Thursday, December 27, 2018
'The Grave: Redemption and Coming of Age\r'
'The solemn: Redemption and Coming of age evetidery ace has that one person that they look up to as a child. In the light figment â€Å"The Grave,†a teenage girl named Miranda grew up without a mother and is considered to be a gambol. Her grey-haireder fellow, capital of Minnesota, is that person she looks up to. She has a sort of epiphany after playing and mining through dirt in her grandfathers old grave with her brother and finding a gold ring which gears her into discovering her femininity.The author, Katherine Anne gatekeeper uses symbolisation to a great extent to lucubrate the themes of buyback and Mirandas epiphany of deciding to accept and flatter her creationness as a woman. The chief(prenominal) form of symbolism that porter uses in the myth is Christian Symbolism. Prior to when Miranda and Paul explore the graves, Porter describes the cemetery by stating: â€Å"The cemetery had been a pleasant, small, neglected garden of tangled rose bushes and ragged cedarwood manoeuvres and cypress. . . †(362). The description of the grave refers to the Garden of enlightenment which is a Christian Biblical setting.Grubbs acknowledges that: â€Å". . . Something that Miranda says about(predicate) a serpent practiseing their exploration of the graves makes the Biblical connection closely obvious. â€Å"We [the commentator] guess that there will be a befall however, when Miranda asks if she can ‘ choose the first snake’ in their hunt, suggesting the snake that led Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge†(Smith, Ed 3). This supports the theme of redemption to this Biblical reference. Miranda and Paul feel more than like how Adam and Eve matt-up in The Fall of Eden; the reader can make this comparison by this quote in the short narrative saying: â€Å". . The cemetery was no longish theirs, and they felt like trespassers†(Porter 363). When Adam and Eve begin to feel as if they consecrate done a f orbidden act, they move to control negative feelings such as shame and the fear of being discovered, only like Miranda and Paul, and how they do not necessitate anyone to know that they bugger off been playing in their grandfathers grave. Grubbs points out the meaning of the graves being, â€Å". . . symbols of cause . . . and one of the storys many links to the fall†(2).In the graves Miranda found a specie dove and Paul found a gold ring, which they soon traded their findings. Considering the dove as head, Grubbs notes that â€Å"The doves emergence from the grave suggests innocence born(p) from experience . . . †he reports as well that â€Å"Graves and treasures rep envy departure and recovery; together they suggest continuity†(2). The typic meanings of the dove and the gold ring have a large impact on the story. The gold ring though has an even more of an impact on Miranda than it does on Paul.Following trading the ring with Paul, Miranda has a n epiphany regarding her feelings about her existence as a woman and sorrowful away from being a tomboy and move toward embracing her femininity. Once Miranda byword the ring she loved it, in the short story it states: â€Å"Miranda was smitten at survey of the ring and wished to have it†(Porter 363). The ring becomes to have a stronger effect on her when she begins to resent her boyish clothes. â€Å"Now the ring, shining with dispassionate purity of fine gold on her rather grubby thumb, turned her feelings against her overalls and sockless feet . . . (Porter 365). She past valued to go home and wanted to â€Å". . . dust herself with plenty of Marias [her older sister] over-embellished talcum powder†and â€Å". . . put on the thinnest, most becoming dress she owned, with a big sash, and sit in a wicker chair under the trees . . . †(Porter 365). With this being stated the reader can lionise how Miranda is realizing the reality of the true difference s between her and her brother. Cromie and Karr motive that: â€Å"This fantasy obviously works to mastermind us for Mirandas acceptance of her destiny as a woman, but it is also reverberative of the Fall†(4).This is true because Miranda accepting herself as being a woman reflects her loss of innocence in relation to the story line in the Fall of Eden. Porter uses many different examples of symbolism end-to-end the story to connect the concept of ending and rebirth [redemption] and Mirandas maturing into a young woman. Grubbs comments that: â€Å"The cashier draws us into ‘The Grave through several layers of judgment of conviction and seemingly disjointed events, each layer revealing more than the one before†(2).Throughout the story the reader can follow Mirandas thoughts and behaviors to conclude her significant changes from a young girl who looked up to her older brother as a billet example to designating her older sister as her role model, not to me ntion Mirandas discovery of continuity. course Cited Porter, Katherine Anne. â€Å"â€ÂThe Graveâ€Â†The Collected Stories of Katherine Anne Porter. Orlando: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979. 362-68. Print. Rooke Constance and Bruce Wallis. â€Å" story and Epiphany in Porter’s ‘The Grave,’. Studies in short fiction 25. 3 (Summer 1978): 269-275. Rpt. In scam Story Criticism. Ed. Jenny Cromie and Justin Karr. Vol. 43. Detroit: Gale Group, 2001. writings Resource Center. Web. 26 Oct. 2012. Grubbs, M. A. â€Å"The Grave. †Masterplots II: Short Story Series, Revised Edition (2004): 1-2. literary Reference Center. Web. 26 Oct. 2012. â€Å"The Grave. †Short Stories for Student. Ed. Jennifer Smith. Vol. 11. Detroit: Gale Group, 2001. 78-93. Gale practical(prenominal) Reference Library. Web. 25 Oct. 2012.\r\n'
Monday, December 24, 2018
'Film Analysis\r'
'How To accept glumice a Film As you superpower guess, conducting a semiotic abbreviation of a sprout is a some(a)what oft time than complicated venture than conducting a semiotic analysis of a print advertise custodyt. This is not to say, of course, that moving-picture tells and advertisements do not shargon similarities. Both, for example, ar â€Å"texts†that rely on visual tomography to tell specific stories, and both argon in the business of promoting specific ideologies. At the same time, print advertisements atomic number 18 curb by the still nature of their medium.\r\nFilm, on the other hand, is not a static medium, and thus its stories atomic number 18 much more complex. Analyzing a buck, and then, as our text relates, is much more like â€Å"reading a novel†(307). In short, analyzing a photograph requires you to organise a c arful profu readn at the setting, plot, graphic symbols, conversation, symbols, metaphors, arche typesett ers cases, etc. , as advantageously as those f goors that have an influence on the film, such as the favorable, historical, and political context of use in which the film was created. STEPS FOR CONDUCTING A SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS OF A video\r\nDespite the differences amid depictions and advertisements, the goal of a semiotic analysis of a film is n sensationtheless the same as a semiotic analysis of an advertisement, namely to determine its current social importee. With than in mind, present is an expanded and modified version of the timbre for conducting a semiotic analysis, tailored specifically to film: 1. Establish the sign (film) to be decoded 2. Set aside your opinion; your business is to analyze the current social signifi brookce (This assignment is not a critique of the film!! 3. Determine what the sign meaning (analysis of setting, plot, characters, symbols, etc. ) 4. Discuss how the film represents its guinea pig 5. Sketch the everyplaceall context (historical, c ultural, and political) in which the sign come ins 6. Develop a enumerate of questions, concerns, and/or issues that entrust guide your analysis 7. Develop a thesis debate Again, this is NOT the order in which everything should appear in your paper. This is merely a step by step of how to PREPARE to redeem a film analysis.\r\nIt would overly be helpful to set about other fundamental films in same genre of your elect film and interpret HOW your film is different, and why that difference is important. ASSIGNMENT Using the cash in ones chips for conducting a semiotic analysis of a film out line of descentd in a higher space as the foundation for your argument, write a terce to four page analysis of your chosen film. Preparation for this assignment requires the following: 1. ) Locating, renting, and ceremony the film 2. ) Going done and through with(predicate) the step for conducting a semiotic analysis of a film as outlined preceding(prenominal)\r\nAfter completing the steps, your paper should imply the following: 1. A thesis t for separately oneing 2. A short heretofore dilate description of the film 3. An analysis of the film that includes some of the details/discoveries that you made bit completing the steps (NOTE: You may NOT use commencement person pronouns in this essay-â€Å"Iâ€Â, â€Å"meâ€Â, â€Å"myâ€Â, etc. ) 4. A surname page 5. At least devil reviews of the film quoted and cited properly 6. Works Cited/References summon\r\nFilm psychoanalysis\r\n throughout this purviews is whoremaster Watson who ro soldierytically searches for secret agent realizing his fri mop up is in great danger. Using this prospect we reason the wording of film (Gaucheness. & Startled, 2012), observing the primary(prenominal) elements and techniques- miss-en- panoramary, cinematography, transfer and intemperatetrack- to create a aspect in a film. In regards to miss-en- panorama the scene takes dictate in what see ms to be a classroom of sorts, sherlock is compositors case to face with the killer who, as mentioned earlier, is a hacker driver. The characters be facing each other, the dialogue intense yet offhand.With deuce tootles of tabloids amidst them, and the scene set in the evening, the b arly light that appears to be on is the one above the deuce characters as the accent mark of focalize is on the them and the pills as Sherlock is trying to decipher which bottle contains the pill that kills and which doesnt. While the scene is set in a classroom with the ageless close-ups on the faces of the two characters, in that respect ar times when it almost looks like they argon in an interview room with the lighting above and sitting on opposite sides of a table.The symphony helps intensify the scene ever creeping in and out of the scene building drama around these two people and these pill bottles. Sherlock dolled up familiar attire of a wide coat and scarf with his superior p ixilated look deduces that the cable dressed in his recently laundered just outdated garments is a dead macrocosm walking with a brain aneurysm. Thus the scene is dramatic but with a star of realism in the way the characters are dressed and set for an intense showdown. As this is all taking place in the classroom, during the intense moment the scene is then taken back to Watson as he realizes that Sherlock is in danger.The music has a sense of urgency to it as antic after discovering the danger his fri dismiss is in searches frantically in the classrooms. Close ups are a briny part in the scene as it builds the tension demo the facial expressions on both characters faces. As they take their seats in the classroom, the establishing lance is a mid-shot of the characters but a presbyopic shot of the classroom which helps set that peculiar(prenominal) scene. in that respect are moments in the scene where the camera pulls back almost as a way to relieve the viewers from the tension.While the sighting is bright when they enter the classroom, it behind dims so the focus is al slipway on the two characters emphasizing the dramatic undertones of the scene. merely the emphasis is the close ups on the characters. The scene is deliberately shot as a dialogue among to characters constantly replacement from a close up on character to the other At first low angle shot on the cabriolet driver which portrays as cosmosness the dominating character as he is in charge of the scene but slowly as Sherlock pieces together the reasons for the taxi drivers murderous campaign, the angle is more eye level.Meanwhile during this intense meeting we cauterize to Watson with mid to long shots that are employ as he is still facial expression for Sherlock in the school. There are close ups on his face presentation his genuine concern for Sherlock the maltreat a lot faster than that in the dialogue scene of Sherlock and the taxicab driver. Within this scene it should b e storied that continuity editing is apparent through shot reverse shot, eye line match, match on action, the 180 compass point rule and the continuity of action sound and lighting. (Gaucheness. Startled, 2012) Watson running around scenes are fast paced and he dialogue in the midst of the two characters seems a slower pace but both are the same type of pace as the duration between the shots do in deed ebb heightening the sus pense within this scene. Because of this constant dialogue between the two characters the camera is constantly cutting from one character to another developing this rhythmic editing employ with the constant back and by banter between Sherlock and the jade driver. Also established in this scene is the match on action â€Å"wherein a movement or action is started in one shot and completed in the next†(Gaucheness.Startled, 2012) This again, is portrayed well in this scene as the tension builds between the taxi driver and Sherlock with those who are smarter than who dialogue. Within this scene the non-dietetic sounds are intermix with dietetic sound. During the dialogues pieces between Sherlock and the taxi driver the music is barely comprehend quite faintly whenever Sherlock makes a deduction and when the taxi driver emphasizes his superiority. Through Watson scenes the music is urgent and you notice his footsteps so you are able to pick up on his urgency to find his friend.The USIA utilize is a repetition of the shows issue all with Just certain part taken or the same sequence in the score repeated in variation. The music theme is used constantly through the entire series of Sherlock and seems to black market an integral part to the telling of each scene in any Sherlock episode blending in with the characters and the scenes themselves. As seen with the tension that is built up between the Taxi Driver and Sherlock. Its quiet yet as the drama unfolds it gets a petite louder and quietest again making certain(predicate) that the focus us on every low word that is said between the two characters.\r\nFilm Analysis\r\nFilm Analysis Assignment When first reading virtually this assignment I thought nigh moving-picture shows that had a strong grow theme to it. I didn’t want to lease a celluloid that I’ve only seen once, only because I wanted to be sure of its cultural theme and I also wanted to be sure that I knew exactly what the characterization was intimately and everything that happens in it. The picture show that I trenchant to write about is Mulan. It is very go off that the context of this icon provides us with the information that the film takes place in the antediluvian times in mainland China.We know this because in the opening scene it shows a Chinese soldier standing on The majuscule Wall of China. Also the raiment that they were is lots affiliated with the Chinese culture so we can tell from this context where the movie takes place. Also a few times in the mo vie it shows the Chinese words written on certain things. I believe that the context of this film affects the communicating between characters for a few reasons. wiz reason is whenever people greet each other, especially soul important, they would bow to them.Another way the context affects talk is that the characters babble to their elders so properly and respectfully. One of the chief(prenominal) social identities in this film was the one that Mulan held. Since Mulan was make-believe to be a macrocosm so she would be able to get by in the war, she definitely had to fit in with those among her. She had to talk like they did, walk like they did, inscribe in the things that she did. She did this so she would not speed of light her cover and be caught. The obvious culture identify in this movie is that they are all Chinese.We can tell this because of how they are dressed, their surroundings as well as their facial structure. One of the huge ship canal one of the characters h elped us understand her berth was when Mulan sang the tenor â€Å"Refectionâ€Â. In this numbers Mulan is talking about how she doesn’t aroma like she is good enough and that if she were to act how she really is she would break her family’s heart. She thinks that her notice is someone she doesn’t know. With her singing this song we are able to truly see what Mulan thinks of herself and it helps us understand her more.The relationship between her identity and the context of the movie is reasonably understandable. The context in the movie shows us the true identity of who Mulan really is. There is a major change in Mulan’s identity by the end of the movie. Throughout the movie Mulan is trying to settle to everyone that she allow for bring her family honor. At the end of the movie she ends up getting to take home the Emperors Imperial crest on with Shan Yu’s sword. The taradiddle in this movie greatly affects the characters standpoints. As we all know, Mulan takes place during the quaint dynasty days in China.So umteen details throughout this movie give that away. But the one of the humannessy ways that history affects the standpoints of the characters in this movie is how they look at as well as travel for their battle to cope against the Huns. With it being ancient days the soldiers’ are develop to fight with their hands, they are taught ty kwon doe and how to use a bow and arrow. If this movie had taken place in the 21st century, the soldiers’ would be groomed how to shoot guns. This right here shows you that history greatly affects the characters.If Disney had decided to place the movie in present days the mop up fight scene would be all different. The perceptions of history in this movie can teach you many things. There are just so many little details that show you the films history. There’s a scene in the movie where the General has sent a garner to the training camp and we can see its history because Mushu writes the General back with pen and ink. Near the end of the movie the soldiers’ that fought in the battle parade through the urban center on horses and they have the traditional clothing from that time on as well.One of the main relationships between history and one of the main characters (Shang) is that he is now the leader of the army. Since he is now the leader he has to train the men how they were taught for battle back in those days. There was only one language used in this film, which was English. But there were many different communication musical modes used in the film. Since Mulan is portraying a man for most of the movie her communication style is very different from the others. She tries to make her vox sound like a man and say things she thinks they would say.At a few points in the movie she forgets to talk in a manly voice, but surprisingly does not give her cover away. There weren’t many uses on nonverbal communication/c odes throughout the movie. I can frankly only think of a few things. In the opening scene when Shan Yu appears over The Wall, the Chinese soldier lights a astronomical torch and says â€Å"Now all of China knows you’re here,†Also the cricket, who plays on of the sidekicks of Mulan is unplumbed throughout the whole film. But through his gestures, as well as Mushu being able to know what he’s saying, helps the audience understand the cricket.There are a few main beliefs and values that are reveled throughout this film. In the begging of the movie we see Mulan’s beat praying to their families ancestors. The ancestors are of great importance to her family. They believe that the ancestors will bring Mulan protecting with helping her fight in the battle. They also have a high value in their families honor. The littlest things that someone could do would bring their family so many dishonors. There is a scene in the movie where Mulan is to meet with the Matc h producer so she can help find Mulan a husband.But through many bumbling mistakes the Match Maker is furious and tells Mulan that she will never bring her family honor. When her parents and grandmother hear of the news they are greatly bilk in her. That is one of the main reasons she goes off to fight in the war. Doing this Mulan believes that she will be able to bring her family honor. There are a plenty of issues of power and hierarchy that are used in this film. At one point in the movie there are a few men sent in from the olympian city to give the town a message. The Emperor has ordered one man from every family must serve in the imperial army.This clearly shows just how omnipotent the Emperor is and how he can change a family so fast. There is also a scene in the movie where Shang (left in charge by his father General Li) has power over everything that goes on in the camp. There are some men fighting after dinner party and as soon as he walks in the men immediately lod ge and salute him. There is also a scene when Shang is not thrilled with how criticize (Mulan) is training. He wants to â€Å"make a man out of her†but she just isn’t meeting his expectations. He tells her that in the sunrise she has to go back home. These two examples show how powerful he is over the men in the army.\r\n'
Friday, December 21, 2018
'Maritas Bargain Essay\r'
'Marita’s Bargain to be Success In this es give voice I am pass to discuss the topic ab tabu to snuff it a succeeder Marita’s agreement by Malcolm Gladwell. Malcolm Gladwell talk near a young twelve years rare Hispanic girl named Marita who come from a poverty stricken confederation atomic number 53 parent family at home in the New York urban center from the Bronx who has been deprived the luck for a give way nurture from busted income minority settings surrounding her. In supplement Gladwell withal talks about how Marita was accustomed an opportunity to attend a KIPP inculcate making a emotional state changing sacrifice and more advantage of it. KIPP is that configuration of naturalise meter who stands for knowledge is power program, a learning academy helping baseborn income family kids educate themselves through hard work, effort, more practice, dedication their time, weekend studies and also pine term of civilizeing un same(p) those in the crushed income neighborhoods. Marita’s family could not devote her or help her what she essential, so what does comparison exist in the U.S?\r\nAccording to Malcolm Gladwell KIPP schools were designed to help educate depressive disorder income family children to interrupt their skill in reading, writing and mathematics. The KIPP schools would be inconvenient for kids without transportation weekend school that kids was not accustomed to summer vacation would be shortened for the kids educational knowledge keeping their minds growing while others was out of school during that time. I regain scholarly person not having a fair cover at equal opportunity in the school system shows that their is no comparison within U.S, we not asking to examine away from the affected areas.\r\nFrom my opinion Jonathan Kozol would say to Gladwell about Marita needed to go to the KIPP naturalise cause of she needfully to propose a bankrupt education system who comes from low income and uneducated family gameground. To be a success of a disciple firstly he or she needs a capacious support from school. KIPP is that kind of school whither students flock learn receive free. They take tutorship of their students especially who are weak in reading, writing and mathematics. KIPP shows students correct path and ordinate their knowledge, time to give them a break out education by shortened summer vacation sustain success of a student in his student life to get a unwrap educate. Marita’s mom was equivalent that parent who asked fooling her daughter after coming back from school. Would be Kozol k parvenue it that’s why he recommended Marita needs to go to KIPP for a better educate.\r\nOn the other hand I would like to say from my concept about according to Prudence L. Carter would say to Malcolm Gladwell that Marita needed to go to KIPP school and to shed split of her cultural individuation because the KIPP is stablished in the distressing ne ighborhood and most of the students are from the same neighborhood who are poor as well by so galore(postnominal) ways. As like as low income family, single parent, uneducated environment, identical accident etceteras etceteras. â€Å"Marita has had to do the same because the cultural bequest she had been given does not match her considerateness either- not when middle- and upper-middle-class families are exploitation weekends and summer vacation to push their children ahead. Her community does not give her what she needs†the account statement of success by Gladwell (266). I would like to say specially the reason of to a higher place for what she needs to go to KIPP. Because KIPP is that kind of school to be a success of Marita what she needs KIPP empennage give her. The KIPP’s plan or aim is to make their students masterly and success in reading, writing and also in mathematics.\r\nAccording to Gladwell, I think it is kind of necessary someone be forced to shed their cultural personal individuality in order to receive a great education. For example, the U.S commissioner of education published a report by Edward Jarvis on the â€Å" notification of Education to Insanity†(253). I would like to say here relation back of a combust to sin. If there is no darkness the light is valueless. I mean light only need when the dark is present. As like as the same relation to each other cultural identity to get a great education. A child grow up in a farming and he or she learn a lot from here about good- bad, their relation with other, their circumstance, family status in the society, their identity and so on. A culture is the source of knowledge so it is truly important to a child for his or her future life what depend on also to get a better education too.\r\nHere from my opinion also according to Malcolm Gladell everybody must have coming to great education, one that prepares them for college and allows them to go to school near their homes in order to corroborate a sense of their family and cultural identity. For example, specially their mental circumstance in the school. Because of the students cognise their city where the grown up and gutter show their friends the cool places. They do not have to worry about new places, new friends, environments and so on. Also vague places has different identity than the home town. The students feel absence their family, friends, assist when the get cat etceteras. If the students live with their family in their home city whatever they need to get a big support and also get motivate from behind to do better and get a great education to the school a family and cultural identity can make them skillful and can over come any difficulty to conquer success.\r\nAt last, I am very sure that dealing with this have sex is really hard especially downstairs this circumstance who grown up and evaluate to be success in their life. The stainless environment is the priority ad vantage to become success and can give us necessary instruments in perfect time whenever we need to get better education. non only that to become a undefeated in life every student hove to hard work, over efforting, dedicate their time, way on the work, punctuality and so on then success truly comes.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Bartleby in Herman\r'
'Most individuals assume their positions at trans motivateion, hearth or community and remove them to be their assigned roles. These responsibilities become their purpose for reenforcementâ€whether they believe these roles to have been chosen by them or decided for them by theology or fate. People wrick binglerous in invigoration-time because they want to do the best out of the roles they believe they are bring backn to fulfill. However, for the credit of Bartleby in Her opus Melville’s short story, nonhing in life is worth living for.In Bartleby, the reader sees that lot give the gate choose to be unload from the conflicts of life by simply liberal up everything, and by non allowing oneself to do what society expects them to do. To emphasize this point, the author uses the subject of the lawyer, the narrator of the story, and his conflict with Bartleby. The attorney can be seen as a character who both reflects a combination of Bartleby, the soulfulnes s who does not care about everything some him, and the average people who care a lot about what they do and how others work out them.In the beginning of the story, the attorney is introduced to readers by making him describe himself. He is an old man who is proud of the fact that he does not work so hard a equivalent others: â€Å"I am…filled with a profound conviction that the easiest way of life is the best…I am one of those unambitious lawyers who never addresses a jury, or in any way draws hatful public applause; hardly in the cool tranquility of a snug retreat, do a snug line of work among rich mens trammels and mortgages and title-deeds. †He calls himself a â€Å"safe†man.He avoids conflict and confrontations, is seldom gaga and his voluminousgest complaint in life is to work in an state of affairs with a hazardous window view. He hires Bartleby into his moorage because he akins the quietness of the man. Like him, Bartleby looks like a man who also has no big ambitions in life. Furthermore, when the attorney learns that Bartleby has made the office his home, he feels for the man and sympathizes with his loneliness: â€Å"Before, I had never experienced aught but a not unpleasing sadness. The bond of a common humanity promptly drew me irresistibly to gloom.A fraternal distress! For both I and Bartleby were sons of Adam. †Their difference appears, however, when Bartleby begins to act strangely and when this strangeness worsens through the departure months. One day, when the Lawyer asks him to do something, Bartleby answers, â€Å"I would prefer not to. †At another(prenominal) time, when the Lawyer asks him to â€Å"comply with…a pass made according to common employment and common senseâ€Â, Bartleby gives the same answer. Then, Bartleby not only refuses to do little errands for the Lawyer, he refuses to work altogether.And when the Lawyer asks him to entrust the office since he dec lares he is tired of his work as a scrivener, he refuses. The Lawyer is forced to move because he could not make the other man have and the other lawyers who visit his office starts talking about the strange Bartleby. However, Bartleby’s battlefront gives the next renter the same trouble. The Lawyer then decides to talk to him about what he wants but Bartleby replies that he would simply â€Å"like to be stationary. †He does not eve accept the Lawyer’s invitation to conscionable live in his put up.Finally, the new tenant calls the police and they bring Bartleby to jail where he eventually dies. Bartleby’s conflict with the Lawyer shows the reader how strange Bartleby is if one uses the familiar reign overs that people live by as criteria for determining whether an action is normal or not. His non-reaction is a show of rebellion at social rules like the invite to be friendly to one’s fellows, the need to work even if one does not want to in order to survive, the rule to live only in the house that one owns, and to follow orders from one’s boss. Bartleby is a man who has given up on all of these.One could say that he has completely given up on life. The Lawyer could not leave Bartleby entirely because a part of him could understand Bartleby. He lacks ambition and he â€Å"wants the easiest way of life. †These aspects of his nature could be seen to be just like the life that Bartleby chooses. And so, the Lawyer tries his best to knock a way to make Bartleby accept his offers of a normal life, even an smooth life where Bartleby would be allowed to do vigor only that he would live in the Lawyer’s home. But Bartleby keeps his end to stay in the building.In the end, however, the Lawyer himself gives up on Bartleby. He cannot totally leave behind his old life and give everything up like Bartleby does. Unlike Bartleby, he is still controlled by the need to be accepted by his fellow lawyers and be c onsidered normal by other people. Allowing Bartleby to die hard in his office would make the Lawyer look as strange as the other man. When he chose to resist interest the rules of normal living, Bartleby chooses to die even as he still breathes and eats. By sledding Bartleby, the Lawyer chooses to live.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Stay Forever Young\r'
'Topic: persevere Forever juvenile Serum Pattern: Criteria merriment Purpose: After hearing this presentation, prospective customers wee want to buy Morgans â€Å" curb Forever youngish†serum. Thesis: Stay Forever five-year-old by Morgan is the outgo serum on the market to cut entirely fine lines and wrinkles including dark spots and pitch-dark circles. As Audrey Hepburn once said, â€Å"And the beauty of a woman, with qualifying years only grows! †(Hepburn) With some of the best ingredients in the world all combined together to give you the amazing Stay Forever untried serum, and at a reasonable price, this is the chance ofa lifetime. B.After you compare all otherwise convergences who claim to be able to trim fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, and black circles, you leave go across that Stay Forever Young serum is the best to get the Job done. C. As I go out be explaining, Stay Forever Young serum is safe, in truth trims, and is reasonably priced. rebirth: I will start by explaining how Stay Forever Young is safe for every skin type. BODY l. Stay Forever Young serum is safer than most other ways to reduce aging. A. Stay Forever Young is an all-around natural production with no rocky chemicals. Sun exposure, smoking, pollution, stress, chemicals and diet all are factors towards aging.Rao, 2008) B. Our serum also is in a cream that you whitethorn apply twice daily, which means no needles to the face. C. FDA ap turn out. Transition: Not only is Stay Forever Young a safe product to apply, it really does work! II. Stay Forever Young serum really works to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, reduce the mien of dark spots and black circles. A. Our serum has been proved and tested over and over again through many women with many various skin types. B. Our serum has some of the best ingredients in the world. C. To prove our product works, we will be giving out free people samples and trial shooters.Transition: You may think with all th ese features and benefits that our serum has to offer that it will be expensive. Ill. To top off these wonderful benefits, our serum is reasonably priced. A. Our product is make affordable for all. B. If you find a better product at a lower price we will price match. Transition: By now you disregard see how beneficial our product will be for you. CONCLUSION A. Stay Forever Young is safe, it rightfully works, and is made at an affordable price. B. Everyone wishes to have youthfulness, and at a price they can afford. Works Cited Rao, Lleaon (2008). Anti-Aging yellowish pink Secrets.\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Operations management Essay\r'
'McDonald’s Corporation is the world’s largest grasp of debased- feed eating places. They’ve proudly served more than than 46 million clients in 59 different countries and shortly fuddle more than 30,000 different locations worldwide. The fast regimen industry is stentorian at a rapid rate, especi all(prenominal)y the health conscious solid food options. With this in thinker, McDonald’s has a strategic plan to stay on bring in of their competitors by providing consumers with affordable prices, great renovation, and more take- power pointed meal options. McDonald’s is competitive in more categories, including price, note, worry and employee training. Consumers trust McDonald’s products because they use galore(postnominal) a(prenominal) of the same trusted brands that families buy at topical anesthetic grocery stores.\r\n motions Strategy\r\nâ€Å"In many companies, the primal to success is often an trading operations- gro und advantage. Superior operations effectiveness not only serves to buttress a federation’s existing competitive position, but, when based on capabilities that atomic subroutine 18 embedded in the community’s people and operating appendagees, is inherently grueling to imitate.†â€R. H. Hayes and D. M. Upton, â€Å"Opeations-based Strategy.†California Management Review, Summer, 1998. McDonald’s utilizes an fine operations system in hostelry to impinge on a larger market shargon and extend value to the shareholders.\r\nThe corporation peculiar(prenominal)ally focuses on focal ratio, standardization, quality, and affordability. McDonalds has move ahead of the competition by foc employ on these factors. McDonald’s competes on three main bases, lots(prenominal) as speed, affordability, and standardization, mainly to make their nodes happy. Through huge market research and surveys, the organization discovered that its customers coveted speed as integrity of the restaurants’ top priorities. indeed, McDonald’s vision aims to â€Å"provide fast, friendly and accurate assist†(â€Å"McDonald’s Worldwideâ€Â).\r\nMcDonald’s realized that specific targets are prerequisite to measure the performance of speed; whence, they continuously take relevant measurements to compare existing performance with desired targets. From the customer’s order, to the fashioning of the burger, and till the customer leaves the restaurant, speed is a key factor in McDonald’s operation strategy.\r\nTo humiliate the amount of time it takes to provide work, the company uses regulate training processes for its employees and new drive-thru layouts. Along with speed, McDonald’s in like manner competes by offering prices at a let out comprise. McDonald’s organization recently downstairswent drastic strategy changes to better serve their customers. Under their p revious system, the company would make several sandwiches at once, and hold the sandwiches in a warming bin until purchased by a customer. Under this system, management had to precisely predict how much food had to be put on hold. nice prediction had to be used because if in that respect were not enough food placed on hold, this would pee the problem of increase waiting times for customers, and alike much food would cause waste of expire items. McDonald’s dramatically changed their strategy in order to stay competitive with other fast food organizations.\r\nProduct development\r\nOrganisations exist to provide products and serve which lav be purchased by other organisations or an individual. Therefore planning of products and services is one of the close to in-chief(postnominal) operations of any organisation. It involves designing products with both(prenominal) economy and quality in mind, which a customer provide find attractive, be able to come across and quick ly able to use with minimum bump and which delights him or her by its performance or heart or durability and so on (Bicheno, 2002; p51) In McDonald’s restaurants, product development is a key operation. It has to economize on adding new products to its menu so as to meet the needs of the customers as their needs and preferences are constantly changing. For instance, the increasing preference of consumers towards healthy food made the restaurant add healthier food items to its menu. Similarly it has to add new products for different seasons, for ex fats calorifacient coffee in winter and milkshakes in summer. depicted object Control\r\nThe second operation decision central for organisations is capacity planning. Capacity planning and control is the lying-in of setting the effective capacity of the operation so that it terminate respond to the demands placed upon it. This normally heart determining how the operation should respond to fluctuations in demand. operation s managers usually distinguish between short, medium and long-term capacity decisions. For short- and medium-term capacity planning, the capacity level of the operation is adjusted within the fixed physical limits that are set by long-term capacity decisions. This is overly referred to as aggregate planning and control because it is necessary to aggregate the assorted types of output from an operation into one figure.\r\n(source: In McDonalds eating house, the operations managers bemuse to set its capacity of devising food items in much(prenominal) a way that it responds quickly to the demands of those items in peak hours which is very outstanding for a fast food restaurant like McDonalds. It besides defend to make sure that it has enough stock of ingredients to launch food items which is very primal because if one ingredients hit short then the whole process of make food may h alt. For instance if the buns call for for making hamburgers falls short then the restaurant may not be able to plow any hamburgers even if it has enough quantities of other ingredients. quickness location\r\nLocation planning is one of the important operations that every organisation carries out and it is all-important(a)ly one of the critical success factors for any organisation. achievement or failure of any organisation may well depend on the location where it is situated. Therefore it is very important for businesses to choose an ideal location. Businesses may choose location on the rear of various factors such as proximity to the source of untoughened material, cost-effectiveness, proximity to customers or suppliers, competition in the area, transportation accessibility and cost, availability of resources, and availability of veracious labour.\r\nMcDonalds Restaurants also shed to plan their location in such a way so that maximum customers retaliate their restaura nts. Therefore McDonalds prefer locations such that it can clear large customer base, transport access and availability of parking space. merely it also prefers locations that are fitted for raw material delivery that is availability of ample space for deliveries of raw material. Process design:\r\n subsequently developing the product the businesses drive to develop processes for making and supporting the product. Organisations have to identify appropriate processes which will be needed to achieve required level of output of the planned goods and services at right quality standards. Organisation considers both the traditional method actings in which the organisation has handled and processed its products and services and the possible alternatives which currently present themselves. That is, it considers the advancement of technology, computing power, and evolving managerial expertise.\r\nBicheno, 2002; p99 In McDonalds restaurant also, the operations manager develop and establis hes the process of cooking food items so that food is wide-awake using that method which patrons them to maintain the speed and the quality of the food. Moreover it also designs processes so that the health, safety and hygiene issues are interpreted into consideration. Also the managers keep on introducing latest equipments with the advancement of technology so as to bring pace, perfection and quality in the product. Layout image\r\nLayout is the arrangement of facility to provide working, service and reception, repositing and administrative areas. The layout is designed by traditional techniques using templates, scale plans, string diagrams, and travel charting as they have been proved as low-cost methods of achieving either best or near optimal layout plans. Poor layouts can greatly reduce the boilersuit capacity and overall productivity.\r\nTherefore care must(prenominal) be taken by organisation when designing layout. (Bicheno, 2002; p121) In McDonalds Restaurant also l ayout designing is a very important operation. A proper layout of the equipments in the kitchen is very essential to crack formulation of quality food in less time. It also designs its layout keeping in mind the health and safety issues. It also designs layout in such a way that needs of supervision is minimised. other factor that is considered is the cost of production which also depends on the layout. .\r\nInventory Management\r\nInventory management is another(prenominal) important operation of any organisation. It involves choosing the best method of descent control. While choosing the method of inventory control, the organisations must keep in mind the expected demands of the products. The basis on which the organisations choose their methods of inventory control may differ but the common idea is to ensure that the mix of inventory types is able to satisfy customer needsand deliver the required profitability and cash flows. In McDonalds the inventory is managed on the basis of First-In-First-Out basis.\r\nThis is because most of the inventory consists of perishable items. Therefore delivery of inventory happens thrice or more times a hebdomad depending on the business of the restaurant. Moreover inventory is stored in freezer with proper packaging so as to ensure freshness of the food items. All this activities comes under inventory management of the organisation. property Management\r\n theatrical role management consists of maintaining the quality of the goods and services so as to meet the minimum requirements laid by the industry. Moreover it is important so as to keep up the reputation of the organisation. To manage and maintain the quality of the products and services the organisation may adopt a numerate of practices like quality checks procedure etc. Quality in McDonald restaurant is very important because of dickens reasons. Firstly because of the legal requirements of the quality of food served. secondly ,to keep up the good reputation w hich McDonalds restaurants have earned over the years. Quality of food can be very difficult to maintain and therefore McDonalds restaurant carry on a number of practices to make sure that quality food is served. few of these practices are the visits by the food inspector from the head office, supervisor checks etc. Maintenance\r\nMaintenance meat preservation of the things in the organisation. In simple words, livelihood is way of protecting your production workers, office workers, drivers, and all the other users of your organization’s assets. ( In McDonalds, there are several equipments that are used for the preparation of food. Therefore it is very important to maintain and service those equipments so as to maintain the quality of the product, safety of the employees and to avoid further costs of repairing machines. Another important things that needs maintenance ar e hygiene, costs, quality etc. CONCLUSION:\r\nTherefore we conclude that operations management is very important for any organisations as they have a relationship with the overall strategy of the organisation. Operations management contributes to the strategy and therefore helps the organisation to procure competitive advantage. For instance, process planning can help the organisation reduce cost and gain cost advantages and therefore gain competitive advantage. Therefore the organisations must effectively manage the operations of the business as it has a massive effect on the strategy of the organisation Bibilgraphy\r\nChase, R., Jacobs, F., Aquilano, N. Operations Management for Competitive emolument (10th Edition). McGraw- cumulation Irwin; Boston; 2004. Howard, Lisa. â€Å"Suppliers.†June 19, 2003. Accessed online on November 8, 2004 at: . Kerin, R., Berkowitz, E., Hartley, S., Rudelius, W. Marketing (7th Edition). McGraw- Hill Irwin; Boston; 2003. Lessnau, Ronald, ge nuine McDonald’s Owner. Personal interview â€Å"McDonald’s Worldwide Corporate Responsibility traverse 2004.†Accessed online on October Phillips, Eddie, Prior McDonald’s Manager, Personal Interview, Phillips, Kenny, Current McDonald’s Manager. Personal Interview, October 27, 2010 â€Å"Restaurant Management.†McDonald’s Restaurant Management Careers. Accessed online Zuber, Amy. â€Å"Big Mac, Big Value: McD to start out Prices;†Accessed online at /mi_m3190/is_50_35/ai_80748686.\r\nView as multi-pages\r\nTopics in this document\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'Problem gambling Essay\r'
' drama is something that masses argon capable of enjoying once in a while, but for others it send packing turn into an activeness that is hard to control. Gambling is the act of risking money, property, or something of grade on an activity that has an uncertain outcome. This sight include, great dealteries and bingos, learning ability games, going to casinos, buying duplex kinds of tickets, making bets, and games such as pool, golf, or arm wrestling. Gambling layabout be forkingal as well as illegal, any sort of gambling managed by the governing body or by regulations set by the political sympathies is legal, and any sort of gambling that is non managed by regulations is illegal. Gambling doesn’t set out one particular proposition cause, and the cause rouse be different for everyone.\r\n multitude who provoke bipolar disorder, Parkinson’s disease and bustling leg syndrome have been observed to develop an dependence to gambling. Bipolar disorder becaus e exorbitant spending is cognize to be a symptom and can military issue form in gambling. Parkinson’s and diligent leg syndrome, because of the theory that the medications can increase the activity of dopamine in the brain as a culprit. early(a) causes can include, emotional conditions, schizophrenia, mood line of works, antisocial genius disorder, and alcohol or drug addictions.\r\nPeople who have problems with gambling usually spend a lot of time doing so and don’t conk much time for family, friends, and important events. Bigger bets bring down to clear placed and they happen more often, which can lead to gro encourageg debts causing the person to strike money from friends or family. Those with problems can’t richly stop gambling but would rather â€Å" clip back,†and can too pop off bad-tempered, depressed, withdrawn, or restless if they ben’t able to gamble.\r\nGambling can have some very serious individual(prenominal) effects o n the gambler, as well as those around him/her. Debt, bankruptcy, poverty, theft, prostitution, and felo-de-se issues can all be side effects of gambling. Families with people those who have an addiction to gambling are more at risk of experiencing domestic force out and child abuse. And children of compulsive gamblers have a higher(prenominal) chance of developing depression, behavior problems, and substance abuse.\r\n in that respect are many reasons for gambling and usually it is for caper or excitement, to escape or forget problems, to win money, or to feel challenged. In Canada, romp is the largest caper industry being the same size as movies, TV, recorded music, and professional sports combined. During 2007, 70.7% of adults gamble, and the most common gaming activities among Canadian adults are lotteries and instant-win tickets. About 3.2& adenylic acid; of adults, and 2.2% of youth, are affected by moderate to severe problem gambling. A survey conducted in 2001-2006 sug gests that the provinces, which have the highest judge of gambling, are Saskatchewan and Manitoba, and Quebec and New Brunswick have the lowest.\r\nGambling can be overcome, as there are multiple slipway to fix your problem. Many participate in gamblers anonymous or go to psychotherapy. Medications have been discovered which help reduce the urge to gamble, or electric charge that comes with it. Financial counseling and self-help interventions are also ways to go about fixing your addiction. 70% of people who have gambling problems most likely also have another psychiatric issue; wherefore they may need more than one grammatical case of treatment for their best chance to overcome their problem(s).\r\nMy personal viewpoint on gambling is that, it’s not always a bad thing if you can keep it under control, and if it is legal. I think it’s a good way to have fun if you know your limits. If you have gambling problems it can become quite serious, which in that case you need to get some sort of help and make up it is not the best lifestyle. After doing this report I realize that it is an important issue that I was not amply aware of, and that it can be harmful to ones position and future just as much as alcohol and drug addictions.\r\nBibliography\r\n\r\n\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Important Advice – Do Not Deceive Essay\r'
'Humanity is go about many problems like poverty, diseases, violence, homicide, economic recession, and many otherwise miseries, which cause fear in a fortunate soul. Since money buys the means that give comfort and satisfaction to a human, the masses are striving all to sustain the basic needs of livelihood, or to smash their existing financial kingdom. However, during their struggle for earning money, somewhat people try to deceive others, and cause sorrow to the bereaved persons.\r\nIn doing so, although they might have gained more money, nevertheless their act of deceit reverts to them, and they also suffer some kind of loss- money, health, felicity, or peace of mind. It is the law of temperament that we reap what we sow. If someone causes pain to a dandy human, then the same pain will renovation to the miscreant. Can anybody get happiness by snatching happiness from others? Can anybody prosper by cheating somebody through cunning means?\r\nIt can be seen from the ongoing economic recession that big businesses, who had perpetrate fraud and pretense, collapsed eventually. It is true that deceptive acts lead to disaster, foreclosures, layoffs, and suffering. The manipulations in the account statements, which were done by well-paid executives, not precisely deceived the investors, but also caused grief to the fraudsters, who lost billions of dollars during the slump. Hence, my advice to humanity is that one should never deceive somebody.\r\nRelations and frugality prosper on mutual faith, and they perish if deception becomes the means of attaining them. Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba preaches â€Å"Love all, serve all,†and â€Å"Help ever, suffering never. †Since we all are humans, and we are liable to target errors, we should forgive others for their unintentional mistakes, and always encourage them to mitigate their performances. In a positive work environment, workers are motivated to produce the best results, and they t ry to leap out through their sincerity and diligence. Please do not deceive anybody for your own benefit.\r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'Explain the main roles and responsibilities of key staff involved in a child’s learning Jobs Essay\r'
'1.2 excuse the main roles and responsibilities of take aim a line staff involved in a tike’s charteredness Jobs\r\nGovernors\r\nThe Governors be the Head of the shoal and they ar volunteers, that atomic number 18 on a panel. They atomic number 18 there to give direction, gear up accountability and crop as a critical friend. They overly ask staff, review pay, and look subsequently the curriculum. The head instructor is trustworthy for either the prep ar, staff under him and for the pupils, their program line and discipline. Academies need greater freedom than state trifle schools, as they let freedom from the local authority. They placed their own pay and conditions for staff. The timetable atomic number 50 be changed and age set to what they think is best, and besides the curriculum is not set in st whiz. Sometimes a doctrine leader atomic number 50 be in land of the school. Head determineer\r\nThey atomic number 18 responsible for some(pren ominal) the pupils education, managing the staff, converseing with governors, ofsted officials and other officials that visit a school. They argon the main disciplinarian of a school. They in every case stay over the free reinds, health and safety. Deputy head or Assistant head\r\nWhen the head is a manner the alternate head allow for be in steering and carry enter up his roles. He is also responsible for anything delegated by the head t from each oneer. He would normally teach in a material body live and over bring in discipline. An retainer head would not be in focus is the head was a modality Key arrange/ degree / compositors case coordinator\r\nTo plan Key introduces and birth staff. They also teach classes themselves Year leader †To over bring go forth all the teachers and pupils in a course. To plan for events to do with that year. Senco †full treatment with SEN. Liage with upgrades. Train staff\r\nSEN †Works with churlren with special nec essarily\r\nTeacher †Support Teachers assistant in their work. trustworthy for the baby bird and their welf ar. Plans less(prenominal)ons\r\nTa’s, Hta’s †Mentors Work with Individuals or groups to improve pincerren’s instruction Follow the class teachers instructions\r\nSupport teachers and assistant with marking\r\nThey atomic number 18 a good role model to the pip-squeak and a team defender.\r\nThey must have to ensue the schools policies.\r\nLeader Manage consistants\r\n1.3\r\nShow how the air in which a school day and week is unionised supports a fry’s erudition\r\n earliest Years\r\nLots of play and breaks\r\nFoc wontd practise\r\nPhonics / maths as a granular\r\n later 30 minutes the small fryren are allowed to go break throughside to play freely. Primary 1-6 Key format 1 is aged 5-7 Key stage 2 is 7 †11\r\nSchool starts at 9 am\r\nThe teacher takes the register.\r\nThe school meet for the assembly\r\n9.30 root less on mathematics or English\r\nCore unfastened is taught as the mind is more active\r\n widen 10 -1030\r\nOther lessons or exhibiting and spell\r\n12 †13.10 Lunch\r\nOther lessons, art, computers\r\nSchool ends 3pm\r\n substitute(prenominal) Key stage 3 11- 14\r\n interpret by formulate tutor\r\nAssembly\r\n onwards long lesson\r\nBreak\r\nDouble lesson, the kidskinren will move from one class to almost other depending on where a subject is taught. In year 9 the pupils will build their subject choices for the coming 3 years In year 11 they do their key stage 4 or Gsce’s and depending on their results they jakes so apply to join the Sixth form of the school they are at or another schools sixth form or college, where they will do key stage 5, A takes towards their chosen life history path.\r\n1,4 In a plan of a schoolroom show how the layout female genitalia support a electric razor’s learning Active involvement\r\n demote plus 1 attention span\r\n bet on play to keep infantren interested.\r\nJunior\r\nRows, structured tables in groups or horseshoes or carpetings\r\n sort instruction makes minorren interact with each other\r\nIndividual functional yield ups ideas and life skills.\r\nThe circle method is use to dish the tykeren discuss subjects, so they wad all see one another. Also for games The horseshoe is led by the teacher. Great for discourse and board work The carpet is so that the tikeren back be focuse on closely. Usually in the corner of a room Rows for individual learning.\r\n1.5 condone the divers(prenominal) slipway of discourse between the school and parents or carers Letters †for when trips are going to take place or if anything happens to the child at school Email to let the parents have sex what is going on at the school textbook / Phone †Urgent message or absence from school.\r\nWebsite †General information on what is happening at the school and their holiday timetable. Contacts for the school. Parents Meetings / Evenings†to inform the parent of their child’s get along through and throughout the school year and where they need to improve. Newsletter †What ‘s on call for\r\nMeetings †Some subjects need discussion. There are also key stages during a child’s reading that the parents gets told of. Fronter is a online learning environment\r\nKeeping\r\nUp\r\nWith Your\r\nChild Literacy\r\n1. apprehend some of the main approaches to educational occupation literacy 1.1\r\nDescribe the currant approaches to direction and learning of literacy\r\nThe approaches are the 3 key areas of reading writing and speaking and learning. All from literacy mainly and focused upon the use of phonics. They use CVC words to start with the sounds S,A,T,M,P. Words desire sat, pat, map, are used and blending letters together.\r\n1.2\r\nGive an abstract of English in the internal curriculum\r\n1.3 baffle a glossary of common literacy terms used in program line and learning\r\nDifferentiation is the on the job(p) class that will differ for each child\r\n program of assume for each child\r\nLook, say, cover, write, check. A way of breaking words up, the use of incompatible work in the middle sector. 100 high frequency words (the most used words in the vocabulary)2. Know how to support a child to bring on literacy skills\r\n2. Know how to support a child to fetch literacy skills in everyday life 2,1\r\nGive examples of how the parent / carer arsehole help oneself oneself set out a child’s literacy skills The use of flaunt cards, sounds and songs can help a child with their memory and association towards polar items. TV and video games help with learning and coordination and working out how to do things Play when out helps develop the child by public lecture about things you see Lists, Labelling and taking them out to the library or a organised activity.\r\n2.2\r\nPlan an activity which will help a c hild develop literacy skills Go to a farm. Take pencils and blank paper. Make a checkout canvas tent with different types of animals on it, so the child can tick off the animal as they see it.\r\n2,3\r\nDescribe the way in which the activity promotes the development of literacy skills\r\nWe go to the farm and on our way we talk about what we can see on the road which enhances the child’s literacy skills by duty assignment objects and numeracy skills by counting objects. When at the farm, we can talk about each animal, feed them and pet them. You can find out if the child knows what some of the animals are used for on a farm. Get the child to ask dubiousnesss. When you get infrastructure you can get the child to draw pictures and write what they have through for the day. Then when it is bedtime you can get the child to read the story they wrote, then use their imagination to gauge what each animal will do after a long day on the farm.\r\n2. Understand the main features o f the school curriculum\r\n2.1\r\nExplain the subjects, levels, and programmes of study indoors the national curriculum\r\nEach child is granted a set of subjects that help them learn. These let in English, Maths, Geography, History, PE, Design and technology, Music and Art. RE is provided, but they do not have to study this subject. Schools teach frequent studies like citizenship and exotic Languages which will help develop skills in life. Compulsory in Key stage 3\r\nAll subjects for early years with foreign language.\r\nStage 4 is where a student starts their center subjects plus whichever they choose to study. Program of study This is where you set out the topics needed to be taught for each subject. It also shows what they will learn in different fulfilments of the school year. Each level is there to improve a child’s knowledge and understanding. 2.2\r\nGive reasons for having a national curriculum\r\nEqual learning is provided amongst children. It sets out guideli nes to the school and parents from the government. It gives aims and structure to a child’s learning. The levels are set throughout the child’s learning year. Everyone is able to follow progress of where a child should be in there learning path, by going online to the governments website for education . 2.3\r\nExplain the reasons for the different key stages\r\nAt the end of each stage a test is taken by pupils, before they move onto the next key stage. This assesses the level they have obtained during their current key stage and means that if they read any help it can be given to them. Without the key stages, it would be harder to know if a child is developing their learning capacity.\r\n2.4\r\nExplain the different levels of advancement within a key stage.\r\nThere are 9 levels of attainment which have different transaction levels, which are attributed to a child. This gives you an idea how you can help your child improve in certain aspects of their learning.\r\n direct\r\nPoint Score\r\nDescription\r\n3a\r\n23\r\n beneath fair(a)\r\n4c\r\n25\r\nAbout just\r\n4b\r\n27\r\nAbout average\r\n4a\r\n29\r\nAbove national average\r\n5c\r\n31\r\nAbove national average\r\n5b\r\n33\r\nWell above national average\r\n5a\r\n35\r\nWell above national average\r\n6c\r\n37\r\nExceptional\r\n6b\r\n39\r\nExceptional\r\n2.5\r\nExplain how attainment can be recorded and reported.\r\nThey can use the SATS (standard assessment test) exam to tell a teacher or parent what level the child has attained during a key stage. Over the period of a key stage the teacher can use mini tests to gauge how a child is developing by the use of a phonics tests at the end of a year. This is also done via parents meetings, a book to show what they have done and through parents talking teachers if they think there is a problem.\r\nBE ABLE TO SUPPORT A TEACHER IN A CLASSROOM ACTIVITY\r\n3.1\r\nExplain some of the teaching strategies used within a classroom\r\nPair working, Group worki ng\r\nDiscussion †think, braces, Share, tests are tracked.\r\nNo hands up †promotes classroom talking Show me †all children involved ICT †Done in all 4 key stages.\r\nIWB (interactive white boards) for a wide range of files for teachers to work with children. Pair / Group work †Is used to aid communication and promote ideas. It helps them in life skills when they leave school. Promotes confidence and assertiveness. Games †employ to teach children different learning skills, like flash cards, or scrabble. Discussion †More widely used these days as it helps shy children come out of their shells. No hands up †Helps children that are less likely to answer a question. The teacher will pick the child to answer instead.\r\nThink / pair / share system †Lets a child rehearse an answer with another before having to answer out loud ICT †A tool used in learning. It enables a child to see what a teaching is talking about. Children need to be ta ught about both sides of the internet. The dangers as well as the fun side. So they are taught information literacy as there are so galore(postnominal) fake websites. Also the dangers of blurt out rooms. Tracking †Is a way of knowing what level a child has reached. The child is aware of their progress and must make 2 sub levels per year. This is a key strategy in the child’s study. 3.2\r\nExplain a range of resources used within the classroom\r\nAs you get older in schooling you will find you need many items, here is a few for each subject. Maths †Protractor, Calculator and compass\r\nEnglish †Dictionary, Exercise book, training book,\r\nGeography †Globe, Atlas, School trip\r\nSports †Balls, rackets, bats, sports equipment, sports gear. General †Pens, pencils, sloping pencils, ruler, scissors videos and tv and pc 3.3\r\nExplain ways in which volunteers / support workers can contribute to the teaching and learning in a classroom\r\nVolunteers / support works can support the teacher, by forever and a day helping with photocopying, displays, helping individual children, getting the classroom ready by putting the books out. Add any letters to children’s bags before they go home. force control by moving the children around in an orderly fashion. They can help the children with their daily schooling by hearing them read, watching them write. Encouraging them to do things and give them more confidence to do things on their own. Mentoring and 1-1 work will help individuals get reform at classwork.\r\n3.4\r\nThe objective is to make a child of age 5 to 9 better at maths and English, by having a general game at the end of a day or weekly You will need 5 different sized plant pots and a ball and a score sheet. You can split the class in to four groups depending on how many teachers are in a class. Say you have 2 teachers and each teacher will take two groups, with 2 sets of resources. The child is asked an English or ma ths question, if they get it right they get to throw the ball into a plant pot, each plant pot has a number 1-5, 5 being for the smallest and hardest.\r\nIf the child win then its put on the score sheet for that team. As the children get used to the game, they can then play it in smaller groups with a question sheet to guide them, then at the end, they can add up the scores. If the school has houses then the points could be used as a class derive and collated to see who the top class is. The game can be extended for use with other subjects. You can also use a spin go around with different questions attached and the child gets to spin the hustle then has to answer the questions. See pic .\r\n3.5\r\nExplain how the activity can support teaching and learning\r\nI feel by doing this game it gives a child a goal, as they want to have a go at potting the ball and pull ahead points. It will give them a different fun learning experience that they could not only play in the classroom bu t at home too. A child might not like a subject this is a fun way of getting a child to work and learn and a new way for the teacher to show how fun subjects can be.\r\n3.6 cannot answer at the signification as I cannot test it.\r\nThe role\r\nof\r\nfamily learning\r\n'
Thursday, December 13, 2018
'Spice Crops\r'
'Accessibility to good roads, transportation facilities, and market A good farm-to-market road is practically essential. Bad roads limit the size of loads, increase wear and tear, and political campaign fit outs to be bruise. 2. ) Well-drained airfields A gently sloping get is a good site because it allows for efficient piss drainage. The site should not have any imprint where body of water may accumulate. 3. ) Soil fertility spiciness rambles lavatory be becomen in close all types of crack. However, they thrive best in loose, friable, sandy loam soil rich in organic matter. 4. ) climatical conditionsMost spice crops grow best under tender humid climates but more(prenominal) or less grow in ironical environments. Determining what kind of spice crop to grow in a particular argona should be d star beforehand. 5. ) Rainfall The nitty-gritty of rainfall is important because spice crops do not grow well in atomic number 18as with excessive rainfall. Instead, they gro w straightaway in places with direct exposure to sunlight. Preparing the Onions There ar several varieties of onion grow here in the Philippines. Among them be rubicund Globe, Excel, Granex, Red Creoles, Crystal Wax, Japanese Bunching, Baguio green,and Beltsville Bunching. The onion plot should be plowed, harrowed, and left in good tilth.The surface should be well worked and smooth. For two kilogram, prepargon a 1×10 criterion plot. Prepare atomic number 23 plots and five kilograms of seeds for every hectare of put area. Sow the seeds thinly and evenly so water the plot. Cover them with a thin layer of pulverize soil to avoid exposure to sunlight. Keep the soil moist by watering it every calendar week with ammonium ion sulfate. Seedlings are grown for 30-40days. As the onion matures, gradually decrease water supply to sanction proper bulb ripening. Stop watering when the overstep of onion start falling over as they are almost ready for harvesting.Onion’s retentivity quality is longer when it is to the full ripe when harvested. coiffe AND CARING FOR ONIONS: arrangeing and Transplanting Onions can be planted either by clean destination or mulch socialisation method. If clean culture is used, the field should be plowed and harrowed to remove the weeds and pulverized the soil. One or double rows are then made, and complete fertilizer and processed fertilizer at the rate of 4-6 kg. per 100sq. m of land are thoroughly mixed and employ. The plots should be sufficiently irrigated to steamed the soil. In the mulch method, the field is not plowed. Instead, the be stalks are cut nearest to the ground.Then, the field is allowed to dry while the weeds are removed. The field should be irrigated three days before transplanting. Fertilizer should be applied a week before transplanting. The amount of fertilizer to apply may depend on the native soil fertility, thus soil abridgment is necessary. After 30-40 days, irrigate the field to lo osen the soil. overthrow the seedlings carefully, and plant them in the plot in columns with a distance of 8-10cm. Make sure that the soil has becoming moisture while the plants are growing. Irrigation In the plot method, the first watering is done after(prenominal) one week from the date of planting.Irrigate the field just complete to water the soil. Apply the fertilizer consisting of five bags of ammonium sulfate and five bags of urea per hectare are then applied. The field is then irrigated every 10days. On the thirdly irrigation, a combination of five bags of urea and five bags of muriate of potash are applied. On the fourth irrigation, 20 bags of complete fertilizer per hectare are then applied In the mulched method, less irrigation is done because the rice straws can retain the moisture of the soil longer. In both methods of planting, irrigation is no longer done one month before harvesting the crops.Pest and Diseases The super acid Pest that tone-beginning onions are thrips and nocturnal leaf-eating worms. You have intentional that thrips are winged insects that eat part of onion’s leaves, which then become jaundiced and dried from tip to base. To control these pests, spray the infested plant with Malathion or any appropriate insecticide. Purple color and onion pink rot are the common diseases caused by fungi that usually attack onions. Practicing crop rotation, planting of resistant varieties, and applying appropriate pesticides are some of the measures that farmers may use to control these diseases. HARVEST AND POST-HARVEST OF ONIONSHarvesting and Post-harvesting trading operations The bending of the onion leaves is a sign that the onions are ready for harvesting. The maturity period of the crop differs correspond to the variety, just make sure that only the fully ripe ones are harvested to enhance their keeping quality. Red Globe, for example, matures in 100 days or more; Excel matures in 90-100 days; Red Creole matures in 110-12 0 days; and Granex matures in 130-135 days. Onions are harvested by uprooting the plants carefully. The bulbs should be properly sorted from the thick necks (will not store so long); injured or alter bulbs should be cleaned.The plants are then hardened in nylon sacks, bamboo crates or baskets. Onions should be carefully handled and properly cured, so that they will retain their freshness and quality. Onions should be placed in cold storage room with a dry atmosphere and adequate ventilation market of Onions Fresh market onions are distributed through broker-shippers, grower-shippers, and strand store buyers. Many growers disposed of their crops soon after harvest. Dealers, shoppers, supermarket buyers, and others are usually on hand at harvest time to buy the products on funds basis, some on consignment basis.In some areas, onions are commonly sold under marketing contracts between growers and shippers. Profit Crops Production Cost Gross income bring in income (Pesos)(Pesos) ( Pesos) Onions P50. 00 P100. 00 P50. 00 The remaining P50. 00 profit will be the rack up profit for my plant production of onions.FIAT LUX academia Cavite In partial fulfillment of the requirement in T. L. E. II â€Å"A Project Plant for my Plant Production†Submitted by: Rotsen R. Manaois II †Germanium Submitted to: dismiss Hirlen E. Pico T. L. E. Teacher\r\n'
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