Wednesday, October 30, 2019
US Criminal Justice-Incarceration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
US Criminal Justice-Incarceration - Essay Example Locking up the criminals and isolating them from the society would prevent them from committing more crimes. Moreover, incarceration would introduce the criminals to criminal lifestyle, which they would never like to adopt for themselves. However, there are other people who do not agree with these views. They believe that incarceration changes nothing, the prisoners are just â€Å"locked up†and the â€Å"key is thrown away†. According to them, this system does not do enough good to the society. The present essay examines the different approaches in regards of incarceration, analyze the present situation, and provide a viable conclusion at the end. In USA, the policy of criminal justice has been shaped under the guidance of President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice (1969). According to Samuel Walker, this commission issued a report called â€Å"The Challenge of Crime in a Free Society†, which had ground breaking effects. The report had over two hundred recommendations, which developed a comprehensive approach in fighting and prevention of crime in the United States. This involved a system that required coordination among the courts, law enforcement agencies, and correctional agencies. Incarceration is an important instrument in relation to the activities of the correctional agencies. Actually, incarceration would effectively do the following: However, people who are against incarceration have their own arguments. According to Hide Yamatani and Solveig Spjeldnes, â€Å"The Second Chance Act of 2007 (P.L. 110-199) is a federal recognition that the decades old strategy of locking up the criminals in the name of public safety has been disastrous.†In this context, elimination of racial discrimination and disparity in regards of recidivism among the people who are exposed to the social services during their imprisonment is critical indeed. Hence, â€Å"seamless, intensive, and comprehensive
Monday, October 28, 2019
The convict Essay Example for Free
The convict Essay He says the thick-ribbed wall that oershawdow the gate to given out his opinion about what he thinks the prison looks like. He creates word pictures because he wants all his readers to imagine the shape of the prison. Personally, I think that the prison, which the speaker is talking about, would be looking like a castle with a very thick and giant wall surrounding the centre of the building. William Wordsworth had written down what he had felt about the prison. He describes his feelings when he first steps into the prison. In the third stanza, the third and forth lines I 3 pause; and at length, through the glimmering grate, that outcast of pity behold. He given out his feeling when he walks through the gate, William Wordsworth thinks that the prison is pity. Samuel Coleridge also demonstrates his feelings about the prison, but he does not mention the structure of the prison. He only describes the atmosphere inside the prison. Unlike William Wordsworth, Samuel Coleridge does not use one of these victims inside the prison to support his negative description of the prison. In The Convict, we know that the speaker is focusing on just one prisoners life and the whole poem is just surrounding this prisoner. However we have not been told that what that prisoner had done, which had caused him to be jailed. Although we do not know his crime, we know that he is held captive in what Wordsworth calls a dungeon in line 10. The fact that the main character of this poem is a convict shows that Wordsworth is remaining true to his promise of portraying characters of low and rustic life. It is not difficult for all of us to guess what the language would be in the poems before we started reading the poems. The language inside these two poems matches the title prison. Both of these two poems uses negative adjective to support the writers views. For example dark and poor does support the views from both writers. In the poem The Convict we can find the kind of language that we would expect, in the semantic field. It recreates the dark atmosphere of a prison with words such as deep and sadness in lines 7, pity in lines 12, dark in line 25, terror in lines 40, victim in lines 45 and disease in lines 32. The most impressive one is his life-blood is dried in lines 21 because I think these are the most suitable words to represent the writers thoughts about these prisoners. The concept of freedom as a primary law of nature is evident in the opening lines of The Convict. The poem begins with an inspiring description of evening in which The glory of evening was spread through the west in line1. The speaker goes on to explaining that a feeling of joy that proceeds the calm season of rest. Freedom will heal the dark side of prisoners. Rang loud through the meadow and wood in line3-4. 4 In The Dungeon we can find the same kind of semantic field with words such as poor and against in lines 3, poverty in lines7, savage faces in lines 14, evil in lines 7. However, I think there is one description which is the most suitable to express the writers feeling about the prisons. In line 13 and friendless solitude, groaning and tears, expresses the feeling of the writer when he first walked inside the prison, he seems to have written the poem just because he did not like the atmosphere in the prison. But we can also find another lexical field that evokes some kind of hope in the last few stanzas in both these two poems. In The Dungeon, the writer uses the last stanzas to create an atmosphere which is opposite to the first stanza. The words such as Nature in lines 20, sunny and fair in lines 23 are all positive language and that is what the writer wants to change to provide a better condition for these prisoners. The same technique of using positive language also appears in The Convict, for example plant thee again in the end line, brother share in lines 48. But by comparing The Dungeon and The Convict, the writer of The dungeon seems to be using more positive language rather than The Dungeon. The language also tells us that the intention of these two writers to change the conditions inside the prisons is very strong. But the different levels of using language between these two poems may express the different levels of hatred between these two poets. I think in The Dungeon, Samuel Taylor has used his personal view to write down what he felt about the prison. On the other hand, in The Convict, William Wordsworth has a third person been using a third persons view to express and to write down the poor condition of prisoners. Overall, the rhetoric and language, I think the speaker uses in The Convict displays more hatred than the speaker uses in The Dungeon. The concept of freedom as a primary law in these two poems is evident. The Convict begins with an inspiring description of dusk in which The glory of evening was spread through the west in line1. And The Dungeon shows the happiness of freedom Thy sunny hues, fair forms, and breathing sweets in line 23. I think both of these two poems are using a simple and direct language to express their main ideas. And sometimes irony and imagery appears again and again to emphasize the importance of freedom.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
costa rica :: essays research papers
The population here is approximately 3.6 million. It’s attached to Central America and is south of Honduras and north of panama. Costa Rica is situated between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. The country’s economy is based on agriculture, electronic exports and tourism. Coffee has historically been the country's most important crop. The banana is the second most important export crop, with vast plantations covering parts of the Caribbean lowlands, but there is also significant land dedicated to such things as pineapples, sugar, oranges, rice, cattle, hardwoods and ornamental plants.      I have seen many beautiful national parks here such as the Manuel Antonio national park that has 105 000 visitors per year. Another park such as Irazu has 104 000 visitors per year. Poqs has the most visitors per year with 175 000 per year. A lot of other things that have attracted me are surfing, snorkeling, and scuba diving. The nature here is spectacular with some amazing rain forests. I am even trying to learn a little bit of Spanish because that is the official language here. All year round there are numerous festivals, parades, fiestas with fireworks and even bullfights.      There were certain things that I didn’t like about the island and that is the poverty I see everyday. I hope there won’t be a storm while I’m staying here because lots of hurricanes pass by Costa Rica. Something you might not now about Costa Rica is that there are One million tourists here every year! Also, the new TV program Temptation Island 2 is being filmed in Costa Rica. I have been staying in the city of San Josà ©, which seems to be one of the more popular cities on this island. I am currently staying at an inn called El Rodeo Country Inn. It’s located only 5 minutes from the San Jose Airport and just 12 minutes from the city center. It was just built in July 1996; the El Rodeo Country Inn is a countryside village. There are amazing scenic views of the nearby volcanic mountains, vegetable farms, pastures and fields. Right now I am relaxing in the Jacuzzi and just came from the sauna and swimming pool. All the rooms are air conditioned with cable TV, hot water, bathtub and telephone, hairdryer and safety deposit box. Costa Rica's system of government is very similar to that of the United States of America.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A Passage to India: Imperialism
Discuss Forster’s portrayal of Imperialism in the novel a passage to India A passage to India by E. M. Forster is a novel which deals largely with the political, economic and social takeover of India by the British Crown. The novel deals widely with colonialism and more specifically, imperialism. Forster presents the theme in question through the lives and minds of the characters from both the Indians and the English people. There is no subjective undertone to the novel and we see clearly how each character feels, politically correct or not. Forster successfully presents different scenarios and relationships with the assistance of symbolism and imagery, for us to imagine and determine a path to where it may lead; based on the concerns the book shows us. The narrative plays host to an array of themes and consequences present for both parties. The way in which Forster captures the imperialist ideology against the backdrop of a wondrous India and its people has been done so to give the reader a completely unbiased focal on the themes, but still create an enduring curiosity to how the back-story will affect the current affairs. With the thought on imperialism, rather than take the novel on a tangent of complete political movement, Forster chose to focus on people, relationships and the development of characters. Through this liberal approach it allows the reader to delve into the matter with an open mind, to develop own opinions and comments. To allow for all sides and notions to be represented, Forster seemed to develop a character for each. The idea that Indians would be facing an uphill battle trying to forge friendships with the English was represented in characters such as Hamidullah who implies that possibly both races can be friends but never under the current circumstances, and represented less progressively in Mahmoud Ali who presents a stubborn anti-British attitude. The ignorance of the British arrival in India is not unnoticed in the characters of Adela and more extremely in Ronny, who not only suffers from ignorance but has adopted the belief that he is superior to all Indians. Towards the beginning of the novel, or before the pinnacle turning point in the novel, Dr. Aziz and Fielding appear to be the level headed characters representing both races. Dr. Aziz is introduced in the opening chapters venting his frustration about the way the English treat him and other Indians, but never resorts to derogatory remarks or insults. He always appears to maintain a clear outlook to how he feels and why. Fielding, a British Official working in India demonstrates a humanitarian attitude towards Indians and treats them with kindness. As the novel develops and further embarks into the theme of Imperialism, these two characters allow us to see how this factor can affect and damage morals, relationships and opinions. The characters are almost representatives of the theme in question and they take the reader through the journey of the rise and fall, the pros and cons and the damage imperialism and colonialism as a whole can cause. The portrayal of Imperialism in the novel is largely unbiased from Forster himself. In the novel Forster exposes all emotions and attitudes from both races, because the novel is not written from the perspective from one race, or one side – it is written from the perspective of people – all anxiety and true emotion is exposed with little room for covering up British snobbery or submissive Indians, all is advertised. The ignorance on both parties is available, whether or not the ignorance is justified or not is irrelevant as it is all personal opinions. As Hamidullah says†They all become exactly the same, not worse, not better. I give any Englishman two years, be he Turton or Burton. It is only the difference of a letter. And I give any English woman six months. All are exactly alike. †Ch. 2 page 8; His feelings towards English appears bitter being that he was once treated with respect as a guest in England but in his own country due to Imperialism he is the enemy, the disobedient and the inferior, he seems exhausted and could possibly have at one point enjoyed the company of Englishmen when he was a visitor in their own country. It is evident now that he feels all Englishmen are hopeless, in the end they all conform to the Imperialistic movement and behaviours which encourage racism and a general bad attitude to the Indians. Hamidullah notably gives English women a much shorter tether probably being that they only communicate on a personal or sociable level and have no need for professional pleasantries before adopting the imperialistic traits. Forster himself having lived in India is divulging an exaggerated experience of his time there, he is magnifying issues which are completely evident in the force of Imperialism but had never been acknowledged in this way before. There will always, like with any topic be novels which contribute mere nods to the opposition with a main focus on the protagonists encounters, this is not what Forster set out to do. His approach, although himself anti-imperialist is very liberal in that he highlights and presents the Englishman, his â€Å"undeveloped heart†and narrow-mindedness to an unknown world to which he must adapt, or mustn’t as the story goes. An issue what can also be questioned in the novel is if Imperialism itself is the problem, or the way in which the British conduct themselves when India, under Imperialistic ruling. The behaviour of the British can be summoned on many different tangents from Imperialism. The topic of race and supremacism is rooted throughout the novel as a side note to the bigger picture of Imperialism. It is clear from the novel that with British ruling an automatic entitlement to superiority is present, as said by Mrs Turton to Adela. Adela being a somewhat open minded individual displays no major signs of racism or gives the notion she is superior to the Indians, but nonetheless Mrs Turton imposes an extremely heavy remark on her as it were quite trivial – â€Å"You're superior to them, anyway. Don't forget that. You're superior to everyone in India except one or two of the Ranis, and they're on an equality. To say such a racist remark so unintentionally demonstrates the notion that Indians are to submit to the British because that’s the way it is. There is no method in the madness of allowing Imperialism to develop further division with racism and disrespect to the host and their country. This deterioration is evident in the relationship between Dr. Aziz and Fielding. The relationship between Fielding and Dr. Aziz is almost a representation of the Imperialistic ti me, and how it developed. From the beginning of the novel the reader understands both characters have equal respect for one another and their races. There is an understanding of differences but maturity to overcome these nonsensical differences and forge a friendship. This can be seen in light of Imperialism, where there was a forced unity of cultures, this could forge new friendships, allow cultures to sample the traditions of others and increase quality of life and become cultured. Instead, a stubborn and adamant behaviour from the British forged nothing but resentment between both races and begun the belief that the take-over of the land equated to no equality. Translated into the novel, the incident which saw Dr Aziz face trial for the accusation held against him by Adela in the caves shows us where the friendship deteriorated, the relationship between both races which came to be, which was condemned by Hamidullah in the beginning had begun to conform to what Imperialism appeared to represent. After Adela dropped her accusation against Aziz, and everything was as it was in the beginning of the novel it was suggested Aziz and Fielding should resume their friendship but on reflection Aziz agrees with Hamidullah – there is no room for friendship between the Indians and the British. Their relationship, unlike that of the many other characters was not superficial. There was true equality amongst the men, noting definitely their differences but not considering they were of inferiority or superiority to one another. They represent both cultures as well as equal men but the ever present Imperialism is there to collapse any bridge of friendship, as Aziz implies there will be no friendship until the British have left, or left on the principles in which they arrived. At the end of the novel Fielding questions Aziz as to why they cannot be friends, because they both want to be? This shows the reader that there is still a sense of naivety in Fielding that he and the rest of the British have to work on. They do share the same perspective as the Indians, the problems which have arose and how they can be resolved is seen by Aziz. Aziz knows that there is no room for friendship, at least not now – â€Å"they didn't want it, they said in their hundred voices ‘No, not yet,' and the sky said ‘No, not there†Ch. 37. And so it can be seen that the theme of Imperialism throughout Forster’s novel is seen from many dimensions, the idea of Imperialism, and colonialism can be seen to be infected, the unnecessary behaviours which they have assumed go hand in hand with Imperialism have to be stopped. The portrayal of Imperialism by Forster as said is a very liberal and open minded approach in that he has exposed all dimensions and has no shied away from the resting fact of what should be questioned – Imperialism, or the way in which the British conduct themselves behind the wall of Imperialism. What they consider acceptable and what is not. The novel in its entirety delivers an excellent insight from all perspectives into the system. The reader is left with Forster’s own personal experiences and sometimes his own personal statements throughout the novel whilst being given the opportunity to identify the flaws in the system for themselves. Forster, E. M A Passage to India, 1994
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Columbine Shooting
Most people woke up to a day like any other except two teenagers, Dylan Keyhole and Eric Harris. They took guns with them to their school, Columbine High School, stood at the west entrance ready to shoot students. Thirteen people where killed by this incident and twenty were hurt. Then Dylan and Eric killed themselves, leaving us with the mystery of why they had done what they did. Dylan Keyhole and Eric Harris were teenagers who worked In a pizza parlor together.They were involved In sports In middle school but not In high school. Dylan and Eric were part of a group of kids that dressed Goth. Other kids considered them â€Å"uncoil†. They had been planning the Columbine shooting for almost a year. We sometimes try to look for someone to blame. In this case more than one person could have contributed to these actions. Dylan and Erie's parents could have paved more attention to how they were acting, looked In their room, or sat down and talked to them. There were probably kids that would make fun of Dylan and Eric.Also the searchers could have noticed something such as if they were not getting good grades. Any one of these could have preventing this massacre from happening. What many people don't understand is why this happened. But we may never know this because the answer disappeared when Dylan and Eric killed themselves. Professionals have studied the situation. What some people think happened was Eric killed out of anger and a wish to live alone and Dylan killed out of depression and did not feel loved. They also might have done it for revenge of being judged and treated badly by other students.There are a lot of movies, books, television shows, and video games that show violence with guns and people dying. The amount of violence in the media makes some people act more violent towards others. The more violence they see, the more they may feel like it is all right to hurt others. People should limit the amount of time they spend on games and shows with violent content so that they do not get violent urges to hurt others. There is an old saying that it takes a village to raise a child. Not only should the parents raise a child, but also other members of society should help influence kids in positive manner.Teachers should have stepped in if they saw bad behavior from these boys or from other kids picking on these kids. If other students noticed negative things going on with these boys then they should have reported It. We all have to help to make our world a better place. The Columbine Shooting had a very big Impact on society. It changed the school security forever. Dylan Keyhole and Eric Harris may have had different views on society and different motives but they had the same desire to do something self- satisfying and die that same day. Fifteen year later people are still trying to find answers.Columbine Shooting By gazillion At 1 1 on April 20, 1999 one of the worst tragedies involving kids occurred in Dylan Keyhole and Eric Harris were teenagers who worked in a pizza parlor together. They were involved in sports in middle school but not in high school. Dylan attention to how they were acting, looked in their room, or sat down and talked to not feel loved. They also might have done it for revenge of being Judged and treated negative things going on with these boys then they should have reported it. We all The Columbine Shooting had a very big impact on society.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Heartfelt Heart Quotes
Heartfelt Heart Quotes If you think with your head, a heart is just an organ that pumps blood. But if you think with your heart, you know that a heart is the core of human existence. A heart feels, emotes, and expresses. With a heart you can perceive, understand, and judge. Often, a heart is accorded more importance than the brain. Read these heartfelt heart quotes. Sir John VanbrughOnce a woman has given you her heart, you can never get rid of the rest of her.Michael NolanThere are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart. Pursue those.Robert ValettThe human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand.Blaise PascalThe heart has reasons that reason cannot know.Mary SchmichDont be reckless with other peoples hearts, dont put up with those who are reckless with yours.Timothy ChildersTo hide the key to your heart is to risk forgetting where you placed it.BuddhaYour work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.Franà §ois de la RochefoucauldThe heart is forever making the head its fool.Kahlil GibranBeauty is not in the face; Beauty is a light in the heart.ConfuciusWherever you go, go with all your heart.James Earl JonesOne of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you cant utter.Robert TizonI would rather have eye s that cannot see; ears that cannot hear; lips that cannot speak, than a heart that cannot loveLao TzuLove is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart and the senses. Jacques Benigne BossuelThe heart has reasons that reason does not understand.Blaise PascalThe heart has reasons, which the reason cannot understand.Zig ZiglarAmong the things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart.Benjamin FranklinThe heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart.Libbie FudimKnow in your heart that all things are possible. We couldnt conceive of a miracle if none had ever happened.Swami SivanandaPut you heart, mind, intellect and soul even into your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.William ShakespeareGo to your bosom; knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know†¦James LowellOne day with life and heart is more than time enough to find a world.Edward George Earle Bulwer-LyttonA good heart is better than all the heads in the world.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Robinson Crusoe2 essays
Robinson Crusoe2 essays Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe, is a story about a man and his extraordinary travels throughout the world. In the beginning, Robinson Crusoe travels out to sea against the will of his father. He learns to regret this, though, as he becomes enslaved, and later shipwrecked. He became shipwrecked on an island where was the sole survivor. As a shipwrecked man, he had few possessions and had to use his surroundings to survive. He painstakingly constructed his needs and wants until, after twenty-six years he was finally able to leave the island. Although very exciting and adventurous, Robinson Crusoe is more than just a story about a mans adventure and struggle to survive, it depicts one mans quest for spiritual salvation. In the beginning of the book, Robinson Crusoe is not a devout Christian. He disobeyed his parents when he ran away to sea. He called upon God only in times of trouble. He rarely used Gods name unless to swear, and in turn blasphemed it. Although he coped with the hardships of slavery and suffered its wickedness, he took a slave of his own after he escaped from his master. This behavior does not represent a devout Christian nor does it represent a person with high moral standards. Later in the book Crusoe described his attitude when he said, I had no more sense of God or His judgments ....... than if I had been in the most prosperous condition of life. This shows the reader that Crusoe was virtually unaware of Gods presence. Later in the book he becomes aware, and after becoming shipwrecked on the island, Robinson Crusoe asked God for his survival. He later realized that he should have actually thanked God for helping him survive the wreck and for helping him survive on the island. This action marks Crusoes change from a person who is unaware of God into a person who believed that God has control of the Earth and that God directly affects every mans life. ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952
The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 The Immigration and Nationality Act, sometimes known as the INA, is the basic body of immigration law in the United States. It was created in 1952. A variety of statutes governed immigration law before this, but they werent organized in one location. The INA is also known as the McCarran-Walter Act, named after the bills sponsors: Senator Pat McCarran (D-Nevada), and Congressman Francis Walter (D-Pennsylvania). The Terms of the INA The INA deals with Aliens and Nationality. Its divided into titles, chapters, and sections. Although it stands alone as a single body of law, the Act is also contained in the United States Code (U.S.C.). Youll often see references to the U.S. Code citation when youre browsing the INA or other statutes. For example, Section 208 of the INA deals with asylum, and it is also contained in 8 U.S.C. 1158. Its technically correct to refer to a specific section by either its INA citation or its U.S. code, but the INA citation is more commonly used. The Act kept many of the same immigration policies from earlier statutes with some major changes. Racial restrictions and gender discrimination were eliminated. The policy of restricting immigrants from certain countries remained, but the quota formula was revised. Selective immigration was introduced by giving a quota preference to aliens with much-needed skills and relatives of U.S. citizens and alien residents. The Act introduced a reporting system whereby all U.S. aliens were required to report their current address to the INS each year, and it established a central index of aliens in the U.S. for use by security and enforcement agencies. President Truman was concerned about the decisions to maintain the national origins quota system and to establish racially constructed quotas for Asian nations. He vetoed the McCarran-Walter Act because he regarded the bill as discriminatory. Trumans veto was overridden by a vote of 278 to 113 in the House and 57 to 26 in the Senate. Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965 The original 1952 Act has been amended many times over the years. The biggest change occurred with the Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965. That bill was proposed by Emanuel Celler, cosponsored by Philip Hart, and heavily supported by Senator Ted Kennedy. The 1965 amendments abolished the national origins quota system, eliminating national origin, race or ancestry as a basis for immigration to the U.S. They established a preference system for relatives of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, and for persons with special occupational skills, abilities or training. They also established two categories of immigrants who would not be subject to numerical restrictions: immediate relatives of U.S. citizens and special immigrants. The amendments did maintain the quota restriction. They expanded limits to world coverage by limiting Eastern Hemisphere immigration and by placing a ceiling on Western Hemisphere immigration for the first time. Neither the preference categories nor the 20,000 per-country limit was applied to the Western Hemisphere, however. The 1965 legislation introduced a prerequisite for the issuance of a visa that an alien worker will not replace a worker in the U.S. nor adversely affect the wages and working conditions of similarly employed individuals. The House of Representatives voted 326 to 69 in favor of the act, while the Senate passed the bill by a vote of 76 to 18. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the legislation into law on July 1, 1968. Other Reform Bills Some immigration reform bills that would amend the current INA have been introduced into Congress in recent years. They include the Kennedy-McCain Immigration Bill of 2005 and the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007. This was introduced by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and co-authored by a bipartisan group of 12 senators including Senator Ted Kennedy and Senator John McCain. None of these bills made it through Congress, but the 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act toughened up border control and clamped down on welfare benefits for legal aliens. The REAL ID Act of 2005 was then passed, requiring proof of immigration status or citizenship before states can issue certain licenses. No less than 134 bills regarding immigration, border security, and related issues were introduced in Congress as of mid-May 2017. The most current version of the INA can be found on the USCIS website under Immigration and Nationality Act in the Laws and Regulations section.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
A profile of a country (other than the United States) describing its Essay
A profile of a country (other than the United States) describing its domestic intitutions and how those affect its relations with the rest of the world - Essay Example In 1916, there came into existence an acknowledgement by the British with Qasim Al-Thani recognizing the family as the rulers. In 1971, Qatar broke of the agreement after adopting constitutional independence. The country’s official language is Arabic but other languages such as English, Urdu, and Farsi are also spoken. The use of Arabic is in an effort to reinforce the country’s Islamic identity (Fromherz, 2012). The country has embodied the use of the word Khaleeji to differentiate golf states citizens from N. Africa and Levantine Arabs. The main religion that the country has taken up is Islam (specifically Wahhabism). However, in spite of the high upholding of Islam, the level of activity as regards Islam has been rated as medium. The country notably, has very few incidences that have been reported relating to anti-western terrorist activity. Qatar is ruled by an Emir and is subsequently and Emirate. This type of government is common only in Middle Eastern countries and has been linked to their practice of Islam. Since Qatar attained independence, the Al-Thani family has ruled the country. The cabinet ministers as well as official in high-ranking positions in Qatari government are from the Al-Thani family. However, a few appointments that are of a high level capacity have occurred outside the family. Notably though, the occurrence in question only comes about as a rarity (Gray, 2013). In 1998, Qatar went on to hold its very first open elections. The elections were centered on the election of a municipal council. There was a very large voter turn up as the historical event attracted a lot of attention. The election also attracted a large candidacy inclusive of women. However, no member of the female candidacy populace was elected; an illustration of the regard for female leadership and equality in Qatar at the time. The m unicipal council is meant to represent issues being faced in residential sectors to the relevant t government bodies. As a
Friday, October 18, 2019
Why Abortion Should Not be Allowed Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Why Abortion Should Not be Allowed - Assignment Example There are several reasons why one believes that abortion should not be allowed. Abortion does not give the baby in the womb a chance to live; thus, it is unacceptable in most religions. All preborn children should be treated equally regardless of the health of the baby or the circumstances surrounding the conception because they are all precious in the eyes of God. Another reason why abortion should not be permitted is that it is used by some women as a birth control measure. Abortion somehow promotes infidelity because it makes it easy for other women to engage in illicit sexual relationships and then, later on, turn to abortion to avoid the responsibility of parenthood. Abortion may lead to some medical complications and has some psychological effects on the women who undergo it. The medical risks of abortion include sepsis, recurrent miscarriages, cervical tears, retained pregnancy tissue, severe heavy bleeding, uterine perforation, bladder and bowel damage, and severe infection. After an abortion, a woman may feel depressed and guilty. One agrees with the view of the Human Life International that only when â€Å"the mothers life truly is threatened by pregnancy (such as with cancer of the uterus or ectopic pregnancy), she may undergo an operation whose purpose is to save her life, even though the preborn child dies as an indirect result of the procedure†. It is important to note that the procedure here is not abortion rather an operation to save the mother’s life. If one looks at the reasons why women have abortions, it can be concluded that these reasons are not exactly justified.
Regulation and Management in the Global Community Essay
Regulation and Management in the Global Community - Essay Example Since China will be a new market for the expanding UK restaurant, they have to acclimatize themselves with certain strategies relating to fast-food restaurant in China, these includes; the government policies on foreign investments, the location of the business, and the kind of competition involved. These factors are important for enabling a critical evaluation of the business possibility of succeeding in the foreign country. Unlike in the UK, the fast food that are experienced in the Chinese market are different, for the business to succeed in China then, they have to consider those factors that relates to the type of food that is common or favourite in the Chinese culture. The same taste and preference that is experienced in UK is not the same one that will be experienced in China, for instance when in the UK most restaurants deal in fish and chip, in China the list expands to include fried bread sticks, roast chicken, soybean porridge, porridge, fried stuff buns and so on. As such , the management of the company should be conversant with the factors listed in order to realize success in the foreign investments. Relating to the foreign investment again, the management should be cognizant of the political, economic, and social (cultural) challenges that they are likely to meet while operating the business in China, they are reported below. Political Risks that might face the Management in China Foreign countries are always faced with a number of political risks and the fast-food restaurant is not an exception, as such, it will have its fair share of the risks. One of the most common political risks that will be faced in this relation is the taxation policy; China is a country that boasts of their domestic consumption given their large population. They also give preference to their local businesses first particularly in areas that need no specialized expertise like running a restaurant. The Chinese business policies are designed to support the local business and this is through giving higher taxation to the foreign countries as a way of discouraging them from doing business in China. If the business opt to consider China as their next business zone, they will have to contend with the higher rate of foreign businesses taxation, in other words, the profit margin for the company will be tremendously be reduced owing to the taxation policy. In a bid to control the influx of foreign businesses in china, the government of China has instituted bodies that regulate the extent though which foreign businesses are invading the Chinese market. Most of the regulatory bodies are keen to block those businesses that are dominant in the country, fast-food restaurant is one of the businesses that have dominated the Chinese market for a long time and there are chances that the UK branch investment will not be allowed to operate in the country (Adekola and Bruno 2007, p.34). Before allowing foreign business to operate in their country, China is keen to look i nto the benefits that they will accrue from the business. They have to look for factors such as will it create employment opportunities to the citizens, will it pay taxes, or will it just give unhealthy competition? In this case, starting a fast-food restaurant will be considered to bring unhealthy competition to the local business and chance are that they will not permit it and if they do, it is highly probable that they will have to introduce measures and controls for the business. The Chinese government introduced a policy that
Thursday, October 17, 2019
How Each Corporate Culture Differs From the Other Assignment - 9
How Each Corporate Culture Differs From the Other - Assignment Example For several decades, the Coca-Cola and PepsiCo have been in operating in the beverage industry asserting each other to capture a high amount of market share, improvement and promotion imprint amidst its consumers. Though friendly activities have been adopted by both the companies to maintain their leading position in the global level, however, it can be said that the main reason behind the continuous adaption of new techniques to attract new customers is their own strategy to change customer preferences and consumption. As a result, it has been viewed that the actions of both the company are often compared. Amid all the factors that have been in debate amid many critics relating to the two companies, the corporate culture prevailing in these two companies is considered to be one of the major factors that have to differentiate these two companies from each other (Grinton, 2010; Barney, 2003). The aspect of culture is considered to be the first priority in Coca-Cola as the company beli eves in developing an environment which would help in developing true dedication that would help in adapting the values of the company as one own. The first cultural aspect that is being followed in all its plans since its establishment is considering all the local business located in various part of the globe as a single entity. The Coca-Cola brand is determined for its representation of various qualities such as caring, connecting, integrity and excellence. The company also believes in a co-operative form of culture where all employees are provided the opportunity of sharing their ideas whether they work as a lower level staff or are a member of the higher authority. Additionally, emphases are also made to develop a close relation amid all the members working in a group within the organization as it is believed that establishing a close relation would help in developing skills that would directly facilitate in accomplishing the organization goal efficiently. Additionally, it has b een viewed that the company recruits people from around the world as it helps in determining the best policy and practice that would help to maintain a balanced working environment (The Coca-Cola Company, 2013; The Coca-Cola Company, 2009). Considering the aspect of culture it is observed that PepsiCo maintains a rigid and managerial form of culture within the organization. The company believes in blazing new traits and is viewed to implement guidelines and rules that help the individuals to develop commitment towards their job but as a team to strengthen the company performance as a whole. The company also strongly believes in recruiting people from a diversified background as it is believed that recruiting people from diversified background helps in understanding the preferences and the demands of different people belonging to different geographical regions. Additionally, an innovative form of culture also prevails in the company which motivates all employees in the company to adh ere innovative ways to meet the discriminating taste and preferences of its global customers (PepsiCo, n.d.).
Advantages of dynamic pricing over fixed pricing Essay
Advantages of dynamic pricing over fixed pricing - Essay Example The advantaged groups are the internet savvy because they can manipulate algorithms that sensitize them to be price sensitive, therefore the dynamic pricing may set lower prices for them. Dynamic pricing is very advantageous as it allows sellers to use large amounts of information that directly assist them to make decision (Hartline 85). The seller therefore makes informed business decisions. The seller is also able to increase the price within the threshold of the buyer’s upper limit because of the availability of the historical data to the buyer. This makes the seller increase the profit margins. The fixed pricing is less advantageous compared to the dynamic pricing, as the price of commodities is inflexible to meet the changing demands. The sellers are not in position to maximize profits in case of buffer seasons. The dynamic pricing has limitations. For example if the potential buyer proves the track record of price sensitivity and becomes well informed of the product†™s market price, he may force the dynamic pricing to offer better deal. The critical information about the buyer considered by the sellers like current inventory, supply chains, and competitors’ pricing may affect the price charged to the buyer as at that time. This incidence makes the seller realize no very little or no profits (Hartline 158). A firm practicing dynamic pricing program may sometimes offer discounts to grouped purchases due to excess inventory hence benefitting the buyer more. Dynamic pricing may make upcoming or infant business deteriorate or become insolvent due to increased unhealthy on-line competition from the established businesses. Consortia e-marketplaces These are electronic market places differentiated from other configurations. They mainly focus on the provisions of the internal efficiencies and collaborative benefits of supply to chain members (Rendell 214). Consortium e-marketplaces have many accrued benefits for the organizations that use its s ervices. The market future for the consortia e marketplaces is to influence other organization to join the service. The benefits of participating in consortia e-marketplaces are distinct for buyers and the suppliers (Adrian 189). It improves operational efficiency for the, managerial efficacy, and strategic effectiveness for both the buyer and the supplier of any organization which is deeply integrated in its services. Therefore, it is considerably wise to endorse my organization to this service to obtain the international competition. To evaluate the exchange validity of the consortia e-market place I would analyze critically its function and analyze the operational strategy. Consortia e-marketplaces are joint ventures that operate independently from their producers and have a completely different operation with an independent CEO and management board. The consortia e-marketplace emerges typically in vertical supply chain where such situations like the purchasing side consolidates for dominant players and community supply has fragmentation or is unreliable (Adrian 289). In this situation, the consortia e-marketplace intervenes and become the reliable source for the community products. The consortia e-market place also may emerge where the existing supplier sources products from a small company. The consortia CEO selects a new market place and contracts the market for the existing supplier. This analysis shows the importance my organization may accrue for joining the consortia e-marketplaces. Enterprise resource planning ERP is a method of using computer to link the various functions like accounting, inventory control and the entire company. This method intends
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
How Each Corporate Culture Differs From the Other Assignment - 9
How Each Corporate Culture Differs From the Other - Assignment Example For several decades, the Coca-Cola and PepsiCo have been in operating in the beverage industry asserting each other to capture a high amount of market share, improvement and promotion imprint amidst its consumers. Though friendly activities have been adopted by both the companies to maintain their leading position in the global level, however, it can be said that the main reason behind the continuous adaption of new techniques to attract new customers is their own strategy to change customer preferences and consumption. As a result, it has been viewed that the actions of both the company are often compared. Amid all the factors that have been in debate amid many critics relating to the two companies, the corporate culture prevailing in these two companies is considered to be one of the major factors that have to differentiate these two companies from each other (Grinton, 2010; Barney, 2003). The aspect of culture is considered to be the first priority in Coca-Cola as the company beli eves in developing an environment which would help in developing true dedication that would help in adapting the values of the company as one own. The first cultural aspect that is being followed in all its plans since its establishment is considering all the local business located in various part of the globe as a single entity. The Coca-Cola brand is determined for its representation of various qualities such as caring, connecting, integrity and excellence. The company also believes in a co-operative form of culture where all employees are provided the opportunity of sharing their ideas whether they work as a lower level staff or are a member of the higher authority. Additionally, emphases are also made to develop a close relation amid all the members working in a group within the organization as it is believed that establishing a close relation would help in developing skills that would directly facilitate in accomplishing the organization goal efficiently. Additionally, it has b een viewed that the company recruits people from around the world as it helps in determining the best policy and practice that would help to maintain a balanced working environment (The Coca-Cola Company, 2013; The Coca-Cola Company, 2009). Considering the aspect of culture it is observed that PepsiCo maintains a rigid and managerial form of culture within the organization. The company believes in blazing new traits and is viewed to implement guidelines and rules that help the individuals to develop commitment towards their job but as a team to strengthen the company performance as a whole. The company also strongly believes in recruiting people from a diversified background as it is believed that recruiting people from diversified background helps in understanding the preferences and the demands of different people belonging to different geographical regions. Additionally, an innovative form of culture also prevails in the company which motivates all employees in the company to adh ere innovative ways to meet the discriminating taste and preferences of its global customers (PepsiCo, n.d.).
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Why did the Korean War become an international conflict Essay
Why did the Korean War become an international conflict - Essay Example Fought as a result of disintegration of Korea into two countries due to World War II, Korean War was a result of conflict between USA and USSR as after the World War, one part was occupied by US and other was by USSR. The overall scenario leading to the Korean War is also based upon the rising tension between US and USSR. After the end of World War II though peace started to take its roots in Europe and other developed countries however, the US-USSR conflict started to worsen and both the super powers of the world reached to a point of cold war. The competing ideologies of Communism versus capitalism and dominance of US or USSR on the world political stage set the most part of the War between US supported South Korea and USSR and China supported North Korea. It was also during this war that UN was used for the first time by US as a tool to actually engage into armed conflict with any country. Why this conflict became global in nature and size, why major players including UN and US ac tually involved in this conflict will be discussed in this area. Political Turmoil and role of US and USSR Korea’s geographical location made it one of the most important regions in post-World War-II scenario and it was increasingly viewed as region which would ultimately become the point of contention between the Western powers and Communist bloc. The conditions for war were created due to keen interests of the two of the largest communist states in the world and the overall indecisiveness of US to conduct its foreign policy in the Far East region. Korea has always remained of interest for Russia and China and it was also because of this reason that USSR tried to occupy the country after World War II. Considering the increase in power of USSR, US also attempted to capture part of the country and hence Korea was divided between South and North Korea with US controlling South Korea whereas North Korea was controlled by USSR. The failure to actually hold free and fair elections increased the political tension in the region with North and South Korea forming two different sets of governments. South Korea adapted democracy whereas North Korea became a communist country. The political tension further escalated when small skirmishes started to occur on what was called 38 Parallel, the line controlled by US which was also virtually dividing both the countries from each other. The Korean War erupted in what was called the middle of the cold war between US and USSR and their bid to take control of the world. It was also increasingly seen as the war to determine which ideological framework world would adapt i.e. capitalism versus communism. The direct involvement of USSR in the war and supplying the arms to North Korea also prompted US, under the banner of UN to engage into the conflict with USSR. It is suggested that it was also the first time when US actually used UN as a foreign policy tool. The overall plan was to actually give Korea under the trusteeship of United Nations which would eventually lead it to full independence over the period of time. It was however subsequently realized that the imposition of any political will from other than Koreans may not be easy to implement and region may drift into turmoil as a result of political conflict between the super powers. It is also important to understand the overall diversity of opinions as well as groupings within Korea which could not help materialize the development of a workable plan to actually make the transition. The overall diversity of political opinions was also due to the Japanese Colonial rule which kept the country divided based upon different ideological basis. The suppression of Korean nationalist movement by the Japan also resulted into the lack of
Monday, October 14, 2019
Yahoo and Amazon Essay Example for Free
Yahoo and Amazon Essay 1. Describe, in brief, the histories of both of and, and determine the core business of each. Yahoo and Amazon have been seeking to have a competitive advantage for years. Since they were incorporated, the companies have experienced a mix of challenges and success as they strive to gain market share. To start with, Yahoo was established in 1995. Yahoo is one of the global technology companies that compete for the growing number online users in the recent world. The company delivers digital content and experiences on various platforms including mobile devices. Furthermore, the company provides properties and online services. Marketing services is a major business for the company. Generally, the company earns revenues from text-based links to advertisers, search advertising, display advertising, and other essential sources. The company has five core segments that include Search and Market Places, Communications and Communities, Developers and Platform Offerings, Advertise and Publisher offerings and Services, and Media. Lastly, the company has operations in approximately 60 countries. Nonetheless, Amazon was incorporated in 1995. It offers online retailing services to customers across the world. Amazon focuses on convenience, selection, and price. In addition to the direct retailing services, the company allows other small and medium sized businesses to sell their products through the company’s websites. The customers and business are able to complete their orders and transactions in Amazon’s websites. Other individuals such as authors, musicians, and filmmakers are also able to sell their products using the same platform. Millions of products are offered through the website. The website may be accessed through PCs, and even mobile applications. The core segments of the company include the International segment, and the North American segment. Generally, the company has witnessed substantial growth since its inception. The success of the company may be attributed to the strategic actions implemented by Jeffrey Bezos, the founder of the company (Amit, 2012). The next section will illustrate the strategic difference between the companies. 2. Determine the key strategic differences that have impacted the relative success of both and Provide two (2) specific examples of such strategic differences to support the response. The strategic actions undertaken by the company would determine the success of the company (Coulson-Thomas, 2013). Yahoo and Amazon have implemented different strategic actions since their establishment. On the fore, Yahoo core business does not involve direct retailing. Yahoo provides a platform for business people who engage in e-commerce. From the sales earned in the Yahoo stores, the company is able to earn commission. Particularly, the company’s core business involves advertising and marketing services. This contributes to a huge chunk of the company’s revenues. As far as human resources are concerned, Yahoo employees do not have a high level of autonomy as compared to the situation in Amazon. Yahoo coordinates with entertainment content providers and media in improving their website. They do not invest in the employees in enhancing creativity and innovation as compared to Amazon. On the other hand, Amazon has a different approach as far as online retailing is concerned. Initially, the company was involves in selling books in its websites. No other business used the website to sell or market its services. Amazon engaged directly with its customers. In the initial years of the company, this was an effective strategy. The company was a monopoly in the online book selling. This created a barrier for potential entrant. However, with the improvement in technology the company had to diversify its operations in order to sustain its position in the market. Other competitors were reaping big from diversified products; hence, the need for the company to similarly expand its operations. Therefore, the company had to modify its operations to fits to the growing market for online retailing. 3. Compare and contrast the approach to strategic planning that each company has pursued in order to achieve a competitive advantage. Focus specifically on both intended and emergent strategies. Strategic planning is an important step for any company that seeks to gain a competitive advantage in the market. There is need for the company’s management to set out plans and strategic actions in achieving the organization’s goals and objectives (Hill, 2013). An effective designed strategic planning process would steer the company to success. Basically, there are intended and emergent strategies. The intended strategies are those that the companies hope to implement. The effective implementation of the intended strategies would lead to the realized strategies. On the other hand, emergent strategies are those that are not planned for by the management. They are unexpected and are always as a result of competitors actions. In the case of Amazon and Yahoo, both intended and emergent strategies were implemented in achieving competitive advantage. One of the emergent strategies that Amazon implemented is the diversification strategy. The Company allows other businesses to sell their products in the company’s website. This provides a variety of products and services for customers. The diversification strategy was in response to the increasing competition from businesses that equally have diversified portfolio. Nonetheless, the level of product diversification in Yahoo is not commensurate to that of Amazon. The company offers space for other businesses to sell their products through its website. However, the company itself does not engage in direct selling of the products. The company has various features in its website ranging from games, emailing, to financial news updates. The main aim of the company in providing a variety of features in its website is increasing traffic. More traffic in the company’s website implies that there will be more clients demanding the advertising services of the company. In increasing its popularity in the market, the company invested in aggressive advertising. Next, both companies have invested in expansion strategy. With increase in globalization, there is potential market for online retailing. Amazon has an international segment, which focuses on the global market. Lastly, Yahoo and Amazon have different approaches on employees’ motivation. Am azon employs a participative approach whereas Yahoo is mainly autocratic. Amazon employees are free to make decisions that concern new ideas and the success of the company. This has been critical for the success of the company. 4. Analyze the manner in which each company’s distinctive competencies help to shape the strategies that each company pursues. Provide a rationale to support the response. Distinctive and core competencies are essential in transforming the strategies of the companies (Mellat-Parast, 2013). Effective strategic implementation depends on the distinctive competencies. On the fore, Amazon has various distinctive competencies that have assisted it in shaping its strategies. The technology experts of the company have been critical in its strategic implementation. Innovation being essential for the company, the technology experts has improving the service provision quality. The websites have been effectively designed to meet the customer’s needs and requirements. Another distinctive competency involves the association program. Allowing other enterprises to conduct business in its website has been significant for the company’s diversification strategy. Therefore, the association program has shaped the company’s diversification strategy. On the other hand, Yahoo has various distinctive competencies that have played a role in its strategic planning. As pointed out earlier, the company’s website host a range of service. This is essential in improving the number of visitors in its website. With respect to this, the companys marketing strategy has been shaped by the distinct website. Furthermore, the company’s expansion and diversification strategies are supported by the numerous services offered in its website. The company has also been effective in forming strategic partnerships, for instance, the collaboration with Microsoft. The partnerships have gone a long way in reducing the company’s operating expenses despite the numerous challenges and competition. 5. Recommend one (1) functional level strategy for each company which prescribes the essential ways in which each may achieve superior efficiency, quality, innovation, and customer responsiveness. Provide a rationale to support the response. The functional level strategies are effective in achieving the business and corporate level strategies. They are implemented at the operational level, and directly involve the employees. I would recommend an effective marketing strategy for Amazon. The company is in a competitive environment with eBay being its largest competitor. Amazon should ensure that its products are offered at a low price as part of its marketing strategy. For instance, the company should offer discounts or free shipping with an aim of attracting more customers. They should be speedy delivery of the products in order to earn superior efficiency. The response to customer complaints and inquiries should also be fast. This would improve the company’s competitiveness. Nonetheless, I would recommend both a human resource and marketing strategy for Yahoo. The company’s competitiveness has been low in the recent years. The company should invest in recruitment of skilled personnel that would contribute in enhancing its research and development. Furthermore, the management should allow for independent decision making. This would reinforce the innovation strategy since independent decision making promotes creativity. Next, the company should modify its marketing strategy to meet the needs of the current dynamic environment. More emphasis should be on social media marketing. This approach is cheaper and has a wider coverage (Amit, 2012). The company may be close to prospective customers through Facebook, twitter, and YouTube. References Amit, R. . (2012). Creating value through business model innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review, 53(3), 41-49. Coulson-Thomas, C. (2013). Implementing strategies and policies. , . Strategic Direction, 29(3), 33-35. doi:doi:10.1108/02580541311304643 Hill, C. . (2013). Strategic management: An integrated approach (10th ed.). Independence, KY: Cengage. Mellat-Parast, M. (2013). Supply chain quality management. International Journal of Quality Reliability Management, 30(5), 511-529. doi:10.1108/02656711311315495
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Meaning Of Ethics In Criminal Justice Philosophy Essay
The Meaning Of Ethics In Criminal Justice Philosophy Essay This paper attempts to assist in giving a clear view of what ethics can be and how they are apply to the criminal justice field. I often hear discussions about, what is to make a moral judgment, or argue about an ethical issue, or to live according to ethical standards? Ethics can be a controversial subject because of the relevance of it in our daily life and the application of such in our professions. What are our personal responsibilities and why should we bother acting in accordance with moral principals? Therefore, in order to value ethics and morality we must understand the concept. Often, the belief in human superiority is a very fundamental one, and it underlies our belief in many sensitive areas. Ethic is not something logical only in the context of religion and sometimes should treat ethics as entirely independent of religion. Some theist say that ethics cannot do without religion because the very meaning of good is nothing other than what God approves. Plato refuted a simil ar claim more than two thousand years ago by arguing that if gods approve of some actions it must be because those actions are good, in which case it cannot be gods approval that makes them good. (Peter Singer, 1993 p.3) The Meaning of Ethics When applying ethics in the criminal justice field, we (the general public) expect every criminal justice professional to be faithful to the ethical standards; and to apply justice in a reasonable manner. Therefore, forcing the criminal justice professionals to live and work in an environment in which moral ambiguity is the norm. However, the question remains, what are ethics and moral standards? Ethic is the study of what should be done. The terms ethics and morality are often used interchangeably. The word ethics comes from the Greek ethickos- meaning an ethos, habits, pattern of behavior or prevailing attitude. The word morality is derived from the Latin morales- meaning custom, conventions or social norms. Unfortunately, these derivations are a little misleading, because ethics and morality have come to mean much more than a description of behavior, custom or current practice. (Ian Kerridge, Michael Lowe, John McPhee, 2005 p.1) The field of ethics can be broken down into various sub-classes. One major division is into meta-ethics, normative ethics and practical ethics. Metha-ethic is concerned with moral claims and the meaning of terms such as right, good, virtue and justice. One of the goals of meta-ethics is to examine the general characteristics of an ethical system. Normative ethics attempt to develop moral frameworks (principles, rules, theories, and guidelines) to guide our actions and evaluate our behavior. Practical ethics refers to the implication arising from ethics in the specific contexts. For example, Bioethics may be understood as one type of practical ethics, as it refers to ethics applied to anything in the biological sciences. (Ian Kerridge, Michael Lowe, John McPhee, 2005 p.1) Ethical standards are expressions of consensual moral attitudes and conventions developed in particular religious/spiritual, social, and cultural context. Ethical issues are becoming increasingly important in a world characterized by divisions-political, economic, religious, ethnic, gender and cultural. As a result of such division and, thus, the multiplicity of sociocultural influences on decision makers, it is no longer always obvious what is good or right behavior in many public and private situations. (Devenish Dowson, 2010 p. 87). In the criminal justice field, as well as other professions, the nature of professional ethics are an expression that a multitutude of possible meaning, and it is frequently used to signify rules governing professional and profession. The standards of conduct for professions are organized around the way in which a profession carries out its work. Setting ethical standards is one way in which professions seek to persuade the public to entrust their affairs and confidence to members of the profession. (Banks, 2009 p.129) For example, ethics are defing qualities of the police profession as it consist of the behaviour and attitude of police officers while acting under the law. (Bowen, 2010). Furthermore, criminal justice practitioners must follow the common principles of natural law which is the sanction that regulates behaviour of people on the basis of universal traits and common experiences. This includes treating people with dignity, governing with reason, not challenging equality of the people, governing people with ethical behaviours that lead to societal contentment, mainting peace in accordance with the goals of justice, and depending on natural law, when formal rules are unavialble. Therefore, it is important to know and remember that in the criminal justice field ethics are meant to complement and reinforce the law, not to undermine it. Laws are ever changing, whereas ethics are constant. Law are logical, reactive instrument of social control, whereas ethics are regulatory and based on reason ing. (Robin T. Bowen, 2010 p.24) One problematic aspect of ethics (and accountability) is the assumption of peoples responsibility for their actions. In order to judge a persons behavior as morally right or wrong, there is usually an assumption that their actions are freely chosen. The idea of free will, therefore, central to ethical reasoning and judgment; however, we really do not know what free will is. (Tim Prenzler, 2009 p.3). Many ethical codes draw foundational principles and frameworks from moral philosophy. The teaching of ethical standards should address a range of normative theories as a basis for comprehensive decision making, and pay full attention to the role of critical reasoning in ethical argument. (Devenish Dowson, 2010 p.87). In conclusion, whether, in the criminal justice field, personal lives or any other any profession ethical and moral standards are an essential part of our daily living. Ethics can be misunderstood, and some people think that morality and ethical standards are now out of date. Some even view morality as a system of vicious puritanical prohibition. As far as making a correlation between religion, ethics and morality, religion serves to regulate, codify, and to direct moral understanding. Human beings have unanimously turned to religion as the vital source for moral regulation and action. Much of the world does not believe that morality is invented or sustained by human will and consciousness alone, but that morality is contingent upon divine principles. Sr. Thomas Aquinas (1224-1274), considered one of the greatest medieval theologians, adopted the philosophy that ethics are necessary for the common good of all, not just those in power or the elite. Ethics must reflect natural law, which is bestowed on humanity by God (Madison, 2005 p.85-86). Nevertheles, ethics are comparative to the society one happens to live in, so the consequences of actions should vary according to the circumstances.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Microscope Lab Report Essay -- Microscopes
Lab Work Not Included The purpose for completing this lab was to observe how microscopes function. The invention & evolution of the microscope has been an ongoing process since the Middle Ages, when the first convex magnifying lenses were introduced. In 1590, the Jansen Brothers invented the first compound microscope (two or more lenses).However, Antony van Leevenwenhoek created the first â€Å"true†microscope, in 1665, with 300x magnification & unbelievable resolution. During the late 1700’s, the microscope was reinvented with 1500x magnification. The most recent advancement in microscopes is the electron microscope, which was invented in 1930. This particular model uses an electron beam, instead of light & 4,000,000x magnifications with incredible resolution. There are many different parts of a microscope and each one has its own unique purpose. The compound microscope has 13 main parts. The base & arm are used to carry the microscope. The lamp or mirror is the source of light, the body tube lets light through, & the diaphragm controls the amount of light. There are also three dif... Microscope Lab Report Essay -- Microscopes Lab Work Not Included The purpose for completing this lab was to observe how microscopes function. The invention & evolution of the microscope has been an ongoing process since the Middle Ages, when the first convex magnifying lenses were introduced. In 1590, the Jansen Brothers invented the first compound microscope (two or more lenses).However, Antony van Leevenwenhoek created the first â€Å"true†microscope, in 1665, with 300x magnification & unbelievable resolution. During the late 1700’s, the microscope was reinvented with 1500x magnification. The most recent advancement in microscopes is the electron microscope, which was invented in 1930. This particular model uses an electron beam, instead of light & 4,000,000x magnifications with incredible resolution. There are many different parts of a microscope and each one has its own unique purpose. The compound microscope has 13 main parts. The base & arm are used to carry the microscope. The lamp or mirror is the source of light, the body tube lets light through, & the diaphragm controls the amount of light. There are also three dif...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Drawing Essay
I believe drawing is the single most important skill for any visual artist to acquire, whether they are a painter, illustrator, graphic designer, or fashion designer. It is simply the act of â€Å"seeing†made visual. When one learns how to draw, what they are really learning is the ability to see more clearly and communicate what they see or can imagine. As such, drawing is a tool for study, and communication even before it is a tool for making art. When you draw a picture, do you draw the character in blocks first or what? I just can’t seem to get my characters anatomically right. I saw your booklist on your site. Do you know of any books which teach you to draw the body in blocks? From Christine Lau I don’t draw â€Å"blocks†first when drawing a figure. Usually I’ll do a very loose, light, scribbly â€Å"gesture†drawing instead. If you want to learn the â€Å"blocks†method, try any of the books by George Bridgeman, Andrew Loomis, or the books by Robert Beverly Hale. (all are listed on my site) Avoid books by Burne Hogarth, (one of my old teachers) as they aren’t very accurate and can be very misleading. (note: Glenn Vilppu’s books are also an excellent source!) By far, the best book for anatomy though is the book by Stephen Rogers Peck (also on the site). There is no â€Å"quick fix†for drawing anatomy†¦it just takes a few years of study. Keep it up though, it’s worth it once you get a handle on it!!! p.s. Also, draw from live nude models as much as possible, that’s the best method to learn it. †¦What is the hardest thing to draw? From Everybody! Nothing is really harder or easier to draw in a mechanical sense. If a person can draw one thing, they are perfectly capable of drawing something else with the same degree of accuracy. The problem is in the phrase â€Å"the same degree of accuracy.†If someone says they can draw, for instance, landscapes, but they can’t draw people, what they are really saying is, â€Å"when I draw landscapes, I draw well enough that no one can tell what I’ve drawn incorrectly.†The reason people, and especially faces, are so difficult to draw is not because they themselves are any harder to draw than a tree. What changes is our tolerance as viewers for any degree of inaccuracy. We are so intimately familiar with faces and their associated nuances, that the slightest deviation appears as a gross misproportion. Because of this, I am constantly demanding my students draw people, and especially self-portraits, because they effectively highlight any weak skill areas that need attention. My students erroneously believe it’s because I’m sadistic. †¦What purpose does drawing have for artists today? From Carole (Shropshire, United Kingdom) I think people often misrepresent drawing as a medium, or group of mediums, rather than an activity. I see drawing as the visual equivalent of language. It is simply the way we communicate ideas visually through a series of marks on a ground. So to rephrase the question, it is a little like asking â€Å"What purpose does speaking have for people today?†For both, the answer I would give is the communication of information. This information can take the form of ideas, thoughts, commentary, entertainment, or just literal facts, but for all of these, drawing is just the mode of transmission. How artfully this is done is another, separate, issue. In the case of artists specifically, it is the fastest and most efficient way to represent an idea visually. Far more immediate than any other way of doing it, a quickly drawn sketch or thumbnail is usually the â€Å"first look†an artist has at how they might execute an idea.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Organizational Behavior-Communication Essay
1. Present which channels of communications should be emphasized and how these channels will be used to ensure that the traditional departments (e.g., IT, human resources, customer service, and sales) at SWC headquarters have necessary accurate and timely information. Communication in an organization or company is very important in achieving goals and objectives. It is oftentimes used in relaying information, messages and issues that concern the success of a company or organization. It is the medium used by most of the high ranking officials and members to have an organized and timely delivery of information in every office or department for instance. Various types of communication or channels had been used. These communication channels are used by the companies to convey and interact well with the employees in order to improve and attain growth of the organization. There are two types of channelsâ€â€indirect and direct communication. Indirect communication is used when the interaction is not face-to-face. It uses medium such as different types of technologies like computers, monitors and among others. The most common type of indirect communication is the teleconferencing. On the other hand, direct communication is a face-to-face type of communication. This is common when all of the members of the team are present in just one area. 2. Which channels will be key to those work teams with all members located within headquarters? In the case of SWC, all of the members of the team are within the headquarters, it is best to use direct communication. In relaying this message , a memo can be sent to the members of the team to inform them of the activity that will be done within the headquarters. It is a common knowledge that doing a meeting or gathering within a certain place when all of the people are present, it is best to employ the direct communication. If the head of the department do not have the time to write a memo the most common thing done is to send an email to the members stating the information and issues that should be discussed and later on meet face-to-face with the members. It is not advisable that the leader will just send an email to all the members even if all are present within one area. On the other hand, an email might be good to relay the information fast and easy but still it connotes something to the members. The members might think that the leader of the team is not interested in talking with them. So, there are also strengths and weaknesses of these channels. But in this case, a good leader nurtures a relationship with the members through constant socialization, constant talking with them and assuring that the company is still wants them and will be like a friend that whenever the company decides to change leadership and people the members will be the first to know. It is showing of sincerity with the members of the team. In a study done by the Harvard business school, they projected what a good manager is. They found out that the effective manager spends more than 80 percent of their time in interacting with their personnel and staff. Furthermore, their study said that interaction and conversations within the working area is important in leading a company or organization. It is human capital and social capital that is working in order to achieve and create what the company wants such as increasing productivity while enhancing innovation. In another research done by Ron Burt from the University of Chicago, a leading researcher on the social capital of managers has found, through numerous studies, that certain patterns of connections that individuals build with others brings them higher pay, earlier promotions, greater influence, better ideas and overall greater career success. Burt believes that good social capital provides a much higher return on investment in human capital – the two work toge ther. (Krebs, 2005) In another research done at the Norwegian school of economics, a manager or team leader with a better social networking were more productive since they are sincere with their work, they can easily coordinate with the members without hesitation and coordinate tasks in order to finish a certain project and accomplish the goals and objectives of the project (Krebs, 2005). 3. We may have virtual self-managed teams with members located in different parts of the world. The members have yet to meet each other. These teams are each focusing on designing and delivering specific products to certain customers by designated dates. On the other hand, while face-to-face interaction is important in achieving productivity the introduction of various technologies cannot be ignored. Some of the teams of SWC are located in various areas where there is difficulty of meeting face-to-face. In this kind of interaction, teleconferencing has been used by many organizations and companies in order to hold a meeting or to discuss an issue that concerns the company. Also, one of the successful interactions is through networking. This technology helps individuals communicate with each other even if it is across the world. It is a laborious and costly though but once it is set up many of the staff outside the headquarters will benefit from it. From this networking there will be better information flow and exchange of communication among the team members(Lussier, 2005) If SWC were to consider the virtual self-managed teams, below are some key areas that would be evaluated. A virtual self-managed team has been around the globe today. It is used by the outsourcing companies such as call centers, medical transcriptionist, and even tutorials online. Through the introduction of the technology people have embraced this and been nurturing and disseminating it to the others. But before going into a deeper context of the virtual self-managed team, a creation of this team is very important such as choosing the right person to manage and disseminate information. There are a lot of criteria in choosing the person. One of this is the knowledge and skills on the technology that will be used in the entire implementation of the project or program. Individuals who are adept with various types of technologies and willing to be trained again and again just to ensure that there will be no problems later on in the implementation.  Individuals who have lots of connections and networks that can assist them with their problems in terms of technology. Individuals who are willing to share later on their knowledge and not be tacit about the new information and studies so that there will be transfer of skills., and someone that cannot only design programs but can facilitate information flow and sharing of knowledge. a. What communication channel(s) would you recommend for the initial meeting? For the initial meeting of the team, it would be best that is done face-to-face. This is the first meeting so it should build rapport with each other. Even if there are the use of technologies later on, at least during the initial meeting and introduction of each other there already a communication among them. b. What communication channel(s) would you recommend as key interactions (you are not limited to those channels listed in the exhibit)? Later on, after the initial meeting the team can discuss issues through teleconferencing, phone calls, chat messengers and among others that might not require the presence of each other and spend costly fares just to be in one place. Organization of the issues beforehand is also important because this will identify how urgent the meeting should be or is it just one of the meetings and phone calls would be enough. c. Explain how these teams will meet the challenges of each of the stages of group/team development. Engaging in this kind of set-up, virtual self-managed team, is difficult to maintain though. It will require energy because this does not only entail communication but it also needs feedback and learning (source) among the team members. In order to meet these challenges there should be a constant communication even it is called â€Å"virtual†because through this monitoring can be done as well as learning along the way. d. What challenges does diversity present? What must be done to meet these challenges? Diversity in people is very challenging. Every person has its own personality, culture and attitude. Constant learning through trainings can be a good answer to it. e. From a communications point of view, what are the advantages and what are the disadvantages of virtual self-managed-teams? Virtual self-managed team is cost-effective. The only costs that will be incurred are the gadgets that will be used during the networking and conferencing. It can also be done anywhere and anytime of the day. Just put the set up and voila there will be a meeting in the middle of beach. On the other hand, it has also disadvantages. Since it will not require the presence of the person it does not nurture a relationship and does not build rapport among the team. Oftentimes than not, the reaction and the feelings will be not be felt if it is only in the monitor or phone calls. Conversations can be faked and might build walls.
Edsa Revolution Essay
Good day tourists! I’m ziel your tour guide for today and now where going to explore and see the beauty of the â€Å"resort province of the Philippines†welcome to LAGUNA!!! The Province of Laguna, which was formerly called La Laguna, was named after Laguna de Bay, the body of water that forms its northern boundary. Laguna de Bay, in turn, was named after the town of Bay (Laguna de Bay is Spanish which means â€Å"Lake of Bay†), the first provincial capital. Laguna (Tagalog: Lalawigan ng Laguna), is a province of the Philippines found in the CALABARZON region in Luzon. Its capital is Santa Cruz . Laguna hugs the southern shores of Laguna de Bay, the largest lake in the country. Laguna is notable as the birthplace of Jose Rizal, the country’s national hero. There’s a lot of famous attractions like , the hot spring resorts of Los Baà ±os and Calamba on the slopes of Mount Makiling, Pila historic town plaza, Taytay Falls in Majayjay, the Hidden Valley Springs in Calauan and of course the most famous waterfalls in the philiphines PAGSANJAN FALLS!! The main falls is actually located within the boundaries of Cavinti, Laguna but access by boat originates from the town of Pagsanjan. A move by the ruling body of the town of Cavinti was submitted to the Sangguniang Bayan. Pagsanjan Falls is probably the most famous natural attraction in Laguna. However, it is actually located in Cavinti, an adjacent town to Pagsanjan, and the falls’ indigenous name is Magdapio Falls. Pagsanjan, Laguna is the jump-off point to Pagsanjan Falls. You may rent a banca or small boat to take you to the falls or â€Å"shoot the rapids.†The standard rate is about PhP 800-1000 pesos per person which includes the round-trip boat ride, entrance fees, and use of life vests. Be prepared to shell out extra for tips to boatmen; although there is a standard rate for the boat ride, you are expected to give extra tip to the boatmen, about PhP 200 per person (according to tourists who already went there). Skilled and accredited boatmen will take you on a scenic boat ride at Magdapio River in order to reach the main falls, the famous Pagsanjan Falls. They used to be wooden bancas, but nowadays, the boats are made of fiberglass. On the way, you will be treated to the sight of other minor falls (approximately 20 of them), lush vegetation, and natural rock formations. Some say that monkeys occassionally appear and they throw branches or rocks to people, so you better wear a helmet just in case. Once you reach the main falls, you can take a raft ride through the falls and get a natural â€Å"back massage.†You can also explore the Devil’s Cave behind the falls, famous for its reverberating echoes. For the raft ride, you have to pay an extra PhP 90 and tip the boatmen. The highlight of this trip is the rapid descent downstream or what is known as â€Å"shooting the rapids'†. Be prepared for the thrill of a lifetime as the expert boatmen manuever the boat skillfully through turbulent waters. It is interesting to know that a boatman is required to undergo a rigid six-month training in order to acquire a license/accreditation for guiding tourists on the ride to the falls. Bangkero is a Tagalog term given to those whose job provides a means of transportation on the river using a â€Å"bangka†(boat). The â€Å"Pagsanjan Bangkero Festival†is held every first week of March and it features exciting events on water and land like the â€Å"palarong bangkero†(fluvial parade and exhibitions), street dancing, drum and lyre band competition, chorale fest, cultural night, trade fair, sports events among others. The ‘Pagsanjan Bangkero Festival’ is inspired by and dedicated to all the bangkeros (boatmen) in Pagsanjan.. These boatmen impress one with his skill and dexterity in maneuvering his boat upstream â€Å"against wild rapids and amids a pristine panorama of lush, virgin forest.†Aside from its amazing tourist’s destinations, Laguna is also known for its delicacies and appetizing food products. Almost every town has its own particular product with its distinct taste that is mainly raised in the town. Here is a list of the delicacies to look for when you happen to pass by or visit Laguna. Buko pie is a famous delicacy of Los Baà ±os town in Laguna province. Mer-Nel’s chocolate cake is the favorite cake in Los Baà ±os, Laguna. The cake is moist and light, while the icing is sweet chocolate with a hint of milk. Kesong puti or white cheese is widely produced in Santa Cruz, Laguna, and the town of its origin. Monay is widely available in local bakeries but the monay in Bay, Laguna is deliciously different. Espasol (rice pudding) is a native Filipino sweet treat made from rice flour and coconut strips cooked in coconut milk. The cooked pudding is shaped into cylinders and then rolled into toasted rice flour. It is believed that espasol originated from Laguna, Philippines. Uraro or arrowroot cookies are popular in Laguna province. These cookies are delicate and powdery, and feel dry on the mouth like puto seko (although puto seko is much drier). Usually, uraro is shaped into flowers and wrapped in a thin paper called â€Å"papel de hapon.†Bibingka. There are are many versions of bibingka in the Philippines but when you are in Laguna, the bibingka of Pagsanjan is the must-try delicacy. Just like the adobo which has many versions, there are many variants of bibingka (or rice cake) in the Philippines. But when you are in Laguna, the bibingka of Pagsanjan is the must-try delicacy. The typical ingredients of bibingka are rice flour, coconut milk and eggs usually topped with grated coconut, salted egg or white cheese. But Pagsanjan’s bibingka does not have any of these toppings at all; it may look simple but it really tastes delicious as it is. The traditional way of cooking bibingka is rather interesting. Instead of the typical gas or electric oven, a clay pot is used; banana leaves are used to line the clay pot and hot coals are put below and on top of the clay pot in order to cook the bibingka batter. So what are you waiting for? Visit Laguna and try these delicious and mouth-watering foods that you’ll surely love.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
WHO CAN HELP THE CEO Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
WHO CAN HELP THE CEO - Case Study Example Amory suggested that Eliot be set up with an executive coach. Eliot did not agree with the advice and regretted having called Amory. When Eliot became CEO of TrakVue he made some optimistic sales projections which came back to bite him. The board saw Eliot as being behind in his results due to the foolish projections he made two years earlier. Eliot also consulted his problems at the company with another friend, Bob Gellingham, who worked in public relations. He suggested that Eliot should land one or two big accounts to change attention away from the problems. The executive coach that Amory set up for him told Eliot he was in denial about the business problems. Another coach told him to seek advice. Eliot thought that it was the coachs job to give that advice. The coach also told him that he rarely seeks input from anyone: subordinates, peers outside the company, or customers. Eliot resented the advice because he sought the coach was uninformed about the dynamics of his business. He was worried that the board might fire him in their next meeting since he had lost two sales VP during his tenure as CEO. The article ended by offering three different views from commentators. Jerry Rao who was a CEO himself suggested that keeping the problems within is not the right rout. When he faced similar problems to Eliot he looked for the advice from the board of directors. He also said that colleagues may have agendas that lead to detrimental advice, thus it was a smart idea to use coaches or consultants. He said that assistants often can provide good insight. The second commentator, Susan Ashford, questioned Eliots leadership and that he did not admit his weaknesses. She said that Eliot avoided seeking advice from his colleagues. The last commentator, Stephen Socolof, said Eliot has to reassure the board about his capacity to run the company. He said Eliot should ask for help from mentors and other experienced people. The article showed the
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Dissection and graded assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Dissection and graded - Assignment Example These factors might prevent people from participating in the screening tests. Various factors are found to be dominantly effecting people’s decision of participating in the screening tests. The two possible reasons include awareness and health beliefs. As screening is a process of identifying risk of diseases in presymptomatic individuals for effective therapy or primary prevention to evaluate the risk factors (Shickle & Chadwick, 1994). Depending upon the concepts and beliefs people decide to take part in screening procedures. Nowadays people are aware of both things, the pros of screening tests and the cons. Because of increasing adverse effects reported due to screening procedures the awareness has been increased therefore; people do not wish to participate in screening procedures. People are more aware of the adverse consequences like fear, depression, anxiety, etc. which occur due to undertaking screening tests, this hinders in their decision of participating in screening tests. Health beliefs of some individuals influenced by their culture or traditions also prevent people from participation (Government of Western Australia, 2014). People consider the screening tests to be waste of money as they do not find them useful. As studies have proven screening tests have not found effective in decreasing the risk of diseases therefore, people do not consider them as useful or result oriented. Surveys have proved that most people do not consider themselves to be sick or have any risk of disease which prevents them from taking part in screening tests. People also consider the screening procedures to be unsafe and may result in doing harm to their bodies which makes them fearful. Having proper awareness and guidance about one self and knowing whether screening is necessary or not prevent individuals from facing series of adverse outcomes. In order to overcome screeningitis the public health
Monday, October 7, 2019
Performance appraisal policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Performance appraisal policies - Essay Example Walmart, Google and Apple are very reputed companies in the global market and hold a significant place in the list of Fortune 500 companies. Discussing about the performance appraisal of these companies this can be said that Walmart is using performance appraisal system for the purpose of evaluation. The management of this company has set four standards which are below standard, above standard, standard and outstanding performance. According to these levels they are evaluating the productiveness of their employee’s performance in the organizational activities. New joiners are received two times evaluation at the first fiscal year and other employees receive the same one time in a year. Management has decided that all employees should spend at least 6 months at their current position before getting any kind of promotion. The employees who are giving outstanding performance in the organization can receive monetary reward at any time in a financial year. Compensation and benefit are structured according to the performance evaluation of every employees and it can differ from person to person (Armstrong, 2006). Again in case of Apple Inc. this can be said that this company does not provide any kind of guarantee for lifelong employment opportunities without standard performance. So management of this company always focuses on this fact that employees should take responsibilities to achieve target growth to survive in this company. The company has set organization centric goals and target to recruit only qualified and skilled persons in the respective fields. The management of the company is doing performance appraisal of its employees on annual basis and high performers are getting exclusive rewards for their performances. The company is paying a variety of incentives to its employees such as long term care insurance, employee
Saturday, October 5, 2019
PRACTISE STUDY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
PRACTISE STUDY - Essay Example These activities of Imagine Mental Health stem from its belief that by supporting people with mental health problems it is possible to enable them to do what they want to do, live their lives as they want to live and access those opportunities that are available to all citizens, in short to lead a full and independent life (Imagine). Governmental support for these activities is available through the government social exclusion action plan. This action plan became a reality in September 2006, when the department of health and the department of work and pension initiated it to encourage social activities and employment for those suffering from severe mental health. The social exclusion action plan is envisaged as a programme that will involve the participation of the public sector, the private sector and the voluntary organization. As a voluntary organization with similar objectives as the social exclusion plan, Imagine Mental Health is associated with this effort of the government (Re aching Out: An Action Plan on Social Exclusion). The company operates through the mainstream service by enabling clients who have been socially excluded to reclaim their place back in the mainstream of society. The company is staffed by bridge builders, who have a background, and specialist expertise, in a number of life domains that the clients can choose to access. These domains include employment, volunteering, education and training, sports and leisure, art, cultural communities, faith and spirituality, and homes, families, neighbourhoods and befriending (Life Opportunities). As a social work student undergoing placement with Imagine, I have been given the role of employment, education and training bridge builder and also to support other bridge builders to attain the primary objectives of the clients. I have to be creative and have good networking skills to fulfil my responsibilities. I also support clients as their first contact point at Imagine for assessment and
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