Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Honest Tea free essay sample
Take the deal, because Good for You can use Kraft to have a greater impact. d. Take the deal, because Good for You will see a profits increase. -Answer (c) Part Two please answer the following discussion questions – You can also visit Honest Tea website http://www. honesttea. com/ for additional information. 6. Honest Tea President Seth Goldman calls social responsibility a â€Å"mission-driven business. †What does he mean by this? -He means that the social responsibility is actually what they are trying to do (mission) and how well they are pursuing that goal. 7. In what ways does the Honest Tea brand claim to effect change? Are such goals too high for a drinks-related product? Or should all companies create similar platforms as part of their social responsibility? -By claiming to offer more organic products and wanting to expand into 100,000 outlets. I don’t think that there goals are too high since they were able to expand their product by accepting an investment from Coca-Cola to expand their production and distribution. We will write a custom essay sample on Honest Tea or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 8. According to Goldman, what are the benefits of taking a company through Fair Trade certification? Fair Trade certification allowed people to identify Honest tea products as they meet agreed environmental, labour and developmental standards. 9. How effective and/or efficient Honest Tea’s methods are, and what methods you might imitate or disregard, should you start your own companies. -Honest tea were using glass bottles which was making them less fuel efficient to ship (disregard). -Offers better quality health-products for consumers (imitate). 10. Compare Honest Tea with Snapple Tea (Dr. Pepper Snapple Group), which corporation do you think is more socially responsible and why? (You can Google â€Å"Snapple CSR†for more information). -I think Honest tea is more socially responsible since they use all organic products compared to Snapple, which makes it a more healthier drinks for its consumers. Also, Honest Tea purchases peppermint leaves for its â€Å"First Nation Peppermint†ice tea from a woman-owned herb company on the Crow Indian reservation in Montana where the unemployment rate is as high as 67%.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
NBC Universal Essay Example
NBC Universal Essay Example NBC Universal Essay NBC Universal Essay Name: Tutor: Course: Date: NBC Universal NBC Universal LLC is a global media and entertainment company headquartered in New York City, U.S.A. The company specializes in the â€Å"development, production and marketing of entertainment, news and information to a global audience†(NBCUniversal). Two corporate mergers, first in 2004 and then in 2011 led to the formation of NBC Universal LLC. General Electric Company formed NBC (National Broadcasting Company) company in 1926 (Ahn). After years of expanding and buying up other networks globally, NBC decided to merge with Vivendi Universal in 2003. In 2004, the completion of the merger formed NBC Universal. The completion of a second deal in 2011 gave birth to NBC Universal LLC. This new deal involved General Electric Company (known as GE) and Comcast Corporation (Ahn). NBC Universal is considered a powerhouse in the world of entertainment (NBCUniversal Media, LLC Company Profile). The conglomerate owns Universal Pictures (one of the world’s largest and most successful movie studios) and NBC TV (a successful television network). The Company has been expanding globally since the 1990s. This expansion has seen NBC Universal purchase and acquire broadcasting networks in Europe, Asia and South America (Ahn). Some of the world’s most famous and successful movies and TV shows have been produced by NBC Universal. Examples include the television sitcom Friends and the television drama ER. The successes of the company’s productions have turned NBC into a household name especially in the United States (Ahn). NBCUniversal is headed by a chief executive officer (CEO) Stephen B. Burke. The CEO oversees the company’s general operations including those carried out by the company’s subsidiaries and oversees networks (NBCUniversal). Answerable to the CEO are several executive vice presidents (EVP), presidents and chairpersons. They are in-charge the company’s various departments, networks and subsidiaries. They take instructions directly from the CEO. The EVPs are in-charge of the company’s departments such as the administrative department, the financial department and the strategic integration department. The chairpersons and presidents are in-charge of the company’s networks and subsidiaries. These include NBCUniversal News Group and Universal Studios (NBCUniversal). There are seventeen presidents in the second level of management. They are Robert Greenblatt, Matt Bond, Adam Miller, Jeff Shell, Paula Madison, Patricia Filis include Adam Fogelson who is the president of Universal Pictures (a major subsidiary of NBCUniversal that makes movies), Ted Harbert who is in-charge of NBC Broadcasting (NBCUniversal’s marquee TV network) and Patricia Fili-Krushel chairperson of NBCUniversal News Group (NBC Universal Inc). NBCUniversal uses the matrix organizational structure in the organization of its management. The matrix structure combines the attributes of the project structure and the functional structure with the intentions of maximizing the advantages of both (Dubrin 264). In a matrix organizational structure, focus is placed on both the product and the function. Function entails all the process involved in making a product while the product is what is created because of all the functions (Marquis and Luston 274). Matrix structures enable a company to focus on both the final product and the consumer. It also enables a company to divide its work force such that different departments can work on different projects. This means that a company can have multiple projects being run simultaneously without interfering with each other (Marquis and Luston 274). NBC’s management structure has its strengths and weaknesses. First, the fact that projects are divided suits the company well. NBC is a conglomerate and therefore, has several networks and subsidiaries within it. These different parts of the company can all work on different projects simultaneously. This structure also works well for NBC because each department gets its own equipment and facilities minimizing friction between different departments. A disadvantage of this structure is that the cooperation between different departments might be poor. In addition, any joint projects require a lot of communication and this communication between departments is likely to be poor. The highest level of the organization’s management has three clearly discernible layers. The first and the highest is the level where the CEO is found. The second level responds to the CEO (NBC Universal Inc). This level was introduced after the merger between Comcast and GE was completed (James). The new layer helped breakdown the command structure. The CEO no longer has to deal with the various departments directly. This makes the work easier for the CEO as well as for the departments. The departments will find that feedback from high-level management comes faster because each department has its own president. For the CEO, the added layer makes the work easier. The third layer in top-level management has the heads of the specific networks and those of smaller departments of the company. They respond to the presidents in the second layer. This level of management deals directly with the employees and other workers (NBCUniversal). The CEO’s position at the helm makes him the most influential person in the company. The hierarchical structure of NBCUniversal means that all employees answer to the CEO through the chairpersons and the presidents. This structure suggests that the CEO has to be a hands-on manager and deal with all decisions directly. Stephen Burke’s involvement in the selection of the presidents in the second level also suggests that he carries out his functions the way he should. A statement released by Comcast revealed that he was not just involved in the selection of these presidents but created the layered management structure himself (James). This statement also implies that the CEO prefers to take part in the process of making key decisions at the management level. On paper, NBCUniversal’s structure is quite solid. It has multiple levels of management. This reduces the work that the top level of management has to deal with. This layered management structure also means that all departments, networks and subsidiaries have representation in the top management but without forcing the CEO to deal with each head directly. This means that feedback from the top management gets to the departments much faster as the CEO deals with them much faster. In theory, this structure should also enable NBCUniversal to keep growing. Each department focuses on its own projects and success for these departments translates to financial success for NBCUniversal. However, this has not been the case for NBCUniversal. Several of the networks within the company have not been doing well. This insinuates that the company’s organizational structure is not operating the way it should be. NBC Universal’s largest and most popular network is NBC (the company’s marquee television network). Over the recent past, NBC has been experiencing a decline in its shows ratings. This decline started in the early 2000s after several of the network’s key shows ended (Adalian). Stiff competition from other networks has also contributed to the network’s decline. The network seems to be unable to catch up with the competition, as its new shows are unable to match the successes of the shows from other networks (Adalian). Other networks within NBCUniversal are also going through problems. CNBC (Consumer News and Business Channel) and MSNBC (Microsoft and the National Broadcasting Company) have had trouble keeping key personnel as several news anchors have left NBC and joined rival networks (Hall). All of this suggests that all is not well within NBCUniversal. The decline of several of NBCUniversal’s key networks is showing that the management structure is not really working well. NBCUniversal is primarily an entertainment company and this means that its successes and failures are judged on how well its networks perform. The failures of CNBC, MSNBC and NBC are indicative of a decline in NBCUniversal’s standards. The lack of successful TV shows indicates that the management is not making the right decisions. It also shows a failure in the creative departments of the company’s different networks. Additionally, the decline has been occurring over a long period. It started in the early 2000s and after ten years, nothing seems to have been done to stop it. This shows that the management has been unable to adapt to the changing climate of the entertainment business. It also suggests that there may be a breakdown in communication between the management levels and the company’s low-level workers. This is because over te n years, the company does not appear to have been able to outlined the real problems dogging it and as a result of this has failed to deal with the problems Adding more layers to the management structure would not have the desired effect in the company. It would only increase the bureaucratic levels and complicate the coordination between the highest level of management and the company’s employees. It would also increase the number of people involved in the decision making process and this would be a step backwards. Summarily, the levels of management do not need to be increased. An improvement that can be made is to add an extra department to the company. This addition would be vertical and not horizontal. This role of the department would be to assist the networks in their development phase and ensure that creative content produced is top notch. This department would have its own head in the second tier of the management structure. This head would assist the executives in this second tier in making decisions concerning creative content produced by the networks. The main benefit of having this new department is that the departmen t would help stem the declining standards of NBCUniversal’s networks. The employees are the most important part of NBCUniversal. They play key roles in the conception, development, production and release of the content broadcasted by the company’s networks. NBCUniversal is an entertainment company. This means that the employees’ play a vital role in the company and are perhaps the most important part of NBCUniversal. Despite this important role, the employees do not have any direct representation in the second tier of management. The needs of these employees have to go through two levels of management before reaching the highest level of the company’s management. There should be an improvement in this area. The company should create a new department that deals specifically with all the employees from NBCUniversal. The department should have its own president representing it in the second tier of management. This new department would ensure that employees needs move faster to the higher levels of management. Adalian, Joseph. Has NBC Passed the Point of No Return?. Vulture, 7 Feb 2013. Web. 30 April 2013. Ahn, Lisa Von. TIMELINE: NBC, Universal through the 20th century and beyond. Reuters, 4 Dec 2009. Web. 30 April 2013. DuBrin, Andrew J. Essentials of Management. Mason, OH: Thomson Business Economics, 2009. Print. Hall, Colby. The NBC News/ CNBC Exodus, Why is so Much Top Talent Leaving the Network?. Mediaite, 20 June 2011. Web. 30 April 2013. James, Meg. Comcast unveils management team for NBC Universal. Los Angeles Times, 18 Nov 2010. Web. 30 April 2013. Marquis, Bessie L, and Huston, Carol Jorgensen. Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams Wilkins, 2009. Print NBCUniversal. NBCUniversal, 2013. Web. 30 April 2013. NBC Universal Inc. Cogmap, 26 Jan 2013. Web. 30 April 2013 NBCUniversal Media, LLC Company Profile. Hoovers, 2013. Web. 30 April 2013
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Retail Branding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Retail Branding - Essay Example The current interest in retail branding is scarcely to be wondered at, given that, as Ailawadi and Keller acknowledged, ‘’With the growing realization that brands are one of a firm’s most intangible assets, branding has emerged as a top management priority in the last decade’ (p.1). If one looks at a breakdown of the revenue of a major retailer, one will usually find that a large proportion of that revenue comes from the sale of manufacturer’s goods. However, this poses problems for retailers given the incredibly competitive nature of the marketplace – many stores might stock exactly the same goods, and quite probably at similar prices. They thus have to focus on developing marketing strategies which will encourage consumers, when faced with a choice of stores, all of which sell what they want, to choose one over another. As Ailawadi and Keller note, ‘building their [retailers] own equity is a particularly challenging problem, but one wi th big potential rewards. Such equity insulates them from competing retailers’ (p.1). The definition of retail branding offered by the Canadian Marketing Blog supports this, stating that it ‘is about differentiating, a unique personality, a true point of difference’. ... n incredibly wide range of factors, from the assortment of goods on offer in the store, to the level of customer service and comfort they experienced while shopping there, to their pricing and credit policies, and of course the quality of the goods sold. This stands in contrast to a consumer’s opinion of a product brand, which is more likely to have been constructed mostly from their opinions on that product’s marketing campaigns, and any experiences they’ve had of that brand’s goods. Identifying the manifold elements that strongly influence the construction and perception of a retailers’ brand image, we might conclude that the general atmosphere in the store, the prices and presence or absence of attractive promotions or reductions, and the range of products are perhaps the most important. One might think that price is always the most important factor in decisions made by consumers, but Brown highlighted long ago that price perception is more impor tant that actual prices. In short, if a retailer intends to market its brand based principally on its price, Brown found that for consumers, what was important was that they believed a store’s prices to be low, rather than whether they actually were. Therefore, a retailer has to work on getting all of these elements right in order to create the best possible experience for consumers frequenting their stores, in order to build up networks of loyalty and patronage among consumers. The key is winning over large numbers of consumers who believe that a particular retailer offers a superior shopping experience, and will recommend that retailer to their friend and family networks, as well a visiting it again themselves. Of course, manufacturer brands, as Ailawadi and Keller acknowledge, can be useful in creating a
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Assignment 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
2 - Assignment Example this report looks at the various risks associated with both the money market and capital market in addition to a comparison with the existing market data. Final recommendations are also provided in light of the risks and benefits identified. These refer to the elements of financial markets that mature within a short time, usually within one year or less. Otherwise known as debt securities, they are mainly issued to individuals interested in obtaining short-term financing. In essence, the money market is specifically the financial market for short term liquidity within the international financial system. It is made up of various parties that are classified as borrowers and lenders as per their activity in the market. These parties also include the financial intermediaries, the companies, and the treasury that issues the telecommunication network in the primary market. One of the main features of the money market securities is their liquidity, and the fact that they can easily be sold in a secondary market. The following are the major features of the money market instruments: Treasury Bills – this is a way that the US government uses to generate money from the public. They are sold at a certain discount below their face value and can be issued with different maturity rates such as one, three, or six months. T-bills have certain advantages such that they are generally affordable due to their discounts. They are also the safest securities due to their backing by the US government. In addition they are exempted from both state and local taxes. T-bills work in such a manner that an investor can submit competitive or non-competitive bids for which they receive full amounts of the determined securities. For competitive bidding, one submits the return they would like to receive. Consequently, a higher return might mean no limited securities. Commercial paper – this refers to a short-term loan that a corporation issues in order that it may finance inventories. It
Sunday, November 17, 2019
PERSONAL ESSAY PREWRITING Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
PERSONAL ESSAY PREWRITING - Assignment Example Therefore, through securing the immediate needs and acceptance the community will be protected from the high rate of recidivism especially for drug offenses meaning a safer community. The most influential person in my life is the United States of America president Barrack Obama. Barrack Obama is passionate, enthusiastic and focuses on giving humanity the foremost priority in service to the American people and beyond. Obama is influential because through the belief of service to the community being a personal responsibility and supporting community programs effort for a better America and the world at large. Through attending community service programs that are available in our neighborhood mainly addressing drug users who want to undergo rehabilitation change my life. The programs were important because opened up the real experiences of the people and families that are affected by drug or drug related problems causing a tremendous impact in my life. After undergoing these programs, I got the actual first hand effect of drug from the people we interacted with alongside the victims families. Hercules in the Greek mythology is comparable to me in terms of the source of our drive to serving our community. The character of willingness and dedication to serve without expecting reward for our action is common when it comes to my community endeavors. Hercules stand amidst resistance by the people he was serving assists a lot in giving me the focus and enthusiasm to continue pursuing my goals in the community service such as outright ridicule and
Friday, November 15, 2019
Existentialism in The Trial by Kafka
Existentialism in The Trial by Kafka The Czech writer FRANZ KAFKA (1883-1924) belonged to a middle class family. His father Herman was disrespectful and ill tempered towards Kafkas escape into the literature work and writing. Kafka became the eldest and only son when his two brothers died and he was aware his role in the family and rest of the life. Franz Kafka is one of the greatest influences on Western literature in the twentieth century. He has inspired a whole range of artists from the creators of the detective story to writers of the television series Twilight Zone. He began work on The Trial in 1914 after a horrendous encounter with his fiancà ©, Felice Bauer, her sister, Erna Bauer, and Grete Bloch (a short-term lover). According to Kafkas friend Max Brod, he never finished the work and gave the manuscript to Brod in 1920. After his death, Brod edited The Trial into what he felt was a coherent novel and had it published, despite the German ban on Jewish literature, in 1925. The manuscript eventually passed from Brods heirs to the German national literary archives in the late 1980s for several million dollars. Since then, new editions have been published and some textual integrity re stored to the English version of the story. He was isolated and subjected to unknown terrifying forces. KAFKA has narrated many stories and novels in his writing. In his novel The Trial he tells the story of a country doctor who goes to check a sick child. When he reaches the sick child home he discovers that child has been consumed by the maggots. In his same novel The Trial, KAFKA relates a story about a man known as Joseph K who has awakened at one night by hammering on his door. He finds that he was under arrest. The Trial in 1926 is his novel with the style of meditations, parable, poetic fragments and sketches. His work is open due to multiple interpretations and difficult categories and reflects the existentialism and modernism. Existentialism is a vast and meticulous philosophy that, in a nutshell, advocates a diverse arsenal of responses and solutions to the existentialist attitude which, essentially, is what an individual feels when confronted by the absurdity of life. Throughout humanity, ruminations and self-proclaimed ultimate truths have assumed various forms: prose, poetry, religion and numerous other doctrines, to name but a few. Kafka has inspired many of the great novelists of the twentieth century. Consequently, there is an incredible amount of literary criticism devoted to his work. The critical material discussing The Trial falls between two poles. On the one hand, Kafka is viewed through a psychological or religious lens that sees the tensions of his work as derived from an oedipal complex or the heritage of the Judaic law. At the other extreme, where few tread, are the positivist approaches of Walter Benjamin, Gilles Deleuze, and Felix Guattari. This latter approach finds a new philosophy, a new politics, in Kafka that is as yet unexplored. Whatever the approach, there is general agreement that Kafka should be praised for his deft depiction of twentieth-century alienation and bureaucracy at the universal level. K., except for a brief friendship with Hasterer, prefers his own company. In the matter of his trial, he didnt want to enlist anyones aid and thus initiate them in the matter even distantly. To do so would be to initiate another person into himself. This is an act he cannot even do in the form of a petition. This is as it should be since the trial is his own, it is his guilt, and no matter what he does or where he goes, that is where the inquiry will be located: he is certainly being treated with strange carelessness. As much as K. desires it, he is not alone. Everyone who knows him also knows about his trial. From his point of view, the entire universe finds him guilty from the casual observer to the men who kill him like a dog. In Kafkas view, there is a way of life for any individual that is the right one, and which is divinely sanctioned. So much is perhaps admitted by most of our moral novelists; but to Kafka this fact itself constitutes a problem of tremendous difficulty, because he believes the dichotomy between the divine and the human, the religious and the ethical, to be absolute. Thus, though it is imperative for us to attempt to follow the true way, it is impossible for us to succeed in doing so. This is the fundamental dilemma that Kafka believes to lie at the basis of all human effort Conclusion Kafka employs the fictional literary elements he constructs to address the very non-fictional, existentialist aspects of society and life. Akin to Dostoyevskys Notes from Underground, it can be interpreted as both a rumination and tirade against impersonal communities, restriction of freedom, and the absurdity of life. It would be foolish to expect that an examination of Kierkegaards argument that religious faith is totally divorced from reason, and of Kafkas private response to it, would lead to a firm conclusion for or against Kierkegaards position. Kierkegaards book assumes that his readers come to it equipped with an attitude of religious belief. Without that, his poetic flourishes would be less effective, and his dialectical proofs would lose force.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Computer security Essay
1. What is a PHP Remote File Include (RFI) attack, and why are these prevalent in today’s Internet world? RFI stands for Remote File Inclusion that allows the attacker to upload a custom coded/malicious file on a website or server using a script. This vulnerability exploits the poor validation checks in websites and can eventually lead to code execution on server or code execution on website (XSS attack using javascript). RFI is a common vulnerability and all website hacking is not entirely focused on SQL injection. Using RFI you can deface the websites, get access to the server and do almost anything. What makes it more dangerous is that you only need to have your common sense and basic knowledge of PHP to execute this one, some BASH might come handy as most of servers today are hosted on Linux. 2. What country is the top host of SQL Injection and SQL Slammer infections? Why can’t the US Government do anything to prevent these injection attacks and infections? The United States of America is at the top of the list when it comes to SQL Injections and SQL Slammer infections, China comes in second. Cybercriminals have made vast improvements to their infrastructure over the last few years. Its expansion is thousands of websites vulnerable to SQL Injections. Malicious code writers have exploited these vulnerabilities to distribute malware so quick that the government cannot contain such a large quantity. The infected web servers redirected unsuspecting visitors to malicious websites, then the victim’s computers were then subjected to client-side exploit code. Once infected, these computers were added to the thousands of bots under the control of hackers. The attackers knew antivirus companies would write updates and software vendors will patch their code so they mad e sure their malicious web sites were loaded with a variety of exploit codes. 3. What does it mean to have a policy of Nondisclosure in an organization? It is a contract where the parties agree not to disclose information covered by the agreement. It outlines confidential material, knowledge, or information that the parties wish to share with one another for certain purposes, but wish to restrict access to or by third parties. 4. What Trends were tracked when it came to Malicious Code in 2009 by the Symantec Report researched during this lab? DoS attacks are always common, however targeted attacks using advanced persistent threats (SPT) that occurred in 2009 made headlines. 5. What is Phishing? Describe what a typical Phishing attacks attempt to accomplish. Phishing is Internet fraud that attempts to gain user’s credentials by deception. It includes theft of passwords, credit card numbers, bank account details and other confidential information. Phishing messages usually take the form of fake notifications from banks, providers, e-pay systems and other organizations. These notifications encourage its recipients, to enter/update their personal data. Excuses can vary but usually relate to loss of data, system breakdown, etc. 6. What is the Zero Day Initiative? Do you think this is valuable, and would you participate if you were the managing partner in a large firm? It is a program for rewarding security researchers for responsibly disclosing vulnerabilities. The outcome can be good for the company in means of protecting its infrastructure from harm, but may also expose weaknesses that can damage the company’s reputation. This policy further reassures researchers that in no case will any of their discoveries be â€Å"swept under the rug.†I would participate, but we must pass an internal audit with flying colors before signing up with the program. 7. What is a Server Side Include (SSI)? What are the ramifications if an SSI exploit is successful? The Server-Side Includes attack allows the exploitation of a web application by injecting scripts in HTML pages or executing arbitrary codes remotely. It can be exploited through manipulation of SSI in use in the application or force its use through user input fields. The attacker can access sensitive information, such as password files, and execute shell commands. The SSI directives are injected in input fields and they are sent to the web server. The web server parses and executes the directives before supplying the page. Then, the attack result will be viewable the next time that the page is loaded for the user’s browser. 8. According to the TippingPoint Report researched in this lab how do SMB attacks measure up to HTTP attacks in the recent past? Symantec identified a significant shift in an attackers tactics: 31% of targeted attacks were aimed at businesses with fewer than 250 employees. This shows a threefold increase from Symantec Corp.’s 2012 report, and is the latest sign that attackers are broadening their search for susceptible targets. 9. According to the TippingPoint Report, what are some of the PHP RFI payload effects DVLabs has detected this year? The common vulnerabilities in a CMS are unpatched or poorly patched plug-ins rather than the core system. Poor patch management represents a large hole in the overall security of the organization. 10. Explain the steps it takes to execute a Malicious PDF Attack as described in the Tipping Point Report? Each new release of a toolkit is likely to contain a new zero-day exploit that gives the attacker higher chances of infecting targeted hosts. Some toolkits keep very old exploits (4+ years) to cover a corner case in which targeted hosts are running older, unpatched versions of vulnerable software. Attackers infecting as many hosts as possible to increase profitability by monetizing the exploited systems. 11. What is a Zero Day attack and how does this relate to an organization’s vulnerability window? A zero day vulnerability is a hole in software that is unknown to the vendor. Hackers exploit before the vendor realizes it and hurries to fix it. The organization is vulnerable until the vendor comes out with a patch. 12. How can you mitigate the risk from users and employees from clicking on an imbedded URL link or e-mail attachment from unknown sources? Constant awareness efforts continuously made the organization. Ensure spoofing is included in the organizations AUP, practice risk mitigation exercises to embed in the users minds not to click on unsolicited messages, especially those from social media. 13. When auditing an organization for compliance, what role does IT security policies and an IT security policy framework play in the compliance audit? They play a very important role. Managers are responsible for placing and monitoring IT controls on systems. Senior managers are responsible for making the organization meet governance requirements. System administrators are responsible for implementing IT controls and provide data custodian functions. Risk managers are responsible for managing risks associated with compliance within the organization. IT auditors are responsible for information assurance. Data owners are responsible for identifying which data needs to be protected. 14. When performing a security assessment, why is it a good idea to examine compliance in separate compartments like the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure? They are tied together. 15. True or False. Auditing for compliance and performing security assessments to achieve compliance requires a checklist of compliance requirements. True. There are different requirements per each compliance.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Impact of War, Conflict & Terrorism on the UPS Essay
If there is a war and NATO decides that the UK needs to provide direct military action then the British Army will have to be prepared. War affects the army as an organisation because it means they will lose soldiers and have to retrain new ones. An example of this would be the crash of Nimrod XV230 which killed everyone on board, that highlighted the cost-pressure of the war. The training and recruiting of troops is expensive enough but to constantly sustain the high amount of soldiers that is required in a war such as Afghanistan it comes with great financial struggles, some soldiers have even had to do multiple tours in Afghanistan. Financial cuts are just getting more severe as well, in 2010 there were 102,000 trained personnel ready to support the UK but by the year 2020 there is only going to be 82,000. With this come more struggle and a more intense battle for any soldier fighting in a war in the future. Providing soldiers for a war also puts strain on welfare officers as they are the ones who have to deal with helping the wounded, grieving families and children who have lost fathers. Because the UK have had to provide such a strong army for many years now and have lost so much funding it means that they can’t afford to keep on anyone who is badly injured and those who claim compensation will not receive anything near what they may have in the past, this will directly affect the economy as these injured soldiers may not be able to return to a civilian job and will claim benefits. The war in Afghanistan caused the army to be equipped with a lot of new high tech equipment in a really short space of time, this meant they had to operate and maintain this equipment which weighs down logistics and is very costly in the long run. It seems that the more war the UK Army has to deal with the more money it is costing them, and with that comes setbacks and redundancies. This could lead to a lack of morale from the service men and women as they are being asked to do more but for fewer advantages. Another key issue from personnel at war besides physical injuries would be the mental damage they suffer. Statistics from the MOD show that between April and June 2013 there was 1367 new cases of personnel suffering with a mental disorder in the Armed Forces, putting them at the highest amount of mental disorder sufferers than any of the other services. That’s just within a three month period, and with Afghanistan tours running every six or ninth months it just seems that number will rapidly heighten. Overall it seems the main impact the British Army suffers from when it comes to War is the financial cut backs. They are expected to do so much and constantly provide strong soldiers yet they aren’t seeing much in return. CONFLICT Conflict undercuts or destroys environmental, physical, human and social capital, destroying all available opportunities for a sustainable development. So saying that makes it clear that it is going to directly affect the well-being of the British Army because it results in the loss of lives and in some cases human rights. It is said that the British Army has been involved in some form of conflict for around 100 years now, so you could almost say it’s just part of the job and something you have to deal with. But similar to war, conflict has its effects, mentally and physically. There is a thin line between what makes a war and what makes a conflict therefore the effects are very similar, just the effects of a war would be on a much larger scale. Constant conflict is a burden for the UK army as it takes time away from training and puts pressure on troops to be sent out on a mission before they are ready. In some cases soldiers only have 6 months training before they are deployed somewhere, whereas others take part in training for a much longer period in time before sent anywhere. Conflict will also increase the stress levels within the British army which can lead to more serious problems such as extreme physical and emotional exhaustion. There is also the obvious factor that conflict can lead to war if it gets out of hand, which then would lead back to all the affects war has on the Army. Overall it seems that conflict affects the British Army in the exact same ways that a War does however just not on such a grand scale. TERRORISM Terrorism directly affects the British Army as they have to actively engage in counter-terrorism operations across the world. The main reason the British Army sends troops out to Afghanistan is to get rid of the Taliban regime and Al Qaeda, a well-known terrorist organisation. The British Army enforces anti-terrorism alongside providing humanitarian aid. Not only does the British Army have to get rid of Al Qaeda but they also have to make sure they cannot return, this is a tough and time consuming task that has seen the death of many service personnel. Reference:
Friday, November 8, 2019
Planet Earth Fate of The EArth essays
Planet Earth Fate of The EArth essays Planet Earth: Fate of The Earth was a powerful, informative, and inspirational documentary. The narrator, Richard Kiley, progressed through many points about our precious earth including her beginnings, her slow deterioration by man as well as other factors, and theories as to her what could be her end. The beginning images of earth, approximately four million years ago, can be described a barren yet fertile land with the prospect for life to flourish. Prehistoric volcanoes exploded with gases and lava, that created the crust of our land. Eventually the gases cooled and it began to rain, eventually forming the oceans that is the birthplace of life. Biologist Prof. Deemer believes that seashores are the cradles of life that led to the evolution of organisms on to the land. In his experiment, he placed lipid molecules in a pool of water. He observed that when lipids come into contact with water their outside walls harden and form mobile structures. Found in Australia were rocks about a billion years older than previously believed, 3.5 billion years. In the rocks were found micron-sized films and tiny bacteria whose ancestors are alive today. In coastal waters are mushroom shaped structures that were created by photosynthetic blue-green algae communities, that also converted carbon dioxide molecules to oxygen. Oxygen being the Atmospheric chemist Jim Lovelock proposes the Gaya theory which states that earth herself is maintained by life. Supporting evidence for this is that when daisies are in bloom the earths temperature cools, preventing the earth from heating up and becoming a barren land like it once used to be. The rain forests in South America are of great importance. They hold 40% of all living organisms. But at the killing rate of 3,000 acres per hour, they will soon vanish. The land is stripped of its gems and used to graze cattle and other animals ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Summary
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Summary Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Summary NOTE! The following paper is just an example written by one of our staff writers. If you need an original summary of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass feel free to place your order. The following Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Summary analyzes three sections of the book briefly. First Section Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is more of a map that defines the way people can follow when they want to free themselves from slavery. At the beginning, Douglass is a slave as he was born by a slave mother at a plantation known as Colonel Lloyd’s plantation. During his stay at the plantation, Douglass witnesses horrible things such as seeing his own aunt, Hester, being whipped; he does not know his father, he is allowed to be with his own mother for some time and is denied the chance to attend to his mother’s burial (Douglass, 2000). The second phase of the narrative begins as Douglass who is 7 years old at the time is sent to work for new Baltimore masters. In Baltimore, Douglass starts a new life with new experience as the region is like a new world to him. It is in Baltimore when Douglass discovers the benefits, power and significance of education. He is so lucky to receive education under guidance of his master’s wife who volunteers to teach him how to read. Although the master’s wife teaches him how to read, the master is not happy about the incidence and goes ahead to quarrel with his wife. It is at this point that Douglass discovers that slavery exists due to ignorance from fellow slaves. He decides to find ways on how to educate himself to read. As Douglass grows up, he decides to fight for his freedom. It is at this point, that Douglass’s master decides to send him to work for a ruthless master called Convey who is also known as a â€Å"slave breaker†because of his ruthless acts on slaves. At first, Convey manages to destroy Douglass’s spirit to free himself. This continues until his third epiphany where he prefers to die rather than being a slave (Shmoop, 2010). Douglass fights Convey for two hours as he defends himself from being whipped by Convey. Convey decides to leave him alone and never whips Douglass again. The narrative continues as Douglass bounces from one master to another until he manages to make his way to New York as well as Massachusetts. After a while, Douglass achieves his dream of being free and swears to never rest until all forms of slavery are abolished. In his efforts, Douglass manages to write the narrative about his life in order to educate other people on how to find their way out of slavery. Second Section The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass presents very crucial, relevant and even reliable message. The narrative about Douglass’s life proves that slavery actually existed in America. Many people may view the book as anti-slavery propaganda, but in real life, slavery existed as put forth by Douglass. This narrative remains as one of the crucial historical documents, as it unveils how American slaves such as Douglass lived, experienced and even had to go through. The book also talks of how Douglass fights his way to freedom from slavery. Douglass put it forth to all slaves that there is a way out of slavery (Trotman, 2011). Moreover, he enlightens both blacks and whites on the price of ignorance towards education as it makes people slaves to the educated. Additionally, Douglass’s main aim is to enlighten the whites on how easily they can be corrupt through practicing slavery and thus, it is wrong as well as contradictory to Christianity. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass puts it to people that they were created equally and thus, one can decide on how and who he wants to be in future. He moves further to explain that education plays a great role in a person’s transformation and development. Douglass believes that education played a crucial part in his fight for freedom as it enlightened him as well as changed his perspective in life. Ultimately, Douglass unveils how he suffered while under the chains of slavery. On top of that, the book shows that American government at the time of Douglass actually legalized slavery trade. In addition, the American nobles counted a slave as a less valuable item and thus seen as three-fifth of a person. Douglass compares American hero Henry to slaves since both of them are willing and eager to die for their freedom. Third Section Many people admire Douglass’s courage to fight for his freedom. Douglass, being as young as he was at the time, lays his life and strength towards fighting slavery. He moves further to enlighten his fellow slaves on how to free themselves. A lot of people love Douglass’s eagerness and willingness to learn how to read at a very tender age. The Life of Frederick Douglass is an inspirational narrative aimed to change the view of many young people who hate education. The narrative puts it clear that they will ignore education but end up being slaves to others. Many also love the fact that Douglass is willing to put his life at stake in quest to abolish slavery completely. However, many people dislike the fact ancient Americans, especially the whites, mistreat the blacks. The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass summary uncovers the fact that even the government has supported slavery for as long as a black man was involved. These actions display racism as well as inhumanity towards the blacks. The whites enslaving the blacks actually display how inferior blacks were viewed during the time. References Douglass, F. (2000). The narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass. S.l.: Quiet Vision. Shmoop. (2010). Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass. Sunnyvale, Calif.: Shmoop University. Trotman, C. J. (2011). Frederick Douglass a biography. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Greenwood.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
ENG 101 Final paper for college Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
ENG 101 Final paper for college - Essay Example However, it accomplishes this in certain situations. The immigration and citizenship legislation involves relatives’ reunification prerequisites, for instance, which permit U.S nationals to petition for relatives from other nations to join them. The immigration and citizenship legislation involves relatives’ reunification prerequisites, for instance, which permit U.S nationals to petition for relatives from other nations to join them. Moreover, there is a provision for illegal aliens to remain in the U.S if their removal would cause extreme suffering to their siblings. Many immigrants travel to the U.S to fund their kid’s education in their home nations. This has devastating consequences on the children. Mother’s division from their kids is the worst of the devastating consequences. The main quandary is that most immigrants are not able to return to their nations to visit their kids and relatives. Many children tolerate long divisions from parents during m igration procedures. These kids confront issues such as anguish, loss and lack of connection. Their parents endure an analogous experience guilt and apprehension (King, p.3). Immigration to the U.S is an extremely contentious topic. When individuals leave their nations, there are implications on their relatives. Most immigrants relocate to other nations to obtain an excellent life for their relatives, especially for their kids. This discourse is an exploration of the significance of mothers immigrating to the U.S while leaving their families. It delves into justifying why this is crucial to many individuals from impoverished nations. Moreover, it illustrates why these individuals should be permitted to immigrate. There are numerous explications regarding people’s immigration into the U.S. The main explication regards searching for employment. Mainly, this immigration concerns impoverished nations and families. Mothers, for instance, relocate so that their kids can obtain a perfect
Friday, November 1, 2019
Choose the tittle depending on the option you pick Essay
Choose the tittle depending on the option you pick - Essay Example Locke has insisted greatly on human beings having equaled rights towards land available based on type and amount of labor that they can invest in such property. Provided this notion, retail developers of today’s economy have better probability of having property rights to land development in South Florida (Section 28). However, before reaching to the conclusion, it is important to analyze the repercussions of excessive land development in this region. Also, it is significant to identify if Locke is a supporter of capitalism or not. Furthermore, whether private ownership principles defined by Locke give rise to morally just or contentious behavior in private owners over private ownership of land is another question that needs to be answered in the light of Locke’s principles. Real estate industry in South Florida has shown robust development in the times of economic booms in late 1920s and in 2000s. Thousands of acres were acquired by real estate developers to build cond os, apartments and artificial office parks etc which were greatly overpriced due to high demand. Due to such transformation in real estate market, other peripheral industries i.e. rented property, railway services etc, suffered. The same land had different utilities for different segments of consumers i.e. necessity for a working force and leisure for occasional hotel visitors. After the economic collapse in 2008, there were thousands of acres available with no buyer for over-priced property (Lunsford n.p). Furthermore, similar development also caused damage to local fauna and flora by causing harm to local wetlands, water reservoirs and natural life diversity (McPherson and Halley 41). This outlook of South Florida’s local industry in the light of Locke’s principles cannot justify if the development always provide rational results. It can be seen that excessive demand of property has increased the price of real estate property whereas its utility cannot be justified a ccordingly. Since land is given to the mankind freely having equal rights of property, money in any form cannot equate with the value of such property since money i.e. currency, gold and silver have relatively less utility than the land. Therefore, users of money in free economy do not really add much value to the land gifted by nature. Furthermore, after the economic boom in 2000s, much of the land is owned by builders and realtors whereas this land is sitting idle due to low buying power of consumer and not providing any benefit to the common man. Such state also contradicts with Locke’s rule of no wastage. Locke proposes ‘no spoil or destroy’ policy which supports the idea of better property appropriation. Hence, those who can make better use of the property should have access to it which gives full property rights to today’s realtors. However, Locke also insisted that one must not take part in an activity that causes harm to other’s interest. Ex cessive land development deprives local residents of their right to own land due to superficially high prices and damage to local environment hence, also affecting natural ecological environment. Furthermore, Locke’s condition of equal opportunity to appropriate land also negates excessive land development. Since present real estate development encourages development of expensive property which gives preference to more affluent segment, it serves rich more than a middle class or lower segment. Locke
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