Monday, September 30, 2019
The history of health care
Going back hundreds of years, we can trace the history of health care. Although it has evolved over the years, it all has a common goal; to heal those who are ill. Technology is one of the major evolutions and now plays a big role in the health care system. It helps patients to be more involved with their healthcare. They can make appointments, follow up on test results, and contact their doctors. Back then, they didn’t even have all the medicine we have now, let alone the technology. We can only imagine what is in store for the future. Health care involves so many different fields and so many different people; it is hard not to get interested in it. One thing that especially interests me is how much diseases and the treatment of them have changed. In the earlier centuries, epidemics like cholera and smallpox were sweeping across countries; now they are rarely heard of. Just over the course of about a hundred years, and most of the diseases that were killing thousands of people are now extinct. Another common killer back then could be something as simple as eating bad food. They did not have means of safeguarding food, so things like beef were not monitored. It is amazing to see how far they have come in advancing healthcare. There are many aspects of health care that intrigue me. I’ve always wanted to be a nurse; unfortunately it is very difficult to get into the program. However, if I ever go back to do that, I would want to either do labor and delivery or pediatrics. I have had the privilege of witnessing the birth of one of my nieces and it was the most amazing experience. To be a nurse and being a part of that on a daily basis would be awesome. I also have an extra soft spot for children, which is why pediatrics would also be of interest to me. Life threatening diseases do not only affect adults. I feel that being able to help children would only be helping our future. Since healthcare varies all around the world as far as quality and technology, it is safe to say that there are some positive and negatives based on the demographics. For example, those living in the United States are quite lucky as a whole; we have fairly advanced technology as far as surgery and medicine go. Our hospitals are good, and the doctors are well trained. It is less likely that wide spread epidemics will happen here because of the strict regulations on food and other important factors. Also, since we are modernized, we don’t have to really â€Å"rough it†like some do in third world countries. However, if we narrow it down a lot farther we will discover that there are negatives as well. People in more poverty stricken areas are more likely to have a not so nice hospital and probably not the best doctors. Different parts of the world will also have a different quality care just based on the resources available to them. Many people come to the US just for medical procedures that cannot be done in their country. In my opinion, age also plays a part in healthcare. It almost seems as though the older you get, the less they seem to care. I am not sure if it’s because they figure you are already on your way out and not worth the effort, but based on what I have seen with my grandparents, their quality of care is quite lower. There are many resources available to find more information on the history of health care. I believe the most common would be the internet. Since it has so many options available with just a click of the mouse, it is also the fastest. However, one should be careful about credibility on the internet. Medical journals or government sites are more likely to be accurate, rather than a blog or other online opinionated websites. Another way to do research would be the good old way, a printed resource. Although they are rarely used, medical journals or newspapers from a local library could be another way to get the information you would require about healthcare. Healthcare has changed in many ways, mostly for the good. Patients are more involved with their medical care. The use of the internet is becoming more prevalent, and does not show signs of slowing down. Medicine is evolving for the better and cures for many diseases may soon be on the horizon. With so many things happening at once we cannot forget where it all started and how it will evolve from now. The history of healthcare plays a role in all of this, if not only to remind us where it all began.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Mobile marketing trends
Mobile marketing trends in India Marketing is the social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others. The marketing concept is a philosophy. It makes the customer, and the satisfaction of his or her needs, the focal point of all business activities. It is driven by senior managers, passionate about delighting their customers. Marketing Is a mall element for the successful sale of any product.Products like a soap or toothpaste or a car and lots more require a good marketing strategy. Mobile phone is most commonly found product and which does require marketing plans to Improve its sale. Mobile marketing requires high funds and therefore the funds are sanctioned. Samsung, MicroVAX, spice, and many other Internationally recognized brands spend a lot of money for mobile marketing. Under marketing plans mobile marketing has gained a huge exposure and is one the most popular marketing. What is mobile m arketing?Using different techniques of marketing like manners or advertisements or newspaper pictures or clippings or banners on buses or rickshaws to increase the sale of the mobile phone is mobile marketing. The purpose of this essay Is therefore to analyze the ways in which mobile marketing works and the factors that led to the huge success behind It. Whilst it is clear that there are many factors, which influence a particular decision, in a similar way many factors influence marketing of a mobile phone. Factor such as substitute or complementary goods for mobile phone will surely affect marketing strategy of a particular mobile phone.If tablets or Pads have better marketing plans then It will definitely create an Impact on the consumers. The sale of mobile phones will see a downfall. Another such factor would be the special Influences and then the main factor is the tastes and preferences. Producers have found out the taste of the consumers or the main objective behind buying su ch devices and create different marketing plans based on the consumers interest. They try to attack the weakness of the consumer and somehow convince them to buy the mobile.Mobile phones use the social networking APS and special plans created by the outwork carriers, which help the poor to buy a mobile phone too. Social networking APS are the main target. Social networking basically is – Interpersonal interaction is the gathering of people into particular gatherings, in the same way as little provincial groups or an area subdivision, in the event that you will. Albeit person-to-person communication is conceivable In individual, particularly in the work environment, colleges, and secondary schools, It Is most famous on the web.This Is on the grounds web is loaded with a large number of people who are looking to meet other individuals, to accumulate and impart direct data and encounters about cooking, playing golf, planting, creating companionship proficient collusions, discove ring occupation, business-to-business Advertising and even gatherings offering data about preparing treats to the Flourish Development. The points and premiums are as differed and rich as the story of our universe. Regarding online long-range interpersonal communication, sites are ordinarily utilized.These sites are known as social locales. The most used social networking sites are backbone, twitter, IBM. These social networking sites have their APS, which can be installed in the smart phones and phones. Mobile marketing trends have been dominating the early 2014 (business insider INDIA). The way social networking sites have created a huge impact on the mobile marketing trends are somewhat like, better gee targeting. Gee focusing on or area based portable Promoting is truly energize for advertisers and has picked up massive prevalence throughout the last few years.This is a vital pattern that truly brings quality to shoppers by giving them a chance to discover items and administrati ons in their area when they need. Gee focusing on is one of the heavenly vessels of specialty focusing for advertisers in light of the fact that it makes your brand pertinent to the buyers, helping it to addition footing. Inns, restaurants and stores are the leaders in terms of gaining by the area-based administrations. Time for nonirritating and micro content are also very different trends that commonly are known. Nonirritating alludes to focusing on a particular set of individuals from a given gathering.For instance, while arriving at crowds on a social outworking stage like Backbone one can thin down the intended interest group focused around their experience, demographic, areas, and so forth. Case in point, assume you are beginning up with operations Just in India couple of neighboring nations, then why squander your valuable Advertising bucks on arriving at everybody. Simply narrowest! Make a fight for the individuals in these geologies and receive the best in return. Nonirrita ting will be considerably more vital in the following few months to come as substance with setting is getting to be more critical by the day.Portable promoting makes it much simpler. 3 Concerning substance in the versatile advertising space, it has gotten shorter and will keep on getting shorter. That is the manner by which it better speaks to versatile viewers. A six second feature or a snatch photograph with a reasonable message is fit for doing a ton greater to your brand than one can envision. 3 Mobile instant messaging is the aspect that has been targeted and is still used by the producers to gain the attention of the consumers. There is a gigantic surge in the quantity of dynamic clients of versatile based social informing applications likeWeight, Watchstrap, Trek Errand person, and so on. This plainly shows that buyers are truly snared on by the testing versatile applications and there lies an extraordinary as far as making messages that achieve buyers and are pertinent to th em and not interrupting. 3 Personalization and customization and increasing interest in the wearable technology are another two most different trends, which contribute, in the marketing strategy. While versatile purchasing of items is not a huge pattern yet, there is a solid pattern of scrutinizing items for portable and afterward set disconnected from the et to purchase them.This is at the end of the day a gigantic open door. This is the place customized and modified offers can assume an incredible part. Advertisers can utilize customized offers to change over these searchers into real purchasers. For instance, if a purchaser is perusing and investigating travel ends of the line in Europe, he or she will perceive ads blazing with less expensive flight tickets AND Inns in those goals. 3 All things considered, simply a couple of years back wearable engineering may have quite recently seemed like an extravagant thing from a science fiction motion picture, et not any longer.With items like Google Glass and save. â€Å"y' watches, wearable innovation is changing a considerable measure as far as the way purchasers carry on. While the wearable engineering may not be a pattern yet, however it unquestionably is getting up to speed. When it turns into a piece of day-by-day lives of buyers, there will be entire better approach to charm them. 3 Another trend on which the focus can go would be emails. This trend isn't much popular but it still contributes. Messages may have begun decade's prior as PC- centered correspondence, however they aren't that any longer.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Blood Brothers Theatre Review Essay Example for Free
Blood Brothers Theatre Review Essay We visited the Phoenix Theatre on the fourth of October and when we the play started I was drawn to the actual setting of the stage; firstly contrast in the set and how it represented the two side’s class divide. Mrs Johnstone’s huge family all cramped up in the small, crumbling, graffiti covered terraced council housing with the rest of the workers and Mrs Lyon’s large elegant suburban detached house with is wrought iron street lamp and large windows and also with the interior of the houses only the kitchen of Mrs Johnstone’s house is shown overflowing with cooking utensils and laundry and other domestic trivialities but not a chair in sight which means Mrs Johnstone is always either shown standing up or sitting on the step whereas Mrs Lyons living room is shown with its tasteful decorating, art deco lamps, corner pillars and a large sofa in the middle where she is often shown sitting on offering another contrast between her and Mrs Johnstone. Another feature of the setting I particularly enjoyed was the raked stage which allowed better levels for the actors the stage is heavily raked, meaning that a lot of the action is easy to see from all over the house. The set is simple and remains stationary, creating a focused performance space and emphasised certain scenes like when Mrs Lyons suggested Mrs Johnstone give her one of the twins she upstaged Mrs Johnstone who had to turn to respond and also allows for multiple scenes such as when Mrs Lyons revealed Eddie and Linda’s ‘affair’ she turned Micky to face upstage where Eddie and Linda are walking together, which emphasises the cross cutting of that scene and another feature of the raked stage is that it simply allowed a better view of the Performance for the audience. The Play began with a frozen image of the dead twins seen through a red gauze curtain and the narrator gives the lines he is to repeat at the end This use of Dramatic Irony means you sympathise more with the characters knowing the fate that awaits them and it is also a very dramatic way to begin the show immediately drawing you in making ask questions which of course are answered throughout the duration of the play. The dramatic irony also makes you play closer attention to the play as you are compelled to see how the situation could have been avoided and it is shown through foreshadowing that all that would happen was set in stone from when a seven year old micky pretended to shoot a seven year old Eddie to when a seventeen year old Sammy pulled a knife out on the bus. These glimpses into their future might have been missed if you weren’t completely Hooked on the play and so the use of framing and dramatic irony means you were absorbed in the play completely. The costume in the play is a strong representation of the social status of the characters and so everything about Eddie and Mickey’s clothes represents key parts of their life and how they have added to their character as their costumes are a large representative of the whole nature versus nurture theme of the play. Eddie as a seven year old wears very neatly pressed v neck sweater over an immaculately white shirt and short trousers whereas mickey was wearing a jumper so ragged and dirty its quite hard to determine what colour it is, it’s full of holes and stretches to well over his knees indicating it is most likely a hand me down. The contrast in the childhood upbringing of the two characters is apparent in their clothing, the closest Eddie has ever come to second hand clothes is when he meets mickey on the other hand mickey has probably grown up with his siblings old clothes and toys et cetera. The adolescent Mickey wears fashionable denim and leather. Which shows him at what was the peak of his life, the happiest his is to be in the play. The adolescent Eddie wears a very smart school uniform The adult Mickey again wears a baggy jumper. However this is when he is dominated by medicine. His clothing also illustrates the loss of that huge childhood energy he had at the beginning of the play. It is hard to determine what purpose the narrator serves. On stage he appears dressed in a smart black suit –reminiscent of funeral garb so sort of fore shadowing but the costume his gives him a neutral status, as we cannot identify anything about his character. It gives him a sense of anonymity throughout the show, and the fact that the other characters do not acknowledge him gives him a ghostlike quality except when he takes a picture of. His main role throughout the show is to act as a constant reminder to us of the Brothers’ tragic fate – exemplified in the musical number ‘Shoes upon the Table’, which is repeated Throughout both acts of the show. It is also notable that as the show commences with the scene of The finale, his attire is like that of somebody who is attending a funeral – and it seems that he is dressed for such an occasion throughout the entire play. The characters seem to look through him or just avoid him until Linda asks h im to take their photograph and it seems as soon as she does this their lives begin to go wrong, coincidence or were their lives touched by evil The use of sound is possibly the most powerful dramatic medium used in the play; the songs are extremely well written fit immaculately with the themes of the play and the lyrics and melody are re used throughout the play. Music was used to draw emotion from the audience. It also helped to move along the action and always conveyed a theme, message or feeling. Echo was also used in parts of songs. However it was recorded and therefore gave a very surreal and artificial effect. The music and lighting combined at the beginning of the play to create both a DRAMATIC EFFECT and a SAD ATMOSPHERE which worked very well to draw you in. The use of the orchestra collaborated well with the songs. The gunshot at the end of the play worked well as it shocked the audience despite them knowing the ending. There was a great contrast in lighting between the countryside and the city. In the countryside it was bright and the scenery consisted of typical green rolling hills and a crystal blue sky. However in the city the lighting was much darker and the scenery consisted buildings. When the front door of Mrs Johnstone house opened light flooded on to the stage. The purpose of this was to generate the idea of presence of Mrs Johnstone and her children living inside the house. The stage was lit up with a red light at the beginning of the end. This was used as an indicator of the bloodshed to follow. A red light also appeared when Mrs Lyons came on to the stage. This illustrated her madness and guilt stricken conscious. This was also done by the use of blackouts. A blue light appeared at the end when the narrator came on to the stage and sang. To illustrate the madness of Mrs Lyons in song flashing lights came on. This made the audience feel uneasy and uncomfortable with the character of Mrs Lyons. Blood Brothers Theatre Review. (2016, Dec 24).
Friday, September 27, 2019
Fast Food Industry should Be Supervised Research Paper
Fast Food Industry should Be Supervised - Research Paper Example Atherosclerosis is one health complication that individuals gain through excessive consumption of fast food products. This is majorly because most fast food products contain a copious level of salt and cholesterol. These two nutrients are the major cause of cardiovascular health problems. Health experts argue that excess consumption of salts may result into negative health conditions of an individual, such as blood pressure. Notably though, most people consume most of their salts from processed restaurant foods, such as fast foods. A simple check on the sodium content in common fast foods such as an egg, a biscuit, and a sausage breakfast sandwich is 1,210 milligrams and 290 milligrams of cholesterol. This is very close to the recommended levels per day of 1500 milligrams of sodium and 300 milligrams of cholesterol for adult consumers. The consumption of too many salty foods leads to attainment of high cholesterol content in the body causing a build-up of plaque in the arteries, bett er known as atherosclerosis. This is a very serious medical condition and can result into a stroke, heart attack, and in a worst-case scenario, death! Diabetes is another lifestyle disease that also results from excessive consumption of fast food products. Most of the fast foods and soft drinks in the market nowadays have high sugar content, such as French toast sticks, fast food coleslaw, as well as cheeseburgers. Obesity is one of the major side effects of fast food consumption because of the high content of calories and fats that they contain.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The purpose of a college education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The purpose of a college education - Essay Example on acts as a supplier for vocational training and credentialing services), the purpose of college education is to advance economics’ skills and knowledge. In addition, knowledge is among the important things a student should achieve from college education. Students should have a feeling that, college education gives them something apart from a diploma or a degree-whether it means giving them a job offer, technical skills, or a greater understanding about the world. College education should also serve as a tool for preparing students for the new economy. College education should also aim at changing students in a form that portrays significant improvements in their lives (Conrad and Laura 34). This essay aims at outlining what students should be seeking when they enroll to pursue college education. Notably, public and private higher education institutions globally are facing unprecedented challenges due to the large number of issues including the value of degrees offered in a college, scrutiny over student completion and access, and student aid support. Generally, the main purpose of college education is to disseminate and create knowledge about the world and the students themselves (Conrad and Laura 34). It is also a purpose of college education to create a higher order communicative and cognitive skills in students, such as offering them the ability to reason and think logically. After completion of higher education, graduates should come out with other skills such as motivation to pose challenges on the status quo, as well as the capacity to create sophisticated values. However, the current society view colleges as a training ground where students join to advance their professional and vocational skills. This agenda often creates tension between these two notions: college e ducation is purposely for public good and college education is purposely for private good (Conrad and Laura 37). Due to this tension, universities and colleges have increasingly become
What are the limits of international cooperation Essay
What are the limits of international cooperation - Essay Example Naturally, this is a naive approach to world relations and one that cannot be reasonably expected to exist at any level as the parties that are integrating with one another are ultimately self interested and seek to maximize their own good at each and every juncture (Chandy & Kharas, 2011). Ultimately, as this analysis will argue, there are distinct limits of expectation that should be established with respect to the way in which international cooperation will be exhibited. As a means of providing relevant situational examples for this, several of the key exhibitions of the limitations and constraints to international cooperation will be elaborated upon and referenced within this brief analysis. In this way, it is the hope of this author that after integrating with a further understanding of what constitutes the bounds of international cooperation, the reader might come to a more informed understanding of how international cooperation is exhibited within the current model and how one might expect it to be exhibited within the near future in any number f different inter-state interactions that may take place. Looking back into the not so distant past, it is the understanding of this author that two distinct indicators of international cooperation can be found to exist. These are the needs and expectations/demand for sovereignty as well as the continual and a surge of need for the propagation of self interest. With regards to the latter, this is one of the terms and understandings that most closely define international relations on any particular level. Likewise, with regards to the former, this is perhaps the most fundamental aspect of state behavior as it lies at the core of almost each and every action that is state engages in (Zaum, 2010). Nonetheless, even though these two concepts are heavily leveraged with respect to international relations, they are none the less salient to a more complete understanding of international cooperation. For instance, if one t akes the case of the Marshall plan, instituted by the United States at the close of World War II as a means of rebuilding a war-ravaged Europe, the self interests of this particular program was with regards to developing a resilient and robust series of economies within Western Europe that could stand up to the growing threat that the Soviet Union posed in the East (Hogan, 1989). Likewise, the cooperation that was noted between these nations and the United States was with respect to the fact that this program did not infringe upon self-interest or sovereignty to a large enough degree for the recipient nations to refuse such aid (Tinsley, 2007). In such a way, both determinants of the rubric lain out above have been met and thus international cooperation is something that can be expected to have taken place in this particular situation. Likewise, as history has proven, this is indeed the result and can be attested to in a variety of other somewhat similar situations. Similar situatio ns to the one described above are not only relegated to history, rather the determinant of sovereignty and self interest of both parties continues to define the exhibition of international
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Roman Pieta, Marble Sculpture and Christ of St. John of the Cross Essay
Roman Pieta, Marble Sculpture and Christ of St. John of the Cross - Essay Example The essay "Roman Pieta, Marble Sculpture and Christ of St. John of the Cross" discusses that two pieces. This essay will show that they are more alike than their physical and factual differences might suggest. Pieta: This is to be found in the first chapel on the right of the entrance in St. Peter's Basilica, Rome, Italy. A pyramid formation, its dimensions are 68.5†x 76.8†. Using chisel and white marble, Michelangelo created something extraordinary. The triangular pyramid connection reflects the emotional, physical and psychological impact of the piece on the onlooker. These responses are aroused by looking at how the limbs and clothing of the figures are interwoven, curving and blending into each other. The mother's head leans forward, while this is balanced by the way in which the son's is tilted back; her left hand reflects the movement of his left leg. As her right hand holds his head, his completes the circle of contact by holding onto his mother's clothes, his arm resting on her knee. The wholeness of the piece both visually and emotionally portray the bonds of love between mother and child, Church and believer. Though the figure of Mary is huge in comparison to the form of Christ, the impact of this is insignificant due to the beauty of the figures; despite the fact that this mother is holding her dead child, the suggestion is implicit that resurrection and salvation are promised, that beauty is indestructible in the fact of death, agony or sorrow. This is the message and the power of Michelangelo's art.... The artist uses chiaroscuro to dramatic effect, as the crucified Christ seems to move from light to darkness and light again. The scene below him might be understood to signify the 'world', or at least that part of it known and loved by Dali himself. There is no doubt that the light, the hills, the boats and figures are depictions from Spain's Costa Brava, one of the places where he lived at the time of creating the work. Dali was often reported as stating that he dreamed the scene, and was driven by his visions to create a Christ with no thorns, no nails in the hands and no blood. Instead, he wanted to give us a magnificent physical yet metaphysical King of the World. In that, he departed from the more traditional representations of Christ on the Cross . The viewer is looking down, like Christ, the eye is drawn to what Christ is observing and the anatomical perfection of the body calls to mind classical statuary and life drawings. The shadow created by the arms and the cross make a triangle within a triangle and the light surrounding the figure seems to diffuse and re-emerge to illuminate the heavens, and the Earth spread at it's feet. The triangular motif is repeated in the response the picture calls forth, the physical, psychological and emotional are united; here is man, the universe and God, captured in an almost holographic, three dimensional image. This piece signifies Dali's great skill and u nique imaginative power. Comparisons: From a personal viewpoint, there are many comparisons, the chief of which may be the outstanding beauty of the figures of Christ, and in the Pieta, of Mary. The point and
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Employment law and labour markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Employment law and labour markets - Essay Example Headquartered in London,the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development is an association of professionals in the management of human resources.Through its members’ experience and research, the CIPD is charged with the responsibility of representing the HR community’s interests in public policy. This is a significant aspect of the body, because it has distinguished itself as a representative organ for public policy alone, rather than political interest The body conducts research on all aspects that touch on the working life, ranging from recruitment to productivity, the balance of life and work and employment law. It also concerns itself with coaching employers and employees in cross-cultural working and building a healthy relationship between recruitment agencies and the HR community. These agendas culminate into the CIPD’s flagship policy and goal of a commitment to champion better working lives and work in order to benefit the society, economies, business organizations as well as individuals (CIPD 2013b, p. 4). Using questions as subheadings, this assignment will be divided into three parts and discuss the importance of this goal to different parties such as employees, trade unions, organizations and the government of the UK. It will further discuss ways in which organizations and other involved parties can work towards achieving the goal of better work and working lives. Finally, the assignment will point out and discuss the possible barriers that organizations face in trying to achieve the goal. Why do you think this goal is important for different parties to employment relationships? Since it affects a wide spectrum starting from recruitment time, the course of employees’ tenure and termination, CIPD’s goal of better work and working lives is significant to all parties that are involved in employment relationships. This is mainly because the experience of work and working lives, as well as the concept of a shared pu rpose, is not only determined by the kind of work people do, but also the way they are managed (Ellis 2012, p. 24). In this sense, management is viewed from the perspective of the HR department, organization level and the legislation or the government. Another factor that makes this goal important is the unprecedented rate of economic changes, especially after the global recession. This has presented a critical and urgent need to make sure that the way people work, the workforce and the workplace cultures are aligned with the contemporary world and support performance and future growth (Williams & Adam-Smith 2010, p. 39). To reach that conclusion, the CIPD had observed that the economies and societies that people live in shape the character of work and working lives. They established that to achieve better work and working lives requires a mandatory understanding of the key trends that shape the societies, organizations and economies as well as their implications. Through the CIPD m odel, the involved parties have a clearer insight of what work entails, where and how it should be conducted, including trends and the changing skills that jobs require. The CIPD considers the parties involved to be the employers, employees, managers and their representatives. By embracing the goal, all parties will be at par with the ever shifting career patterns, advances in technology and improved ways of working on a global level. CIPD’s focus on the workforce through the goal also brings an insight into demographics, expectations, attitudes, generational shifts and the base of changing skills and education and learning skills (CIPD 2013b, p. 5). Ultimately, the parties will be able to relate their understanding of this focus to the workplace. When the workforce understands the workplace culture, develops an attitude of engagement and trust, acknowledges and appreciates the way they organised, managed and developed, they become better placed to adapt and evolve with the
Monday, September 23, 2019
Dracula as a Metaphor of Opposition to Modernism Research Paper
Dracula as a Metaphor of Opposition to Modernism - Research Paper Example A novel which portrays this concept is Dracula by Bram Stoker. This novel is able to create a sense of identity through theories that were known while the book was being written in the late 1900s. Two of the theories that Stoker calls on are feminism and Marxism. These two theories are displayed through the plot, characters and results which occur through the book. The ability to create an understanding of these movements is able to further define concepts of identity while challenging the divisions in society in terms of feminist and Marxist thought. This research paper will examine the movements of feminism and Marxism and how these were opposed in the novel of Dracula. The author creates an understanding that the changing identities in the political and social movements would lead to a downfall in society and would create opposition. The author is able to show that, while the philosophies of these movements would be aesthetically pleasing, there was an undertone that would lead to difficulties within society. By creating an understanding of the horror which would be caused through the social movements, there is a link to individuals holding onto the Romantic ideals and the purity of the past instead of moving into the modern approaches. Examining this with the relationships to feminism, Marxism and the psychoanalytical approach the author takes creates a thorough understanding of the philosophies taking place in society at the time. Historical Affiliations with Dracula The basis of Dracula is regarded as one that is affiliated with the novel based on drama and terror through the main character. The character of Dracula is known to haunt those that come into contact with him through trapping them in his castle or torturing and murdering them with different concepts. However, the context that this book is written in moves beyond the horror and drama that is often associated with the book. It is also known that the author had a specific link to the cultural context of the time, specifically which was prevalent in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. The concepts were first based on the shift into modernism as well as the older concepts which applied to this, such as the Gothic. The descriptions and approach that Stoker uses is defined by relating to others in a bizarre form, similar to the Gothic style. However, the modernist cultural context relates this to the changing beliefs in relationships between the sexes and the need to change concepts such as social class that were emerging at the time. Combining the emerging philosophies of the time frame then created a different understanding of the book which links directly to the anthropology of the culture at this time frame (Riquelme, 585). The concepts which are associated with the history of Dracula then become important not only in defining the drama and horror that was a part of the Gothic period. More important, was Stoker’s desire to create an analysis of cultural identity of the time and how this led to some of the horrors of the time. This linked to many of the changes occurring at the time in Europe, specifically beginning with political changes that were moving to revolts and the desire to have freedom for the common man. The state that was being created was based on socialism, where everything was owned by a more powerful individual and in which others were subjected to the problem. The policies which were created then led to questions about identity and the social state of individuals, specifically with wo men having the same rights as men and workers being able to overcome the political states in society. The cultural identity
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Russian Cultural Differences in Business Essay Example for Free
Russian Cultural Differences in Business Essay First of all, considering that Russian is my native language, I will warn that it is extremely hard for an American to learn Russian. Grammar is difficult, and we use the Cyrillic alphabet. But this will not be a big problem because every person with higher education in Russia speaks English fluently; we start learning English from 2-3 grades at school. Secondarily, names. Referring to one another by the first name is acceptable only between truly close friends, when meeting with someone-simply state your last name. Typically, Russians use three names: the first name, the last name, middle name is fathers first name, known as a patronymic. Here is an example, I will use my name: Elvira Viktorovna Stasescu. When you become well familiar with an individual, you may be asked to call him or her by the first and patronymic names. One more thing to remember, this made me confused when I came to USA, the date format. Here is the order of the date-06/04/2012; this is today’s date, which is April 4th 2012. Physical contact among Russians is uncommon, especially if you see the person for the first time. Although some gestures may be used, be cautious to control your own. The American OK (thumb and index finger) and ‘V’ signs are offensive gesticulations in Russia. Smacking the open hand over a fist can also be a bad-mannered gesture. Standing with your hands in your pockets may be considered impolite. The thumbs-up signal is positive as it indicates agreement. Eye contact should be recurrent, nearly to the point of staring, it expresses honesty and helps form trust. Speak in a tranquil, modest, tone of voice at all times. Speaking or laughing at the top of your voice in public is discouraged. Russians enjoy giving and receiving gifts. Gifts are normal for social events, especially as â€Å"thank-you†. If you invited to a Russian colleague house, bring a gift such as chocolates, cakes, good wine, and flowers for every woman in the house. And if you are about to buy some flowers for Russian women, bring the odd number, even number of flowers is used only for funerals, same with yellow flowers. Russian business culture has a deeply rooted hierarchy, although the state no longer dominates business as much as it used to. Managers have authority over their juniors and are eventually accountable for the concluding decision. Although you may give your presentation in English, it is important that any material and documents be printed in Russian. Praising and rewarding anyone in public are noticed only with mistrust. It will take a long time for conclusions to be made in Russia, we are particularly suspicious. The handshake is common. The Russian version is a strong hold with a number of quick shakes between two men. If you about to shake hands with a woman, wait until she extends her hand first. Take off your gloves before the handshake. Whistling in a home or other indoor spaces is unacceptable, and it is even referred as a superstition that it will cause a serious monetary damage. Russians feel very much susceptible by uncertain circumstances; it will take a long time to win their trust. Negotiations should be extremely detailed, well prepared and with brief explanations. Russians have a preference to have perspective and background material. Russians appear remarkably formal and distant. Although, formality is considered as a sign of respect. Russia is collectivist country; people belong to groups that take care of them in exchange for reliability. We use more often word â€Å"We†instead of â€Å"I†. Another example, if you are telling a story about you and your colleagues, you will name your colleagues names first and your name at the end. The international manager reconciles cultural dilemmas – the quote by Fons Trompenaars means that in order to succeed on international market, we must know the cultural values and assumptions differences between the countries we conduct our business.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Analysis of Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM): Ginger
Analysis of Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM): Ginger Complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) are being used more and more by health professionals and patients in addition to medical based therapies. The Cochrane Collaboration (2000) defines alternative and complementary medicines as; a broad domain of healing resources that encompasses all health system, modalities, and practices and their accompanying theories and beliefs, other than those intrinsic to the politically dominant health system of a particular society or culture in a given historical period. Complementary medicine models form the foundation of primary care systems in some countries worldwide. There are many different types of complementary and alternative medicines such as: ginger, raspberry leaf, castor oil, cabbage leaves, acupuncture and jasmine herbal tea. This written assignment will focus on ginger and will explore the use of this complementary alternative medicine across the childbearing continuum as recommended by midwives in clinical practice and will discuss the roles and responsibilities of the midwife when endorsing this intervention and the potential risks for both the woman and baby. There are many reasons why people use complementary alternative medicines such as: conventional medicine has not fixed their problem and some people believe that natural products are much more safe and healthier to use rather than prescription drugs (Women’s Health Organisation, 2012). Ginger has been used as a cooking spice as well as a herbal medicine throughout history, and has been commonly used to treat morning sickness, motion sickness, colic, gas, upset stomachs and nausea. There are special precautions and warnings that should be followed as using ginger when pregnant is debated. Herbs may contain substances that could cause premature birth, uterine contractions and miscarriage (American Pregnancy Association, 2013).There are some concerns that ginger may affect the sex hormones of a fetus and there are also reports of a miscarriage occurring close to the 12th week of pregnancy in women who took ginger to alleviate their morning sickness. There are also a few concerns that ginger may increase the risk of bleeding with some professionals advising women to not use it close to their delivery date (Medline Plus, 2014). There is not enough proof to show whether or not the use of ginger during breastfeeding is safe, therefore it is best to not use when women are breastfeeding. Morning sickness can affect up to 85% expectant mothers during the first three months of pregnancy (Koren Maltepe , 2013). From time to time the symptoms of morning sickness can become so serious, that they lead to a condition known as hyperemesis gravidum. When this occurs the woman will require hospitalization in order to replace both fluids and electrolytes intravenously. Morning sickness usually resolves in the first trimester of pregnancy, however in a small number of women, it can continue throughout the whole pregnancy. Some drugs, which are used to treat hyperemesis gravidum, have the potential to cause harm to the fetus (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, 2008). The first three months of pregnancy are a vital period for fetal growth, as the fetus is especially vulnerable to the detrimental effects of specific drugs and treatments. Even though today’s prescribed anti-nausea drugs do not seem to cause birth defects, many women choose to decline taki ng any medication during pregnancy and shift to the use of more natural types of remedies such as the complementary alternative medicines (Beauchamp, 2005). Few studies have been performed on whether or not complementary alternative medicines cause harm to the developing fetus however, one study suggests that ginger is safe to use for morning sickness without harming the unborn fetus with the risk of abnormalities having a rate of 1-3%. A study was performed on ‘the effectiveness and safety of ginger for pregnancy-induced nausea and vomiting’, with randomised controlled trials of ginger and pregnancy related vomiting and nausea being sourced from companies such as Medline and the Cochrane library. Four of the randomised controlled trials met the inclusion standards with each of the trials finding that ginger given orally was found to be suggestively more effective than placebo when decreasing the occurrence of vomiting and nausea. The conclusion of this study shows that ginger is a safe and effective treatment for pregnancy related vomiting and nausea. On the other hand, hesitation still remains in regards to gingers maximum dosage, the correct length of the treatment, the effects of over dosage and the possible interactions with prescription medications (Ding et al., 2012). Although herbs are considered natural not all of them are safe to use during pregnancy. It is the midwives role and responsibility to refer women to an herbalist to discuss complementary alternative medicines that the women may wish to use during her pregnancy. The use of alternative medicines are out of the midwives scope of practice, therefore it is important for not only midwives but other health professionals to refer the appropriate source so the women can receive the correct care. It is important for midwives to recognise the limits of their knowledge when discussing the woman’s options and alternative medicines and refer to those who are trained and accredited in their own professions (Pairman, Tracy, Thorogood, Pincombe, 2010). It is also the midwives responsibility to document any herbal medicines that she discloses she is using. It is the woman’s decision as to whether or not she takes up the offer to be referred to an herbalist, however no matter what her de cision is her record of herbal alternative medicines will be documented in her pregnancy health record for effective continuity of care. Overall, the use of complementary alternative medicines is increasing worldwide with someone women preferring these options rather than other medical therapies and substances. However, there is insufficient evidence to support the use of alternative medicines, there safety and effectiveness during pregnancy. For complementary alternative medicines to be considered this issue requires more research before any conclusions can be made on their effectiveness and treatment recommendations can then be put forth. The safety of complementary alternative medicines also needs to be considered before revealing a pregnant woman to these biologically active compounds (Anderson Johnson, 2005). Midwives will be increasingly called upon to assess the effectiveness and safety of complementary alternative medicines so it is crucial for them to understand the correct benefits and potential risks of these medicines and treatments to best serve patients throughout their individualised maternity care. Reference List American Pregnancy Association (2013). Herbs and pregnancy. Retreived from: Anderson, F.W.P., Johnson, C.T. (2005). Complementary and alternative medicine in obstetrics. International Journal of Gynaecology Obstetrics, 91, 116-124. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijgo.2005.07.009 Beauchamp, K. (2005). Health Conditions and Concerns: Ginger Treats Morning Sickness Retreived from: Ding, M., Leach, M., Bradley, H. (2012). The effectiveness and safety of ginger for pregnancy-induced nausea and vomiting: A systematic review. Journal of the Australian College of Midwives, 26 (1), e26-e30. Doi: Koren ,G., Maltepe ,C. (2013). How to survive morning sickness successfully. Retrieved from Medline Plus (2014). Ginger. Retreived from: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2008, March). Antenatal Care; Routine Care for the healthy pregnant woman. Retrieved from Pairman, S., Tracy, S., Thorogood, C., Pincombe, J. (2010). Midwifery: Preparation for Practice. (2nd ed). Australia: Elseiver. University of Maryland Medical Centre (2010). Ginger Overview. Retreived from: Women’s Health Organisation (2012). Complementary and alternative medicine. Retreived from: Zollman, C., Vickers, A. (2000). What is complementary medicine? British Medical Journal, 319 (693). Doi:
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Food: A Link in African American Culture Essay example -- essays paper
Food: A Link in African American Culture Four different people, four different lifestyles, all with at least one thing in commonâ€â€their races (or so we have yet to discover). I began my interviews wanting to show the similarities and differences in eating habits and traditions with the African American perspective in mind. Although race is used as the combining factor in this situation, each individual’s lifestyle, cultural behavior, and even eating habits are all very unique. My interviewees consisted of four Americans, as mentioned before all of same race, with similar yet very distinct backgrounds. They range from a black Jew, to a â€Å"Jamerican,†to what I would call a â€Å"traditional southerner†, right on down to a modern day Muslim. They all agreed to fill me in and reveal to others the details of their personal history and family backgrounds. Geography, family tradition, and religion all play factors in what they eat as it always has dating back to ancestral times. I began with à ¢â‚¬Å"JJ Alex;†a 20 year old African American male from the east coast. He is a middle class college student. JJ Alex sounds like your typical college student but he is far from typical. What singles him out from many of his other peers is his religion. You might ask, â€Å"How would his religion relate to his eating lifestyle unless he’s a Muslim?†â€Å"He couldn’t possibly be Jewishâ€â€or could he?†A black Jewâ€â€better known as a Seventh Day Holiness. His great grandfather was a Rabbi and the basic teachings in his religion are as followed: his faith believes the Sabbath (day of rest) to begin at sunset on Friday lasting until sunset on Saturday; some worshippers wear Yarmulke; his faith also follows the Old Testament of the Bible; and they wear the Star of David. These beliefs in the Judaic way of life absolutely affect the food that is prepared in his house. JJ Alex mentioned that in Judaism one does not eat of unclean animals, which of course entails the meat of a pig or even fish with no scales. So right away he totally disbanded the myth that all people of African American decent eat pork. He also excludes anything from his diet that contains any pork-derived ingredients. â€Å"Not in my house!†he says. Although he does stick to his Judaic diet, JJ Alex and his family do enjoy other foods as well. His mother does most of the cooking in his home. He says they try to ea... ...iday Thanksgiving. On regular days, he does eat a lot of â€Å"soul food†which includes the collard greens and candied yams. Throughout all four interviewees I realized many foods that are common in the African American culture. In my home, although I choose not to eat pork, we do eat collard greens and sweet potatoes. Coming from a multicultural background that includes African American, Bajan, and Japanese, I also enjoy many other dishes ranging from Asia to the Caribbean. I also have family from the north as well as the south so I understood all the aspects my interviewees were throwing at me. Although each subject is from completely different backgrounds, whether they be geographical or religious, they each share likeness in many different aspects of their lives. Showing the similarities as well as the differences in their eating habits can create a cultural map tracing each individuals food choices back to one source. In this case, the source may be the continent of Africa where many of these foods are eaten today. In West Africa, the yam is a very popular vegetable. This just goes to show how food can be the missing link of different cultures throughout the world.
Behavior and Development of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Ess
This paper will review five studies concerning the behavior and development of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The studies investigate how autism effects communication, socialization, cognitive development, and a number of other areas. Researchers use many different types of scales to measure and compare the difference between children with ASD and typically developing children. Methodology Study 1 Morgan, Lindee, Wetherby, Amy M., Barber, Angie (2008) Repetitive and stereotyped movements in children with autism spectrum disorders late in the second year of life In this study there were three groups of children between 18 and 24 months of age participated. One group had Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), another group had developmental delays (DD) but autism was ruled out, and the third group had a typical development (TD). They conducted a study in which they videotaped some behavioral samples using the Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile (CSBS). This is a clinical tool that is used to measure repetitive and stereotyped movements (RSM) in young children. The experiment takes about twenty minutes to administer and uses communication techniques such as bubbles, different toys, cheerios, books, and other activities to promote communication is the children. Study 2 Luyster, Rhiannon J., Kadlec, Mary Beth, Carter, Alice, Tager-Flusberg, Helen (2008) Language Assessment and Development in Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorders Participants were based on ages of 18 to 33 months and were picked from collaboration with early intervention in Massachusetts. The sample size was 164 toddlers, 129 boys and 35 girls. 142 were white, 2 were African American, 4 were Asian, 1 American Indian/ Alaska... Autism not only to typically developing children but to children with other disorders or a milder case of autism and using other methods of assessment would work for future research. Study 4 For future research it would help if the sample size was larger because not many people participated in the survey. Study 5 For future studies there should be a control group to compare ASD participants with typically developing participants and also a larger sample size. Concluding Comments The majority of this research focuses on communication, socialization, verbal use, repetitive movements, the assessment, and behavioral responses in children with ASD. Each study focused on a different aspect of the development of children with ASD, but they all reached the same conclusions in the results. Children with ASD develop differently in many areas than typical children.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
the female care product :: essays research papers
     â€Å" Why do you always complain about your cramps and your uncomfortability. Look at these people; they’re having a good time while on there period.†That’s what I told my girlfriend when looking at a recent tampon ad. It’s funny though, that this particular ad we were looking at, was talking about how they (the tampons) don’t hurt, how they helped conquer fear and also the race of people that it used.      When I first look at this ad I see two girls and a guy playing Frisbee. It seems like a fun atmosphere, so it caught my eye. In one picture they show a girl taking the Frisbee away from a guy and in the next she is taking it away from a girl. It’s a happy ad that shows two girls possibly on there period. Which in the case of the product being sold an underlying meaning of you can have fun and still be on your period could be inferred.      â€Å"Sweet!!! (and I was almost a no-show ‘cause I thought using a tampon would hurt.) Obviously the advertisers are saying that these specific types of tampons are comfortable. It’s a smart move to make this the very first thing you see in the ad because this automatically assures the consumer that this product is not harmful in anyway. In a buyer’s eyes this will trigger a need to be safe. Most people nowadays are risk adverse and try to avoid all possible situations that compromise they’re safety. So by reiterating that this product is comfortable, the buyer already feels â€Å"protected†without even knowing it. Although you must consider this, everybody has a different body stature and what is comfortable to a â€Å"regular†sized woman or lady might not be comfortable to an overweight or smaller woman or lady.      â€Å"The continuous pressure is to create ads more and more in the image of audience motives and desires.†(Marshall McLuhan, pg. 61 cc) The tampon advertisers must know this to be true being that they affiliate the need to dominate with the ad. â€Å"Playtex helped me conquer my fears, then Jill and I conquered the boys!†Being that this was stated in the ad, the main character of our advertisement had an enormous fear of using tampons, possibly because foreign objects in small places can be intruding and painful. But she was reassured by trying the product herself. Also some of her fears might have been odors, even though the captions do not mention deodorants or scents to the tampons.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Shakespeare Festival
I have decided to assess Amanda Hussein's interpretation of Shakespearean well- known King Lear. Amanda transported the tragedy of this play from the eighth century before Christ, to the sass in a world where the show and performing is everything. This King Lear was introduced in a Chicago style with two actresses walking down the theatre stairs and presenting England's king. This roaring entrance shifted the audience back In time to the correct time setting, making It clear from then and onwards where this play was set.In an unknown location In the sass, King Lear (magnetically portrayed by Alluding) is deciding on which of his three daughters should have his land: Cornelia, Goner†and Reagan. The last two, are the real antagonists of the play, and when their father asks them how much they love him, they falsely herald their love for him. Cornelia, who in truth is the only daughter who truly loves him, hardly speaks explaining that there are no words to explain how she feels a bout his father. King Lear though breaks Into a rage and sends her away, thinking he now understands who deserves his lands.We then see a subplot, which assn very clear as I had difficulties connecting the dots of the two plots. Two men, whose identities I still haven't figured out, try to conspire against Gloucester and try to take his place. The play keeps jumping from one side of the plot to the other, where we see the two evil sisters Goner†and Reagan making their plans. As time passes, Cornelia keeps being loyal to both King Lear and her mean sisters, forgiving them all. The actual plot wasn't easy to grasp by the audience, as the audience most of the time was positively struck by the clear but extremely effective staging and the convincing acting.The stage was set out in a way that as soon as you entered the theatre, you immediately wondered what was going to happen, and knew that you were about to see something very unusual. The curtains were only partially open, leavi ng a space of about 5 meters which made all members of the audience focus on what was going on. This was obviously thought of and had a successful Impact on the spectators who directed their eyes where everything was happening. On the floor, three colored drapes were carefully lying parallel to the stage: magenta, blue and green.These, other than the lights, were the only colored items on stage as the actors were all wearing black suits with white shirts, with the exception of King Lear, who wore a black fedora hat. The costumes perfectly mirrored the time period, and the fedora hat, typical of the sass, was one of the many gems of this play which made It as a whole, amazing. Eight black stools were set In three rows on the drapes and near these stools is where all the acting was going to happen. The middle stool was of course reserved to King Lear.In the front row, on the sides, there were the two sisters General and Reagan, whilst in the last row, right behind Lear, there was the innocent Cornelia. On the left and right of the set, two girls and two boys stood, making the pattern pleasing to the audience. Manta's set out of the stools was very effective, because since we are In theatre, the presence of all actors on stage, which, without a doubt, made this interpretation of Shakespearean King Lear fascinating, was the use of lighting and freeze-frames.The lights were one of the main characters as they were always used. More than this, they were matching the three drapes on the floor which made it also aesthetically pleasing to the audience's eye. Since the setting of the stage was very minimalist, lights helped the audience understand what was going on, where something was happening, and highlighted the actors' emotions. For example, the use of green light when General and Reagan, the two mean sisters, were conspiring, gave importance to their feeling of new and wickedness.Also, the use of Strobe lights in one of the final scenes where King Lear becomes mad, really drew special attention to his feelings and stressed this scenario of chaos. Not only this, but the use of Strobe lights, which was undoubtedly thought f, directly included the audience which felt in the same situation of discomfort as King Lear himself. Depending so much on lights, this play had no need of special sound effects, and in fact had none. As I said, freeze-frames were abundantly (and correctly) used in the play.Amanda, thanks to the layout of the stage, afforded to have all actors on stage at all times. What happened was that when an actor had to deliver his or her lines, he or she had the freedom of using the space on the stage however they thought was appropriate (although it was clear that the director did her bob in keeping everyone where they were supposed to be). If the actors didn't happen to be in the scene that was going on at the moment, they would by frozen standing in front of the stool, heads down, hands held in front of them, silent.The only excepti on went for King Lear who sat with his head in his hand, giving to the audience a constant message of desperation and confusion which I thought was brilliant. On certain occasions though, the changing of the scene made them move. All of the actors would simultaneously walk around their stool once, grab the stool, and in reflect unison noisily place it on the ground to sit on it. Not only the unanimity of the eight actors left the theatre speechless, but the moment the stools touched the ground, the lights would change color, making this perfectly synchronized scene change sudden, but expected at the same time.All of these techniques made the actors who weren't part of the scene disappear, and made us focus on the actors acting. All actors did an outstanding Job performing this version of King Lear. Since everything was very minimalist and brought in an unknown location, it was vitally important that the actors gave the play the depth it deserved. I honestly believe that Amanda did a fantastic Job in directing everything, because you could really feel the effort that she put into every second and line of the play.Positions, lights, costumes, and acting was very well thought of, and it was clear when they all performed that all the details counted. The characters and actors which stood out the most, out of the eight, were the three sisters and King Lear. Cornelia was interpreted by Aviators, who never stepped out of character, and although had to portray a shy personality, she engaged to be heard by everyone in the audience. Her body language, as well as the other two sisters', was coherent to what she was saying and feeling from the very first scene when she â€Å"expressed†her love to her father, to the very last.General and Reagan were interpreted by Lucia and Sofia. The two actresses created a very strong bond between the two of them, and with the audience. Their acting, I feel, was very Lucia and Sofia moved around the stage, gave a clear understand ing that they fully felt what their characters were experiencing, as their emotions of envy, Jealousness and wickedness contaminated the stage. Last, but without a doubt not least, is Ludicrous performance of King Lear. I strongly believe that his whole rendition was, as I already said, magnetic.When he was talking using that deep voice he gave to his King Lear, all eyes were fixed on him and every word he said, he filled it with a deepness which the other actors honestly lacked. Ludicrous acting was charismatic, and touched everyone. One of the last scenes, when King Lear becomes mad, his body language and voice tone gave me goose bumps. This though, wasn't only because of his acting, but also due to the fact that Amanda had the brilliant idea to rate a sound blanket during the scene where Lear is going crazy, and all the actors slowly approach him chanting louder and louder â€Å"die! Ii! Die! â€Å". This, together with the acting, and the Strobe lights, is one of the scenes wh ich made this play so unforgettable to me. I was completely hypnotized by the end of it, and it took me a while to come back in the real world as the whole play was fixed in my head and Just didn't want to come out. Amanda indeed managed to communicate throughout her directing many emotions to me, and to the rest of the audience.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Employee Training & Career Development Paper Essay
Every business today wants to hire, motivate and train the most qualified employees. Every company wants to utilize these employees and place them in departments that are best suited for them and the company’s needs. This seems like an impossible goal however, this is goal is what many Human Resources departments do on an everyday basis. Human Resources provide this connection to assist in employee development to utilize each employee’s talent. Human Resources put forth the effort to increase employee improvements by providing training and development opportunities for employees to look for promotions within the organization. Job shadowing involves an employee following another employee while performing their job to see what the job is all about.†Job shadowing gives personnel chances to see first-hand the genuine job duties involved and the skill that is needed to perform the job themselves. (Wise Geek, 2011). Job shadowing works well as an in-house strategy to h elp distribute knowledge more largely in a company which, in turn, helps avoid job silos from starting and helps employees increase their expertise and skills to make their work experience more profound and pleasant. Job satisfaction plays an extremely significant role in workforce retention. (Wise Geek, 2011). Job switching is comparable to job shadowing and just like shadowing it prepares the workforce of tomorrow. It allows employees learn about different job opportunities within an agency, and it is most beneficial for offering extra job skills for employees who want to increase their knowledge through added training opportunities. It also assists in generating job back-up sources for essential positions within the company. Employees who want to learn about other jobs within the company or a different department basically switch jobs for a certain amount of time to learn more about distinctive jobs and how those different jobs intermingle to achieve company goals. (Wise Geek, 2011). Monitoring employees is another way to assist in employee development. Managers observe how an employee is progressing in their day to day tasks. This gives the manager an idea about how well the employee is progressing. Monitoring can help managers decide on what trainings are most useful. It assists the managers to gain a relationship with the employee while giving on going feedback. It shows an employee that the manager cares about the success of the employee. If a manager did not monitor and give feedback it will then show a lack of interest and the employee will inherit that type of attitude as well. (Wohner, 2011). Many companies face the task of employee development with developing greater confidence, creativity, solutions-finding, and problem solving abilities amongst their employees. Companies need employees at all levels to be more adequate, ingenious, imaginative and independent. This attitude allows employees to perform at higher tactical level, which makes their company more industrious and aggressive. Employee’s efforts will create bigger results. It’s what all companies make every effort to succ eed. (Levine, 2011). For many companies these methods above would assist in helping a company be competitive and successful. However, these methods will not assist an employee to gain courage, maintain a belief in the company and these methods will not help in the maturity of the employee. This is where a company needs to focus on the personality of the employee and not the skills that the job requires. Every employee has a different personality, if a company y can recognize that then they can build up the confidence in their employees. For myself, managers who tell me that they believe I can do it really does not motivate me, they sound more like my mother. If a manger praises my work after I finish a project, then I become more motived to do the best I can. It is all about identifying different personalities. (Levine, 2011). Companies need to deliver learning and experiences that their employees would like for their own individual interest, progress and satisfaction. Performance and proficiency are reliant on the employee’s attitude and emotional maturity. Companies can help their employees to accomplish what they want on a personal level, and this offers a stage for trust, ’emotional contracting’ with the organization, and following skills, processing, knowledge growth pertinent to managing higher responsibilities, and teams. (, 2011). The company that I work for has a program they offer every January call the Fellows Program. This is a program that is offered to college student who are in the junior or senior year. This program allows the student to see opportunities that Olympus is offering. College students can apply for a job within the company, however there is a catch. A college student must take a job for two years. Within those years they are assigned a department for 6 months. After those 6 months the college student is moved to another department and this is the process for two years. By performing this program, Olympus is grooming their future employees. Most of these college students start to gain relationships and they become comfortable after working with us for two years. Most of the Fellows will stay with the company. This program is successful for the student who did not have to look for a job after graduating, and the company gains an employee that they molded to become successful. In my own career development, I was told early on that if people want to help or give suggestions to me then take it. I tried to act like a sponge and soak up all the information that I possibly could, and I still do to this day. If I am struggling with a project and an employee wants to assist me I allow it. I watch how they perform and I ask questions. I find that this way of learning is where I become most successful. You can tell me how to perform a task all you want however, if you take the time to show me, I will then pick up the knowledge of the task in half the time. Whenever I am offered training I make sure I sign up for it. Sometimes it has been difficult to receive constructive feedback however through time I have learned to deal with it. In 5 years I would like to see myself out of the corporation I work for. I really like working for small companies, these bigger corporations tend to treat employees like numbers. When I worked for a smaller company I knew who had kids, who was still in school, who just got married, it was a personal experience. The corporation I work for looks at employees as numbers, not people. References (2011). ..Training, Development, and Education for Employees. Retrieved from Levine, L. (2011). Strengthen Your Business by Developing Your Employees. All Business. Retrieved from Wise Geek. (2011). What is Job Shadowing?. Retrieved from Wohner, N. (2011). How to Monitor Employee Performance. eHow. Retrieved from
Sunday, September 15, 2019
The Axial and Appedicular Skeleton
The Axial and Appendicular Skeleton Laszlo Vass, Ed. D. Version 42-0021-00-01 Lab RepoRt assistant This document is not meant to be a substitute for a formal laboratory report. The Lab Report Assistant is simply a summary of the experiment’s questions, diagrams if needed, and data tables that should be addressed in a formal lab report. The intent is to facilitate students’ writing of lab reports by providing this information in an editable file which can be sent to an instructor. Purpose: ? What is the purpose of this exercise? ?Are there any safety concerns associated with this exercise?If so, list what they are and what precautions should be taken. Exercise 1: The Skull Questions A. Name the eight bones of the cranium. The eight bones of the cranium are the frontal, occipital, left parietal, right parietal, left temporal, right temporal, ethmoid, and sphenoid. B. What function do the cranial bones serve? The cranial bones serve to protect organs, such as the eyes, and the brain. C. List the bones that form the eye orbit. Zygomas, maxilla, lacrimal, frontal bone, sphenoid, ethmoid and palatine are all the bones that form the eye orbit.D. Examine the skull on the skeleton model and describe some ways in which the mandible is different from the other bones of the skull. The mandible is a joint that has no real attachment to any part of the body. It has a different range of motion than other joints in the body. E. Other than the skull, what are the other two components of the axial skeleton? xVertebral Column and Thoracic cage are two components of the axial skeleton. Exercise 2: Skull Markings Questions A. Which bone is palpated when touching the forehead?The temporal bone is palpated when the forehead is touched. B. What bone is palpated when touching the temple? The temporal bone is touched. Exercise 3: The Vertebral Column Questions A. What are the five categories of vertebrae in your vertebral column? Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral and Cocc yx are the five categories of the vertebrae. B. Why are lumbar vertebrae particularly prone to injury? A lot of individuals use their back instead of their legs to lift something heavy, which puts stress on the lower back. C. What is an intervertebral disc?What is its function? They are discs that are made of fibrocartilage and they are used to cushion the spine from shock. D. How are the sacrum and coccyx different from the other vertebrae? The vertebrae in these column sections are fused together as opposed to separately stacked. E. What is the overall function of vertebrae? It is one of the body’s major structure supports. It encloses the spinal cord and keeps the nerves from becoming damaged. Exercise 4: The Bony Thorax Questions A. What bones make up the bony thorax?The sternum, the ribs, and thoracic vertebrae make up the bony thorax. B. What is the function of the bony thorax? The function of the bony thorax is to protect the organs that are there. C. What category of bones are the sternum and ribs? The sternum and ribs are considered flat bones. D. Why are ribs 11 and 12 referred to as â€Å"floating†ribs? These two ribs are considered â€Å"floating†ribs because they aren’t attached directly to the sternum, but they are held on by cartilage. E. Propose a reason why the ribs are attached anteriorly by cartilage.A logical reason to why the ribs are attached anteriorly by cartilage is because of how the body flexes while still being able to protect some of the other vital organs in the thoracic cavity. Exercise 5: The Appendicular Skeleton Questions A. What is the pelvic girdle? What is its function? The pelvic girdle is where two coxal bones are placed. The take the weight of the body and is what the two lower extremities are attached to. B. What is the pectoral girdle? What is its function? This is where the scapula and the clavicle form the upper part of the body.This attaches the upper extremities to the core and is a ma in source of strength for the neck and upper body. C. Name the bones of the upper appendages (arm, forearm and hand). The upper appendage consist of the Humerus, Radius, Ulna, Olecranon Process, Carpals, Metacarpals and the Phalanges. D. Name the bones of the lower appendages (thigh, leg and foot). The lower appendage consists of the Femur, Patella, Tibia, Fibula, Tarsals, Talus, Calcaneus, Metatarsals and the Phalanges. E. Which of the four categories of bones do MOST of the bones of the appendicular skeleton fit into?Most of the bones in the human body are categorized as long bones. Conclusions Why is it important to relate the structures of the axial and appendicular skeleton to one another? It is important to relate the structure of the axial and appendicular skeleton because some of the bones function differently, yet look the same or they look the same and have different functions (i. e. legs are for walking while arms are for holding). A lot of the other bones form a structur e for weight bearing and others are more shock absorbers.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Legalization or Decriminalization of Drugs
The legalization or decriminalization of drugs would be beneficial to society through various ways. The government would collect taxes on them which could help with various expenses such as education expenses. Through different pharmaceutical companies it can be controlled as well as ensure quality which helps drug users from receiving bad product. It could free up space in prison or jails and allow more room for concentration of other important crimes that are taking place in society. On the other hand, the legalization of drugs could as well harm society. It could be used more by individuals and cause individuals to become less alert to the important things in society. This could also cause harm to kids. So we have to understand that there are pros and cons to the legalization as well as it could be beneficial as well as cause harm in many of ways. When this comes into consideration, the pros and cons should be weighed before a final decision is made. Yes I do consider alcohol a drug. It can become addictive as well. It causes a high just same as drugs. It most importantly causes a change in individuals behavior when to much alcohol is consumed. Certain alcohol levels can become very dangerous at times. It can be more dangerous than illegal drugs. I do believe that some alcohols are safer than others. An individual must also know their limits of how much alcohol to consume. This is sometimes hard in many situations which sometimes lead to various addictions and crime. Sometimes it can even lead to death when one has received too much of the wrong alcohol. This is known as alcohol poisoning. Without prohibiting alcohol, I believe that there is already a great control on alcohol already taking place. You will not be able to get rid of it. The only thing that you can do is maintain certain laws and standards that are to be abided by to keep it under control. The drug trade will always exist. There will be drug users as well as drug dealers. TV shows and films in my opinion act out what is already present in real life situations. The only difference is one is physical seen in everyday life versus the other shown on television. I do not believe that all images on TV of drugs and alcohol be banned. Theses situations should be shown. Sometimes by watching these shows and watching some of the out comes can help one turn or change to a more positive path in life. On the other hand it can help those who were considering it, maybe to not participate or become users. Just like everything else, individuals will always try to blame there problems on something or someone, but we have to remember that everyone makes that choice to do right or wrong. Television shows a lot of what is already happening in the streets in homes. Instead of looking at it causing more harm than good, it should be looked at it as a guide to help turn from those ways. Yes I believe prostitution is a crime. If two individuals would like to endeavor in mutual sex, than they can do that with out prostituting. Some are, not in their right state of mind as well as know the difference between right and wrong. If a man or woman would like to sell sexual favors, that should be there right just as long as it is mutual and not in the public view. Two adults that are capable of making decisions about their life should be allowed to make them as long as it does not cause harm to them or anyone else. Prostitution on the streets is nothing that should be exploited because of the dangers and harm that could follow if things are done as planned or expected. Children are alert to all of their surroundings and what goes on in society. Sexual transmitted diseases as well as AIDS is floating on and being passed from one individual to another uncontrollably. Here again without prohibiting it, I believe there is a great control of sexual explicit materials on the internet. It is on television, in magazines, as well as viewed on tapes and cds. So it will be showed one way or another. No I would ever approve of the online sale of sexually explicit photos of children even if they are artificial images created by computer animation. Children are sensitive and are still coming into the knowledge of growing into young mature productive adults in society. They are not learning how to become another statistics in society of crime. This would not be a positive aspect that would be beneficial to them in life. This as well would not lead nor guide them in how to have respect for their bodies as well as others. We should also understand that because there are predators out their in the world we should not help them cause harm to children. I believe that both statements are accurate. Although sexually aggressive men are drawn to pornography; a man who is not so sexually aggressive would reach that stage eventually as he continue to watch as well as read more and more pornography. Men sexual drives are strong at times. There excitement levels are different in many ways. When a manfinds something or sees something that excites him, he continues to want that as well as wanting to reach more exciting levels. Through pornography they are also able to full fill such levels as fantasies. When men become aggressive their focus is usually one thing and that is to reach their peek. Sometimes this means by any means necessary. Now some men needs more than pornography. Pornography is only satisfying for a while. After this point they actually try to turn and create those fantasies with someone else. Some women are faced with the same issues. I believe that there are various views on this issue. I due believe that in various ways there are objective standards of morality. Others believe that there are not any objective standards. Many believe and argue that mostly those individuals that have a relationship as well as an involvement in Christianity are the ones who believe that there are objective standards. They believe that these objectives were written back in the days that God created the Ten Commandments.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Human reproduction system Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Human reproduction system - Assignment Example These increase the amount of calcium in the muscle cells which are in turn responsible for the contraction of the uterus. Aside from helping with contractions, the increased levels of this hormone in both mother and child foster feelings of attachment and affection. On the other hand, another hormone prolactin works together with oxytocin during pregnancy to produce and release breast milk, respectively. It increases during labour with the highest level occurring during birth and remaining high as the mother breastfeeds. Beta-endorphin and adrenaline are other hormones that help in child birth. Adrenalin helps in labor as it gives the mother energy to push. It also prevents the rise of oxytocin when the mother feels anxiety, tension or fear during labour. Similarly, beta-endorphin can be considered an innate painkiller and is released when the body feels pain so that natural childbirth and breastfeeding are bearable for the mother. It also helps in releasing prolactin during labour so the mother’s breasts are ready for the new born. (Hormones in Labour 2012) Magon, N and Kalra, S 2011, ‘The orgasmic history of oxytocin: Love, lust, and labor’, Indian Journal of Endicronology and Metabolism, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. S156-S161. Available from NCBI [September
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Customer Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Customer Care - Essay Example This is an opportunity for the business to introduce new changes in order to retain its competitive in the market (Shaw, 2011). In case the company was not the leading firm in the market, it can take this as an opportunity to make the first changes, an aspect that would attract the loyalty of the customers towards its products or services. Therefore, it can gain a competitive edge in the market by introducing new changes that aim at satisfying the needs of the target market. Complaints by the customers create an opportunity for the business to initiate a research on how to satisfy the interests of the target market. This is through coming up with innovative ideas which are recent (Shaw, 2011). Many of the companies have identified new avenues of improving the business performance while trying to look for ways to address the complaints made by the customers. Therefore, customer complaints can act as a turning point for the
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Criteria for Selection of Physical Education Teachers Essay
Criteria for Selection of Physical Education Teachers - Essay Example As the report declares three different kinds of questionnaires were prepared. The first was a Likert-type questionnaire. Responses were assigned numerical values that assessed how important the respondent considered a particular attribute. The second questionnaire required the respondents to arrange the attributes they considered favorable in potential teacher candidates in order of rank and importance. The third was an open ended questionnaire that allowed the respondents to answer questions in more detail, which provided some insight into the reasons for their choices. This paper stresses that the ability to teach physical education was considered most important, followed closely by the ability to teach inter personal skills. Teaching of swimming, dancing and outdoor education ranked lowest on the scale. The most important criterion was a major in physical education, followed by graduation from a reputable institution and a grade point average of at least 3. The least important criterion was the possession of a Master’s degree. The ability to motivate and inspire students ranked as the most important quality in terms of teaching skills. Adopting a wide range of teaching styles and maintaining a good classroom plan were also considered very important. The least important factor was collaboration with parents and the Community. Enthusiasm and passion ranked highest on the list of favorable attributes, followed by the ability to speak well. The least important factor was whether or not the candidate led an active lifestyle.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
ELECTRICAL POWER GENERATION SYSTEM Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
ELECTRICAL POWER GENERATION SYSTEM - Assignment Example There are interconnections undersea through to the Republic of Ireland (EirGrid), Isle of Man (Isle of Man to England Interconnector), Northern Ireland (HVDC Moyle), the Netherlands (BritNed), and northern France (HVDC Cross-Channel). The paper will start with the different types of grid interfaces, protection issues and short circuit change levels. Then the paper will discuss the electrical power design of the components involved in generation of the electricity. In most cases, the low scale generators are indirectly connected to the grid. The characteristics of operation and the technology of generation need the incorporation of some interfaces in between the grid of distribution and the generator. For instance, photovoltaic panel of solar produce direct current electricity and thus, converter based on the power electronics is needed in between the generator and the grid. In technologies like induction generator using wind or hydro, this generator is directly connected to the Alternating Current grid. In the interconnection of the distributed generation, protection is essential. Distribution network is configured in the radial form. In this radial form, the network has over current schemes of time graded protection. The connection of the Distribution Grid may change the present schemes of protection coordination. In case, this is ignored, the protection system may fail to work. The major issues with relation to the Distribution Grid interconnection are as follows: This is the major measure useful in coordinating between over current relays and the selection of current transformers, fuses, reclosers, circuit breaker. The characteristic of short circuit is the equivalence system impendence at the points of and in this way, shows the fault current level that is expected. The variation in the time of this faulty current is affected by the rotating machinery characteristics (Cete, 2010). The majority of
Monday, September 9, 2019
Fallacies and conspiracy theories, Roswell UFO incident Essay
Fallacies and conspiracy theories, Roswell UFO incident - Essay Example With this in mind, the fallacy goes on to state how scientists have taken years of hard work studying the equipment on-board the craft and have managed to gain some understanding, at least on a minimal level and not fully, which has brought about modern technologies. This has been done through reverse engineering of alien devices found onboard, which has seen â€Å"discoveries†made to the benefit of the military and the good of the people. A good example exists in the form of technological application in some unfathomable items such as night vision goggles and the Kevlar body armor. This is because the alien spacecraft did not have windows or any openings that could grant access, which means they were able to use accurate estimation instrument for navigation, and even got to the earth without being detect by the then defense mechanisms. The insinuation of this fallacy is that aliens gave birth to the technology that man holds dear in modern times as there is no other explanat ion to how it came into being, and that all pieces of the puzzle fit and point to Roswell. The technologies, besides the ones mentioned earlier include stealth technology, lasers and the integrated circuit chip, which have into existence recently after years of research and reverse engineering of alien technology (Speigel). Another fallacy is that the US military is in possession of highly effective weapons mounted on planes that could see to it that no enemy survives. This story is backed by the information given by a number of former military officials who put through their arguments for the existence of the conspiracy in that there were actually two alien spacecrafts and not one, as commonly believed by those that believe. This they back with tales of how the first craft came to crash, which is that there was a new test plane in the air force. The test plane is said to have fired its out of this world weapon, which is supposed to be some form of advanced pulse gun, which shot out electromagnetic pulses, which took out the electronics of the craft (Daily mail). With this idea, conspiracy theorists issue the concept of annihilative power of the US military in that as soon as the experimental plane took out the UFO, it came down crushing to see the developments that later followed after the craft was sa lvaged and towed to storage for exploration. This fallacy shows the alleged power of the US military and how much advanced it is in developing military applications for technologies that are discovered every now and then. As this pertains the main reason for the development of these theories or fallacies, one may view it starting from political to sensational conspiracies from several angles. In terms of political ambition, it is meant to discredit the government in that is not
What were the major factors in the establishment of the American Research Paper - 1
What were the major factors in the establishment of the American colonies - Research Paper Example World history has seen a lot of timelines. The prominence of some of the timelines made it extremely difficult for anyone to believe that such moments in world history would ever pass away but eventually, these moments of great history passed. The same phenomenon about world history makes the future of the social world quite unpredictable. For instance it is quite difficult to predict whether technology would eventually fade off to give room for a new kind of world and social history. One prominent moment in history is undeniably the formation of colonies. According to People Hofstra (2001), an 18th century definition of a colony has been given as â€Å"a settlement in a new territory under the political and economic control of its parent country. Usually the settlers conquered and either dominated or replaced local peoples.†1 Most commonly, colonies were established as a means of expanding the territorial powers of kingdoms and nations. It was not surprising therefore that ma jor nations of the world would in the 1700s go every extent and to every length of the world to capture weaker components of the world and lord themselves over as colonial masters. One of such prominent colonization was the colonization of America by the English2. Events leading to this all important moment in world history have left historians with a lot of studies into what the probable factors that accounted for the establishment of the American colonies were. Historians also discuss the relevance of these factors and how they eventually imparted on the eventual colonies that came into existence.3 The essence of this essay therefore is to review such factors that led to the establishment or formation of the American colonies. Background to the American Colonies At the beginning of the 17th century, several countries and nations made attempts to colonize North America. These different colonies came with different mission statements and at different times. Primarily however, they w ere present in North America to have an opportunity to possess the land and colonize it. Some of the early countries that made progress in settling in North America include Spain, France, Sweden, Holland, and England. According to Horvath (1972, 45-57), â€Å"the literature on colonization would appear to have no end; and understandably for colonization has been one of man’s preoccupations.†4 Although colonization ranks with the most influential processes in man’s history, western scholars have not fully come to grips with the phenomenon. This assertion of uncertainty on the definition of colonization is being made because of the seemingly different forms that colonization takes. This is indeed not different with what happened in the instance of the establishment of the American colonies. The first nations namely Spain, France, Sweden and Holland landed in North America in different fashions but all left the scene in no time. Basically, these nations could not s tay because the North American settlers were hostile to their dreams. Unlike these attempted colonial masters perceived, they were not going to pick gold from the ground but were supposed to go through very hard times to have their aspirations of making wealth fulfilled. England however took a bolder step apart from the first four nations. Though Britain went through ostensibly difficult times even at the beginning, they persevered and eventually became the only nation that remained. By the year 1607, England had established herself as the colonial master of North America. It took England one hundred and six more years to complete establishing what came to be known as the thirteen colonies of America5. This means that the formation or establishment of the thirteen colonies of America spanned from the period of 1607 to 1733; by which time Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Car olina, and Rhode Island and
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Management Concept Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Management Concept - Essay Example The fact is, with onset of new era of globalisation, the workforce is increasingly varied and faces problems due to geographical constraints, multilingual offices, changing organisational cultures and shifting domains as seen in case of IT organisations. The need of the hour is to develop a strategy to project a unified organisational culture which defines the whole character of the organisation and fosters an attitude of comradeship across employees, verticals, units and businesses thus creating a potential for organic and inorganic organisational growth. The new model on motivation that combines tenets of neuroscience, biology and evolutionary psychology points towards four basic needs (or drives) that guide motivation levels in people. (Nohria Groysberg & Lee 2008) These four drives, namely, drive to acquire, bond, comprehend and defend underlies every thought and action of employees and it is only by satiating these drives that an organisation can boost employee morale, enhance c reativity and extract higher productivity which leads to wholesome growth. The article emphasises on the need to focus on all four tangents for the desired results as there is tendency among Managers to overlook one or all aspects of these drives with disastrous consequences in terms of attrition percentages evoking high levels of loss n terms f experienced resources and business accordingly. The tunnel vision of handful of managers can have grievous consequences according by squelching creativity and life out of the organisation and promoting a stagnant organisational culture.(Amabile 1998) The root cause of loss of creative inputs are attributed to various factors that affect the three pillars of creativity in resources which include expertise, creative thinking skills and motivation. Thus from the ideas of these researches it is imperative to develop a theory that would promote the motivation levels and help in retaining the creativity of the employees. The organisational culture reflects the degree of interrelationship between the employees and the set of values and ideals that join them. Organizations with clearly codified and enforced cultures enjoy great employee and customer loyalty, in large part because they are effective in either altering ineffective behaviours or disengaging from values-challenged employees in a timely manner. ( Hessket Sasser and Wheeler 2008) Thus it is imperative that there is a positive culture that facilitates individual and organisational growth. The company can begin by promoting a clear, well organized mission statement which reflects the values and ideals stands up for and distinguishes it from its peers by reflecting for what it stands against. (Talbot 2003) The mission statement is important as it differentiates the company and lays down a clear line of ethics to be followed according to the organizations core values. The â€Å"IBMer†values that are instilled in every employee of IBM remind them of the core valu es of the organisation and its dedication to excellence in balancing personal and organisational goals. IBM markets itself as one of the best places to work due to the fact that it believes every employee is â€Å"special†and this is also propagated in its recruitment ad campaigns under the tag-â€Å"What makes you special?†Thus the company promotes a healthy image and strong organisation culture of mutual respect and camaraderie. The employees are given proper induction
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