Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Disadvantages Of Oil Drilling Offshore - 2181 Words
The Disadvantages of Oil Drilling In Environmentally Sensitive Areas In The United States Oil drilling in environmentally sensitive areas in the United States had been an ongoing controversial problem for a very long time. There are so many opinions along with outlooks on the present topic. Many people are against oil drilling offshore because of the issues that it creates. However, there are many critics that agree with drilling in environmentally sensitive areas because they do not worry about the long term effects it has on our environment. The United States have been drilling for oil since the 1900’s. Although oil is of great importance to maintain our everyday lives, we have alternative sources of energy. If we want to try to keep our planet vital for the next couple centuries, we must stop oil drilling. There are many reasons why oil drilling is hazardous, not only to our environment, but also to the people and the wildlife. Major explosions have happened due to oil dril ling offshore. These major explosions are devastating and cause effects that last for years. Once an area is destroyed because of oil drilling it is seldom that, that area is ever able to restore itself back to its normal state. It is easy to turn a cheek to the situation at hand because it is not happening in our areas. However, what about the people that live nearby these oil rigs and are breathing in the hazardous chemicals used to operate these oil rigs? When we create drilling sites, we pose aShow MoreRelatedOil Drilling Essay examples1403 Words  | 6 PagesCrude oil is black gold that has been even sought out even in the ancient times. The Chinese in the fourth century drilled 800 feet deep oil wells to burn the oil to produce salt. Oil has a long history. America’s has massive oil demands and off-shore drilling has become a temporary solution and scientist are trying to find alternative sources of energy that can last us a very long time. There are many disadvantag es and hazards when it comes to offshore drilling. Theses disadvantages can affect theRead MoreOffshore Drilling Essay1518 Words  | 7 PagesIsrael, Arab (OPEC) nations in the Middle East restrict oil exports to the U.S. As a result, a decrease in the oil supply caused gasoline prices to quadruple. As America attempted to promote alternative energy sources, oil companies expanded their search for offshore oil. Approximately 25% of oil produced in the U.S. comes from offshore rigs. Due to environmental concerns following an oil spill off the coast of California in 1969, an offshore drilling suspension was put in place. Since then, America hasRead MoreExploration Of Oil And Gas Resources Essay1715 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction With the continued depletion of conventional oil and gas resources, the oil industry is now more than ever faced with exploration of unconventional and challenging oil and gas reserves. Such reserves call for novel drilling techniques and also require drilling fluids that can fulfil such drilling requirements. In most cases it’s OBM that can provide hole stability and it is also the best choice for drilling highly sensitive wells. But as these OBMs are being used, operators must strikeRead MoreOil Exploration And Drilling, Oil, And Natural Gas1592 Words  | 7 PagesOil Exploration and Drilling The fossil fuels contain high percentage of carbon and include coal, oil, and natural gas, are the major source of energy that power our modern society. Fossil fuel range from low carbon to hydrogen ratio like methane, to liquid petroleum, to almost pure carbon like coal. Petroleum, such as natural gas and crude oil, contains a mix of hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbon deposits underneath the earth surface, such as oil and natural gas, is search by petroleum geologist and geophysicsRead MorePetroleum, The Most Valuable Commodities1581 Words  | 7 PagesCrude oil, also known as petroleum, is among the most valuable commodities in the world. It is vital to many industries, accounting for just over thirty-three percent of the world’s energy supply. Crude oil is a naturally occurring substance that can be refined into several products, including diesel fuel, motor oil, and gasoline, among others. Though prices of crude oil in years passed were typically high, they fluctuate daily in response to a host of factors, including world-wide rates of productionRead MoreEnergy Issues And The New Sustainable Energy1442 Words  | 6 Pagessustainable energy and power, such hydroid power, solar power, wind power. All these new power are non-pollution, besides they also efficient to produce power for people living. Today, they gradually replace the traditional energy, such as coal and oil. For example, in Japan, due to the extreme lack of energy, in recent years, Japan government actively encourage to research and build nuclear power station for overcoming the challenge of the shortage of energy. At present, Japan has built over 50Read MoreBp Oil Spill Analysis Essay6383 Words  | 26 PagesResearch The spectrums of oil spill issues are diverse and large. They range from environmental issue to economic, ecological, ethical, politics and policies. Among many other oil spills, the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, occurred on April 20, 2010 was recorded as the greatest environmental disaster in our history (BP leak the worlds worst accidental oil spill, 2010). The goal of our research is to seek possible solutions to reduce the risks of offshore oil spills. To attain this goalRead MoreEurasia Drilling, A Provider Of Drilling Services1815 Words  | 8 PagesCompany Profile Eurasia Drilling (EDC) is a provider of drilling services in Russia and CIS. The Company operations can be split into 2 segments: offshore drilling conducted in the Caspian Sea and onshore drilling conducted in CIS. It offers its onshore integrated well construction services and workover services to local and international oil and gas companies primarily in Russia and its offshore drilling services to Russian and international oil and gas companies in the Russian, Kazakh and TurkmenRead MoreThe Issue of Marine Life Pollution1538 Words  | 6 Pagesthrown in sea taking a number of contaminated materials with itcaucuses the marine pollution.On the otherhand the litter thrown in sea is also one of the major causes of earth pollution sent into seas. The marine environment is also contaminated through oil spills and petroleum related causes of marine pollution adversely affect the marine environment (OHara, Morandin, 2010). Causes of the marine pollution: There are two major categories of causes for marine pollution. It is mainly caused by the contaminatedRead MoreThe Crisis Of Nigeria, Azerbaijan, Sudan, And Lebanon Essay1562 Words  | 7 Pagesthe world refine oil. Based on the number of barrels refined during the first three months of 2016, the countries that refined the most oil were: Russia (10.5 million BPD), Saudi Arabia (10 million BPD), the United States (9.2 million BPD), Iraq (4.3 million BPD) and China (4.1 million BPD). (CNNMoney, 2016) Just as there are many oil-producing states in the United States that do not have refineries, there are entire nations that are impacted by having a lack of refineries. A few oil-rich nations that
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Effects of Computer Games to the Academic Performance...
Computer addiction is a relatively new term used to describe a dependency on ones computer. Computer addiction is not limited to personal computers (PCs). It covers video games and the Internet and has already been given a label by psychologists, namely Internet addiction disorder (IAD). People can grow addicted to a variety of substances, and there is usually a substantial amount of help available to treat them. Alcohol, drugs and sex have all been known to bring out the addictive personality trait in some people, but other forms of addictive behavior, such as exercise, watching television or spending too much time on a computer, have only recently been recognized. Computer addiction, like any addiction, can creep up on a person without†¦show more content†¦Computer addiction is said to be on the increase. More and more people are spending time in cyberspace in a virtual world of their own making. If not treated, this condition can lead to diminished social skills and deter ioration in the addicts quality of life. Causes Of Computer Addiction (Cause And Effect Essay) Cause and effect Serious causes of computer addiction Technology has developed so much that it is almost crucial to have electronic devices at home. Our life has gotten so used to having technology around us that we can’t imagine our lives without them. However, while having electronic devices at home could be comfortable and handy at times, it could also have negative effect on children, especially on teenagers. Parents usually buy computers for their children’s educational resource. But teenagers, who always seek fun activities around them, use computer to play games, chat with friends and to catch up with the latest gossip on celebrities. And before they know it, they are addicted to computer. Computer can cause teenagers to be physically, and mentally ill, and the more the child spends more time on computer, the more he/she loses time to focus on academics, and to talk to their family. Many teenagers who use the computers don’t seem realize that sitting in front of the Is this essay helpful? Join OPPapers to read more and access more than 550,000 just like it!computer is harmful at all. The electromagnetic waves from theShow MoreRelatedEffects of Playing on-Line Computer Games in Academic Performance of Students?3223 Words  | 13 PagesTitle:The Effects of playing on-line computer games in academic performance of students? Background of the study: The aim of this paper is to investigate a comparatively untouched area of research into games and education: whether or not there is a link between the frequency with which computer and video games are played, and academic achievement, as measured by traditional examination results, of those who play them. An online game is a game played over some form of computer network. ThisRead MoreRationale on Effects of Playing Computer Games on the Academic Performance of the Students1503 Words  | 7 PagesImportance Gaming in Education: What Students Can Learn From Video Games in School As new teachers enter the workforce with greater technology familiarity than their predecessors, a wider margin of accepted teaching methods has developed, changing the way in which educators are able to form successful instructional relationships with their students. Many districts, in order to help faculty keep pace with their rapidly changing and technologically capable student bodies, are attempting to alter theirRead MoreStudy Habits1010 Words  | 5 Pagesattitude the students need if they were to engage into playing computer online games. Developing this attitude is not a personal choice alone, it required the participation of the society. As time continues to run, our world keeps getting more advance and modernize and until now, it doesn’t stop. One of the finished products of modernization is the machine called computer. Since it was invented and being developed, it gives us benefits and brings significance to our lives. Moreover, an effect of itsRead MoreEffect of Online Games Addiction on Study Habits1696 Words  | 7 PagesINTRODUCTION Online games are one of the medium of entertainment especially in the youth of modern era in Batangas. Virtual or cyber games over internet are direct personally to each individual user. It encourages and requires the participation of individual user or gamester. It is an inexpensive in the sense that the internet connections for the online games are easily accessible everywhere and anywhere and affordable these days. This aspect works in association with the personal characteristicRead Moreeffects of having nearby computer shops in Capitol University1417 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Introduction A computer is a crucial component of the academic success of a student. Whether it is a laptop or a desktop, a computer offers a unique platform to gain the most up-to-date information and to analyze the use of that information for school projects. Additionally, computers help students grow accustomed to writing professional material, like resumes when preparing for the workforce. Technology has developed so much that it is almost crucial to have electronic devices particularlyRead MoreThe Impact of Facebook on Students Academic Performance Essay1683 Words  | 7 Pagespart of the daily routine for most college students. This has led to a question amongst researchers whether students’ use of this networking site influences their academic outcomes. This literature review will examine and synthesize the published current research concerning the impact of Facebook on college students’ academic performance. Even though most studies are inconclusive in determining the relationship between Facebook and academic performance, all researchers contribute to understandingRead MoreEffects of Computer Addiction on the Academic Performance of the Students1272 Words  | 6 PagesEffects of computer addiction on the Academic Performance of the students A Research paper Submitted to the Faculty of Education City College of Tagaytay In Partial Requirement for the subject, Educational Research Von Bryan A. Borja BSE – IIA Submitted to: Mrs. Lorena Constante October 17, 2012 Introduction  It is known that we are living in technological era. The computers become irreplaceable tool in everyday life of almost each personRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Academic Achievement1349 Words  | 6 PagesVideo games have long come under suspicion as having a negative effect on academic achievement. Many studies take the all or none approach, and compare students who play video games to students who do not. The results generally explore whether gaming is associated with poorer academic performance, with limited study as to what aspects, if any, might affect it. Many parents and some studies conclude that the time spent on video games leaves less time for study, and therefore a difference in gradesRead MoreComputer Effects on the Academic Performance of Students - Review of Related Literature1010 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Effects of computer usage to the academic performance of students†Chapter II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The scope of Computer effects derives a wide scope of related literature that is worth mentioning. In this regard, this literature review concerning the effects of computer usage to the academic performance of students, will address the following areas relevant to this study: History of the Computer; Importance of Computers, Negative Effects of Gaming; Computer Crime; Computer UseRead MoreNegative Effects Of Video Games Essay1234 Words  | 5 Pagesforms of entertainment is video games. This is the past time of many people, including students. Video Games have even become a source of income for some people including game developers and some Youtubers. Currently, there are numerous ways one can play these. However, there is a current stigma that playing these types of games always lead to something negative. Playing these games can only lead to the worsening of one’s physical health, the lowering of one’s academic grades, and can only lead to unproductivity
Friday, May 15, 2020
Macon, Georgia †We Made The Big Move At The Beginning
Macon, Georgia – We made the big move at the beginning of my senior year and I was around 16 at the time. I had all of my senior credits for school in Colorado because of advanced placement courses. But Texas had a whole new set of rules regarding graduation. There was a test called TAAS, which I was expected to take with less than a year of preparation, while the rest of the students had been raised and prepared for this test their entire school life. I knew that I would have academic obstacles because the curriculum was also different and most of it focused on southern issues that were new to me, such as FFA and welding courses as electives. If the new high school wasn’t going to be a problem, my new home life would. It’s very hard†¦show more content†¦From the moment we arrived in Macon, the family treated us like outsiders because of what little they knew about my dad and our new move. When it became evident that we would be there for a while, I was enrolled in the local high school, where I had numerous cousins and one of my younger sisters with me. My sister quickly found a spot among the â€Å"it†kids, while I stood back and observed trying to make sure she stayed clear of trouble. I had few if any peers who talked to me when not required. This school was a majority African-American, so again I’m not fitting in with the races because I talk and act differently (my dad made sure we spoke proper, no jargon all the time). There were teasing and name calling but I remained strong because I knew that my younger sister was getting the worse of the deal. She had to begin school the way she enrolled and things were so bad for her, that during her first week she got into multiple altercations with other students, some who were her blood relatives. I had no friends, more so enemies and my guard was always up because my cousins loved to get me in trouble, even when I had done nothing wrong. Finishing high school remained my biggest concern because at least then I could try to work and find a new home for us (we had to stay with relatives). I never could stand cigarette smoke and I didn’t like alcohol, so the cool kids, which sometimes included my middle sister, wereShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming : Natural Or Man Made1328 Words  | 6 PagesGlobal Warming: Natural or Man-made There has been researches that show that all the efforts to relieve global warming was useless. What this means is that global warming, which we considered it as a manmade disaster, might just be a part of the Earth’s fluctuating cycles. Before we move on to the clashes regarding global warming, I want to clarify the definitions of the terms that I will be discussing. Referring to NASA, global warming is the increase in Earth s average surface temperature dueRead MoreThe Infamous Civil War Prison Andersonville Essay3949 Words  | 16 PagesThe Infamous Civil War Prison Andersonville The Confederacy established Andersonville, that most infamous of Civil War prisons, in late February, 1864. It built a stockade in west central Georgia to accommodate approximately 10,000 prisoners of war. As the fighting moved ever deeper into the South in the last year of the war, the expanded stockade at one point held nearly 33,000 Union soldiers. The termination by the North of the prisoner of war exchanges which had existed previously and theRead MoreLangston Hughes Research Paper25309 Words  | 102 Pagesnot ashamed of being a black American. He had already written poems celebrating his heritage. He felt connected to the oppressed brown people of the world and hated his father for mistreating his Mexican employees. Witnessing his fathers tyranny made Langston sick enough to require hospitalization. By the end of the summer, Langston was glad to return to school in the United States. On the journey to his mothers house in Cleveland, Ohio, he recognized he was back in his native land when a whiteRead MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words  | 860 PagesLakes Automotive 3 Fems Healthcare, Inc. Clark Faucet Company 2 5 7 11 IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT Kombs Engineering 13 Williams Machine Tool Company 15 Wynn Computer Equipment (WCE) 17 The Reluctant Workers 20 Hyten Corporation 22 Macon, Inc. 35 Continental Computer Corporation 37 Goshe Corporation 43 Acorn Industries 49 MIS Project Management at First National Bank Cordova Research Group 70 Cortez Plastics 71 L. P. Manning Corporation 72 Project Firecracker 74 56 CONTENTS Read MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagesand students we have made a number of changes in the eighth edition of Developing Management Skills. †¢ Added new skill assessments in Chapter 1 and a new case in Chapter 3. †¢ Revised parts of the book to reflect suggestions and feedback from instructors and students. †¢ Clarified instructions for scoring skill assessments and updated the comparison data for each assessment. †¢ Updated the research supporting key points in each chapter. †¢ Added a Resource Locator table at the beginning of each chapterRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words  | 1422 PagesInferences Based on the Estimated Regression Line (Optional) 725 13.5 Inferences About the Population Correlation Coefï ¬ cient (Optional) 734 13.6 Interpreting and Communicating the Results of Statistical Analyses 737 Activity 13.1 Are Tall Women from â€Å"Big†Families? 739 Graphin g Calculator Exploration 746 14 Multiple Regression Analysis 749 14.1 Multiple Regression Models 750 14.2 Fitting a Model and Assessing Its Utility 763 14.3 Inferences Based on an Estimated Model 14-1 14.4 Other Issues
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Susan Glaspell s Trifles On The Matter Under The Murder...
Gender equality is a hot issue concerned by society from the past to the present. Susan Glaspell wrote Trifles in 1919 implying the matter under the murder investigation. It was 4 years before women had a right to vote in the United States in 1920. The story is about the investigation of the county attorney, Sheriff, Mrs. Hales and two women Mrs. Peter and Mrs. Hales regarding Mr. Wright’s death. It is also about the prejudice and discrimination of men toward women and the women’s status in the society at this point of time. The beginning of the story shows the unamiable and unfair attitude of the County Attorney and Sheriff toward the women. When Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale say that Mrs. Wright worries for her fruit, the Attorney and Sheriff make sarcastic comments to Mrs. Wright and all women. â€Å"Here’s a nice mess†said the Attorney (Glaspell 3). â€Å"Can you beat the women! Held for murder and worryin’ about her preserves,†said Sheriff (Glaspell 3). â€Å"†¦she may have something more serious than preserves to worry about.†said Attorney (Glaspell 3). â€Å"Women are used to worrying over trifles.†said Mr. Hale (Glaspell 3). From the women’s perspective, a kitchen is their own domain; but it is nothing to the men. The Attorney kicks the pan under the sink shows unrespect to the Wright and the women. However the women in the story just keep silent and their displease feeling about the men’s opinion and rudeness. Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale tolerate the unequal standpoint from their husbandShow MoreRelatedSusan Glaspell s A Jury Of Her Peers1174 Words  | 5 Pages A Jury of Her Peers is a short story written by Susan Glaspell in 1917 and follows the investigation of the murder of John Wright, with his wife Minnie Wright being the alleged murderer. Martha and Lewis Hale assist Sheriff Peters and his wife, Mrs. Peters, with investigating the scene of the crime. Throughout the story, women notice significance in their findings, of which the men overlook. The men have a dismissive attitude towards the women, ignoring their contributions. When the women solveRead MoreFeminism : Women s Rights On The Grounds Of Political, Social, And Economic Equality1529 Words  | 7 PagesFeminism is a term defined as the advocacy of women s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. This theory is centered on women living in patriarchal society. During the 1900s life for women differed greatly from the lives of men. Patriarch communities were very prevalent during this time. As a result Susan Glaspell dedicated many, if not all of her works as dramas describing the restricting view of women living in the early twentieth century. Feminism shows howRead MoreDrama Essay Trifles2158 Words  | 9 PagesMuller English 106/ Drama Essay 15 May 2006 Drama Essay Trifles Trifles, Susan Glaspell’s play written in 1916, reveal concerns of women living in a male dominated society. Glaspell communicates the role that women were expected to play in late 19th century society and the harm that can come of it to women, as well as men. The feminist agenda of Trifles was made obvious, in order to portray the lives of all women who live oppressed under male domination. John and Minnie Wright are two main charactersRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Trifles Essay2025 Words  | 9 Pagescoming?†(Welty qtd. In Literature ). Trifles is a short play, by Susan Glaspell that was written in the 20th century when women were possession of the husband. The division between men and women in the play not just mentally or emotionally but it was also physically , and that symbolizes the different between genders at this time. Susan Glaspell shows that through her characters in this play. Glaspell uses the characters (Mr. Wright and Mrs. Wright) to prove how men wereRead More Intuition in A Jury of Her Peers Essay1189 Words  | 5 PagesIntuition in A Jury of Her Peers      Though men and women are now recognized as generally equal in talent and intelligence, when Susan Glaspell wrote A Jury of Her Peers in 1917, it was not so. In this turn-of-the-century, rural midwestern setting, women were often barely educated and possessed virtually no political or economic power. And, being the weaker sex, there was not much they could do about it. Relegated to home and hearth, women found themselves at the mercy of the moreRead MoreSusan Glaspell s `` Trifles ``924 Words  | 4 Pageswas a control maniac and demanded power in every aspect of this poor woman’s life; No Children, No Song, No Friends; she had nothing, which meant nothing to lose. In Susan Glaspell’s drama, â€Å"Trifles†, we explore the gender inequality between men and women of that time and why that has such a large influence on the murder investigation. The women in this novel and of this time period seemed to have hope pre-marriage, Mrs. Wright had hope pre-marriage, it was a sense of freedom and gave them rights
America s Treatment Of The Elderly - 925 Words
There is a perceived notion that Eastern societies view aging in a positive aspect, while Western societies view aging in a negative light. Although there is much emphasis on respect for elders on the Confucian societies, however, does East Asia’s treatment of the Elderly really differ from North America’s treatment? In the Perceptions of Aging in Two cultures: Korean and American views on Old Age, the authors are able to prove their thesis that through previous studies by Harwood et al that countries such as South Korea, Philippines and Hong-Kong do not necessarily hold positive views on of old age. In this study, to better understand beliefs and perceptions of aging, Koreans were expected to have a greater fear of old people, worry more about their physical appearance, and show greater levels of anxiety over aging more than their American counter parts. Although American women were expected to show more anxiety towards their physical appearance more than their male counterparts. Such perceptions on older people have an effect on the mental, physical and emotional health of elderly people. The many negative stereotypes about seniors affect how seniors see themselves and how society views them. These stereotypes are usually â€Å"regarding their physical and cognitive abilities†. Although these stereotypes may seem harmless, they hold serious ramifications to which affects the elderly participation in activities which may improve their physical or cognitive abilities. TheseShow MoreRelatedA Community That Effects The Lifestyle Of The Elderly Essay1186 Words  | 5 PagesThe care of the elderly population is growing issue in countless modernized countries. This is a topic that people from across the world are looking into, and hoping to better the lives of those effected. â€Å"Aging isn’t just a biological process  it’s also very much a HYPERLINK http://isdpr.org/isdpr/publication/journal/25/1996-07-25-01-03.pdf cultural one.†( HYPERLINK http://www.huffingtonpost.comwww.huffingtonpost.com) This paper will discuss the different aspects of a community that effectsRead MoreEuthanasi Euthanasia And Euthanasia1483 Words  | 6 Pages Euthanasia is a long smooth-sounding word, and it conceals its danger as long, smooth-sounding words do, but the danger is there, nevertheless. As Pearl S. Buck explained through this quote, Euthanasia and medically assisted suicide to present a real danger. Although society refuses to see these dangers, euthanasia creates countless problems that shake society. Euthanasia remains a conditional based issue; therefore, the laws created rely on weak ideas that allow for easy manipulation, asRead MoreAgeism in America1709 Words  | 7 PagesAgeism in America The term ageism was coined in 1969 by Robert Butler, the first director of the National Institute on Aging. He used the word to describe the process of systematic stereotyping of people because they are old. Ageism is a term that is similar to other ‘isms in society, such as racism and sexism. Ageism allows other generations to see older people as different from themselves; thus they subtly cease to identify with their elders as human beings (Butler, 1975). All peopleRead MoreAbout Alzheimers Disease And Dementia822 Words  | 4 Pages An Altered Life About Alzheimers Disease and Dementia. (2014, February). In Alzheimers Foundation of America . Retrieved September 25, 2017, from https://alzfdn.org/caregiving-resources/about-alzheimers-disease-and-dementia/ The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, in layman terms, provides quick and easy information about what Alzheimer’s is, which I believe will be helpful for my readers. The accredited foundation simplifies the disease by describing it as a progressive brain disorder. TheRead MoreThe Basic Values Of Confucianism Essay1154 Words  | 5 Pagesof respect for one s parents, elders, and ancestors†CITATION Wik16 l 1033 (Filial piety, n.d.). This is one of the three basic values of Confucianism, but often it is regarded as the most important. This value teaches people who practice Confucianism, and in turn is also taught to the people around them. Ultimately, it became a cultural value throughout Asia. In many western cultures, such as the Unites States, religion is not as highly regarded as it once was. In America, the majority of theRead MoreMental Disorders Among Geriatrics Are One Of The Most Costly Public Health Dilemmas1055 Words  | 5 Pagespublic health dilemmas. Depression, suicidal behavior, and Alzheimer’s are just a few common mental illnesses the elderly suffers from. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention the number of older adults with mental illnesses is predicted to incline drastically. The growth of the population, has caused a burden on numerous healthcare facilities in America and many elderly individuals are less likely to seek a mental health professional. Various organizations continue to promote awarenessRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease930 Words  | 4 Pagesnormal aging may indicate a person is suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease. With an aging population, Alzheimer’s is bcoming increasingly prevalent; causes, symptoms, and treatment are being researched even more the information being disco vered is beginning to solve the mystery. Alzheimer s Disease was first discovered in the early 1900’s by a German psychiatrist. The disease was named after the physician that frontlined the discovery of Alzheimer’s. Dr. Alzheimer noticed changes in sleeping patternsRead MoreThe Demographic Transition Theory941 Words  | 4 Pagesexpectancy has increased and now America is seeing an exponential growth to the elderly population. There are many factors that could be the cause of this. Looking at the demographic transition theory in conjunction with the Malthusian theory brought valuable insight for me. The demographic theory says there are four stages to population growth that are predictable. Those who are in their late 80’s and above were capable of seeing all four of these stages in America. As they aged and the stages forRead MoreGeneralized Anxiety Disorder771 Words  | 3 Pagesaffected, it is estimated that â€Å"5% - 6% of teens ages 13-18 are affected by this troubling disorder, not includi ng the teens that receive no treatment,†(â€Å"Generalized†). Youth that receive no treatment could be considered are under privileged. Meaning that they do not have the resources or are very limited to resources that could help them get the proper treatment for their disorder. Many of those adolescents are children that come from low income families, single family homes, or foster care to nameRead MoreBill Clinton Proposed A Program Of A System Of Universal Health Care Essay1251 Words  | 6 Pagesthe creation of a system of universal health-care coverage for all people living in the United States of America†(William J. Clinton). This proposal was never approved and still today many people do not have healthcare. All people should be guaranteed a right to equal and effective healthcare to help assist them to face their medical expenses, health issues and the protection of their elderly. Someone’s ability to receive health care could be the difference between life and death for them, and it
Distance Education Versus Face-to-Face Learning free essay sample
December 1 , 2009 Persuasive Essay Game Theories Has Virtual Reality Taken Things Too Far? Distance Education versus Face-to-Face Learning In Clive Thompsons Game Theories, the author illustrates how virtual worlds, such as Everquest and Second Life, have surprisingly become much like the real world. Everquest is an online virtual reality video game that allows individuals to create fictional characters to generate goods as they play, often by killing creatures for their treasure and trading it (Thompson 332). This has created an economy-like setting in he game but has eventually evolved to leak into the real world economy by exchanging real money for the purchase of virtual characters and their winnings. Thompsons article shows how the line between virtual reality and real world reality often becomes blurry, encouraging people to consider ways where virtual technology can enhance and possibly replace the current systems already in place. However, not everything done through computers and virtual technology are as effective as one thinks. Sometimes, the traditional way of doing things are perfectly fine and more effective Just the way they are. Distance education, in particular, is a phenomenon that has been a growing popular alternative to traditional face-to-face education. I am here to argue that learning behind a computer at home cannot effectively replace the traditional face- to-face education offered at colleges and universities. Difficulty in self-directed learning and instructional misunderstandings can occur in any online course, a lack of a set schedule allows for distractions and procrastination, non-existent interaction inhibits growth and learning, and the probability of cheating is greater among online tudents versus campus students. Although there are many people who favor the online-learning alternative, this paper will challenge their confidence and counter- arguments on the issue. Distance education can be quite difficult. There are several courses that have concepts that can be quite tricky and complicated to understand, especially if one is learning on their own using a textbook. Shelia Tucker, an assistant professor at East Carolina University, stated that students learn far too little when the teachers personal presence is not available because the student has far more to learn from he teacher than texts (par. 2). For example, an accounting teacher can easily explain the advanced calculation of earnings per share and diluted earnings per share through the use of their own methods and organizational charts. Learning the same topic but reading texts from a course book can be quite challenging without a teacher to provide tips and tricks for remembering the formulas. As I am an accounting student aspiring to be a CGA, I am tremendously afraid of entering their factors influencing completion and non-completion of community college online ourses, students indicated that online learning did not fit their learning style preference. Comments were received from students that they could not get a response from their instructor, the materials were not available, and the course was confusing (Aragon Johnson 155). Because of the difficulty experienced in online courses, some community colleges are reporting drop-out rates 20% higher than in face-to- face classrooms (Aragon Johnson 146). Another drawback of online learning is the lack of a set schedule. Without a fixed timetable, the opportunity for distractions and procrastination often presents itself. These online courses require motivation and self-discipline to complete the courses and programs in a timely manner. This will be especially hard for those who tend to procrastinate and need the extra push from teachers to complete the work or require constant reminders of assignment due dates and examination dates. Because the online courses are quite flexible, these courses can often be put on the backburner, because the students are aware that some of these courses are self-paced. One major downfall of distance education is non-existent interaction that results from learning and working behind a computer. Communication with the teacher is limited to text correspondences and even replies to the emails may be delayed. Comparing this scenario to a classroom course, questions are answered and uncertainties are clarified immediately after the teacher is asked. There is no personal attention given to students and these learners are expected to find their own resources for completing assignments. Not only is interaction limited with teachers, but interaction with other students is limited as well. Randy S. Hanson, Ph. D. , made a point that the only interaction with classmates are through email, chat ooms and discussion boards. Parties and offline get-togethers [were] rarely experienced among online students (par. 17). In her article about the controversy of distance education, Roda Joanna Abaya asserts that students do not learn only on formal and educational conversations. As social beings, it is important that they too interact with others and have informal talks or converse with lighter topics (par. 8). Another concern that Abaya has about distance education is the lack of hands-on training in online courses (par. 7). Interaction with people and objects are vital in the earning process and because of these missing components in online courses, the effectiveness of education falls short when compared to the traditional face-to-face classes. According to an article about academic honesty in online courses, some claim that because students and faculty do not interact directly in such classes, online classes will invite more cheating than traditional classes (GriJalva, Therese C. et al. par. 2). This is certainly true in that distance education is being carried out at home, away from teacher supervision. Anne Mullens exclaims that cheating appears to be ncreasing at universities, especially at the larger campuses and impersonal classes (23). In an examination of cheating in both traditional and online criminal justice and legal studies courses, Lanier (2006) found the behavior to be more common in online courses (Dobbs, Rhonda R. et al 13). Who knows how many students cheat during an online exam, having their books open in front of them while actual student writing the exam? Cheating is unethical and universally wrong but there are many students who cannot help themselves from getting all the help they can get to score th e good grades. There are several counter arguments that can be raised against the thesis of this paper. After googling and researching the pros of distance education, the recurring and most significant point was the flexibility of online courses. There are no set class times and it is the students discretion when to complete the assignments and readings so those with busy schedules are able to accommodate education. Stephen Downes states that there is more work in the distance ed version simply because it tries to make up for the lack of any class contact (par. 1). I have heard students and riends complain about the amount of work required for the online LIBS 7001 course at BCIT, where as the in-class version compares much favorably. With the course load being heavy for online courses, the flexibility to dedicate time to other priorities is hindered with the stress of work to be done for distance education. Some argue that online learning benefits those who requires more time, are language challenged, or are introverted. But on the contrary, it hinders rather than allows growth and learning. Those who require more time will always have that excuse to fall back on. Next thing they know, a year has passed since having started the course. The things learned at the beginning of the on-line class will have been forgotten and time would have been wasted. Those who are foreign students that struggle with the language barrier would benefit much more with an available teacher who is able to give them personal attention and needed help. To leave them on their own, trying to understand the course concepts from a textbook or a set of written notes can leave them overwhelmed and confused. Even those who are shy do not gain any benefit for enrolling in online courses. In fact, it is more of a detriment to their development and knowledge. Attending campuses and universities allows students to interact with classmates, and even encourages group projects to develop team buildings skills for individuals. At BCIT, students are often required to do presentations in front of the class and even in lecture halls. This is because the real world will often put people in similar situations and the training for that is attained easily when attending school on campus. This will also develop individuals interpersonal skills, and will help them overcome any shyness they may have. Another counter argument that can be raised is that costs are reduced when taking distance education. Not only are travel costs and commuting time decreased, but the necessary housing costs and meal plans are also saved if one is required to move to campus for attending university. However, the cost of training teachers, the cost of hardware and software, human resources such as technicians and other people involved are to be considered, we can say that establishing online education is not as cheap as it may seem for others (Abaya par. 6). These costs will certainly rickle down to the students, eventually having them pay through the increasing course fees.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Effective Ethics and Ethical Behavior free essay sample
Effective ethics and ethical behavior Memorandum and Report Carol Harris TO: Rebecca M. Melton, ABC Toy Co. CEO FROM: Carol Harris, Elementary Division Manager, ABC Toy Co. DATE: 6/5/11 SUBJECT: Product quality issue and a report on ethical decision making. This memo addresses a product quality issue with a whistle included in our toy collection. I have included a report on the importance of ethical decision making and strategies the ABC Toy Co. could adopt to ensure that all members of ABC Toy Company make ethical decisions. This morning I received a memo from the manager of quality assurance. During a routine test, the department discovered a problem with one of the toys included in the elementary toy collection. The collection is scheduled to be shipped to South America by the end of this week. The metal whistle, included in the toy collection, tested slightly above, the United States, legally acceptable limits, of lead in toys intended for children under the ages of seven. It will cost the company $100,000 to reproduce and repackage the toy collection. After reviewing the data, I’ve included the following information for consideration in rectifying the current problem. And I’ve included a personal recommendation for resolution. First of all, we could choose to cancel the shipment. The advantage of this is option is that it lets others know that we are socially responsible. And, the company would be following U. S. law. The disadvantage is that profits will be eliminated, clients will be out product and we will be out the initial cost to produce and package and the product. We will also be out the additional costs to discard the unsafe product. The second option could be to reproduce and repackage the product. The advantage of this choice is that the product will meet U. S. legal standards and arrive to the consumer on time. The disadvantage is that it will cost the company $100,000 on top of the original cost to produce and package the toy collection. And third, we could eliminate the whistle from the toy collection altogether. The advantage of this option is that the collection will arrive on time; there will be no extra reproduction and repackaging charges. It will be safe to use. We will maintain the integrity of the product and the company’s image. And, we will be adhering to the law. The disadvantage, if we eliminate the toy whistles from the collection we will need to lower the cost of the collection which equates to less profit for the shareholders. My recommendation is to eliminate the whistle from the collection. By eliminating the whistle from the collection we are providing a legal, safe product to the consumer. The product will arrive on time. We will be showing social responsibility having made an ethical decision (Miller,B. 2003-2011). This will also help build trust with our clients and the consumer, which leads to better business in the long term. My recommendation will have the least negative impact on the company. The product will be shipped. It will arrive on time. We will offer a discounted price to the consumer to make up for the loss of the whistle. We will build customer confidence by having made an ethical decision. And, client relations by keeping with our commitment to provide a quality product that is on schedule. Social responsibility has played a big part in the decision making process. Making an ethical choice means taking into consideration all of people who will be affected by the final decision. The first option will let the stakeholders down. No product for the consumer, and more cost to the company. The second option will cost the company an additional $100,000. Plus, the shipment cannot be guaranteed to arrive on time. The last option, delivers the product on time, less the whistle, and follows legal guidelines for a safer product. The consumer gets the product; the shareholders get their profit, and the stakeholders are being respected. The above considerations address the financial, legal, and ethical aspects of our decision. These considerations will have a positive effect on customer relations because it shows our commitment to our client and the customer. Becker, P. A 2008) As a producer of consumer products that are geared towards children it is our responsibility to provide a safe product. When we make decisions about product safety there should be an ethical protocol in place with broad and easy to follow guidelines. The following report discusses two strategies the company could adopt to ensure that all members of ABC Toy Company make ethical decisions; the benefits of adopting a code of ethics, an analysis of another company’s code of ethics and components of those ethics that would be important to include or to incorporate into our own. Our first strategy will be in recognizing our responsibility to the consumer. Our main consumers are children. Product safety is paramount. Recognizing that our social responsibility is to provide a product free of health and safety risks is absolute (Miller,B. 2003-2011). Our second strategy, our focus should be on creating a code of conduct. A code of conduct encompasses the company’s commitment to its stakeholders. In our case, the consumer, the client, and the shareholders are our stakeholders (Becker,P. A 2008). Using strategies to assess criteria that all members of ABC Toy Co. can use to affirm each person’s responsibility to make ethical decisions is a step towards better business. Established strategies are a step in the right direction towards creating ethical decision making at all levels. They will help establish criteria for ethical behavior. ABC Toy Company would benefit from a code of ethics. By using the aforementioned strategies and criteria we could cr eate our own code of ethics. A few of the benefits a code of ethics supply are: *A code of ethics gives employees guidance for solving ethical dilemmas. A code of ethics would encourage communication between employees about ethics. *A code of ethics could be used to debate or argue your cause. *A code of ethics would spell out our obligation to the public. *A code of ethics would provide a reference point. The following analysis explores the National Association of Social Worker’s (NASW) code of ethics for examples that may be used in creating our own code of ethics. NASW’s code of ethics serves six purposes: (NASW, 2008), 1. Identifies the values of social work’s mission. 2. It condenses broad ethical principles-to establish ethical standards specific to social work practice. 3. Is geared to help identify important considerations when conflict or ethical questions arise. 4. Provides standards that can be used to hold social workers accountable. 5. It familiarizes new practitioners to social works mission, values, and ethical standards. 6. It clearly characterizes standards the social work profession can use to assess ethical conduct issues. The NASW has formal procedures to settle ethic complaints, members are required to follow the code and all it entails. NASW code of ethics purpose is to fulfill its obligation, to articulate its mission on behalf of clients, NASW clients encompass the underserved populations from individuals to communities and all groups in between. They strive to enhance the well being of all people but focus on empowering those living in poverty and those who are oppressed and vulnerable (NASW, 2008). Considering the six purposes of NASW’s code of ethics the following uses key components to establish our own reasoning. For example, ABC Toy Companies purpose behind a code of ethics, 1. Identify core values on which ABC Toy Co. s founded. 2. Summarizes broad principles that reflect the ethics, values, and standards ABC Toy Co. put in products, and in client and customer relationships. 3. The code helps all members to identify conflict or ethical uncertainties when they arise. 4. The code provides standards of product quality. 5. The code familiarizes all new members to ABC Toy Co. mission, values, principles a nd standards. Establishing a code of ethics helps business by showing our stakeholders our commitment to excellence. Good business means a larger market share. And what’s good for business is good for ABC Toy Co. References Assembly, N. D. (1996). Code of Ethics. Retrieved 6/ 10, 2011, from Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers: http://www. socialworkers. org/pubs/code/code/asp Becker, P. A. (Vol. 1 No. 1 2008 ). The Ethical Challenges for Enterprise and Risks to Consumers of Large Market Share Through Low-Cost Suppier Strategy. Journal of International Business , 107-111. Miller, B. (2003-2011). What is the Importance of Business Ethics. Retrieved 6/ 7, 2011, from Wisegeek. com: http://www. wisegeek. com/what-is-the-importance-of-business-ethics. htm
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