Friday, December 27, 2019
Racial Profiling by Law Enforcement is Unjustifiable Essay
Every individual in the world is different in some way from the person standing next to them. People differ in their culture, ethnicity, race, religion, personality, styles, interest, appearance and more. It is understood that someone may be similar to you not one person will be exactly like you. Growing up it is important for one to understand the differences of other people and show a level of respect for them. As human-beings, people typically learn through experiences. However, these experiences have the tendency to alter the way people perceive other individuals. Racial profiling, a term used more frequently when dealing with law enforcement, is defined as â€Å"any action undertaken for reasons of safety, security or public protection†¦show more content†¦If it’s a beat-up hoopty they’re driving, did they use it in a crime? If it’s an expensive ride, how can they afford it? He might radio in to see if it’s been reported stolen. What are the y doing in the car? Are they moving to the beat of the rap blasting from the car stereo or stuffing drugs under the seat? Are they driving too fast? Too slow? But you weren’t supposed to stop them without backup. Not a carload. Driving while Black. Yeah. Driving while dangerous. Driving while armed. Driving while looking for trouble†(Golden 39). This reason of â€Å"driving while black†is a prime example of an invalid reason of probable cause. â€Å"Driving while black†, is an unjustified reason towards African American to be confronted by police officers. Why is it that because the man is Black he has to be committing a crime? Is it hard to believe that a group of black males may be on their way to a job interview, a men’s conference out of town, a family affair, or just going to have a good time? â€Å"Studies have proven that when police officers present a warrant, due to their idea of probable cause, they are 80% more likely to discover evidence, whereas without a warrant and just following their judgments, the rate is decreased to 12%†(Minzer 913-62). As long as they have valid licenses, tags, and car insurance and are not committing a moving violation, African Americans should not be observed more closelyShow MoreRelatedWhat Does It Work?870 Words  | 4 PagesDoes it Work? Supporters of racial profiling could argue that using this technique benefits police to target criminals as well as making more arrest (Thomsen, 2011, p. 99). According to Reddick (2004) there is evidence that supports that if the United States allowed the Federal Bureau of Investigation to use profiling on the twentieth hijacker then the events that occurred on September 11 could have been avoided (p. 155). However, many critics state that law enforcements are infringing on the constitutionalRead MoreRacial Profiling : An Issue Longstanding And Troubling Among Minority Groups913 Words  | 4 PagesNixon 1 Jada Nixon Dr. Hunte ENC 101 30 September 2015 Racial Profiling Introduction Since the birth of our nation, racial profiling has been an issue longstanding and troubling among minority groups and still continues to exhibit severe consequences in communities. 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The issue is if the law enforcement is actually right within their means of protection, or have they gone too far with using excessive force in any situation that may or may not be harmful to them. There is, also, the question of whether racial profiling is the biggest contributor to police brutality. Excessive force being used by officers has been an ongoing issue since law enforcement was created. DuringRead MorePolice Brutality Based On Racial Profiling1682 Words  | 7 PagesA great deal of society views law enforcement officers as heroic and honorable individuals, whose main purpose is to protect and serve the community. For many officers, this description is accurate, however for others; violence and brutality against innocent citizens is the key to getting the job done. For years, minorities have fallen victim to police brutality based on racial profiling, stereotypes and other unjustifiable reasons that has cost several innocent lives. 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Police brutality and racial profiling against minorities has grown strong in the past couple years, but has been around for quite a while. The article It Pays to Be White (2016) by Jeanette Wicks-Lim, talks about how the Boston Police Department, from 2007 - 2010, treated white neighborhoodsRead More Police Brutality: A Minority Group Concern Essay examples1926 Words  | 8 PagesRelations between the police and minority groups are a continuing problem in many multiracial societies. Surveys consistently document racial differences in perceptions of the police, with minorities more likely than whites to harbor negative views. (Weitzer and Tuch, Race and Perceptions of Police Misconduct, 2004) A great deal of society views law enforcement officers as heroic and honorable individuals, whose main purpose is to protect and serve the community. For many officers, this descriptionRead MoreRacial Profiling in What Do You See by Dean Simmon567 Words  | 2 PagesRacial profiling by definition is, the use of race or ethnicity as ground for suspecting someone of having committed an offence. Racial profiling continues to be a prevalent and egregious form of discrimination in the United States. Upon my reading of â€Å"What Do You See†by Dean Simmon, he speaks on the ideas that people these days use racial profiling more than we may know. He is concerned about the fact that people, base people off of what see rather than actually getting to know the person. â€Å"WhenRead MorePolice Brutality Reflects Negatively On Society1161 Words  | 5 Pagessame and not differently no matter what situation occurred (Donald 2). Some people tend to look the other way when a police officer has done something wrong. â€Å"Almost any prosecutor can obtain a conviction when there is a clear-cut violation of the law, but it takes an especially imaginative one to convict people for acts previously deemed to be compliant†(Sussman 3). Police officers think that violence and brutality are the only way to deal with street kids (Berezina 2). Police officers tend to
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Business Law Paper - 15517 Words
Business Law Term Paper Legal Analysis of Dating Site User Agreement Chosen Site: eHarmony BUSI 2601B Dr. G. Levasseur March 8th, 2015 Table of Contents I Executive Summary 1 II Introduction 3 Overview and Objectives: 3 Methodology: 3 Business Relationship: 5 III Clausal Description and Explanation 6 Document 1: Privacy Policy (3 pages) 6 Document Two: Terms of Service (five pages) 18 IV Application of Legal Principles 32 V Lessons Learned, Recommendations and Example Scenario 46 VI Legal Corrective Measures 49 V Conclusion 55 I Executive Summary The concept of online dating has exploded into mainstream culture since the emergence of the Internet. Websites have allowed for the virtual facilitation of basic needs†¦show more content†¦Methodology: In order to achieve the above goals, several steps were carried out. First, various online dating sites were considered and narrowed down to three possible choices: eHarmony,, and Christian Mingle. Three ideas were brought forth regarding which site to analyse in order to determine which sites could potentially hold more issues and which site had sufficient content to be analyzed effectively. Next in the process, eHarmony was chosen as the site that would be the target for analysis. eHarmony is a very popular dating site and is well known due to their numerous infomercials and online advertisements and thus presents a great opportunity to examine the elements involved in a formal and well-designed user agreement. Following the choosing of a site, a copy of the user agreement from eHarmony was obtained and given an initial review. This step acted as the first run through of the agreement, which involved identifying possible legal issues in the clauses, highlighting important points form each clause, and gaining a general understanding of the agreement. The agreement consisted of two separate documents titled â€Å"Privacy Policy†and â€Å"Terms of Service†, each outlining the obligations of the company and the customer respectively. In addition, an examination of the actual purpose and requirements of the assignment was carried out. In this particular phase of the paper, the course outline was reviewed and the outline of the paperShow MoreRelatedBusiness Law Final Paper2895 Words  | 12 Pages Final Paper – Acme Fireworks As the manager for Acme Fireworks, I have been asked to determine if common law or the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) will govern the contracts entered into by Acme Fireworks. In addition, I am to analyze whether the five essential elements of a contract have been met. Acme Fireworks is currently licensed as a sole proprietorship. As such, I will examine any potential personal liability they may have if a spectator was to get injured during a firework display. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Cultural Diversity in India free essay sample
Cultural Diversity in India India has a history of thousands of years . People have been living in India since the Stone Age. People from different regions of the world came to India. They became one with the Indian culture . From this has evolved the composite Indian Culture. All of us living in different parts of the country are Indians. Though there is a variety in our languages, literature and art, as Indians, we all are one. It is this diversity which has created a sense of unity among the Indians. This diversity has enriched our social life. Indian Languages: Many languages are spoken in India.Hindi English are the two languages used in our country. Marathi is the state language of Maharashtra. Festival Celebrations: People such as Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Christians, Jains, and Parsis etc belonging to different live in India. Different festivals are celebrated in India with lots of joys happiness. We will write a custom essay sample on Cultural Diversity in India or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Agriculture is the main occupation in our country . Many of our festivals are related to agriculture and environment. In Maharashtra, Dassera, Diwalil, Holi in Punjab Baisakhi, in Andhra Pradesh Eruvak Punnam, in Tamil nadu Pongal in Kerala Onam are celebrated.Ramzaam – Id, Christmas, Buddha Pornima, Samvatsari, and Pateti are also important festivals. What ever religious festival all Indians happily participate in it. They greet one another, It increase the feeling of unity among them. Costumes food: We find diversity in the clothing and food habits of Indians. Clothing depends upon the climate, physical feature traditions of the respective regions. There is diversity in our foods habits too, due to climatic conditions crops and other geographical factors. For e. g. he people of Punjab eat dal – roti whereas people living in the coastal areas eat rice and fish. Shelter : In respective of constructions of houses also there is diversity . In the rural areas, many houses have wattle and daub walls. Some houses have tiled roofs. In areas of heavy rainfall, the houses have slopping roofs . In the places with scanty rains have houses with terraced roofs . In big cities, multi – storey buildings are seen. Sports games: Many kinds of games are played in India since ancient times. We play different games such as tip – cat, chess, wrestling, phugadi, malkhamb, lagori, kabadi kho-kho . Modern games are such as hockey and cricket are the two popular games played in India. Sports games have an important place in out life. They help values like co-operation solidarity Sport spirit it is more important than winning or losing. Art: Different arts such as dance, handicrafts, painting and sculpture have flourished in India. Since days of old , India had different styles of music. There are two main styles of Indian classical music. They are Hindustani music Carnatic music.There are many folk music played in India . In India, the tradition of dances is very ancients. We have different variety of folk dances some ancient times; various types of handicrafts have developed in India. Artistic vases baskets and other decorative articles are prepared. The art of painting sculpture has long tradition. It is originated from the Stone age period. For e. g. Ajanta Ellora caves Our country have rich historical heritage. Historical monuments are the wealth of our country. Very few countries in the world have such history and ancients culture.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Level of Alcohol Use among Students of My School Sample Essay Example For Students
The Level of Alcohol Use among Students of My School Sample Essay RecognitionThe successful completion of this survey would non hold been possible without the aid and cooperation of a figure of people. Consequently. I would wish to thank GOD for giving me the strength to finish this survey. I would wish to thank the pupils of the St. Catherine High School for their monolithic support and valuable clip spent on replying the questionnaire given. Members of my household have been a changeless beginning of encouragement and aid. I thank my parents for back uping me in this survey. My friends were a great beginning of aid in publishing questionnaires and roll uping informations. Finally. particular thanks go to my aunt and instructor Mr. Williams who guided me every measure of the manner through this exercising. We will write a custom essay on The Level of Alcohol Use among Students of My School Sample specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now IntroductionAlcohol is created when grains. fruits. or veggies are fermented. Fermentation is a procedure that uses barm or bacterium to alter the sugars in the nutrient into intoxicant. Agitation is used to bring forth many necessary points  everything from cheese to medicines. Alcohol has different signifiers and can be used as a cleansing agent. an antiseptic. or a ataractic. So if intoxicant is a natural merchandise. why do teens necessitate to be concerned about imbibing it? When people drink intoxicant. it’s absorbed into their blood stream. From at that place. it affects the cardinal nervous system ( the encephalon and spinal cord ) . which controls virtually all organic structure maps. Because experts now know that the human encephalon is still developing during our teens. scientists are researching the effects imbibing intoxicant can hold on the adolescent encephalon. Statement of Problem Subject: The degree of intoxicant usage among pupils of my school. Statement of Problem: To what extent do pupils utilize intoxicant in my school? Research Question:1 ) What is the degree of intoxicant usage among pupils of my school? 2 ) What factors influence pupils to utilize intoxicant in my school? 3 ) What effects does the usage of intoxicant have on pupils? 4 ) What can the school disposal do to minimise the usage of intoxicant among pupils in my school? Reason for Choosing the Area of ResearchThe research worker has chosen the subject the degree of intoxicant usage among pupils of my school foremost because the research worker thinks that intoxicant is a prevailing issues which the young person are fighting with. The research worker besides finds it capturing to tie in with today’s young person. The research worker besides notices that intoxicant has a negative consequence on pupils. The research worker hence so decided to carry on a research to happen out specific effects it has on pupils. In add-on. the research worker has done her research and it will besides let the research worker to wholly research the issues and so the research worker will be more equipt to pull definite decision about the impact of intoxicant usage on pupils that she will be able to do informed recommendations and propose schemes to repair the job. Method of InvestigationMy method of probe is in the signifier of a questionnaire. which was shared indiscriminately to pupils of my school. The questionnaire as a beginning of roll uping informations has a figure of advantages: * Information is easy to roll up. * Information was non clip devouring.* Suitable for facts and statistics. QuestionnaireBeloved Respondent.I am a pupil of the St. Catherine High School carry oning a research on the subject intoxicant usage among pupils of my school. for my CSEC societal surveies School Base Assessment. You are asked to make full out this questionnaire best as possible. You are non required to province your name so your individuality will non be known. This is non a trial so there is no right or incorrect replies. Most inquiries has a cheque box like this and other specific instructions are supplied where necessary. .u17576496143c99dd6a40a9c7aaebb048 , .u17576496143c99dd6a40a9c7aaebb048 .postImageUrl , .u17576496143c99dd6a40a9c7aaebb048 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u17576496143c99dd6a40a9c7aaebb048 , .u17576496143c99dd6a40a9c7aaebb048:hover , .u17576496143c99dd6a40a9c7aaebb048:visited , .u17576496143c99dd6a40a9c7aaebb048:active { border:0!important; } .u17576496143c99dd6a40a9c7aaebb048 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u17576496143c99dd6a40a9c7aaebb048 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u17576496143c99dd6a40a9c7aaebb048:active , .u17576496143c99dd6a40a9c7aaebb048:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u17576496143c99dd6a40a9c7aaebb048 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u17576496143c99dd6a40a9c7aaebb048 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u17576496143c99dd6a40a9c7aaebb048 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u17576496143c99dd6a40a9c7aaebb048 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u17576496143c99dd6a40a9c7aaebb048:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u17576496143c99dd6a40a9c7aaebb048 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u17576496143c99dd6a40a9c7aaebb048 .u17576496143c99dd6a40a9c7aaebb048-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u17576496143c99dd6a40a9c7aaebb048:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Job1 EssayPromote other involvement and societal activitiesCreate programmes to rehabilitate pupils who are already devouring intoxicantProcedures for Data CollectionIn order to roll up information a selective study method was used. This instrument used was a questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of 15 structured inquiries based on the subject chosen by the research worker. A sum of 30 questionnaires were prepared and distributed to pupils from all class of the St. Catherine High School. I hence decided to take the classs by a selective study method known as random choice. The classs were all written. each on a faux pas of paper. Each faux pas of paper was folded and p laced into a box. The box was closed and shaken smartly to guarantee a through mixture of these classs. A sum of 4 questionnaires were distributed to each class 7-6 signifier. This figure the researcher thinks is an equal sample to stand for the school’s population. Each class was so supplied with questionnaires. The Solution of Alcohol usage among StudentsSolutions| Percentages|Counselling| 36 % |Inform pupils about the harmful effects of alcohol| 32 % | Encourage other involvement and societal activities| 25 % |Create programmes to rehabilitate pupils who are already devouring alcohol| 7 % | ( Fig. 3 ) graph screening: the solution of intoxicant usage among pupils The tabular array above shows the solutions of intoxicant ingestion. 36 % of the respondents indicates that reding can assist to decrease consume intoxicant. 21 % provinces that the pupils should be informed about the harmful consequence of intoxicant. 25 % thinks that other involvement and societal activities could be encourage and 7 % thinks that programmes can be implemented to rehabilitate pupils who are already devouring intoxicant. ( Fig. 4 ) graph screening: The effects of intoxicant ingestion among pupils. The graph above shows the effects of intoxicant ingestion among pupils. Rate 13 ( 13 ) and grade nine ( 9 ) provinces that alcohol ingestion among pupils speeds up the map of the encephalon. Grades seven ( 7 ) . nine ( 9 ) . 10 ( 10 ) . eleven ( 11 ) and twelve ( 12 ) indicates that intoxicant ingestion affects their organic structure. Grades eight ( 8 ) . eleven ( 11 ) and 13 ( 13 ) responded that intoxicant ingestion makes them experience sleepy. Grades seven ( 7 ) . eight ( 8 ) . eleven ( 11 ) and twelve ( 12 ) indicates that the usage of intoxicant causes them experience tipsy. From the graph above we can reason that 7 % of the respondents thinks intoxicant ingestion speeds up the map of the encephalon. 18 % thinks intoxicant makes them experience sleepy. 46 % provinces that intoxicant affects their organic structure and 29 % of the respondents indicates that intoxicant ingestion do them to experience t ipsy. ( Fig. 5 ) Bar chart screening: The causes of intoxicant ingestion. Fig. 5 above shows the chief causes of intoxicant ingestion. 18 % of the respondents indicates that pupils consume intoxicant because of low-self regard. 21 % consume intoxicant because of ennui. 29 % thinks pupils consume intoxicant because it’s merriment and 32 % consume intoxicant because of equal force per unit area. ( Fig. 6 ) pie chart screening: The degree of intoxicant ingestion The graph above indicates that 68 % of the respondents think that pupils consume intoxicant on occasion. 18 % thinks that pupils consume intoxicant on a hebdomadal footing and 14 % thinks that pupils consume intoxicant monthly. Statement of FindingssThe study revealed the undermentioned findings is respect to the consequences from the research inquiries: 1. 68 % of the respondents think that pupils consume intoxicant on occasion. 2. 32 % thinks that equal force per unit area is the chief cause of intoxicant ingestion among pupils. 3. 46 % indicates that intoxicant ingestion affects the organic structure. RecommendationIn order to work out these jobs the following schemes can be done: * Write letters to the ministry of wellness and the ministry of instruction to implement wellness programmes such as intercession service to help them. * Discuss the effects of minor imbibing with pupils. * Encourage the formation of equal group that helps pupils with happening other ways of showing themselves other than through intoxicant. * Help set up community Torahs and patterns that make it hard for childs to entree intoxicant. .u680ef18545c7f8eb94dd20aebf9691d0 , .u680ef18545c7f8eb94dd20aebf9691d0 .postImageUrl , .u680ef18545c7f8eb94dd20aebf9691d0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u680ef18545c7f8eb94dd20aebf9691d0 , .u680ef18545c7f8eb94dd20aebf9691d0:hover , .u680ef18545c7f8eb94dd20aebf9691d0:visited , .u680ef18545c7f8eb94dd20aebf9691d0:active { border:0!important; } .u680ef18545c7f8eb94dd20aebf9691d0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u680e f18545c7f8eb94dd20aebf9691d0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u680ef18545c7f8eb94dd20aebf9691d0:active , .u680ef18545c7f8eb94dd20aebf9691d0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u680ef18545c7f8eb94dd20aebf9691d0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u680ef18545c7f8eb94dd20aebf9691d0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u680ef18545c7f8eb94dd20aebf9691d0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u680ef18545c7f8eb94dd20aebf9691d0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font- size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u680ef18545c7f8eb94dd20aebf9691d0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u680ef18545c7f8eb94dd20aebf9691d0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left: 18px; top: 0; } .u680ef18545c7f8eb94dd20aebf9691d0 .u680ef18545c7f8eb94dd20aebf9691d0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u680ef18545c7f8eb94dd20aebf9691d0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Sin And Virtue Used In Stephen Essay
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