon makes with the rest of the constellation. Based on this, one whitethorn observe an app arnt connection between darkness and the mental struggle, which van Gogh tends to exhibit with intensity, nonetheless the well-balanced sparks of the European river in equilibrium with the sky creates symbolism for appreciation of the wonderful state of gloom. in any case fasci nation at the concept of blending lights from different dimensions as viewed from Arles with ample reference to the Big Dipper or the Great Bear, by other name, van Gogh may be recognized to possess extended interest on astronomical geometry which is largely depicted by the manner the stars are spatially distributed so as to cast the night to its lovely degree or at to the lowest degree to the standard of van Goghs intellectual design. How mundane tasks and hard-work of training dance are carried step forward prior to the scene in which the moment of dance becomes an object of pure delight.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Food comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Food comparison - Essay ExampleIn scathe of use, they be not heavily use in cooking in American food as comp bed to the British cuisine but are often used in desserts. Apple is also used for juice, cider and syrup since it has a good taste and a rich aroma. A key inconsistency when comparing to oranges is that the apple fruit can be consumed peeled or unpeeled musical composition the orange is normally had after it has been peeled (IFR, 2006). Orange peel often finds other uses in the food industry while apple peel is used as a part of the fruit (Wikipedia, 2006). The majority component of both(prenominal) apples and oranges is water but a lot of other minerals are also stored in them. Both fruits are also good sources of vitamin C but the orange contains almost double the amount of Vitamin C as compared to an apple (IFR, 2006).Additionally, oranges come in a whole variety of flavors which range from sweet to bitter (Wikipedia, 2006). They are a more popular fruit than the appl e since they are cultivated, used and consumed on a bigger scale than apples (IFR, 2006). Unlike the apple, they also have a heavy use in industry since orange oil is used as a scent adding ingredient in household washing supplies, article of furniture polish and even liquids used to clean automobile upholstery (Wikipedia, 2006). In conclusion, both fruits have their uses and our diet as well as our lives would be very different had we no apples or oranges. . Clearly we would not be able to compare them to each other but more importantly, we would lose out on a lot of flavor.
Monday, May 13, 2019
There is no set topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
at that place is no set topic - Essay ExampleThe little Paul is inspired to experiment his plenty in gambling because of his arrests opinion that if youre rich, you may lose your m angiotensin converting enzymey. But if youre lucky, you will always get more money. Once, during the conversation between Paul and his uncle, he speaks almost horse races and gambling explicitly and reveals that the gardener is his partner. When the uncle comes to know it instead of correcting Paul, he too becomes a partner. The telephone exchange point of the story is a wooden horse which Paul believes has some magical effects to get ahead him a winner. Paul gives five thousand pounds of his winnings to his uncle in order to arrange a natal day gift for his mother who always used to blame her misfortune. The story ends with the tragic death of the poor male child that always had a sinewy affection to his parents.When the uncle asks Paul what he would do with the winning money, he says that he need s to change his mothers bad luck. This short story best illustrates, how or to what fulfilment family environment affects a kids mind. He always hears the desperate words of his mother that posterior only imbue him with deceptive ideologies. The young boy was disturbed by the incessant whispering he heard even from vacuum there must be more money There must be more money Even though he doesnt know how to make money, this strong desire to acquire money is deep-rooted in his inner soul. This is the situation when the boy comes to know close horse gambling which gradually perverts him the whole way to the tragic end.The character of Pauls mother also conveys a great message to the readers of this beautiful story. She is the image of people who always blame others or fate for their failure. They often think that money is the sole factor that brings happiness and it usually comes due to ones luck. She expresses this notion openly when Paul asks why they didnt have a car. Her answer h as an indecent effect on Paul as he begins to think that only money can
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